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What on earth will a 7 year old girl play with?!

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Okay. . .so I have 2 months till my daughter's 7th b-day, but I order online and would like to atleast start planning her gifts. We don't do Christmas, so this is "THE TIME" to get those super special things.


I am at a loss on what to get her. . .man oh man are little kids way easier to shop for!:confused: She has an extensive collection of playmobil, polly pocket, littlest pet shop etc. . .she doesn't really play with her actual toys very much. We have a good stash of family playsilks that get good play. . .


She seems to want an American Girl doll, but she already has several les cheries corrolle dolls (they're similar) and she hardly ever plays with these! I cannot fathom spending so much on something that won't get played with!


She likes games, her weaving loom, books, and pretending her baby sister is her doll.


Does anybody have any earth shattering ideas? What do your 7 year old girls play with? :bigear:

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:bigear: I feel your pain. My girls are so hard to shop for!


What about some of these DIY craft kits? The girls always enjoyed those.




Becca also started cross-stitching and latch-hooking at 7; you could look for simple charts and kits.


Oh, and knitting, she knits too. What about a kid's learn to knit kit?

Edited by Mommy22alyns
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We just started making wish lists for Christmas a couple weeks ago. Hannah will be 7 in a couple weeks. Here is her wish list:


Hannah Wishlist

1. Art Supplies

2. Craft Kits

3. Dollhouse Kit (wooden dollhouse)

4. Bottle of Vitamin C Tablets

5. Little Pet Shop stuff

6. My Little Pony stuff

7. New computer for the kids

8. Baking and cake decorating stuff

9. Water Balloon maker (pumponator item #726903 from hearthsong)

10. Giant butterfly nursery

11. DS Game: Let’s Draw

12. Extra DS Styluses

13. DS Game: Smart Girls: Playhouse

14. DS Game: Bejeweled Twist

15. DS Game: Tinkerbell

16. DS Game: Style Lab: Makeover

17. DS Game: Littlest Pet Shop: Winter

18. DS Game: Petz Hamsterz 2

19. DS Game: Petz Cats

20. DS Game: Petz Horseshoe Ranch

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You may want to try the AG doll. It makes subsequent birthdays, Christmas easier because you can get an accessory or outfit (not that we have that many). My dd has had an AG doll for 2 years; last week on her birthday, I got her an accessory (Rebecca's phonograph) and grandparents got her a new doll dress that came with hat and shoes. It's like she has a whole new doll. I expect at Christmas she'll get another outfit or accessory. I hate paying the prices for those things but it doesn't seem so bad for a very special occasion. When you compare it with Legos, those can get even more expensive.

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Does she like nature? An ant farm, butterfly raising kit, praying mantid kit? Mine really loves anything nature so we've purchased binoculars, a butterfly habitat, and numerous field guides for her. She also keeps a nature journal, so that and some nice colored pencils or watercolor pencils (even better) and a "nature backpack" to keep it all in is an idea.


My daughter got into beading at that age. She loves to make necklaces and bracelets. I got her a starter kit, some tools and things at AC Moore.


Does she like music? A recorder or tin whistle is fun.


Costumes? Vision Forum has a beautiful Colonial girl costume and some others that my daughter loved.


Mine also loves the potholder loom. She has made potholder gifts for everyone in the family and even sewn some together to make little bags for herself. The Harrisville Designs is the nicest that I have seen: http://www.amazon.com/Harrisville-Designs-F550-AZ-Potholder/dp/B00000IV3U. The kit is 11.97


Lastly, my dd really loves soft animal puppets. She raises pet ducks, so she has a soft, white duck puppet and a butterfly puppet (of course).


Hope those get your thoughts going!

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The toys my DD actually plays with are ones her friends also play with. Aside from her bicycle and scooter, the most played with items around here are legos, beyblades, and computer/video games. With her girl-friends they tend to play imaginary games that don't require toys, or do artsy stuff like draw with sidewalk chalk. She has several friends who are boys near her age, and she will play legos or beyblades with them.

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I forgot one thing I meant to mention... jewelry... I bought my daughter her first cross necklace at around 7 (but she is very responsible). I think I got it at Target. At age 8 I bought her a "real" watch (Timex from Amazon). She had her ears pierced when she turned 6 and she always appreciates a new pair of earrings.

