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You know you're old when. . .

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My age caught up with me tonight.


You know you're old when . . .


You meet someone from your alma mater and realize that you went to school with their father.


You help babysit your friend's grandkids.


You enjoy the youth and vitality of the young people at the party and then you realize that the young people are in their late 20's and early 30's.


You say good night to the aforementioned young people because it is way past your bedtime.

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When you are discussing the history of the "space race" with other homeschoolers and can share first-hand impressions of watching with bated breath as Armstrong stepped foot on the moon. ("You got to see it LIVE?!"):glare:

I remember staring at the moon and realizing that someone was actually THERE!

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The other day in a thrift store I was able to answer the question of 'what is this strange looking thing' for a young couple. The strange thing was an 8track tape. They had never seen one, let alone listened to one.



When DH and I first got married he still had an 8track in his car as well as about 50 tapes. We had that car for the first 5 yrs. =)

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:glare: I have a good writing friend who is 26. I'm 44. We used to go see movies together, get together to write, coffee, chit-chat. We have a very similar sense of humor. I felt old two times with her. 1) when I met her mother, who is just a few years older than me. 2) when we went to see Scott Pilgrim vs. the World and she was laughing in the parts I didn't quite get.


We watched stupid zombie movies together, Boondock Saints, Castle, Riff-trax versions of Twilight, but she's laughing at THIS movie and I didn't get it. I felt very old that day.

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Boondock Saints rocks. :D


I feel old when I realize I've known one of my best friends for over 20 yrs.


When Diva saw a cassette tape and didn't know what it was.


My parents had 8 tracks. I remember listening to Elvis Christmas on 8 track.

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The other day in a thrift store I was able to answer the question of 'what is this strange looking thing' for a young couple. The strange thing was an 8track tape. They had never seen one, let alone listened to one.


Or when you have to explain to your kids what a cassette tape is.

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You know you are old when you take your kids' electronics (computers, cell phones, video game consoles, etc.) away from them for a Darned Good Reason, and they complain vociferously.


Then you realize that none of the things you confiscated were available when you were a teenager, and that what you've actually done is sent them back to the 1970s.


On the bright side, I do reassure my kids that millions of teens lived through the 1970s, and so will they.

Edited by RoughCollie
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You know you are old when you take your kids' electronics (computers, cell phones, video game consoles, etc.) away from them for a Darned Good Reason, and they complain vociferously.


Then you realize that none of the things you confiscated were available when you were a teenager, and that what you've actually done is sent them back to the 1970s.


On the bright side, I could reassure my kids that millions of teens lived through the 1970s, and so will they.


I thought of this the other day. On the other hand, I'm raising my kids like it was in the 70's with Peter, Paul and Mary, typewriters (which they think is the most fun toy ever) and episodes of Dragnet and the A Team.

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My mom sent me an obituary from our hometown newspaper last week for a boy that was in the grade ahead of me in school. I kept looking at his age and thinking, "Why in the world would she think I knew who this old person was??" (He had a common last name, plus the obit listed his first name as "Thomas" not "Tommy," and it just didn't trigger my memory.) I picked up that obit a dozen times through the week and couldn't figure out who the guy was. I finally called my mom to ask her and as she picked up the phone I realized, "Oh, this isn't some old guy that died. Um... He's only a year older than I am!" :001_huh: My mom got a good laugh out of the fact that I didn't realize how 'old' I had gotten.


Then, since she had me on the phone, she asked me if I had watched the DVD she mailed me. (My sis and I threw a surprise party for our mom when she graduated from college 21 years ago and my mom had recently converted the tape to DVD.) I hadn't yet, so after I got off the phone I sat down to watch the DVD.

Oh, my!

My "baby" brother was 10, just a year younger than my son is now. (And. Yes, I do get asked if my son is my grandson.) My niece was only 7 then and is now the mother of three children. My husband and I? Wow. We have aged a lot in those 21 years. :tongue_smilie:

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When your dd doesn't get the joke about how we used to never lose remote controls... they were as big as a bread box with a thick cable running to the tv.


