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How? **just a vent**

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**WARNING - This is mainly a vent and more of a rhetorical question than anything**


How do people get ahead? Seriously! I feel like it's a never ending battle with no end in sight. We've given up everything we can give up & we just simply don't make enough. I feel like we're never going to get ahead. I fear we'll always be just barely making it. We don't qualify for food stamps (we make $280/month too much because of child support), we've cut back where we can, etc. I haven't been grocery shopping (except for a $15 or $20 trip every 2wks or so when I have a tiny bit extra) in almost 3 months, because we can't afford it. I'm just so tired of being stuck in this rut. We're doing the best we can and it just feels like we're not getting anywhere.


Sigh....vent over. Thanks for "listening".

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:grouphug: We've BTDT so many times. I get to the point that I dug us out of the hole and we are at even and getting ready to save....only to have something happen to set us back. Dug us out of debt 3 times and I finallly gave up. We dont live extravagantly at all, we are always behind, and I charge what we need. I was killing myself worrying about it. So , I quit and now I just buy what we need when we need it and I dont worry about it.

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Worst part is?? It's not even debt....we have one CC with a $3000 limit. It is maxed right now, because we had to charge a variety of necessities when there simply was NOTHING in our acct (DH's gas to get to work, etc), but that is it. No other CC's, cars paid off, etc. Our mortgage is the only other debt we have & we had our payments reduced about a year ago through the Making Homes Affordable plan.

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You're not alone :grouphug: I feel the same way. We're barely saving anything, my freelance job has stopped sending me work (not that I mind so much, but still!), and I can't get rid of anything else without DH freaking out :( And I'm about to start needing at least one, if not two, ongoing prescriptions :banghead:

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I've sold countless things on Craigslist & Ebay (I'm running out of things to sell), I'm working part time from home - I just don't know what else to do. I hate worrying about how I'm going to feed my kids, or if I'm going to be able to pay the electric bill. Short of DH getting a better paying job (which isn't likely) I just don't see any end in sight.


ETA: And I know DH feels guilty and like I blame him, because he doesn't make enough to support a family of 5, but I don't. He truly has pretty much maxed out his earning potential without a college degree. He is in school full time right now and working toward that degree, but it's such a slow process it will be YEARS before he actually has it and can increase his salary.

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I've sold countless things on Craigslist & Ebay (I'm running out of things to sell), I'm working part time from home - I just don't know what else to do. I hate worrying about how I'm going to feed my kids, or if I'm going to be able to pay the electric bill. Short of DH getting a better paying job (which isn't likely) I just don't see any end in sight.


ETA: And I know DH feels guilty and like I blame him, because he doesn't make enough to support a family of 5, but I don't. He truly has pretty much maxed out his earning potential without a college degree. He is in school full time right now and working toward that degree, but it's such a slow process it will be YEARS before he actually has it and can increase his salary.


Tell him to keep working at that degree. My dh is kicking himself for not going back when he had the time and energy, and the prospects of being hired anywhere.


I have and am still working on my attitude about things. We purposely downsized our housing last year. It was the best decision.


I had to realize that I'm not going to be one of those people that drives a giant SUV to take my child to multiple activities, not caring how far it is to drive. I can't afford online classes. There are no Ikeas or Trader Joes in my area.


Being this, shall we say frugal, has forced me to prioritize my life. Decorating got put on the back burner, or I get creative with no money. School, food, utilities are important. We keep Netflix for school, cable is my dh's entertainment, the internet it mine, and I recently cancelled a magazine subscription because of budget.


I'm trying to reframe the mindset to a simple life, not a life of lack.


Summer is easier almost because we all are eating less. We've discovered fun things to do with ramen noodles. :tongue_smilie:


The last time we went out to eat as a family was St. Patrick's Day. We used to get take out at least once a week.


