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Cleaning schedule -- do you have one?

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This isn't mine, it was given to me by someone else. I'm really bad about following it, but when I can make myself it works pretty well.





If you PM me your email I can send the spreadsheet file to you as well, the screenshot is the best I could do because of formatting.

Edited by wulfbourne
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:lurk5: I really need to set up a schedule that I can follow. I get so busy with other things so we end up in a cleaning frenzy when someone is coming over or I make up a good-looking system and get overwhelmed trying to do too much.

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Does anyone have a cleaning schedule they can share? Thanks!


I started mine a month ago. I use to be so overwhelmed with house work because I always felt like I had to clean the whole house everyday. This is my list:


Wash clothes (3-4 loads) and put away (kids put away their clothes)

Clean bathroom downstairs only (toilet, sink, mop floor)

Clean laundry room (while I'm there, might as well tidy up)


Wash Master Bedroom Bedding (every 2 weeks)

Clean Master Bathroom (toilet, sink, tub, mop floor)

Clean Kids Bathroom (kids help with sink, toilet and tub, I mop floor)


Kid's Bedding every 2weeks (kids help take out and put it back on after it's clean)

Kitchen (mop floor, scrub sink, wash outside cabinet)

*every 2 weeks clean out fridge and hand wash every shelf and drawer

Pantry (re-organize, sweep, throw out what we don't need or what's expired)


Family Room - we generally clean this everyday but this time I make sure I scrub the floor, vacuum, dust, check under couch

Living Room - we don't use this room daily except for kids practicing piano so we vacuum, dust, clean mirrors


Playroom/Homeschool room - mop floor, dust, re-organize things from the week (w/kid's help)

Home Gym: dust, tidy it up

*I just added Laundry (2 loads) *hubby and I go through alot of workout clothes and those have to be washed right away.


Guestroom/Boardgame, craft room - all games and crafts put back in closet, nothing on floor, vacuum, dust

Any errands I can do without kids - hubby watches them

Sunday: General cleaning only 60 minutes total for the whole day. REST!


**Sometimes I only get to do one on my list - I just roll it over to next day.:001_smile: Better get to cleaning the Playroom...."Oh kids!":tongue_smilie:

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Mine is very free-form. A lot of it is as I notice it needs to be done. But, here is the basic format:


All bathrooms get cleaned once a week; kids are assigned bathrooms. Every few months, I do all the bathrooms so it can be done really well. Dusting the main rooms is also a once-a-week thing distributed to the kids. Laundry is generally Wednesday and then Sat or Sunday. I vacuum whichever room needs it worse with a Roomba. I set the Roomba to vacuum usually one room a day.


It takes me way too long to get around to mopping any floor. :tongue_smilie: I just mopped all my hardwoods and was like, "Wow! Didn't know it could look so nice!"

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Went through the house and wrote down every.single.thing. that would ever need to be done and then decided how often I wanted to do it. Some things, like the sink and toilet in the bathroom we use the most, get done every day, others, like washing curtains, happen once a year. It took me a couple of days to put it all into an excel file and now I just sort it by whatever day/week/month it is and print out the days work. We usually have about 15 chores a day, mostly basic. It takes two of us about 20 minutes a day and doesn't include laundry or things that people should clean up themselves when they are done :glare:

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Went through the house and wrote down every.single.thing. that would ever need to be done and then decided how often I wanted to do it. Some things, like the sink and toilet in the bathroom we use the most, get done every day, others, like washing curtains, happen once a year. It took me a couple of days to put it all into an excel file and now I just sort it by whatever day/week/month it is and print out the days work. We usually have about 15 chores a day, mostly basic. It takes two of us about 20 minutes a day and doesn't include laundry or things that people should clean up themselves when they are done :glare:


I would be eternally grateful if you shared this file. My family were quite clutter-hoarding, and my DH's family seems to only tidy never actually clean, so I have literally no idea what is actually necessary.

