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Can we maybe get a roll call of all the moms with a new kindy child this fall?

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I also have a Nov 05 kiddo. We'll "officially" be Kinder this fall. He'll be starting some 1st grade work, but I plan to call him what he would be in public just to avoid confusion.


I'm excited!! DH still wants him to try public (for a month :glare:) but both DS and I want to HS, so DH will likely get vetoed. :lol: I'm trying to get my plan together of what we'll do next year.

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and if this is your first offical year?


I'll start:


I'll be starting Kindy with Big Brother offically. He is going to turn 6 in Nov, i love late birthdays. He has a year of part-time pre-school under his belt (3 hours 2 days a week) because of his Speech IEP and making it easier on everyone and giving him pratice time.


This is our first offical year, though he has had an IEP since 3 -- so on paper he's been listed as homeschooled since 3 LOL (his "classroom")


I am kinda getting nerouvs -- he has some emotional challanges and attention issues -- so he is a very active all boy 5 yo boy .....






I haven't met many 5yo boys who aren't wiggly and all boy at 5! Best wishes on your first official year!


We're adding he who turned 6yo in May, Alexander the Great, for Kindy this year. We spent last year learning a letter a week (or so) and are at the very beginning stages of reading. We'll pick up The Phonics Road Level 1 this year and take our sweet time getting through it by working on it 3 days a week.


We did living math and simple addition problems last year, so now he'll use Singapore Math year 1 at whatever pace clicks for him.


He'll join the rest of the Grammar Stage Gang for

History (Tapestry of Grace 3x weekly)

Science (2xweekly - unit studies)

Music Mondays - following a ps Music book for 2nd grade

Artistic Tuesdays - following a ps Art book for 3rd grade

Piano Wednesdays - pianiamals

Memorization Bible verses 1/2 year; Poetry other 1/2 5 min./day daily


Park Day 1x monthly

TOG Co-op 7 gatherings annually

Rec. league soccer, basketball, baseball (1 practice, 1 game weekly)


FWIW, if he were the oldest, science and history would be different, there would be no TOG co-op, and Music and Art would be out b/c we'd incorporate them in a "project" through other things.


He should be finished with school in about 3-4 hours a day with no problem and tons of play time!

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I have a Class of '24'er here too. We begin this month and are excited (well, he's excited about all but handwriting and no longer getting to continue making "tooth B's" --- B's that look like fang teeth!).


Brag Brag on the fall bday(i wish!)...mine's a May babe.



ooppps...."this thread", not "these thread"



printting is going to be our biggest issue too -- fine motor --


An amazing virtual class here -- we need to stick together this year

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Guest hvicker

We will be starting kindergarten this fall too!! I have a 5 yr old daughter with a Feb. birthday. We've been doing some very informal "school" just because she said she wanted to start. Now, I'm making myself crazy trying to pick and obtain curriculum! Looking forward to (and not looking forward to) a very busy fall!

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My second daughter will turn 5 in two weeks, so she is going to start Kindergarten in August. She is already reading, which makes me go :svengo: because teaching reading is started in first grade in the Netherlands. I haven't finished my plans for her yet, I'm still looking for some fun stuff, but it needs to be fun stuff that she recognizes as 'school just like her big sis'.

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We school year-round, and will start our next school year next week. My daughter turns 6 this fall, and will begin her official K year this month; she did an unofficial K5 year last year due to (her) desire and readiness.


This will be our fifth year of homeschooling.

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We will be starting K in August as well. My daughter turned 5 in May. Lily will be joining us for most of the subjects and she will be 4 in December. I have everything planned and ready to go so we have been working on a few subjects here and there. We have been doing FIAR for three weeks now and I love it!

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My oldest is beginning his kindergarten year on Monday. We've played around with a bit of almost everything and I've been planning to do every curriculum under the sun at some point or other over the last couple of years as I've planned ahead for this year. :D We ended up settling on Heart of Dakota and Math Mammoth. As I think about it now, I have knots in my stomach over the idea that a decision was actually made and we are about to embark on the chosen path for the year (all the books are right by me on the bookshelf awaiting Monday). I'm nervous and excited!

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I am a new homeschooler as well. My DS5 started kindy a few weeks ago (we are going to school year round because we travel so much during the spring and fall). This is a great idea for a thread! Good luck to all new homeschoolers out there and veterans adding in another child!