Is this a season or the new normal. IDK. But I get what it's like to look at life from this angle. People don't get that you can't get together like you used to, everything looks "normal" from the outside. You can't discuss with some people because they have no clue what it's like to have $15 to spend at the grocery for what should be a weeks worth of food.


I hope this is just a season for you. It will make you stronger and it will give you more empathy than you ever thought you'd have for those in a similar situation.



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Is this a season or the new normal. IDK. But I get what it's like to look at life from this angle. People don't get that you can't get together like you used to, everything looks "normal" from the outside. You can't discuss with some people because they have no clue what it's like to have $15 to spend at the grocery for what should be a weeks worth of food.


I hope this is just a season for you. It will make you stronger and it will give you more empathy than you ever thought you'd have for those in a similar situation.




This brought tears to my eyes, because this is so IT.

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Go see if you qualify. Please. It may enable you to get back to even and stop going under.


We don't. Even without my income. DH makes $12 over the gross limit and with child support, we're too far over. Sigh.


I keep checking, hoping that somehow we'll magically qualify. That the numbers will have changed or that I missed something.

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We don't. Even without my income. DH makes $12 over the gross limit and with child support, we're too far over. Sigh.


I keep checking, hoping that somehow we'll magically qualify. That the numbers will have changed or that I missed something.


That sucks so bad. :grouphug:

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I am so sorry for your frustration. God is able to give you everything you need. in times when you are most frustrated...it is imperative you find His Word and keep speaking it out. What does the Bible say about your finances. he says he is your Provider. Keep faith!!

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I am so sorry. I have been in that situation, though from a different cause, and am only out of it because I decided to take my kids and live with grandma for a while. But my dh had "issues" and wasn't as wonderful and hardworking as yours.


Have you tried WIC? They have an easier program to qualify for financially, and while you won't get the main course type food, having milk and a few other things can be helpful.

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I was just looking into WIC last week. I was on it 10+yr ago when DD was a baby, but haven't since. I talked to DH about it this weekend and I think we're going to give it a shot. Only 2 of my kids qualify, but it would be better than nothing I think.

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We don't. Even without my income. DH makes $12 over the gross limit and with child support, we're too far over. Sigh.


I keep checking, hoping that somehow we'll magically qualify. That the numbers will have changed or that I missed something.


What about WIC? Don't 2 year olds qualify?


ETA: Sorry, I saw that you already answered this question.

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We also have food banks locally where you would qualify no matter income. I used to volunteer there - people could get several bags of food every 3-6 months no matter the income if they needed it, and also have access to a clothing closet free (from donations but had a variety of sizes). And of course if income qualified the center would then help a family get other government assistance aside from the "emergency" bags of food. Do you have anything similar? It might help restock your pantry and ease your load just a little.



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I was just looking into WIC last week. I was on it 10+yr ago when DD was a baby, but haven't since. I talked to DH about it this weekend and I think we're going to give it a shot. Only 2 of my kids qualify, but it would be better than nothing I think.


This is what I was going to suggest. When we were in a similar spot, it helped a LOT. It is not a small amount of food. It got us through.


We also used a church food pantry. I felt like maybe we didn't qualify (we were't homeless after all...) but then when I saw who else received food there (struggling families w/ kids, like us), I felt okay about it. That's why it's there. I'd look into that.

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WIC could be a big help in your situation. You will get milk, cereal, peanut butter and juice. Maybe even more than that. On a budget like yours, that will free up what you were spending on milk, plus give you some extras like juice that I am sure you haven't been getting.


I am sorry for your situation. Could either of you get a part time job like waiting tables or delivering pizzas a couple of nights a week? Those are jobs that are usually hiring and that may only need people on their busiest 2 days as opposed to an every night type job.

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I am sorry for your situation. Could either of you get a part time job like waiting tables or delivering pizzas a couple of nights a week? Those are jobs that are usually hiring and that may only need people on their busiest 2 days as opposed to an every night type job.