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I have a spreadsheet and the kids do most of it :) They have a main chore (front bathroom for ex.) and a small chore (sweep after lunch for ex.) each day, Saturday they have two main chores. I cook, teach, shop, etc. They do the rest

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Daily, I have the kids pick up their things, clear their dishes and do random jobs. I do the dishes, pick up random things, sweep where necessary, wash off tables, counters, stove, etc. Anything that is noticeably gross gets wiped up/ cleaned off.


On Saturdays, we each have a section of the house to clean and it is rotated weekly:


Living/Dining room- vacuum and dust, shake out rugs


Bathrooms- Clean toilets, sinks, shower, tub, floors.


Upstairs- Vacuum all floors, dust your assigned room


Kitchen/Sunroom- Sweep and mop floors, clean off cupboards and appliances, wash counters, clean sunroom windows


When it my week for each room, I do extra things, like when I do upstairs, I change the sheets ( I know, once a month is gross, but at least I do it! :tongue_smilie:). I dust the baseboards and ceiling fans and vents. I wash the bathroom rugs. I clean out the microwave and down draft vent on the stove, etc. The kids don't do that great of a job, so dh and I help them, but they're getting better, so in a couple of years they should be able to do more.


I don't have a schedule for laundry, so usually, I pick a week day where I don't have to do errands, and I'll spend the majority of the day in the basement doing the laundry and cleaning up the basement.

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I gave up on trying to have a day-by-day schedule, because we need more flexibility. So I just have a couple things I do each day (dishes, sweep, pick up toys, etc.) and for the rest I have a weekly checklist. Everything on the list, I have to do once a week. That's pretty much it.

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Are you aware of the Flylady system? I have used that as my basis over many years although I fall off the wagon more often than not- at least I know very, very well how to get back on.


I have a morning routine- getting dressed, making my bed, putting away clean dishes, swish and swiping the bathroom.


A before bed routine- which Flylady alway says is the most important of the day. We always clean the kitchen in the evening. She says to put out clothes for the next day- sometimes i do that. I do write a To Do list for the next day and have anything ready for going anywhere.


Once a week you do a House Blessing which is a very brief pick up, dust and vacuum of the whole house.


Then, its Zones. Every month there are 5 zones- Entrance/DIning, Kitchen, Bathroom and one other room, Bedrooms, and Family Room. You spend almost a week on each zone, but only 15 minutes a day cleaning/decluttering in that zone. You start with decluttering in that 15 minutes. When that is done- however many weeks or months that takes when you are in that zone- you then move on to deep cleaning in that zone. in reality, for example in my bedroom zone, I might spend day 1's 15 minutes putting away clothes and tidying the room, day 2 dusting and vacuuming, skip a day or 2, and by day 5 I might rememer to go back in there and go through my wardrobe and cull some clothes. But that is after many, many decluttering sessions already.


Its a good system and it works. I pretty much do do it but not rigidly. I do keep track of the zones through my calendar so I can glance and see what zone I am in and go and put some extra attention in that zone.

I think one of the reasons I don't do it rigidly is that...I have my routines so inbuilt nowadays I don't really notice that I am cleaning- I make my bed, do dishes, pick up, dust, vacuum, and I have spent years decluttering.

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We have our daily kitchen chores.

One person washes dishes, or fills the dishwasher. Sink has to be emptied. One person clears the table & puts food away.

One person puts away all clean dishes from the dishwasher.

This rotates every day, so we each do the same kitchen chores twice a week.

I do laundry on Monday and Thursday. Kids put their clothes away after school, sometimes in the evening.

Friday or Saturday we tackle our weekly cleaning chores. We each have our own lists and keep the same chores for the most part, maybe once they're older we'll rotate. We do all the dusting ,vacuming, mopping, cleaning, and picking up everything.

We just all kind of pick up our own things during the week. All except for the baby:001_smile: We have a system that we can get 10cents from someone else's cup if we pick up or put away something that belongs to them. We pay out every 2 weeks. This keeps things in control.

