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What are you doing with your DC for 1st grade next year?

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This is my 2nd time with a 1st grader but I changed EVERYTHING from the first time around. This is also my special needs kiddo


Here is the plan so far


Bible- MFW and Character Building books I have


Math- Horizons, Singapore, Math U See and TONS of pattern block and cuisenaire activity books (he needs to see it in many different ways to understand concepts, we pick and chose what we do from all these, we do not do all these in their entirety) And LOTS of Living Math books


Phonics- ETC, Phonics Pathways, Starfall, MFW phonics activities and thinking about Sing, Spell, Read, Write (again, he needs to review phonics in many different formats to truly understand it, and he needs a TON of repetition.)


Science- MFW activities and possibly Gods Design for Science- Life Science (lightly- I might wait another year until his brother is in 1st and combine them.)



History- I am not sure about. He might do some ECC with his sisters but I am going to wait a year until his brother who is a year younger starts ancients and do them together. He needs more time for the basics right now.

Handwriting- MFW activities and A Reason for Handwriting (again, he really struggles with this so he needs lots of repetition in short amounts)



Art- Abeka Art and Projects 1 (it was given to me) as well as art with his other subjects



We also work on his speech (we have help with a speech therapist but this is mainly done in the home by me) and he will be going to his OT 2x a week.



Unless he makes big strides this summer History and Science will be put on hold for a year (or so) until he gets more fluent in Reading and Writing. He did AMAZING on math during his IQ test (part of his SN evals) So we will continue with that. I am also going to get lots of legos for him :001_smile:


Am I missing anything? It won't be detrimental if we wait a year for history and science, will it?

Edited by wy_kid_wrangler04
forgot a letter
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According to my latest spreadsheet....

Phonics - Continuing Phonics Pathways until it is complete, Continuing ETC and using the Pathway Readers

Handwriting - GD Italic B to be finished then moving to C

Math - Miquon with BJU 1 as the backup-plan if we get stuck

Grammar - FLL 1

Writing - Start WWE 1 about midyear

History - SOTW 1 with AG, slowly taking time for as many activities as we can do

Literature - the Fairy Tale reading list from LLC

Science - still working on that. She and dh are currently using ES Biology so I'll wait until they are done to make a decision


Other - enrichment school once a week, tap dancing, art class, judo, maybe continue the summer guitar classes

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My first grade student is Lance, and he learns so differently than all my others. He is immature and a bit slower. He's a smart kid but silly.



Bible-AWANA and Big Truths for Little Kids

Math-Math Mammoth

Phonics-Currently he's using AAR Pre-1 I may continue with the next level or use PAL/Reading from IEW.

Penmanship-Handwriting Without Tears

Grammar-First Language Lessons Part 1. This works out great because he needs the repetition and most of it's done orally.

Latin-Song School Latin (if we can fit it in)

Literature-Easy Classical schedule

History-What the older children are using, most likely Easy Classical.

Science-Not sure, may have him listen in on Bob Jones 4 (older brothers science).

Writing-WWE. Not sure when to start it because at the moment Lance, can't write all his letters or numbers.

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AH yes. Thank you ladies for helping me remember what I forgot :D


He will be starting guitar lessons (probably this summer), he is in Awana so he will do his memory verses for Bible as well and will be a 2nd year Sparky. He is doing Bob Books (very painfully slow, just in set 1 and struggling but he will get there) and we have set 2. I also have Sonlight's phonics readers 1 that he will start (not soon though. He has to really work on phonics more first)

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Am I missing anything? It won't be detrimental if we wait a year for history and science, will it?


Not at all. You can always hit the library for random books on history/science topics. We've learned a lot that way, especially in science. I think you have a good list there to work with, and focusing on the reading/writing is a good idea.


