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What happened to Japan?

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Why am I not seeing anyone get excited or upset over Japan anymore? The AP just released a bulletin that states that Japan's nuclear disaster is now rated a 7 - the same as Chernobyl. And I don't see anyone talking about it on FB or message boards anymore. I don't have a TV connected to anything but Netflix so I'm missing 24 hour news (THANK YOU GODDESS!! lol) so maybe I'm missing it??


I just want to laugh in the faces of everyone who said a month ago that this would "never be as bad as Chernobyl." Huh. Could actually end up being far worse... :(


Are we just numb to it now? Does it really only take a month to get numb to stuff??

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Japan was front page news in the NYT this weekend. Do you read NYT?


Some of the schools here have ongoing fundraisers, and the local uni does as well. Where do you live? Maybe there are also things happening there you might not know about?

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I saw a headline yesturday that said the "crisis" probably won't end for a few YEARS. It's not going to be a matter of "patch this, reconnect that, and voila! stablized!"


But I still don't know that it's "as bad" as Chernobyl, considering the safety measures that are there. Didn't someone on here say that it's what's happening to the rods that determines the "emergency level"? The rods are pretty well encased at the plant in Japan, and were pretty much out in the open at Chernobyl.


I haven't seen any news on fall-out clouds or anything like that coming from Japan (yet), so I'm not sure that it's "as bad" as Chernobyl just yet. The rods may be in a similar state of melt-down, but the safety measures in place should (and hopefully will) prevent the same outcome as happened at Chernobyl.

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We hear about it every day here in Australia. I find it completely unbelievable that they dumped all that radioactive water into the ocean. All nuclear countries (I think all, definitely Japan has) have signed a no dumping nuclear waste in the ocean treaty.


I have heard that many experts say the situation will continue for 50-100 years.

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Japan was front page news in the NYT this weekend. Do you read NYT?


Some of the schools here have ongoing fundraisers, and the local uni does as well. Where do you live? Maybe there are also things happening there you might not know about?


Nope. I don't read the NYT. I'm in northern Michigan. I read the BBC, NPR, AP, and CNN.


There are probably lots of local school things I don't know about because I pay about ZERO attention to our local school system. It just seems that we've lost our horror over it already. I'm not seeing any "click if you love Japan" type thingies on FB anymore and there aren't any active threads here or a couple of other MBs I hang out at.


Xuzi, I don't know if it's "as bad" as Chernobyl but it is now rated the exact same as Chernobyl. And it hardly sounds like it's over. It's now a 7 - the highest rating the international community has for a nuclear disaster. I guess 8 means we all "abandon ship" and head for Mars?? :001_huh:

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But I still don't know that it's "as bad" as Chernobyl, considering the safety measures that are there. Didn't someone on here say that it's what's happening to the rods that determines the "emergency level"? The rods are pretty well encased at the plant in Japan, and were pretty much out in the open at Chernobyl.



I can't find the article, but several plutonium particles have been found in the grounds of the plant, which experts are saying is evident that the rode have melted at least partially, and that containment has been breached at some point.

Plus the caesium that is in the highly radioactive puddles etc, is a particular kind and apparently scientists can work out how hot the rods have got and that they have definitely melted at least partially, plus containment is not as good as first thought.


Plus some of the rods had had their rods removed and placed in an open cooling pond for routine maintenance prior to the earthquake and tsunami. these ponds are not really containment vessels, and they have had ongoing trouble keeping water in them. They are open to the air.

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Xuzi, I don't know if it's "as bad" as Chernobyl but it is now rated the exact same as Chernobyl. And it hardly sounds like it's over. It's now a 7 - the highest rating the international community has for a nuclear disaster. I guess 8 means we all "abandon ship" and head for Mars?? :001_huh:



According to this article, the amount of radiation leak is 10 % of Chernobyl. Each level of rating is 10 times worse than the previous, so I am guessing that Japan is on the lower side of 7, and Chernobyl was at the higher side of 7.




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We have kept up with the news and it is so disheartening. Especially the fact that the government has not been as forthcoming as they should have been with their people and the rest of the world.