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Vitamin C tablets??? :lol::lol::lol:


We just started making wish lists for Christmas a couple weeks ago. Hannah will be 7 in a couple weeks. Here is her wish list:


Hannah Wishlist

1. Art Supplies

2. Craft Kits

3. Dollhouse Kit (wooden dollhouse)

4. Bottle of Vitamin C Tablets

5. Little Pet Shop stuff

6. My Little Pony stuff

7. New computer for the kids

8. Baking and cake decorating stuff

9. Water Balloon maker (pumponator item #726903 from hearthsong)

10. Giant butterfly nursery

11. DS Game: Let’s Draw

12. Extra DS Styluses

13. DS Game: Smart Girls: Playhouse

14. DS Game: Bejeweled Twist

15. DS Game: Tinkerbell

16. DS Game: Style Lab: Makeover

17. DS Game: Littlest Pet Shop: Winter

18. DS Game: Petz Hamsterz 2

19. DS Game: Petz Cats

20. DS Game: Petz Horseshoe Ranch

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Sounds like she might like some first sewing things or some more craft supplies. There are other looms and weaving kits for kids as well. Or there's a fashion design kit I've seen in a toy catalog for kids this age - with colored pencils and lots of different fabric swatches that you put to draw designs and color them in.

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My two faves for 7 year old girls:


One of those pop up instant club houses (the kind that store flat)


Several refrigerator boxes and AMPLE supplied to doctor them up with. Meaning sharp scissors, tempura paints in many colors, brushes, an exacto knife, a bean bag chair or two, and maybe some flower pots, soil, and seeds.






Technical level stuff for the outdoors--field glasses, a couple of bandanas, backpacking personal dishes, those pants that zip into shorts, Teva sandals--Cute, but very functional, 'grown up' gear.

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My 7 yr old begs for American girl dolls, but in reality she plays with them very sporadically. She enjoys nature activities, like catching bugs and pressing flowers and leaves. She loves craft kits, like pot holder looms and beading. She reads a ton of books, so those are always good gifts. She listens to songs and audio books on her ipod. She loves board games. I hope this gives you some ideas.

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Here are some things I have bought for my daughter that she's used a lot.


Hello Kitty cd player

Cute kids' watch

pot holder loom kit

Knifty Knitter

Cute lapdesk from Amazon

Klutz books

Perler Beads

Gift card to Build-a-Bear

Ears Pierced

Gift card for ice cream place


Prismacolor marker set

Prismacolor colored pencil set

ballet bag

tote for piano music



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When my dd was that age, Legos were huge. She got an AG doll when she was 6 and even though she didn't play with "other dolls", the AG got played with and STILL gets played with. At least for my dd, that was money super well spent. It helps when friends/relatives have them, but she plays all on her own a lot too.


Paper dolls were huge too. She got this one 3 times http://www.amazon.com/Fabulous-Book-Paper-Dolls-ISBN/dp/B001G1JNBY/ref=sr_1_5?ie=UTF8&qid=1310682574&sr=8-5 because she played with it so much. She bought a lot of these as birthday gifts for her friends; that's how much she loved them!

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My dd was about 7 when we got her her first AG doll. She had never been a doll person but she now has 4 AG dolls, the last one she bought herself. I have build on the clothes for them through good buys on Ebay(much cheaper than AG) so when there is a cloudy day or in the winter time she plays with them a lot.

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My DD likes legos, art/craft supplies, accessories/clothes for her dolls (although she SAYS she wants Kanani, I'm not sure that she doesn't really want Kanani's paddle board and shaved ice stand ;)-Steps High gets played with more than Kaya does), books and did I mention Legos?

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Tickets to somewhere fun :) We are in Florida so there are tons of fun places, that we get tickets to for our kids (Amusement parks, theater, museums, movie theater, etc.). We don't buy toys for our kids anymore, we have WAAAAY too many :) Though we do still buy crafts, and ds games :) My girls love jewelry, too.

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:bigear: I feel your pain. My girls are so hard to shop for!


What about some of these DIY craft kits? The girls always enjoyed those.




Becca also started cross-estitching and latch-hooking at 7; you could look for simple charts and kits.


Oh, and knitting, she knits too. What about a kid's learn to knit kit?



She is really creative/crafty, but VERY easily frustrated. . .but those Melissa and Doug kits look really fun!


She likes drawing more that coloring


My 7 year old LOVES the Usborne sticker books where you dress the princesses, dolls, etc. HERE they are on Amazon. She sits down for an hour a t a time and does that book, adding to each picture.


This looks great!:)


How about horses. The Liv Doll with the horse is loved here. :001_smile:

The horse and doll are moveable.


She does love horses. =)

She had originally wanted Felicity the doll because she loved horses. . .but they retired her so that's not even an option


We just started making wish lists for Christmas a couple weeks ago. Hannah will be 7 in a couple weeks. Here is her wish list:


Hannah Wishlist

4. Bottle of Vitamin C Tablets



:lol:cute. I'm actually a little crazy about the Vitamin C tablets. . .and echinacea. . .especially when we'll be traveling and eating fast food


My dd just turned seven. I suggest fun clothes, a camera/mini video camera, or American Girl crafts (hand sewing project, friendship bracelets kit, a kit so she can play school with her dolls, etc.).