My current first grade lineup:


Math: Math Mammoth

Grammar: First Language Lessons

Phonics/Spelling: All About Spelling

Literature: Books from the library at or ever so slightly above his reading level

Writing: Writing With Ease

Handwriting: Handwriting Without Tears

History: Story of the World - Ancients

Science: interest-led (mix of books from the library, Apologia, and RSO)

Art: Draw Write Now

Music: Nothing this year, but we'll start piano next year (when we get one)... in the meantime, does constantly humming Star Wars theme music count? :D

Bible: Egermeier's Bible Story Book in the morning, and then he does a workbook from his old school in the afternoon (homegrown workbook)


I think that's it. In your position, I'd put off "Writing" until he's comfortable copying some words, and it looks like you're doing that already. History and science can wait or be done informally via the library. And grammar can wait too.


Hope you have a great first grade year! :D

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Phonics: OPG & ETC

Handwriting: GD Italics

Spelling: AAS1

Grammar: FLL1

Writing: WWE1

Math: SM 1A & 1B with some Miquon

Science: Follow along with DS - narrations and age appropriate activities

History: Same as science

Geography: Puzzles, games, and a beginning geography book by Rand McNally

Art: Local co-op class, but I may look for other options if our schedule doesn't permit

Music: Suzuki piano lessons



I'm also considering Lollipop Logic or something similar since she enjoys these activities.

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I think you have a great list. The three R's are the most important in elementary years, and I think you are smart to focus on them.


If you have time, you could throw a little geography in. Something like learning the oceans and the continents, and where the USA is. As places come up in reading, you can find them on a globe/map.


I don't think you need to do any history, but if you want to read something fun for boys and very good quality, you could read Edward Eggleston's book "Stories of Great Americans for Little Americans." It covers a lot of famous people from early America and it is quite interesting and funny. I learned a lot from reading that book, too!

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Math ~ Math Mammoth 1B & 2A, Singapore Challenging Word Problems 1. Games.

Thinking Skills ~ various stuff that we have left over from homeschooling for so many years (14) :) so, a hodge-podge. Games.

Language Arts/Phonics ~ Abeka Letters & Sounds 1/Readers etc., Funnix, HWT, Write Source: Write ONE Handbook, Spelling Workout A then Grammar of Spelling 2, FLL, TOG LG literature

Science ~ Singapore Earlybird Science 1-4 + various books & kits we have around the house

History/Geography/Bible ~ SL Core 1 + Evan Moor Beginning Geography, GeoPuzzles, Vos Story Bible + a catechism book

Handskills etc. ~ various Waldorf based skills, still TBA, probably knitting, gardening & fort building 101

Music ~ piano + recorder w/ his siblings

ART ~ watercolor & How to Teach Art to Children

Song School Latin

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Here's what we're doing:


My Father's World 1st grade

Singapore 1a/1b + Miquon Orange

Hooked on Phonics 1st grade - those little readers


reading thru Sonlight Core 1 books that I have: King Tut, Great Wall of China, People of the World, etc

read-alouds from Core 1: Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle, Mr. Popper's Penguins, etc


We've been reading Flying Creatures of the Fifth Day and watching birds (will continue).


I'm going to start Writing with Ease 1 in January (I used it with my 2 oldest kids).

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For my 1st grader:


Math: Singapore 2A and 2B

Writing: WWE2

Science: probably Nancy Larson 1 or 2

Latin: review GSWL with dad and join older bro in LFC A when ready

History: SOTW with older bro

Spelling: Spelling Power

Music: continue piano lessons

Art: art with Dad and composer and artists study with mom

Grammar: GWG 2

Other: yoga, drama, tennis

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What we are doing:


Math: Saxon w/ Evan-Moor daily word problems

Phonics/Spelling: Spell to Write and Read

Grammar: Climbing to Good English

History: Queen's Living History of Our World: America's Story I

Science: God's Design for Life

Extras: Writing with Ease, Song School Latin, Kids Art Works!, continue piano lessons, Awana

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I think that's it. In your position, I'd put off "Writing" until he's comfortable copying some words, and it looks like you're doing that already. History and science can wait or be done informally via the library. And grammar can wait too.


