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How do you have Tea. . .

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and not be zonked the next day??


Admittedly my dc go to sleep way too late. Admittedly so please don't bring it up.


But by the time I get them down, post on here w/ a glass of wine (to unwind), it's 11 p.m.!! An hour later and . . . I'm definitely not getting enough sleep tomorrow.


This week I could hear someone having Tea on the other side of our wall (we're still in an apt.) at 1 in the morning. All I could think was, "that poor woman. She's going to be zonked in the morning."





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Caffeinated tea along with the other variety.


Honestly, it's really just a decision you have to make. Kids in bed earlier or morning tea or weekend tea or weekend morning tea or creative location tea or tea at a conventional time with coffee in the morning...or tea.

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Was she going at it for an hour+ or just a few minutes? ;) Maybe she was asleep...and dh got into bed and she thought he looked cute. Unless it took a couple of hours, I don't see the problem here. lol Of course, I am not an early riser, tea or not. I like my morning at 8:30/9, thanks.

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You can schedule bed time so that it leaves time for teA. My dh knows that teA will happen if he comes to bed 9 hours before he has to get up in the morning. Otherwise I likely wouldn't want to have any tea. And since he is the first one up in the house, that means I will get enough sleep time for me.

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Dh and I sleep in separate rooms, and he works evenings, so night time tea never happens- which is fine with me too because I love my sleep :) ....Tea happens when the kids are away or occupied for a few hours and we have some spare time. Now and then. Usually afternoons. We just say we are having a nap, and lock the door.

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Tea should not be relegated to the evening :)

3:30 am tea is some of the best, as it 5:30 am, and 4 in the afternoon.

I am usually so zonked by 9pm or 10pm, that it's just not as fun (however, this is only on days we have to get up really early).

I have to admit that if the kids are in the house, and awake, I have a hard time enjoying my tea even with a locked door.... So that does complicate.

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You need a lock on your bedroom door ~ that allows for uninterrupted 'tea' anytime you want it. ;)


:iagree: that is what I was going to say...and a rule. If the door is shut, don't knock unless there are flames shooting out or blood pouring out. Otherwise, figure it out yourself or wait. That rule applies for TeA or just plain ol' Mamma needs a break. Anyo e who breaks the rule deals with the wrath of mom. Or dad who had his TeA interrupted. Lol.



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I do, too, but it does tend to freak out the overnight guests. ;)


Honestly, I find its about prioritizing. Time with hubby is incredibly important for us, so we grab a few minutes here and there, whenever we can. With 3 kids in the house, we've learned to get creative. ;)

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