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plausible reason you would need a lot of money quickly?

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Sick child (like in John Q)


Spouses or parents hidden gambling debts


Recently handicaped child or spouse is getting out of the hospital and you don't have a car equipped to drive them or a ramp to your front door


parent injured and you need to travel to be with them

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I'm writing a story and need an excuse why somebody would need a lot of money (like over $10K) quickly - something that would make a normally law-abiding person sorry for you and want to help you. Anybody got any ideas? Thanks!


To make a payment on a company or farm loan

For medical bills

To keep a family member out of jail (ex to pay restitution for something to prevent charges being filed)

To keep a house from being foreclosed on

Travel to be at the bedside of a family member injured away from home (like a military member overseas)


To pay for someone to be smuggled into the US and/or out of another country

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Okay, getting creative. I like the ideas already listed too.


To pay off a mistress to keep quiet.

To adopt a baby, maybe not quite through legal channels, hence you need th money quickly.

To pay off Johnny Depp to keep quiet about your romance. :lol::lol::tongue_smilie:


To buy everything in your amazon wish list

To buy plane tickets for your family to go collect that 10million you won in the Nigerian lottery.

Student loans.

To pay for college because you're following in a lead or criminal you need to be an enrolled student, no time for loans or scholarships.

To chase your high school sweetheart across the world to stop them from marrying the wrong person.

to stop your best friend from high school, who now lives across the world, from possible suicide, because they sounded so blue in your facebook chat session the other night.

To redo your spouses or childs room while they are out of town.

To buy new kitchen appliances because a family gathering is happening soon.

For a quickie wedding, fake of course, you're only pretending to be in love so he/she can.....have citizenship, stay out of jail, not get deported, impress his former love....


Because you rented that exotic car in Hawaii and forgot to buy the insurance, which didn't matter until you were rearended in Waikiki and the person drove off. Thereby leaving you to explain to the authorities that you were sure it happened by THIS ABC store (of which there are 39 on the island of Oahu).


Have fun!

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I like the hidden gambling debt one, especially to a disreputable bookie with a very large/scary enforcer.


Or to repay money spouse/child embezzled, particularly if said embezzlement when exposed would cost you (as well as or instead of the embezzler) dearly.

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...to get airlifted out of a remote area by helicopter, and you have to pay the rescue fees. Then you have to outfit your whole house to accommodate your permanent injuries. That's the most normal scenario I can come up with for needing that much money fast... but I'd rather read about the kidnapped ferret.

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Unexpected opportunity to adopt a child.


From a black market baby dealer. And you have discovered that the baby in question is actually the child you didn't know about, because your then girlfriend (who you are still hopelessly in love with) never told you she was pregnant. And if you can't get the money by the midnight deadline, you will never have an opportunity to know your son...

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Real situation here:

a lady at my church took years to put enough money aside to get her whole family to Canada from the Philipines. She bought airline tickets, and passports. She wired the money to a family member who, in turn, brought cash to the travel agency. The travel agency bought the tickets for them, and took the cash. Then, once the family member was out, they cancelled the tickets and fled with the cash.

On the day they were supposed to fly out to Canada and a new life, Dec 24th, the family all learned they no longer had valid tickets. They had sold all their possessions back home, since they were immigrating. They found themselves with nothing at all.


(the church members rallied and bought them tickets)

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Because real estate is my career now...


you just found out your dad/mom/son/sister/etc. is unexpectedly jobless (and didn't tell you) and hasn't made their house payment in three months or more. The bank is about to start foreclosure unless you can get your hands on 10 grand.


I'm liking Auntie M's ideas, too. Black market babies and human trafficking...

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...to get airlifted out of a remote area by helicopter, and you have to pay the rescue fees. Then you have to outfit your whole house to accommodate your permanent injuries. That's the most normal scenario I can come up with for needing that much money fast... but I'd rather read about the kidnapped ferret.


Hey, this just happened to one of our missionaries and our church sent money to help. (Except for the house remodel part- he died right after he got out.)

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From a black market baby dealer. And you have discovered that the baby in question is actually the child you didn't know about, because your then girlfriend (who you are still hopelessly in love with) never told you she was pregnant. And if you can't get the money by the midnight deadline, you will never have an opportunity to know your son...


Now that is a story You should write.