She lives to change her clothes. . .and shoes:D


You may want to try the AG doll.

You may be right


When our dds were that age they always played with Breyer horses.

She has some of these books but I've never seen the horses. Must google

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Does she like nature? An ant farm, butterfly raising kit, praying mantid kit? Mine really loves anything nature so we've purchased binoculars, a butterfly habitat, and numerous field guides for her. She also keeps a nature journal, so that and some nice colored pencils or watercolor pencils (even better) and a "nature backpack" to keep it all in is an idea.


She does indeed! She loves to collect worms.;) The butterfly kit would be great me thinks.


The toys my DD actually plays with are ones her friends also play with.

Yep. . .the things that get the most play are the things the rest of the kids in the fam will play with too. . .and not destroy.


I forgot one thing I meant to mention... jewelry... .

DD is so artsy. . .you'd think she'd love jewelry, but the ears that she had pierced have closed because she didn't like wearing them.:001_huh:



I'm noticing a theme. . .crafty things and that elusive item that she has actually been asking for. . .for over a year.

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Paper dolls were huge too. She got this one 3 times http://www.amazon.com/Fabulous-Book-Paper-Dolls-ISBN/dp/B001G1JNBY/ref=sr_1_5?ie=UTF8&qid=1310682574&sr=8-5 because she played with it so much. She bought a lot of these as birthday gifts for her friends; that's how much she loved them!


This looks fun! She has some AG that she likes.


Tickets to somewhere fun :) We are in Florida so there are tons of fun places, that we get tickets to for our kids (Amusement parks, theater, museums, movie theater, etc.). We don't buy toys for our kids anymore, we have WAAAAY too many :) Though we do still buy crafts, and ds games :) My girls love jewelry, too.


A trip is a great idea especially as a suggestion to grandparents. . .free shipping:001_smile:


Seriously though. . .maybe she just needs a doll. . .I didn't even mention that she sleeps with the catalog under her pillow. She really wants one, but part of me thinks she won't play with it. . .

But. . .literally the ONLY toy she has asked for for over a year (since before her last bday)

Now. . .to convince her to decide on one that she likes the best.

Edited by Mommy to monkeys
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DD10 hardly plays with anything non-electronic anymore. She does like the Harumika doll, though. It's a sort of dress-maker's dummy type thing that you can wrap fabric around the create clothes. It would probably be enjoyed by a 7yr old too. She also enjoys kits for making bath salts, lip balm, that sort of thing.

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My 7 yr old dd loves crafty stuff like scrapbooking, card making, etc. She is all about horses right now, we got her a gift cert to go horseback riding 6 times at the local stable for her bday. She goes absolutely nuts over this stuff: http://www.onlyheartsclub.com/horse-and-pony-club/ She also loves books- Junie B. Jones, Boxcar Children or anything about horses. She's loves ballerina slippers and a tutu, princess dresses, her own baking or sewing tools, etc.

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dd, now 13, got her first AG doll at 6. AG was the main focus through age 11 when her present was not a thing, but a trip to NYC that included visiting the AG store, but also doing NY. She still arranges her dolls once in a while, but she definitely more into electronics when not reading rather than toys.


Around 6-8 dd also played with ello. These really cool girl oriented (due to color) building sets. I don't think they make these anymore. A neighbor girl a few years older introduced her to them. She built all kinds of things.


ETA: amazon seems to have some Ello sets. Not ones I remember and they seem to cost 10 times what a set used to cost.

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I don't have a little girl...but if she doesn't play with toys, then is she interested in some sort of decorative ideas? Like, brand new bedding and a new lamp (like a Chinese paper lamp-type thing) that hangs above her bed? Fluffy pillows? Even new paint on the walls?


Or is she still too young to care? I don't know about girls. Sometimes they care about that stuff earlier than boys do. I bought my boys fluffy sheets for Christmas last year and they were pretty happy. But they still wanted a bunch of Lego sets, too, so I couldn't go overboard on the bedding for them.

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A cute little purse with coin purse, lipsmackers, that nail polish that comes in a pen.


One of those complex paper doll sets (historical, cultural, or just cute and chunky).


Some kind of unusual clothing item(s). A shawl. A beret. '40s style hats with long gloves. Shoes like the ruby slippers.


Room decorating kit (stick-ons of her choice, special pillows, cheap bean bag chair).


Cheap MP3 player with some songs.


Pick your own books (up to a certain $).


Pick your own art supplies (up to a certain $).


Bird feeder and feed.


Zoo membership.


Ice cream coupons (1 per month).




Basket and bell for bike.

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