Hope you have a great first grade year! :D



LOL I meant handwriting, not actual writing :lol: Sorry lol I can not believe I did that :D


I love the geography idea. We can add that in easily, and I also forgot to add in we do calendar work daily. We have a huge 3 ft wall calendar that also includes work with the weather

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Here's what the current plan looks like (always subject to change):


Math: MM

Science: RSO Biology

L.A.: ETC, Houghton Mifflin readers, FLL, maybe AAS if I decide to start spelling, maybe continue with Writeshop Primary, start cursive in 2nd half of year

History: Study of 18 countries to include crafts/cooking/mapping activities

Language: Maybe La Clase Divertida as I have it or SSL


Extra: Continue dance class and piano lessons, maybe one other sporting activity if she so chooses.

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Man, y'all make us look like slackers:)


Math, Singapore 2a, 2B

History, Creation to Ancient Rome

Science, covering different areas of science, focusing on learning the scientific process

McGuffey's reader to practice reading fluency.

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This will be our first year and so far I have the following planned:


Math- Miquon (orange and red) and Singapore 1a and 1b.


Language arts- Sonlight readers and read alouds supplemented with lots of library trips, First Language Lessons and Writing with Ease.


Science- Trying to decide between BSFU or Elemental Science.


History- Using a little bit of Mosaic's Bringing up Learners for their prehistory portion and then probably switching over to History Odyssey Ancients.


Geography- Piecing it together myself from various sources, relying heavily on Montessori materials.


Art- Will also piece this one together combining both art history and art studio. Going to just wing it and keep it informal. Maybe a pottery class at some point in the year since he's expressed quite a bit of interest in it.


Music- Children's choir and probably adding in piano lessons for the second semester (first have to wait and see if Santa manages to find a good used piano for Christmas. ;))


Extras: Homeschool Spanish at the YMCA, an outdoors/wilderness survival group for children, and probably soccer.

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No Rightstart users?


We're doing:


Math: Rightstart Level B with Math Mammoth and Miquon for supplement and "need something different" days

Phonics: Phonics Road Level 1

History: Adaptation of Guest Hollow as it fits to Classical Conversations timeline

Literature: Ambleside/Sonlight

Either Song School Latin or Salsa Spanish, I can't decide

Science: Not exactly sure yet... we have BFSU but we might keep it for second grade

Handwriting: copywork

Grammar: FLL or just stick with Phonics Road 1- We have FLL just sitting around so there's no point in not using it...

Classical Conversations

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DD is just finishing up her K year. For first grade we will be doing:


General: Five in a Row


Phonics: Explode the Code (we're now in book 2)


Math: Math Mammoth


Science: weekly nature science group, MSB science kits, informal nature study


Handwriting: HWT


Extracurricular: Daisy Scouts, gymnastics, dance, swim


Halfway through the year, I hope to add journal writing and Spanish. Also considering FLL or GWG and maybe AAS. I'm excited to see where this upcoming year takes us!

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Here is what I anticipate for our 1st grade year next fall:


Bible: BJU Bible Truths 1, maybe 2

Math: Singapore Primary Math 2a IP/2b/CWP/2b IP, MEP 2(?)

Science: Finish Noeo Chemistry 1 then move to Noeo Physics 1

LA: BJU English 2, various books/readers, BJU Spelling 2

History: Continue with Sonlight materials for American History

Other: Flute lessons ????, Primary Logic, Flashkids workbook supplements

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I think you have a great list. The three R's are the most important in elementary years, and I think you are smart to focus on them.


If you have time, you could throw a little geography in. Something like learning the oceans and the continents, and where the USA is. As places come up in reading, you can find them on a globe/map.



Geography is fun! We're using postcrossing.com (send & receive postcards from random places worldwide) and youtube - I go look up a tourism clip from the country our card came from when we get cards in the mail. We also find the country on the globe & print a google maps map to file with the card. Easy, cheap, & very little planning, yet it's personal, because of the card. :D


Otherwise, we're doing:

Phonics: Happy Phonics with OPGTR for reference & structure.