When the rotary phone mounted on the wall at your in-laws is the latest and greatest gadget your dc have seen.


When your dd asks what those brown (age) spots are on your face. :crying:

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I thought of this the other day. On the other hand, I'm raising my kids like it was in the 70's with Peter, Paul and Mary, typewriters (which they think is the most fun toy ever) and episodes of Dragnet and the A Team.


We are exposing our dc to the Monkees (which they LOVE), Buck Rogers, Gilligan's Island, etc... And my dc love 80s music and ABBA!


Although we started watching an episode of Murder, She Wrote and I couldn't believe how long the theme song and intro were...it just went on and on and on with her jogging around waving at people...I hadn't realized that I've gotten used to super-short intros so people don't change the channel! :D


Dh and I have a running joke whenever there's a piece of "old" technology in something we are watching (you know, a phone booth, phone book, rotary telephone...) - we say, "That's a [whatever it is], [name of our oldest son] and then we both laugh hysterically. It came from explaining to him what things were, and now we do it even though he lives several states away.

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I love these threads because they make me feel young.


I wasn't alive in the 70s.

I've never seen an 8 track tape.

I have no idea what a 33 record is. I've never heard that before.

Aluminum foil used to be made out of tin?

What does "45" have to do with the Beatles? It must be related to the "33" I just mentioned.

I don't think I've ever seen a black and white tv in real life.

I have never seen an episode of Gilligan's Island.


Y'all made me happy today with your strange ways. :P

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I love these threads because they make me feel young.


I wasn't alive in the 70s.

I've never seen an 8 track tape.

I have no idea what a 33 record is. I've never heard that before.

Aluminum foil used to be made out of tin?

What does "45" have to do with the Beatles? It must be related to the "33" I just mentioned.

I don't think I've ever seen a black and white tv in real life.

I have never seen an episode of Gilligan's Island.


Y'all made me happy today with your strange ways. :P


I hereby dub thee: Sputterduckling! :D

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I love these threads because they make me feel young.


I wasn't alive in the 70s.

I've never seen an 8 track tape.

I have no idea what a 33 record is. I've never heard that before.

Aluminum foil used to be made out of tin?

What does "45" have to do with the Beatles? It must be related to the "33" I just mentioned.

I don't think I've ever seen a black and white tv in real life.

I have never seen an episode of Gilligan's Island.


Y'all made me happy today with your strange ways. :P


You'll have your own, someday, sweetheart! I had the same reaction one time when I was at my friend's house who is 15 years older than me - she and her friends were all saying what they were doing/where they were when John Lennon was murdered. I was sitting there thinking, "I didn't even know who he was!"


I was ALWAYS the youngest: in my family, with other moms, in groups, etc. And now I'm 40 and guess what? Not the youngest anymore!


My oldest is 21 and even he had a revelation the other day - he said a movie was made "back in the day" and then looked it up online and saw that it was made the year he was born! Not so "back in the day" anymore, huh, buster?? :lol:

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You'll have your own, someday, sweetheart! I had the same reaction one time when I was at my friend's house who is 15 years older than me - she and her friends were all saying what they were doing/where they were when John Lennon was murdered. I was sitting there thinking, "I didn't even know who he was!"


I was ALWAYS the youngest: in my family, with other moms, in groups, etc. And now I'm 40 and guess what? Not the youngest anymore!


My oldest is 21 and even he had a revelation the other day - he said a movie was made "back in the day" and then looked it up online and saw that it was made the year he was born! Not so "back in the day" anymore, huh, buster?? :lol:


Oh, I know I'll have my own someday. I just had a birthday, though, and was feeling SO old. I feel tons better now.

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I love these threads because they make me feel young.


I wasn't alive in the 70s.