As far as posting anything here about this situation, I have just seen threads go sour quickly. So maybe there is a bit of apprehension :confused:


We are praying for them daily and cannot believe the unfortunate events that keep on ravaging these people.:crying:

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According to this article, the amount of radiation leak is 10 % of Chernobyl. Each level of rating is 10 times worse than the previous, so I am guessing that Japan is on the lower side of 7, and Chernobyl was at the higher side of 7.





And I'm VERY grateful for any degree less serious that Japan is over Chernobyl, but I still remember so many people saying, "This will never be a Chernobyl rated disaster!" And yet, here we are. And it's hardly over. It's not like it's all sealed up and we're cleaning up now. :(

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We have kept up with the news and it is so disheartening. Especially the fact that the government has not been as forthcoming as they should have been with their people and the rest of the world.


As far as posting anything here about this situation, I have just seen threads go sour quickly. So maybe there is a bit of apprehension :confused:


We are praying for them daily and cannot believe the unfortunate events that keep on ravaging these people.:crying:

:iagree: especially about the apprehension.

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FB brings out the shallowest of people.


It's been all over the head lines pretty much everyday since it happened. I typically look at news online - BBC, CNN, Yahoo. It was "headlines" for all three today and has been there pretty consistently. I occasionally turn CNN on and usually don't have to wait too long to get an update. There was a story on NPR today on it.


I'm not sure who was saying that it would never be worse that Chernobyl. Do you have links to nuclear experts saying that? Because it seems to me that from the earliest days, there were pretty dire possibilities being mentioned.

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I'm not sure who was saying that it would never be worse that Chernobyl. Do you have links to nuclear experts saying that? Because it seems to me that from the earliest days, there were pretty dire possibilities being mentioned.


I think it was people on here that were saying it was a mass panic by people following media hype.

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It's been in the forefront of my mind since that first quake hit. They have had it on the news every day. DH watches The News Hour with Jim Lehrer and it's being reported on everyday as well as on the Nightly Business Report which comes on after. They've had two more big "aftershocks" (what the difference is between an "aftershock" and another strong earthquake I don't know). And the nuclear situation gets more dire every day. I'm so heart sick over the whole thing. :(

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Click if you love Japan? Really?


None of my friends, who are all socially minded and thoughtful, have posted anything like that on FB. I wouldn't consider that a measure of squat.


I don't really think much of something like that.



Nope. I don't read the NYT. I'm in northern Michigan. I read the BBC, NPR, AP, and CNN.


There are probably lots of local school things I don't know about because I pay about ZERO attention to our local school system. It just seems that we've lost our horror over it already. I'm not seeing any "click if you love Japan" type thingies on FB anymore and there aren't any active threads here or a couple of other MBs I hang out at.


Xuzi, I don't know if it's "as bad" as Chernobyl but it is now rated the exact same as Chernobyl. And it hardly sounds like it's over. It's now a 7 - the highest rating the international community has for a nuclear disaster. I guess 8 means we all "abandon ship" and head for Mars?? :001_huh:

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I hear about it daily on NPR. :crying:


Did they cover it today?? I missed a few hours when I took the car in for repairs but all I caught this afternoon and evening was the darn budget crapola. And my solution to THAT mess is to not pay anyone in the government until that's fixed. :D

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? Not paying? The 'darn budget crapola' is kinda important to some. ? Are you being serious?


Japan is still on the cover of major newspapers, and even on my comcast page. So....??


Did they cover it today?? I missed a few hours when I took the car in for repairs but all I caught this afternoon and evening was the darn budget crapola. And my solution to THAT mess is to not pay anyone in the government until that's fixed. :D
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Did they cover it today?? I missed a few hours when I took the car in for repairs but all I caught this afternoon and evening was the darn budget crapola. And my solution to THAT mess is to not pay anyone in the government until that's fixed. :D




It was cited in a few opinion pieces and news articles that this disaster would not be a Chernobyl, such as this article.

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We don't know if it's Chernobyl. It could be. They raised the rating, but also say it's 10% of Chernobyl, so it's still a waiting game. But speculating the degree of the disaster and going nuts makes good front page news, so not sure why people don't think the media isn't covering that. Where's the running around screaming smiley?







It was cited in a few opinion pieces and news articles that this disaster would not be a Chernobyl, such as this article.

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It was cited in a few opinion pieces and news articles that this disaster would not be a Chernobyl, such as this article.