DH is a full time student and works full time, so he is gone all day and most evenings, so this probably wouldn't be possible. There wouldn't be anybody to stay with the kids. I do work part time from home, but it's a new thing for me and I haven't started receiving paychecks yet (my first will be here Aug. 11th) - I'm hoping to really make a difference in our finances with this job.

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:grouphug: We've been there. It sucks. Thankfully we are on the other side now and feeling extremely blessed. Keep encouraging your dh to finish school. We did the whole dh working full time plus going to school full time thing. It wasn't pretty, but it really did pay off in the end. Did I mention how craptastic it was? However, getting out of the Navy with a degree AND experience really payed off for him. I hope it is the same for you guys. Also, WIC really helped when we had our dd. Thirty dollars for groceries goes much farther when you don't have to worry about milk, cheese, PB, tuna, beans, and cereal. And the vouchers for local farmer's markets were heavenly.


I am so sorry you are going through this right now. I totally get it. Sometimes people work so hard for seemingly nothing. Sometimes I think the "American Dream" is really a big hunk of steaming manure.

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yes WIC and food banks. I've had several friends who have gone from donating to food banks to getting from food banks. That is why they are there.


WIC can be so, so helpful! Go for things that store long term. My friend got canned pineapple juice because it was in cans and she could store it without refrigeration. She had a closet stuffed with canned juice, peanut butter, cereal and canned beans. I am not kidding that it lasted a couple years past when her youngest was done with WIC. It was a lifesaver.


Tell your husband to keep on working in college. At least with that degree he has options. it might take a couple years after he has the degree to pan out, it will be a slow climb for sure, but he will have more options.


I have a friend who has got a lot of help from her local Salvation Army. Her kids went to a summer camp and they got school supplies, school clothes, and winter coats. I am not always thrilled with my local SA but I put money in those pots at Christmas time in thanks for all they have given her.


And I am sorry. It is exhausting, just exhausting.


If possible, try to get you and your husband a small treat. Just a 5$ bottle of wine to share every now and then. Sit and enjoy each others company and laugh. You deserve both bread and roses.

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DH is a full time student and works full time, so he is gone all day and most evenings, so this probably wouldn't be possible. There wouldn't be anybody to stay with the kids. I do work part time from home, but it's a new thing for me and I haven't started receiving paychecks yet (my first will be here Aug. 11th) - I'm hoping to really make a difference in our finances with this job.



Oh good! I know a friend of mine in a similar situation has just gotten a job waiting tables a couple of nights a week. That is what made me think of that. Good luck!

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And just call churches to ask about a food bank. My church keeps a small store of canned goods and gas cards for people who stop by and ask or call, but our denomination has a big one that we all give to. It is much more organized. I am sure any church can direct you somewhere.

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I don't even know how to go about finding a food bank around here. I know we have them because I've made donations in the past, but.....I don't really know where they are. I'd feel more comfortable going to one at a church though.


There are worse things you could do than to call your church or other local churches and ask if they can help or refer you to a food bank. (If you aren't attending a local church, I would open the phone book and call the local Catholic church or a local "mega" church, simply because they tend to be very plugged in to local ministries and service charities.)


I know that most of the churches that we've been part of have had a deacon's ministry or supported a local food bank. At least with our churches, membership in the church has not been a requirement for getting help.


When our family gets food for a canned food collection, or gathers together school supplies, it is in the hope that we can relieve the burden on a neighbor family. Even if we never meet them face to face.


Don't be afraid to call and ask for help. You bless us by allowing us (your collective neighbors and the church body at large) to serve your needs.

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I grew up this way, sort of. My dad was military so we had a roof but we always struggled and qualified for food stamps. The suggestions so far are good. Please don't feel bad about getting help. Most people go through hard times and that is why we have food banks and aid services.


Ok, here are a few tips I learned growing up that may help you. I still tend to live this way, even when we don't have to, because it's what I know.