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Sigh, I am a Flylady drop out. :tongue_smilie: Actually, the truth is, her method didn't resonate with me. Put shoes on? Make the bed? Those two things are the least of my worries! Scrub the sink before bed? That would require me to get everything OUT of the sink first, right? :lol: And the "do these 2 things today, do those two things plus one the next?" Yeah, just not my style.


I would love it if someone would share her spreadsheet with me though.



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Sigh, I am a Flylady drop out. :tongue_smilie: Actually, the truth is, her method didn't resonate with me. Put shoes on? Make the bed? Those two things are the least of my worries! Scrub the sink before bed? That would require me to get everything OUT of the sink first, right? :lol: And the "do these 2 things today, do those two things plus one the next?" Yeah, just not my style.


I would love it if someone would share her spreadsheet with me though.



:lol: no kidding~ But it is really nice to get up to a clean kitchen and sink. I HATE dealing with kitchen mess first thing....like right now I have a huge mess in there from a pool party.

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Sigh, I am a Flylady drop out. :tongue_smilie: Actually, the truth is, her method didn't resonate with me. Put shoes on? Make the bed? Those two things are the least of my worries! Scrub the sink before bed? That would require me to get everything OUT of the sink first, right? :lol: And the "do these 2 things today, do those two things plus one the next?" Yeah, just not my style.


I would love it if someone would share her spreadsheet with me though.





I am a dropout too, and I do have a clean kitchen every night! I just find that website totally overwhelming for some reason.

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Went through the house and wrote down every.single.thing. that would ever need to be done and then decided how often I wanted to do it. Some things, like the sink and toilet in the bathroom we use the most, get done every day, others, like washing curtains, happen once a year. It took me a couple of days to put it all into an excel file and now I just sort it by whatever day/week/month it is and print out the days work. We usually have about 15 chores a day, mostly basic. It takes two of us about 20 minutes a day and doesn't include laundry or things that people should clean up themselves when they are done :glare:



Adding my voice to those who wish you would share:lol: I am also a Fly Lady dropout.. We don't wear shoes in the house.. lol

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A few years ago, at another house I created my own system, with help from FlyLady. It worked great in that house.

I had a weekly routine, built around our outside obligations. I think what I did was take her weekly routine, and moved stuff around. (Then I made it all pretty on my computer.)

I didn't do shoes inside, but I did put on slippers or socks. I did about 30 minutes in the morning, then another 30 minutes in the evening most days, with another one hour two afternoons a week.


I think a major contributor to why it worked in that house, was that we had soooooo much space, that there was no clutter around. Everything was so easily put away, and therefore everything was so easy to clean. So now, I am working on eliminating more and more and more.

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Sigh, I am a Flylady drop out. :tongue_smilie: Actually, the truth is, her method didn't resonate with me. Put shoes on? Make the bed? Those two things are the least of my worries! Scrub the sink before bed? That would require me to get everything OUT of the sink first, right? :lol: And the "do these 2 things today, do those two things plus one the next?" Yeah, just not my style.


I would love it if someone would share her spreadsheet with me though.




Me too. I was on the email list for a while and I would get random emails throughout the day "Quick, go throw away 10 things" :willy_nilly:


I totally appreciate the concept and it works for some people I know, just didn't work for us.

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This is the website of an iPhone app designed to help you make and stick to routines. http://www.homeroutines.com/ Under Resources, it has a lot of helpful links to various websites. Even if you don't have an iPhone or have any interest in buying the app, there's a lot of useful stuff on the site. :)


I have the app and love it. Still trying to work out what to do for housecleaning, though. Currently getting bombarded by FlyLady. House Honcho will send you an email with 3 easy, 3 intermediate, and 3 challenging tasks every day. You pick three and do them. I think I may switch over to trying this for bigger cleaning (e.g. anything besides dishes, laundry, and making sure I can walk through my house without stepping on anything :lol:) HTH!