And the opinion pages are cracking me up. I don't really care what some armchair high school physics teacher says, I care what the scientific community in Japan is saying.


I just expected more fuss to be made over the rating. Maybe it's coming in the morning?? And then everyone can use the running maniac icon!!

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And the opinion pages are cracking me up. I don't really care what some armchair high school physics teacher says, I care what the scientific community in Japan is saying.


I just expected more fuss to be made over the rating. Maybe it's coming in the morning?? And then everyone can use the running maniac icon!!


You are welcome to panic. Some of us with loved ones in Japan prefer to pray and support those who are trying to do what they can to help over there. I really don't see how panic is going to help them or us.

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This is where my apprehension comes in :glare:, but I will post my thoughts because I can, we are all adults that can have a say right. Fwiw, I really don't think this is speculation any longer. The worst is here and has been imminent. This just barely came out a few hours ago, so I see in due time many people becoming concerned. How they react only time will tell, but this is a very serious matter.



We don't know if it's Chernobyl. It could be. But speculating this and going nuts is front page news, so not sure why the media isn't covering that. Where's the running around screaming smiley?

No one is speculating, in a lot of ways we are at the mercy of what the news is putting out. It is either a cause for concern or isn't. Articles like this one don't sound like it can go either way.

And the opinion pages are cracking me up. I don't really care what some armchair high school physics teacher says, I care what the scientific community in Japan is saying.


I just expected more fuss to be made over the rating. Maybe it's coming in the morning?? And then everyone can use the running maniac icon!!


The only reason why I posted that article was because someone asked here if 'anyone' had said previously in the news that this was not going to be a Chernobyl situation. There were so called experts claiming that this was not as dire. I am sorry they were not the experts you expect to hear from.

I just wonder why anyone would listen to them in the first place. Now that it is considered up to par with Chernobyl, we all know they were wrong.



Well we take our cues from the media. The news media is not upset about this, so neither is the general public.


I personally have been following this every day, pretty closely, and I agree, there is a LOT of reason for concern.

I really agree here.

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Nope. I don't read the NYT. I'm in northern Michigan. I read the BBC, NPR, AP, and CNN.
Consider adding the Guardian to your list; their coverage has been extensive and they have robust (not just opinionated) opinion content. Here's Helen Caldicott from today, smacking down George Monbiot from a couple weeks back. Oh, and there's no paywall, at least in North America.
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People send me all sorts of alternative news stuff- this arrived in my inbox this morning:



and this one from a friend on Facebook about the fact that while the radioactive iodine levels are dropping because of the short half life, there is a cover up on the fact that the cesium-134 levels have a half life of 30 years and so are not dropping- and of course massive amounts of it are now in the oceans too.




This is just information and i just read and keep an open mind. I just don't think it can be good news overall.

I do get frustrated that our very right wing newspaper here in my city- and we only have one! - keeps articles about Japan to one article in the world news section way in the middle of the paper nowadays. I search for the news daily on the internet- I don't rely on mainstream media.

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One of the universities tested the seaweed on the B.C. coast (I like the university tests more than the governments) and it tested 400 times above normal. Our rainwater here was 100 times above normal but apparently the radiation content is decreasing in the rainwater. They are not sure if it's a change in weather patterns or an actual decrease.


I read today in the New Zealand Herald that traces of radiation from Fukushima have been found in fish near the Spanish coast! Traces of it are everywhere in the northern hemisphere by now but apparently not enough to be harmful. Hmmmm......... I wonder why nobody talks about the cumulative effect ...... :confused:

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Honestly, I don't get the "laughing at people" and "cracking up" thing. This is just a horrible, devastating tragedy and I can't see one thing about it that would make me crack a smile. People being wrong about a horrific radiation leak doesn't seem funny to me, and there is no joy in saying they were wrong.


Most of us are going about our normal daily lives. I check what is happening twice a day, but have tried not to check over and over all day like I did in the beginning. I wouldn't click a "click if you love Japan" button on facebook. It just seems so stupid. And for the most part, I don't want to join in conversations about it on message board. What's the point?

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It is my understanding that the change in rating isn't in response to a new issue but rather is retroactive based on realizing that more radiation leaked than originally thought.