Math: Math Expressions. We really enjoy this; tons of hands-on.

Science: Mudpies to Magnets for the "messy projects" that Monkey loves, also the biology stuff rec'd in WTM: animals, body, & plants.

Art: Supposed to be doing Drawing With Children, but I'm having an awful time translating that book into lesson plans.:glare: We'll also be doing some art appreciation stuff occasionally - Childsize Masterpieces & some kind of picture narration, I think. We sometimes do crafts too, though those tend to be the first thing that gets dropped.

Handwriting: Currently doing Kumon book, which he really likes. I think after that we'll just focus on doing a good job with copywork & narration.

Language: FLL1, and we'll add AAS when we get a bit further in phonics.

Music: We'll be starting piano lessons, and I like to listen to classical music & ethnic music, so it's around, but not formal.

Nature Study: Not formal, we just go outside and look for "cool stuff." I hope to add a nature journal in at some point, but not yet.

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Math: Singapore 1a & 1b and Miquon from the beginning

Phonics: ETC online and possibly Phonics Pathways

LA: FLL1 (probably won't start until January)

Writing: possibly WWE1 (or maybe not...ds1 started in second grade with WWE2)

Science: starting Earth science with big brother now

History: SOTW3 with big brother around the end of 2011 or SOTW1?

Handwriting: HWOT

Art & Music: how to teach art to children, HFA with big brother

Nature Study (fall/winter): Handbook of Nature Study

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I keep going back and forth on RightStart. I would love to sit down with it (actually in my hands) and see it and how it works. I just can not decide. I am considering doing it with my two boys next year (My SN 1st grader and my k'er) and just starting in Level A with both of them and going from there. I don't know (I am one of the most indecisive people I know :001_huh:)

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We will be doing:


Phonics: OPGTR (should be finished by Christmas)

Writing: WWE 1

Penmanship: New American Cursive

Spelling: AAS 2 (if we stick with it, I think this is the level we'll be on by Fall)

Grammar: FLL 1

Math: Math Mammoth 1B

History: Finishing up SOTW 1 continuing on to SOTW 2

Science: Classes at local Nature Center

Bible: AWANA & Telling God's Story

Geography: Beginning Geography

Music: Piano lessons & class at Co-op

Latin: Song School Latin (second half of year after finishing OPGTR)

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My DD will be in 1st next year. I am pretty sure we are going to homeschool, but not 100%. If so, this is what I plan on using so far:


Reading/Phonics: ETC and something else, just not sure what

Grammar: either CLE or VIE, they are both so different I'm having a hard time deciding; I could almost use CLE as phonics because it's phonics heavy and then VIE as grammar

Handwriting: CLE if we use their LA or Zaner Bloser

Writing: WWE 1 and Write Source

Spelling: AAS

History: SOTW 1 with AG

Science: RSO Life

Math: CLE 100

Geography: Evan Moor Daily Geography and our own US State study

Art/Music: not sure, probably just pieced together with stuff we have here and resources from the internet

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We are/will be doing:


Math: We just started Math Mammoth doing a mix of 1A and 1B. Once we get used to it we'll add MEP back in but probably skipping the rest of Yr1 and going right to Yr2; playing Money Bags, Smath and Math Bingo

Reading/Phonics: OPGTR, ETC and reading lots of early readers; playing lots of games

Handwriting: HWT

Spelling: AAS (also to reinforce phonics); playing Scrabble and Boggle

Grammer: Scholastic GUM and McMillian/McGraw Hill Treasures practice book (both free); playing Mad Libs Junior and Very Silly Sentences


Language: at DS's request we are learning American Sign Language;

we are currently doing a prehistory study to correspond with the opening of a new exhibit at our local museum, then we will return to World Geography/Cultures.


In the fall we will be adding Music (keyboard), Writing (WWE), Art (Artistic Pursuits) and maybe Spanish.

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This has changed so much since I first thought about it....month ago...


But this is what I've got planned for my 1st grader this fall!