1) Beans - Mom cooked up a big pot of pinto beans. Sort the bean, rinse them well, and put in a big pot. Add water until the beans are well covered. If you have salt, garlic, oregano, thyme, cumin or chili powder - add them, or some combination of them. If not, don't worry. This is a cheap way to get protein and fill tummies. It's not the tastiest but one pot makes one or more nutritious meals.


Bring to a boil, then turn down and simmer. It takes a couple of hours. Watch the water, beans soak up water fast and burn easily.


You can also soak them overnight in a pot of water, then cook them on the stove. I've never cooked them in a crockpot, but if you have one, that might be an option too.


You can eat the beans with brown rice, bread or corn bread. My mom made her own cornbread but you can also buy the Jiffy mixes fairly cheap. You will need milk and eggs. Rice is easier and possibly cheaper.


2) Watch Depression Era Clara on U Tube for more cooking ideas.


3) Baking soda can be used to scrub bathrooms, as a toothpaste and for cooking. It's cheap. Use old nylons for sponges.


4) Oatmeal and hot cereals are cheaper than cold cereals. They can be made the night before and reheated in the morning.


5) If you use tin foil, wash it and reuse it. We had to be careful with the tin foil so we didn't tear it and we used the same piece repeatedly.


There are so many little things that can help. Often, I don't think about them because I've lived this way for so long. I'm sure you are already doing many of them.


Still, even with these tips, it's difficult to make ends meet. I hope you explore the food bank and veggies on craigslits ideas. My prayers are with you.


Edited by FrogMom5
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:grouphug: So sorry you're going through this. We've been going through a similar situation, so I hear you. Every time my dh gets more hours, they seem to take twice as much away in food assistance, so we just keeping getting into a deeper hole.


Do you have a place in your area that sells unclaimed freight, stuff like that? I'm not sure what the "technical" term for them is- here it's called Ron's Warehouse- but if you have one, check it out. You can often get clothing, canned goods, coffee, household stuff, etc. for a fraction of what you'd pay at, say, Walmart. You do have to have a pretty good idea of what you'll pay for any given item though, because the prices seem to be sort of random.


If you haven't already, go to the social services where you live and get a copy of their giant list of resources for the area. You might be surprised at how much you're missing.


There are some past threads about Angel Food ministries, if you haven't seen them yet. Take a look before you spend any money on it. Some people love them, some people think you pay too much for the quality and kind of food.


If you're still paying for internet, see if there's wifi in your area that you can use instead. That's what I'm doing this very moment, and I would just like to say thank you to all of you who don't know to password protect your wifi. :D If you have a smartphone with a decent data plan, there are apps you can use that will turn your phone into a wireless hotspot. Of questionable legality, I think, but handy in a pinch. My brother did it for a year with no problems.

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I know how you feel with the struggling and I'm so sorry. We live in a wealthier community in a house that we bought 10 years ago when we were both working full time. Now I'm home with the kids and while my DH makes much more, we are still struggling. Only have our mtg and his student loan (which has 15 more months to go) The problem is in our community and church the kids all have ipads and cell phones and nice clothes and eat out and go and go and go and we couldn't even afford to send our kids to church camp this year - it was $205 for my 5th grader! For my 3 kids to play soccer is going to cost over $600! We have had our house for sell since October and have it priced reasonably (though lower than what it appraised for in 2005) and haven't had any offers. We don't qualify for any type of assistance but our mortgage is $1370 month! Like i said, we never dreamed I would want to stay home (didn't want to after birth of first son!) and now we feel so trapped by a house we can't afford but can't sell.


I coupon shop, stockpile, grow my own garden, we go meatless several nights a week. Utilize our library, parks,etc. I have several small at home jobs too but nothing that is paying enough to keep us going!


i do get a lot of encouragement from www.moneysavingmom.com so check that out!

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:grouphug:I would definitely check on the food banks in your area. I would even go to more than one if there multiple ones. The WIC also sounds good.


