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Political Compass?

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Economic Left/Right: 0.12

Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -0.72



Now, someone tell me what this means in English.:D


You and I are 2 of the few middle of the road moderates hanging out on the boards! Hahaha:lol: I knew there was a reason I've always liked you. ;)

Edited by BramFam
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Well, on the first test I scored:


Economic Left/Right: -8.38

Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -4.46



The second was rather similar.


You are a left moderate social libertarian.

Left: 7.42, Libertarian: 3.49



:enjoying a pint with Ralph Nader and Nelson Mandela :coolgleamA::

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Some of the questions are worded badly.




"Schools should not make classroom attendance compulsory."


Does that mean public schools should not exist? That education should not be compulsory? That homeschooling should be illegal? What is that question implying?


"Those who are able to work, and refuse the opportunity, should not expect society's support."


Does this mean society should not support them? What about their kids?


"First-generation immigrants can never be fully integrated within their new country."


Is this implying that they *should* integrate, denying their personal culture and background?

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First Quiz:


Economic Left/Right: 3.12

Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -5.54


Second Quiz:


Foreign Policy:

On the left side are pacifists and anti-war activists. On the right side are those who want a strong military that intervenes around the world. You scored: -7.49


Where are you in the culture war? On the liberal side, or the conservative side? This scale may apply more to the US than other countries. You scored: -6.67

Edited by Veritaserum
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Economic Left/Right: 1.88

Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -1.54


When they placed my point on the graph I noticed nobody of the

"famous" people they listed were in my quadrant. Actually nobody was in my quadrant but me :confused: I guess I'm more odd than I thought.

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Economic Left/Right: 1.88

Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -1.54


When they placed my point on the graph I noticed nobody of the

"famous" people they listed were in my quadrant. Actually nobody was in my quadrant but me :confused: I guess I'm more odd than I thought.


I don't think there have been many political figures that wanted corporations to be free and individuals to have their rights restricted. I doubt that's even what you want, I think those results (and those putting all the social liberals with Ghandi) are due to flaws in the quiz.

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I don't think there have been many political figures that wanted corporations to be free and individuals to have their rights restricted. I doubt that's even what you want, I think those results (and those putting all the social liberals with Ghandi) are due to flaws in the quiz.


I think you're right. Some of the wording on the quiz was rather odd. I'm sure that's why I ended up where I was.

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I scored thus on the other quiz. Both had questions I found overly open to interpretation.


You are a left moderate social libertarian. Left: 4.04, Libertarian: 1.82

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I think I may have broken the quiz with my answers on page 6. :tongue_smilie:


Here's my results:

Economic Left/Right: 1.88

Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -2.05



No one famous near my dot, probably for good reason.

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I am rather surprised where my dot landed.

I would have placed myself in the upper right quadrant prior to taking the quiz.


However, the results place me right there with Mandela, Ghandi amd AmyK, a left/libertarian.


Maybe this is why I have so much anxiety, I think I am one thing and am really another. Go figure.


That is if I want to belive this quiz.


Just took the second quiz and am still surprised by the results, although this time I am a left/authoritarian.

Edited by The Dragon Academy
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Most of the questions made me want to barf or hit "other" but when forced to chose I came up:


Economic Left/Right -2.2

Social Libertarian/Authoritarian -4.4




Economic Left/Right: -2.25

Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -3.95


No circumcision questions on the test though....



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Economic Left/Right: -2.25

Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -3.95


No circumcision questions on the test though....

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I don't think there have been many political figures that wanted corporations to be free and individuals to have their rights restricted. I doubt that's even what you want, I think those results (and those putting all the social liberals with Ghandi) are due to flaws in the quiz.



I agree the quiz has huge flaws. There is no way I am close to Ghandi, we own guns and I say "I am going to kick your butt" way more than he ever did.

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Economic Left/Right: -3.38

Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -2.77

I was in the green left/libertarian quadrant. But, I was close to the center of the grid as well. This is one political test that I think is spot on for me.

Edited by leeannpal
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