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I took the Flylady weekly (or was it monthly) list for each room and printed them out for each room of the house. I put them all in a "home" binder and set it on my shelf. I haven't opened it since :glare:


I need something that is staring at me constantly. Out of sight, out of mind :(

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  • 1 month later...

This is great, Cecilia! :D


I started mine a month ago. I use to be so overwhelmed with house work because I always felt like I had to clean the whole house everyday. This is my list:


Wash clothes (3-4 loads) and put away (kids put away their clothes)

Clean bathroom downstairs only (toilet, sink, mop floor)

Clean laundry room (while I'm there, might as well tidy up)


Wash Master Bedroom Bedding (every 2 weeks)

Clean Master Bathroom (toilet, sink, tub, mop floor)

Clean Kids Bathroom (kids help with sink, toilet and tub, I mop floor)


Kid's Bedding every 2weeks (kids help take out and put it back on after it's clean)

Kitchen (mop floor, scrub sink, wash outside cabinet)

*every 2 weeks clean out fridge and hand wash every shelf and drawer

Pantry (re-organize, sweep, throw out what we don't need or what's expired)


Family Room - we generally clean this everyday but this time I make sure I scrub the floor, vacuum, dust, check under couch

Living Room - we don't use this room daily except for kids practicing piano so we vacuum, dust, clean mirrors


Playroom/Homeschool room - mop floor, dust, re-organize things from the week (w/kid's help)

Home Gym: dust, tidy it up

*I just added Laundry (2 loads) *hubby and I go through alot of workout clothes and those have to be washed right away.


Guestroom/Boardgame, craft room - all games and crafts put back in closet, nothing on floor, vacuum, dust

Any errands I can do without kids - hubby watches them

Sunday: General cleaning only 60 minutes total for the whole day. REST!


**Sometimes I only get to do one on my list - I just roll it over to next day.:001_smile: Better get to cleaning the Playroom...."Oh kids!":tongue_smilie:

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My idea is pretty basic but it's worked well for me because it's not overwhelming. When I first started I made sure the house was totally decluttered so that I was more maintaining than constantly moving junk around.

I have a dry erase weekly calendar on the side of the fridge. It's a decent size (maybe 2 feet by 2 feet??)

I've divided it into 4 sections per day. The first section is my workout for the day and what we're having for dinner. The second section is any appointments for that day. The third section is what has to be cleaned. I do dusting/sheets on Monday, a bigger project on Tuesday (think vacuuming out the couch, magic erasering the walls, vacumming the car, cleaning out the frige, etc...), bathrooms on Wednesdays, Floors on Thursdays, and one other "bigger project" (like Tuesday) on Fridays. Saturday is any yard stuff. Sunday is off. There is something for me about seeing that board every time I go to the fridge. I am very movtivated to erase everything on it. Since it is in little chunks it almost always gets done. We constantly keep things generally picked up, dishes done, laundry done so I don't write those down on my board although you could.

It's simple and basic but has worked great for me. Oh and the fourth section on the board is for all the misc. "to do" stuff that needs to happen in my life.

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Summer and winter are different. In summer I do the basics: clean bathrooms a couple of times a week. Clean kitchen as I go. Vacuum and dust every two weeks. In winter, I do all that, but also work my way through the rooms deep cleaning. In summer, I spend a lot of time working in the garden.


I wash all the towels each week and change the sheets once a fortnight. I do a load of clothes every day.



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I have enjoyed using Motivated Moms Printable Chore Lists. Here is a sample page. Just a little bit to think about every day, checklist satisfaction and affordable price. I have stuck with it because the chores on this chart, unlike some others I have seen, come closest to what I actually want/need to accomplish at my house. I suppose I could just write something like this out for myself, but there is somehow more accountability for me with the pre-made list and someone else telling me what to do. :D

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So what is a system that keeps a house in relative order that is not overwhelming? Maybe a "good enough" system, rather a "keep the whole house clean" system? I like the idea of FlyLady...maybe we just need to create our own version. What would make more sense? What should we leave out?