I would also go over all your expenses with a fine tooth comb even if you did already just to make there are not any other areas to cut. Do you have any family members to help? Is selling your house an option to possibly relocate to a cheaper area/house/apartment? I am so sorry you are experiencing this.:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:

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My husband makes decent money and we keep our lives VERY simple, and we still struggle. The transmission on my '96 Explorer is dead, but it's cheaper to fix than to buy a new car. It just seems like one thing after the other. We are a long way off from where you are, but it seems like there's nothing left over to have fun with without cutting out something else.

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Young married couples generally do struggle financially - I know we did. Renting a movie was a luxury for us.


It is even harder right now with the economy all wonky. Definitely go to the food bank, shop at thrift stores, etc. Is it possible for your dh (or you) to get a part-time job to pay off the cc and maybe put some money aside as a safety net?


Do you own a home? Maybe renting an apartment would be better right now. It may not seem fair, but you only have so much money and you have to be that smarter with it.

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I agree with the other suggestions to call a local church and ask for contact information for food banks etc. I had to do this last week. I felt very embarassed, especially since I don't even go to that church. BUT the increase in the amount of gas I was using to get Hunter to all his med appts had to come out of our grocery budget and I had used up all other avenues I could think of. I was spending $10 a week on groceries since the accident and my pantry didn't have that much in it to begin with. The church was fabulous and such a blessing, not only did they give me contact info for the food bank in town, but they gave me a grocery store gift card AND the woman I spoke to met me at a gas station and filled up my tank in my van to help me open up that little bit of money in my budget. It was such a blessing and a help to get over this hump. Like you have a new income starting next week(employment insurance), and once it starts I will be in a slightly better situation but this month with no work income and extra expenses I needed the extra help.


Do call a local church, even if you feel embarassed to ask for help because really you never know what help they will send your way. Whether it is contact info to another agency that can help you, or bags of food or a grocery store gift card, any of it would help you right now.

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Another option, if you own your home is to rent out a room. This would be particularily good if you live near a college as a student would be an ideal person to rent it. The couple hundred extra $$ would definitely help you out.


Look into paper routes you can do with your kids. Either you can do a regular one in teh wee hours of the morning while dh and the kids sleep, or you can do flyers/community paper that is usually done 1-3 days a week in the afternoon and have the kids help. That can bring in anywhere from $50-1000 per month depending on what sort of route and how often you deliver.


What about babysitting in your home? I know you mentioned you are working from home parttime now, but maybe you could watch 1 child during the day or provide afterschool care to a couple children. That could bring in another few hundred a month.


Seasonal help in a retail center might help you in the short term. It won't happen right now but by mid-late Oct stores are going to be looking to hire staff for the christmas season. It's short term and temporary but would give you enough $$ (plus store discounts) to buy christmas presents without taking away from your currently tight budget. This is still several months away but is the time of year I freak out about my budget most, so it popped into my head.


Other ways I scrounge up extra $$, I pick bottles and have family that gives me theirs too, not a fun thing but often I can gather enough for another $10-20 for my groceries. THe kids go out and mow lawns, they often have given half to me for household expenses, and use the other half for themselves. I have posted on freecycle and kijiji to bartar services for product, usually for things like weeding in exchange for some veggies from the garden, or I have posted looking to see if people have berry bushes or fruit trees they do not have the time or inclination to pick from. I usually offer to pick them for 1/2 the fruit/berries gleaned. I have also been given things like beet greens etc from on freecycle, the gardener wanted the beets still but was going to just toss the greens, they are completely edible so I had them.


You might be able to find a hunter in your area that will sell or trade part of their kill with you. Wild meat is yummy, and if you can get it for cheap or free with bartaring all the better. I plan on trying to do this hunting season, because I have not been able to afford much meat at the grocery store.


You just have to get creative and think outside teh box and you will be amazed at what you can find to stretch your little budget much further.

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