And I still don't think it's anywhere near the level of Chernobyl - read the wikipedia article on it if you want to encounter horrific mismanagement. I am still aghast when I think about what Eastern Europe went through (and more of the world than just that) on account of that disaster. Japan isn't anywhere close IMO (and it is still horrific!).

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Honestly, I don't get the "laughing at people" and "cracking up" thing. This is just a horrible, devastating tragedy and I can't see one thing about it that would make me crack a smile. People being wrong about a horrific radiation leak doesn't seem funny to me, and there is no joy in saying they were wrong.




:iagree:Sad, isn't it?

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I heard (not confirmed) that they are expanding the evacuation area yet again.


I'm not familiar with the geography/demographics of Japan. Will these evacuations be longterm like Chernobyl? How will that affect populations in other parts of the country?


This is nice article about the character of Japanese people in this time of crisis.

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I think I understand what the OP was getting at because I'm seeing the same kind of thing… it's not the first thing everyone is talking about anymore. After it happened, you couldn't go five feet without seeing or hearing something - whether it was on the tv, the radio, your homepage, your neighbour washing his car who says "did you see that video of such&such in Japan?", your coworker forwarding some story, a local fundraiser, threads all over message boards, facebook postings, etc etc…. now… barely a mention. Perhaps it's still on some news sites, but it's not 'everywhere else' that we wander through every day… know what I mean?

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Honestly, I don't get the "laughing at people" and "cracking up" thing. This is just a horrible, devastating tragedy and I can't see one thing about it that would make me crack a smile. People being wrong about a horrific radiation leak doesn't seem funny to me, and there is no joy in saying they were wrong.


Most of us are going about our normal daily lives. I check what is happening twice a day, but have tried not to check over and over all day like I did in the beginning. I wouldn't click a "click if you love Japan" button on facebook. It just seems so stupid. And for the most part, I don't want to join in conversations about it on message board. What's the point?


:iagree: I sent more money than my budget could handle. I'm not clicking a button.


As for laughing in anyone's face... I'm not nearly as intelligent as those who were trying to provide a measured response and actually deal with the crisis of epic proportions with very limited information. I am eternally grateful that I've never been in such a position and choose to pray for the decision-makers to make the best moves they can given the situation as it stands.

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Honestly, I don't get the "laughing at people" and "cracking up" thing. This is just a horrible, devastating tragedy and I can't see one thing about it that would make me crack a smile. People being wrong about a horrific radiation leak doesn't seem funny to me, and there is no joy in saying they were wrong.


Most of us are going about our normal daily lives. I check what is happening twice a day, but have tried not to check over and over all day like I did in the beginning. I wouldn't click a "click if you love Japan" button on facebook. It just seems so stupid. And for the most part, I don't want to join in conversations about it on message board. What's the point?


:iagree:Sad, isn't it?
:iagree: Why would anyone want to "laugh in the face" of others about something like this??? :001_huh: :glare:


I see stuff about it all the time still! It IS on a lot of peoples minds. Like anything, when it originally happens there is a lot of discussion. Then life must go on, keeping a wary eye on what's happening, less discussion, because it's already been discussed. But that doesn't mean people are NOT concerned! Why talk about it constantly? It won't change what's happening, and reality states that we must get on with life as we know it for now so we can pay our bills, etc. Lots of people around me ARE concerned, and very much so!

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:iagree: Why would anyone want to "laugh in the face" of others about something like this??? :001_huh: :glare:


I see stuff about it all the time still! It IS on a lot of peoples minds. Like anything, when it originally happens there is a lot of discussion. Then life must go on, keeping a wary eye on what's happening, less discussion, because it's already been discussed. But that doesn't mean people are NOT concerned! Why talk about it constantly? It won't change what's happening, and reality states that we must get on with life as we know it for now so we can pay our bills, etc. Lots of people around me ARE concerned, and very much so!


I agree with you. My son volunteers at a community food pantry run by some Sisters. Last week, one of the sisters pulled out her photos of her trip to Haiti to show him some of the work her order is doing down there.


My point is that people are still caring/working/helping in Haiti and talking about it even if it is not on the news.