We tidy up daily - and I long ago gave up making the beds daily; I'll do them if someone is coming to visit or we're entertaining and people will be milling around the house, but daily, no. We have a big sink in the kitchen, so dishes aren't seen if they collect throughout the day in the sink - I'll unload and load the dishwasher (or DH will) in the morning as part of the morning routine.


For each bed I have two sets of sheets, so when I pull one set off, I put on the clean set - that gives me time to get the dirty sheets laundered and ready to replace the set I just put on the beds. Same thing with towels for the bathrooms - two sets, one in the laundry, one in use and a few extras just in case we need them before next laundry cycle. BUT.....actually....I don't do this anymore, but it's part of the housekeepers routine when she comes twice a week (Tuesday & Friday) for four hours each time.


We still do the daily tidy up, but, yup, I finally hired myself a housekeeper after driving myself crazy trying to keep the house clean, homeschool, take care of baby, take care of hubby, mange the house, and somehow find time to do something for me, etc. - I re-worked our budget and figured out how to pay for her and DH agreed to it....much, much easier now!

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BUT.....actually....I don't do this anymore, but it's part of the housekeepers routine when she comes twice a week (Tuesday & Friday) for four hours each time.


We still do the daily tidy up, but, yup, I finally hired myself a housekeeper after driving myself crazy trying to keep the house clean, homeschool, take care of baby, take care of hubby, mange the house, and somehow find time to do something for me, etc. - I re-worked our budget and figured out how to pay for her and DH agreed to it....much, much easier now!


*sigh* sounds so nice!

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I love this!

Went through the house and wrote down every.single.thing. that would ever need to be done and then decided how often I wanted to do it. Some things, like the sink and toilet in the bathroom we use the most, get done every day, others, like washing curtains, happen once a year. It took me a couple of days to put it all into an excel file and now I just sort it by whatever day/week/month it is and print out the days work. We usually have about 15 chores a day, mostly basic. It takes two of us about 20 minutes a day and doesn't include laundry or things that people should clean up themselves when they are done :glare:
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We don't have a daily schedule. Instead, we divided the weekly cleaning chores into parts and we all clean the entire house on Saturday mornings (or Friday/Sunday afternoons if we're gone on Saturday). Between the 5 of us (dh, me, three boys) we can get the whole house cleaned top to bottom in about 2-3 hours. We've got a list of small chores, the spots that typically get get missed, like the baseboards, or that need to be done more than once a week, like sweeping the steps into the house, that we do during the week, but it's so nice to have a sparkling house on Saturdays!



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I created a chore chart as a Word document. I came up with it because I had to find a way to break down the housework so we could do a little bit every day instead of cleaning all day every Saturday. This way, we are off every Saturday & Sunday :D unless we get behind during the week. My chart divides the chores between 2 people (EK & me) over 5 days, with each person having about 2 chores per day. Before ER went away to college, I had everything divided up 3 ways; changing it required only minor tweaking. If you have more children than I do, it would be easy to modify my chart so that all of your children have some responsibility each day. If you're like me, it's of extreme importance that children learn these life skills.


My chart covers 4 weeks. Each day, each of us tidies up her own bedroom & bathroom (make bed, put away clothes, wipe out sink, hang up towels), and then we each have two additional chores. Chores are assigned so that, for the most part, the same person doesn't get the same ones every week, and also doesn't get two time-consuming chores on the same day. For example, if I mop the kitchen this week and EK mops the sunroom, those are switched next week. I also would not be assigned "clean bathroom" and "vacuum & dust living room" on the same day because those are probably the most time-consuming chores on our list. (Interestingly, we've found that the dreaded bathroom-cleaning isn't so awful if one person is responsible for cleaning all the potties in the house and the other person cleans all the sinks & countertops. Then next week, it's the other way around.)