Death of a loved one--buying 7 plane tickets with 2 days notice, rental cars, food and hotels add up to about $10,000. The days of bereavement fares are long gone...




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Real situation here:

a lady at my church took years to put enough money aside to get her whole family to Canada from the Philipines. She bought airline tickets, and passports. She wired the money to a family member who, in turn, brought cash to the travel agency. The travel agency bought the tickets for them, and took the cash. Then, once the family member was out, they cancelled the tickets and fled with the cash.

On the day they were supposed to fly out to Canada and a new life, Dec 24th, the family all learned they no longer had valid tickets. They had sold all their possessions back home, since they were immigrating. They found themselves with nothing at all.


(the church members rallied and bought them tickets)


That is so horrible!


I was watching House Hunters International yesterday and they were in Nicaragua and brought their down payment in cash to the realtor. I was wondering what would stop him from just skipping town with the money, so it's strange that you should mention this similar situation today.

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You need the money to fund a rescue mission for your brother who ended up on drug trafficking charges in Nicaragua due to brother's buddy using brother as a mule.


You need the money to fund an archeological dig to find the lost grand diamond which belonged to the last Mayan king. You need the diamond because your sister has been kidnapped and the kidnapper is demanding the diamond as ransom.

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Boob job?






You need money urgently to help out a Nigerian princess who has just e-mailed you asking for help?


You really want to get in on Bradley Ruderman's next Texas Hold 'Em poker game, but need to have cash?


A good friend just PM'd you from Spain, where she has been mugged and REALLY needs money to help her get home!


This is kinda' fun! :tongue_smilie:

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Tax trouble that was not the person's fault... identity theft which can't be resolved in a timely fashion, unclear title at house purchase, or something like that.


Emergency adoption of friend or relative's child requiring transportation, legal fees, clothes and furniture for the child, etc.


"Can't pass up" cash purchase of home or business. ($10,000 might be a tad low, but it depends on the circumstances, time period, location, and other circumstances)

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You have no kids and you suddenly have the opportunity to adopt a baby that was just born. The agency/legal fees are $10k+ and the birthmother will not place with anyone but you, because she doesn't trust anyone. And if you don't adopt the baby, the birthmother's sister is going to take the baby home. The sister is known for horrible choices and her live in boyfriend is a pedophile.

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Dear Ms. Hive,


Plese excuse any inconvenenc I would cause you by my message. As you know, my ferret was resently kidnapped. He is being held hostage for 10,000$. Which I do not have. I have been trying to raise the money. but it has been needed to spend some on my child's serious disease that was needed surgery. They try a experimental medicine next that insurance does not pay. I also need to travel out of hte country to get my ferret back. They went far with him.


I plead with you to help me. Please wire the money immediately.






contributors: LidiyaDawn, newbie, CynthiaOK, i.love.lucy

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Dear Ms. Hive,


Plese excuse any inconvenenc I would cause you by my message. As you know, my ferret was resently kidnapped. He is being held hostage for 10,000$. Which I do not have. I have been trying to raise the money. but it has been needed to spend some on my child's serious disease that was needed surgery. They try a experimental medicine next that insurance does not pay. I also need to travel out of hte country to get my ferret back. They went far with him.


I plead with you to help me. Please wire the money immediately.






contributors: LidiyaDawn, newbie, CynthiaOK, i.love.lucy



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Dear Ms. Hive,


Plese excuse any inconvenenc I would cause you by my message. As you know, my ferret was resently kidnapped. He is being held hostage for 10,000$. Which I do not have. I have been trying to raise the money. but it has been needed to spend some on my child's serious disease that was needed surgery. They try a experimental medicine next that insurance does not pay. I also need to travel out of hte country to get my ferret back. They went far with him.


I plead with you to help me. Please wire the money immediately.






contributors: LidiyaDawn, newbie, CynthiaOK, i.love.lucy


Love it!!!!

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Dear Ms. Hive,


Plese excuse any inconvenenc I would cause you by my message. As you know, my ferret was resently kidnapped. He is being held hostage for 10,000$. Which I do not have. I have been trying to raise the money. but it has been needed to spend some on my child's serious disease that was needed surgery. They try a experimental medicine next that insurance does not pay. I also need to travel out of hte country to get my ferret back. They went far with him.


I plead with you to help me. Please wire the money immediately.






contributors: LidiyaDawn, newbie, CynthiaOK, i.love.lucy

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