I've never seen an 8 track tape.

I have no idea what a 33 record is. I've never heard that before.

Aluminum foil used to be made out of tin?

What does "45" have to do with the Beatles? It must be related to the "33" I just mentioned.

I don't think I've ever seen a black and white tv in real life.

I have never seen an episode of Gilligan's Island.


Y'all made me happy today with your strange ways. :P


You definitely know you are old when. . . an adult with kids chimes in with the fact that she was not alive in the 70's, which also means that she was not alive in the 60's.


P.S. 33 and 45 is the rpm speed at which different vinyl records played.

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You definitely know you are old when. . . an adult with kids chimes in with the fact that she was not alive in the 70's, which also means that she was not alive in the 60's.


P.S. 33 and 45 is the rpm speed at which different vinyl records played.


Oh. Neat. Did you know that hard drives can spin up to 15000 rpms?


We've come a long ways technologically.


eta: There are adults alive who weren't alive 'til the 90's now!

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I love these threads because they make me feel young.


I wasn't alive in the 70s.

I've never seen an 8 track tape.

I have no idea what a 33 record is. I've never heard that before.

Aluminum foil used to be made out of tin?

What does "45" have to do with the Beatles? It must be related to the "33" I just mentioned.

I don't think I've ever seen a black and white tv in real life.

I have never seen an episode of Gilligan's Island.


Y'all made me happy today with your strange ways. :P


I hereby dub thee: Sputterduckling! :D


Just sit right back and you'll hear a tale...


I was alive in the 70's...We had 8 tracks, 33's and 45's...We had a black & white tv...I grew up in the ghetto and didn't listen to much of The Beatles, but do remember who they are!


Wow, I don't think I am old yet, but I guess I am not a spring chicken or "duckling" :tongue_smilie:

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Just sit right back and you'll hear a tale...


I was alive in the 70's...We had 8 tracks, 33's and 45's...We had a black & white tv...I grew up in the ghetto and didn't listen to much of The Beatles, but do remember who they are!


Wow, I don't think I am old yet, but I guess I am not a spring chicken or "duckling" :tongue_smilie:


Well, you look very young in your avatar!

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It hits me when I hear "my" music on the "oldies" channel.


It was bad enough when the music I listened to in high school became regular fare on the classic rock station, but I'm still in shock that Bon Jovi, long hair, hard rockin', Bon Jovi is now on the Oldies station.



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I love these threads because they make me feel young.


I wasn't alive in the 70s.

I've never seen an 8 track tape.

I have no idea what a 33 record is. I've never heard that before.

Aluminum foil used to be made out of tin?

What does "45" have to do with the Beatles? It must be related to the "33" I just mentioned.

I don't think I've ever seen a black and white tv in real life.

I have never seen an episode of Gilligan's Island.


Y'all made me happy today with your strange ways. :P



I'll top that - I was only briefly alive in the 80's :auto:


And Jean in Newcastle:

At least you don't call people in their 40's the young people. My grandfather does that now. He was talking about someone and referred to her as a young woman and I said wait a minute, how old is she and he said I don't know in her early 40's? :lol:


Btw, I love the show Murder, She Wrote. :)

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You know you're old when you prefer the old technology. I think my phone that's jacked into the wall is better than the wireless, because the wireless needs to be charged and makes fuzzy noises when I get too far away from its base.

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This is more about my friend than me, but.....


A friend and I were talking the other day. She's 46 and her DH is 54; I'm 33 and my DH is 34. At one point she said, "Oh wow. My DH could be your dad!" I knew they were older than us and it's never mattered to either of us. But it was the first time I've thought about it in those terms... LOL!

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My birthday is next week, and just this evening my DS asked me how old I would be. I told him the year I was born, and made him tell me how old I will be. When he said the age, I just couldn't believe it. Yes, I know how old I am, but that number just sounds impossible. It sounds so old, but honestly, I don't feel old.

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