Not everything is done every week--some things are only done once a month, and others are done every two weeks. (I know some people will be appalled that we don't scrub our bathtubs every week--although we do clean our potties weekly. ;)) Rooms in our house that get more traffic are cleaned more deeply more often, and those that get less traffic aren't. So my schedule wouldn't work for you if you are someone who thinks that every room should be cleaned top to bottom every week.


Laundry, dishes, and trash duty are not included on my list, although you could add it to yours. EK & I do meal prep and clean-up together, and we toss loads of laundry into the washer or dryer as needed throughout the week. Dh helps us by folding things in the evenings while EK & I are cooking supper or doing the dishes, or we all do it together while we are watching television after supper. Dh also takes out all the trash as needed.


I can e-mail my chart to you if you're interested in seeing it. Just PM me your e-mail address if you want it.

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Since this post was originally made, I've found this.


It is a blog, but you can sign up for her daily email, focusing on a different area of the house each day (no Sunday email). There are 9 things to do of varying degrees of complexity. You pick any 3 of those things and you will make an impact on your household.


Now... it's not a full schedule, but the reason I have found this so incredibly helpful is that I signed my dh up to receive it. He SAID he wanted to help more, but needed a definite list and reminder. So far, so good. It has freed up my backlog of things that needed to be done, and I'm feeling much less anxious about the state of the house.

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This is for the most part my schedule(very simplified):



Which is based on this one, modified to suit my household(but this one goes into more detail about what to do in each room):



We live in a pretty small house (900 sq. ft) so it's really doable for me to tackle one complete room a day. If you keep up with the routine consistently, things get in shipshape order really quickly!

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I dont, but I need to start one. :001_smile: Im sure I will get some great ideas from this thread. Thanks for starting it!


Unfortunately, I usually just look around and start giving orders so to speak and the things get done.... but it *would* be nice to have a schedule.

Edited by sassyscrapperinid
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Does anyone have a cleaning schedule they can share? Thanks!


I have my daily AM Routine with the same few things (20 minutes):

Put on laundry, Make beds, Put away dishes, Wipe down bathroom


Then I put away laundry and do ONE larger chore that I pick from a big list (up to about 30 minutes):

Dust ceiling fans, Windex all mirrors, Mop 2 bedrooms, Mop dining room & living room, Dust all tv areas, Sponge-wash all baseboards and moldings, scrub bathtub, and about 15 other things. Sometimes I'll do the same chore every week and some chores I'll do once a month or so as needed.


My PM Routine also includes the same few things (35 minutes): Clear & wipe table, counter, & stovetop, Wash dishes, Sweep 3 main rooms (LR, DR, Kitch), Swiffer kitchen, 10 minute pickup.


That's it. And everything gets done. No more weekend binge cleaning or seasonal madness. :001_smile:

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Here is the schedule I found that I am going to try. Flylady didn't work for me. I don't have a lot of clutter. When you move on average once a year, you don't tend to haul around a bunch of junk. Not having clutter and being organized come easily for me...cleaning, not so much.



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I love flylady and even though I don't follow her "schedule" exactly I love that I have my own routine and can implement more of her ideas when I'm able. Right now I am keeping things very basic:

Monday: I change sheets

Tuesday: I dust

Wednesday: clean glass

Thursday: mop

Friday: menu plan


I also vaccum throughout the week as needed. I clean my sink every evening after dinner. Bathrooms I wipe down and swish toilets when I'm in there. I am not currently doing the zones because I get too overwhelmed when I try to add anything besides what I listed at this point, but I will be able to slowly add them back in as the dc get older and I'm not so consumed with them.


There was a time when I followed flylady exactly with regards to making to-do lists and setting aside days to pay bills etc., and what has happened is that these things have become so habitual that I don't need to make so many lists anymore, everything sort of runs itself from habit.


If the flylady website is too overwhelming, I would suggest the book instead. It's called Sink Reflections and it's much easier to navigate than a web page. I find myself very overwhelmed by her site too, even though I know exactly what's going on.


ETA: there's nothing better than waking up to a clean sink every morning!

Edited by Mrs. A
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