We will be doing:


Phonics: Hooked on Phonics 1 (Offer up OPGTR if she resists HOP again)

Writing: WWE 1

Penmanship: Still unsure. HWT or R4H or just printables

Spelling: AAS 2

Grammar: FLL 2

Math: Math Mammoth 1B-2A

History: SOTW 1

Science: Elemental Science: Biology for the Grammar Stage

Geography: Road Trip USA

Art: I'm working on getting her into a local art class. She wants to do pottery.

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Am I missing anything? It won't be detrimental if we wait a year for history and science, will it?


No, but here's a thought. As you focus on the 3Rs for him (which is good), you might be able to utilize audio books for some science and history. I used to tutor boys with delays in the language areas, and they almost always did so well with learning through audio books (while playing with legos). ;) Homeschooling6 has posted about using lots of audio books with her students, so maybe you could ask her for her top picks. HTH.

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Phonics: Explode the Code & Nora Gaydos Readers

Writing: Evan-Moor's Daily 6 Trait Writing

Handwriting: A Reason for Handwriting, Level B

Spelling: Evan-Moor's Building Spelling Skills

Grammar: First Language Lessons

Math: Right Start Level B & (hopefully) Level C

History: Tapestry of Grace, Year 3

Science: Nancy Larson Science, Level 1

Bible: Focus on several books of the Bible during the evening- maybe James, John, etc. Haven't decided for sure which ones yet. "Step Into the Bible" for lunch time devotions. ABC's of Church History. Missionary Tales with the Millers. Leading Little Ones to God (maybe in the morning?)

Geography: Evan-Moor's Daily Geography

Music: Piano lessons

PE: Tae Kwon Do & Swimming with the local Acquatics club.

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My DD is 5.5 and we've had a full K year so far.

She'll be 6 on Oct 1st, but is ready for first, I believe.


Bible - Scripture Memory and Catechism memory

Math - Math Mammoth 1A & 1B - 2 pgs per day. Just started it last week. (previously did Saxon K and finished in March)

Reading - OPGTR (currently on lesson 94). Average 3-4 lessons a week. Some days we review a previous lesson because it needs time to sink in. 1 lesson a day overwhelms her after about 2 wks.

Phonics/Spelling - Dettmer's Phonics for Reading & Spelling - though I'm having a bit of heartburn & trouble with it right now. Searching online for different ideas to make it fun again...

Handwriting - GD Italics book B



Not Yet Implemented ... but coming soon!


History - Big Picture Bible Timeline (just to fill in Gen 1 - Gen 11) then SOTW Ancients

Grammar - First Language Lessons 1 - though SWB recommends not starting this til at Lesson 140 in OPGTR - so trying to press on in OPGTR!

Writing - Writing with Ease 1

Science - planning on the recommended biology: animals, human body, and plants.

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Maybe posting this will help solidify some of my decisions... :)


Math: Singapore and RightStart

Phonics: Phonics Pathways and OPGTR

History: Guesthollow's American History Year 1

Science: RSO Life

Art/Music: TBD

Latin: SSL

LA: Ack! I don't know! WWE/FLL or PR?????* Have never looked at Shurley or R&S, but I see them a lot on the boards too...

Extra Curricula: Classical Conversations, ballet


*I taught high school English is my former life, and I am AGONIZING over this decision.

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No, but here's a thought. As you focus on the 3Rs for him (which is good), you might be able to utilize audio books for some science and history. I used to tutor boys with delays in the language areas, and they almost always did so well with learning through audio books (while playing with legos). ;) Homeschooling6 has posted about using lots of audio books with her students, so maybe you could ask her for her top picks. HTH.


That is a good idea. His VIQ is MUCH higher than his NVIQ so I have to start implementing that anyways!


NEXT YEAR?!?! but it's only February!



it's MAY, you say?







My DD is 5.5 and we've had a full K year so far.

She'll be 6 on Oct 1st, but is ready for first, I believe.