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DGD turned 5 in June and will be starting K in August. I'm a little nervous about it because I've never actually "taught" a kid to read. My own 2 children and the older DGD just learned on their own somehow, but this little one is cut from a different cloth, so to speak. It will be an interesting year, to say the least!

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I am a first time HSing mom to a soon to be K! I also have a soon to be 9 year old DS who I will also be HSing. This will be my first year and I am starting to feel confident and ready to take on this new chapter in my life. I know I will have many questions along the way, but I have a good support network, including this board! I wish you all nothing but the BEST!!




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My dd will be 6 in mid September and officially K this August. This will be our second year of hsing though. She was ready to start some things last fall so we have been doing school just slow as she was ready for it. I am going to have to get more creative about including my youngest this year. She will be 3 and wants to do EVERYTHING big sister is doing. I am glad to see I am not the only one with a K'er who turns 6 in Sept.

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Guest bosoxjessi

We will have a Ker this fall too! She will be 6 in January. We have been doing a prek/k5 year this year with a big focus on math, handwriting, and reading. We have been doing a study of seasons for the past year making a book for each season and when we are finished with summer we will have completed our 4 books! She is so excited! I am not sure when exactly we will "officially" start because we have a move coming up in September. Because she is starting K I want to have a real beginning date for her to make it exciting - even though we will really be continuing from where we are.

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We will be afterschooling Princess. She is 5 (6 in Dec) and will be attending the local public school as it is required for foster children. I really wish she were going to be home full time because she is *so* ready academically. She also had tremendous determination and motivation to learn. She'd be a joy to homeschool :)

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I have two sons who will be starting Kindy this year and this will be our first year of homeschooling. One of my sons turns 6 at the end of September and the other will be 6 in mid-November.


They will be doing a mix of K and 1st material but I still consider them K'ers.


I am excited...and just a bit nervous.

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My daughter (who is my oldest) will be 6 in December. This will be our first "official" year homeschooling. We will be starting before September and we already do things here and there, I haven't decided what our first official day will be yet.

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I will have a kindergartener this year. My oldest dd will be 5 this Halloween. Michigan's cut off is Dec 1st. So here we go!

She finished 100ezl and we called that preschool.

She is working her way through OPGTR. With some of thephonicspage thrown in. We will be done with abeka's math and phonics worksheets by september (we got them for free and she likes to do them sporadically) I plan on moving to a mm and Singapore combo this fall. After she finishes OPGTR we will move on to WWE AAS and FLL. I'm desperately trying to figure out a Spanish program to start too. We do some memory work too. I also have two younger girls 3 and 1 running around.


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New to the forum and hsing...


My oldest DD will be 6 in Nov and we plan to begin in mid-August.


I thought I had our curriculum all figured out and now I am not sure. I need to start a thread to find out if there are other K mamas (and/or dads) who are as indecisive as I am. I pretty much need to decide by Friday to ensure we have everything in time. :ohmy:

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:confused: sorry I had a dumb moment. :001_huh:I couldn't figure out a kindy student. I kept thinking kind (nice) or one of a kind. I have a few of those. Then I was thinking a curriculum so I cam in and checked the post out. Then I realized a K5 student. :001_huh::lol: I also have one. But I haven't pick anything out for him yet.

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:confused: sorry I had a dumb moment. :001_huh:I couldn't figure out a kindy student. I kept thinking kind (nice) or one of a kind. I have a few of those. Then I was thinking a curriculum so I cam in and checked the post out. Then I realized a K5 student. :001_huh::lol: I also have one. But I haven't pick anything out for him yet.



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We are starting K with my dd that will turn 5 in August! This is my 4th year homeschooling, but my first time teaching kindergarten! I'm excited, but a little nervous. I am going from teaching 1 to teaching 3. I have always sent my children to a preschool in town that went through K. But I'm not sending dd4 or my youngest. I should of known better. My dd9 was not reading when she came out of K and neither is my dd6 (he will be in first next year). So...I will actually be teaching 2 children how to read. Exciting, but scary! :tongue_smilie: I used Abeka phonics with dd9 when she was in 1st and it worked, but I am itching to try something different. Maybe OPGTR, PP, or Funnix. We'll see. Any suggestions for this mama who has trouble making decisions? :lol:

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