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Honestly, I don't get the "laughing at people" and "cracking up" thing. This is just a horrible, devastating tragedy and I can't see one thing about it that would make me crack a smile. People being wrong about a horrific radiation leak doesn't seem funny to me, and there is no joy in saying they were wrong.


Most of us are going about our normal daily lives. I check what is happening twice a day, but have tried not to check over and over all day like I did in the beginning. I wouldn't click a "click if you love Japan" button on facebook. It just seems so stupid. And for the most part, I don't want to join in conversations about it on message board. What's the point?


:iagree: Of course people are concerned. I'm extremely concerned. But - I can't do anything directly about all of this. I can pray - and do. I can help the people in Japan - and do. I can monitor our families health as much as I can. We already take some things that I've discovered through research will help to protect our thyroid. But - I can't do any more than that and do not feel that working myself up to a righteous indignation is going to help anyone. Working myself up to a panic isn't going to help anyone either.

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Sidebar: I still wonder what is going on in the Gulf from the oil spill. Did it all go away? Did it sink? I have found conflicting reports and tv new stories (about testing of shrimp) that were once published but now removed.


I've heard the conflicts as well. We lived in southern LA when it happened. You didn't see the economic impact it had through the trickle down affect. It hampered a lot of lifestyles at sort of the underground level (as in no ones talking about it). My dh ran out of work (construction) as many of his clients just quit having work done. Referrals dried up and no one in his industry was hiring. Before that the greater economic issues of the country had not really hit the area. We ended up moving, dh was under/unemployed for most of last year. While not a direct effect of the oil spill, it was absolutely an indirect result, and we were not alone.


That is one of my concerns with this Japanese disaster. How will this affect the people long term? What will it do to the fishing industry? I saw that Toyota is going back to production soon, but at 1/2 capacity.

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Why am I not seeing anyone get excited or upset over Japan anymore? The AP just released a bulletin that states that Japan's nuclear disaster is now rated a 7 - the same as Chernobyl. And I don't see anyone talking about it on FB or message boards anymore. I don't have a TV connected to anything but Netflix so I'm missing 24 hour news (THANK YOU GODDESS!! lol) so maybe I'm missing it??


I just want to laugh in the faces of everyone who said a month ago that this would "never be as bad as Chernobyl." Huh. Could actually end up being far worse... :(


Are we just numb to it now? Does it really only take a month to get numb to stuff??


I'm watching Japan like a hawk.


There are evacuees wanting to return already and they are getting loud. I'm planning on asking my dh to file a chit to "return" his dependents to the states while he finishes his commitment there in Japan. Mind you, are we IN the states and are staying here. I'm not returning with my children to Japan.


Japan has been hush-hush since this started about the whole (insert expletive) mess. The US, for whatever reason, is supporting Japan politically and not sharing "too much" information.


I am NOT. AT. ALL. surprised that this is a Level 7 incident.



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And the opinion pages are cracking me up. I don't really care what some armchair high school physics teacher says, I care what the scientific community in Japan is saying.

I just expected more fuss to be made over the rating. Maybe it's coming in the morning?? And then everyone can use the running maniac icon!!


The problem here is that Japan and their scientists and their politicians are NOT being forthcoming.



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It is difficult because the news is now avoidable if you are so inclined.


My good friend's parents live in Tokyo & her father (& a friend of his) has been delivering aid to the areas in the 18 mile radius (evacuated 12 miles). According to her there doesn't appear to be any official aid being given to those people but it is greatly needed.


My heart breaks. Please remember people like my friend's father in your prayers.

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Well, I don't think it can really be compared to Chernobyl. And I believe WHO released something today attempting to explain that.


The Chernobyl incident spread contamination over large swaths of other countries (some of which still have not recovered). This incident is not going to do that (unless something changes). It is much more contained and has been since the beginning. So it's the "same", but not the same....


I'm still reading about it online daily as well as hearing about it on the cable news networks....

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Well, I think the Japanese officials were saying that it would never be a Chernobyl - and in fact it's not the same in terms of damage done to the environment as Chernobyl. In the aftermath of the tsunami, many news teams talked about the fact that Japanese officials are very cautious, conservative, careful in their assessments and in what they release as news. They initially even turned down some outside help. I think we are just seeing cultural differences here in how that culture processes through an emergency situation.

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