That's ds's birthday! He will be 7, but do to his Special Needs he is only about 1/2 way through K. (We didn't start until Jan) we got his diagnoses just recently so I am hoping my new found info will help me to make changes that he needs to help him move forward!

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here is the plan for first grade (starting this summer)



wwe1, fll1, aas1, nac(cursive), mcguffy reader 3, memory work, various lit lists for assigned reading, read alouds and free reading, math mammoth 1A (maybe miquon)



sotw1 plus AG, biology wtm style, the easy spanish jr., children's catechism, making music praying twice (maybe line design for art)



co-op, puzzles, playdo, coloring, games, physical activity, life skills

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For us:


Phonics Road

Right Start Math

Considering Gods Creation and many science books

Spanish at slow pace- Discovery Streaming

Reading books together from library

Possibly TOG if not I have SOTW 1 to start on

Kindermusik and I'm looking into another activity to do with him

Art is not a formal program, my own things I come up with. I do have Abeka 1 so I will pull from it at times.

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I love this thread. This will just be our 2nd year homeschooling, and kindergarten was really just phonics & math. For 1st grade we're planning on:



Phonics: AOP Horizons

Spelling: AOP Horizons

Penmanship: MP copybooks

Grammar: FLL if it meshes well with Horizons

Math: Saxon

Science: Apologia Astronomy

Character: Doorposts 'Plants Grown Up'

Bible: our church has it's own kids devotional program books called Victory Club

PE: Swimming lessons, soccer, t-ball (swimming year-round, the other 2 if he wants to play, I don't care either way)

Extras: Boy Scouts, I think??!


History: intentionally putting off until next year, when he will be in 2nd grade so we can use MOH or SOTW and then when his little brother hits 1st grade they'll be on the same topic. Having said that, we go to Valley Forge almost weekly and talk/read about history all the time at my house.


Art: nothing formal till I have to (in PA)

Music: nothing formal - I might sit down with him and go through My First Piano Adventure


That's the plan. Yikes, it looks like a lot typed out!

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I think you have a great list. The three R's are the most important in elementary years, and I think you are smart to focus on them.



Geography is fun! We're using postcrossing.com (send & receive postcards from random places worldwide) and youtube - I go look up a tourism clip from the country our card came from when we get cards in the mail. We also find the country on the globe & print a google maps map to file with the card. Easy, cheap, & very little planning, yet it's personal, because of the card. :D


This is a fabulous idea!!! Thanks!


My dd will be 6 soon and start 1st in the fall.


Phonics: Phonics Pathways & ETC (we're about 1/2 done with both of them right now)

Grammar: FLL 1/2 (I have the old blue one so we'll just start and keep plugging away through 1st and 2nd grade until we finish it).

Writing: WWE 1 (We'll use this copywork for handwriting also!)

Spelling: AAS 1 (She's been begging for spelling & grammar for awhile).

Math: MUS Alpha and Kumon books for time/calendar/weather/etc.

Science: still TBD with big bro

History: SOTW 3 with big bro We'll spend a couple months reading this 1 chapter a day then do go back through the time frame and do unit studies on the topics we found interesting. This is when the AG projects will happen. (I can't ever seem to make them happen in the week we're supposed to spend on that topic).

Music: family life, everyone plays an instrument. She's been begging to start violin but I have to find it in my budget first.

Geography: still TBD (but I love the postcrossings idea a pp mentioned)

Art: We'll do an artist study along with our history studies.


I'm sure I'm missing something, I just don't know what it is yet.....:tongue_smilie:

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Singapore Math 1A + B

CLE Language, Reading, Bible




That's all. I know it doesn't look like much, but it covers the basics. He is a naturally very curious little guy. He spends his day with art supplies, books, puzzles, music, etc, and asking lots of questions.

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My DS is an older 1st grader. Here's our plans:


HOD Bigger...we may have to lighten the writing assignments a bit

R&S English 2--mostly orally with a little writing

Singapore 2a/2b

ETC 3-4 or 5

Free reading along with reading to me

Prima Latina?


