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My great news!

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Hello Friends! My pathology report from my mastectomy came back with no cancer visible under the microscope in any of my 13 lymph nodes or book tissue!

God is merciful and answered our prayers! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Apparently, less than 30% of women arrive at this point after the mastectomy.


I will still have to undergo radiation and perhaps twice daily radiation to mop up what any microscopic cancer cells that may be remaining and to reduce recurrence. I am very scared of radiation and what it could do to my body but I will continue to put my trust in Jesus.





Wow!!!!!! That is fantastic news! :party:

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Thank you for sharing in my exciting and wonderful news.


I have two of the three drainage tubes removed. I am seeing a PT for gaining softness and movement to my musculature as well as to move lymph fluid. Each day I am feeling more like my normal self.


My next appointment is for meeting with the radiation oncologist on the 12th. I am so afraid of the radiation. Also, they will give me little tatoos for lining up the machines. Yikes!


Thank you for all of your prayers.

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Thank you for sharing in my exciting and wonderful news.


I have two of the three drainage tubes removed. I am seeing a PT for gaining softness and movement to my musculature as well as to move lymph fluid. Each day I am feeling more like my normal self.


My next appointment is for meeting with the radiation oncologist on the 12th. I am so afraid of the radiation. Also, they will give me little tatoos for lining up the machines. Yikes!


Thank you for all of your prayers.


Continuing to pray for you. I am glad that you are progressing in the right direction:001_smile:

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