Cheerful Cursive? ...maybe 2nd semester?


Gymnastics and HS co-op

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Rylee will be starting 1st in June. She just turned 5 a few months ago so she is on the younger side...


PHONICS ~ Abeka Letters & Sounds 1; Handbook For Reading



LANGUAGE ~ Abeka 1; First Language Lessons1

SPELLING ~ Abeka 1 {Weekly Word Lists}; All About Spelling

HANDWRITING ~ Draw! Write! Now!

WRITING ~ Narration and Dictation exercises (continued); Write a Super Sentence

READING & LITERATURE ~ Reading Books from library; Literature Pockets: Folktales & Fairytales Nursery Rhymes; 52 Print & Read Short Story Books; Daily Reading Comprehension

MATH ~ Saxon 2; Daily Word Problems

SCIENCE ~ ScienceWorks K-1 Units {Animals; My Body; Plants; Earth; Weather}; Lets Read & Find Out Science {2}; The Everything Kids Science Experiment Book; Abeka 1

SOCIAL STUDIES ~ Community Helpers; Holidays: Rookie Read About Holidays; Beginning Geography {Evan Moor}; USA: State Study; World: Children Just Like Me; Around the World Art & Activities; The Kids' Multicultural Cookbook; Around the World Coloring Book

BIBLE ~ Bible Stories & Crafts (Old Testament); Bible Stories & Crafts (New Testament); Building Christian Character; Big Truths for Little Kids; Bible Verse Memorization

ART ~ How To Teach Art To Children; Artist Studies: Getting to know the worlds greatest Artists .... She will be spending lots of time coloring, painting, cutting, pasting and creating until her little heart is content :)

POETRY ~ Memorize 8 poems; Poet Studies: Poetry for Young People

MUSIC ~ Composer Studies: Getting to Know the Worlds Greatest Composers

FOREIGN LANGUAGE ~ Spanish: La Clase Divertida



Rylee also made the level 4 gymnastics team and will be practicing with them starting in June. She will not be old enough to compete as a level 4 gymnast until after her birthday in 2012 but team practices keep her very busy. She has also been invited to join the tumbling team! She has worked SO hard for this and finally connected her round off with 3 back handsprings a few weeks ago (the requirements at our gym to join tumbling team). She also takes swimming lessons, piano lessons and 'voice lessons' {with me... she LOVES to sing and so I went ahead and started teaching her the basics and she LOVES it}!


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We'll be starting this summer:


HOD Beyond Little Hearts for Bible, American History, Geography, Science, Art, Spelling, Grammar, Copywork


Singapore 2A (maybe 2B, we'll see how it goes...) and CWP 1


Reading: undecided - maybe some A Beka 3 readers for comprehension, and some HOD DITHOR level 2 books for fun..


Apologia Exploring Creation With Astronomy


Song School Latin (rest of it)

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Bible-Egermeir's Bible Story book and character study (I'm thinking Wisdom with the Millers)

Math- Math-U-See Beta

Grammar- FLL 1

Writing- Writing With Ease 1

Phonics- Continue with OPGtTR and ETC

Science- Tagging with brother through Elemental Science Physics

History- TOG (using STOW as his spine and other books as they interest him)

Art- Artistic Pursuits (finish book 3)

Music- Piano and composer study

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I just ordered most of the curriculum on Saturday night; it should start arriving tomorrow!


Math: Rightstart C, with possible Singapore supplementation

Grammar: FLL2

Writing: WWE1/WWE2 (first half of year will be finishing the last half of WWE1)

Spelling: finish AAS2, start AAS3

Handwriting: HWT3

Reading: WTM recommendations for reading and oral reading for first grade, plus lots of library trips

History: SOTW1

Science: BFSU

Art: Artistic Pursuits K-3 Book One, Mark Kistler's Mini Marshmallow lessons online, possible homeschool art classes at the museum (he enjoyed them this past year)

Music: Kindermusik keyboarding classes

PE: Tae Kwon Do

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