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If you want a truly inclusive convention

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what about a resource page where you can directly link to curriculum's and products site? It could be set up with each style of homeschooling having it's own page and the articles dealing with that style included there. buttons down the side showing each major and minor ;) method of thought. Click the button and you get to see reviews of curriculum that fall under that, articles by families on how they make it happen, legalities on how to report it for various states, and who offers it. IF we start the articles off with a very high standard ( perhaps "rules"as to what to include - pov, religions, part of the country etc) then followers later can maintain that standard.


Kinda like TOS review where the disclaimers are at top. You now where you stand when you start reading.

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Sorry too many pages to get through during lunch so I just wanted to add my thoughts and hopefully they haven't been stated already...

I would love to see the website link to major contributors to major thoughts on Homeschool methodolagy. IE link to montessori, waldorf, charlotte mason, the well-trained mind, the core, unschooling ect (those are just the ones I can think of). This way people can research about homeschooling and the variety of methods. It can also show inclusiveness of homeschool thought.


There could be links to these things, but with that, my opinion is that it would be nice to have articles written by actual homeschooling parents who use these different philosophies. When I was new to homeschooling, it took me forever to hunt down information on all of the different types - it would be nice to have everything on one website with no bashing of other philosophies allowed. :)



I would be willing to write articles/content... whatever - or help out on an editorial team. :D


However, I think that once we set up a mission statement, we need to discuss what kind of content we want to provide specifically... there have been so many good suggestions going around! Will we have different sections? Curriculum Junkies, Homeschooling on a budget, State guidelines, Day in the life of a/an __________ (unschooler, CM, Classical homeschooler, etc.), Extracurriculars, Sports and the Homeschooling family, Special Needs, Gifted, etc. etc.. the list could go on and on... depending on how big this gets, it seems like you would need someone to sort of "oversee" each section and then get together as a team with all of the "team leaders" to make sure everything stays on track. Does that make sense?

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Chucki, if you get a minute, spruce up your blog or start one about how your family homeschools. It might be linked on the upcoming website.


If that's not your style, consider writing a short article about an aspect of homeschooling that means the most to you.


If that's not your style either, sock away your butter and egg money for when Carrie gets a paypal account for the website.


If you have no butter and egg money, go to Facebook and 'like' Susan Wise Bauer. Tell all your friends how wonderful PHP is so they'll buy something.


Lastly, check back here by the end of the day. I have a feeling that someone is going to be brilliant. (Not me. I was brilliant yesterday.)


:lol: I love you.


That's a great list, BTW.

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maybe "the conference with no name"




I don't care what it is called. In fact, even as an atheist, I was ready to sign up and attend one of the recent national conferences until the whole Ham thing came up and people got freaky about it. There were a few people I would have enjoyed listening to and I would love to look at various curriculum. And the thought of being in a large hall with lots of other homeschoolers (who are rather rare around here) is exciting. Beyond that I'm not really looking for anything else. Despite the crazy regs here in NY, it isn't something I can't live with AND I know I'd never get enough people behind me to try and change it. People are just afraid it would get worse.


Homeschooling Beyond Boundaries

Homeschooling Without Limits

Homeschooling Unchained

Unlimited Homeschooling

Outer Limites Homeschooling :D

Universal Homeschooling

Expansive Homeschooling


Cosmopolitan, cultivated, understanding,


Actually I like the word Gracious. I love the theological concept of grace and am growing more bothered by people who think that they as men get to determine who is worthy of grace and who is beyond it.

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I would submit that *all of the above* would be at an inclusive convention. It would be like a cafeteria and if the booth applies to you, stop. If it doesn't, move on. :) But...don't stop and tell the ones who are there why they shouldn't be there. ;)


FWIW, I thought that this was quite possible at Cincinnati. I did quite a bit of "moving on" past vendors that I wasn't interested in. I think that you could have come with five or six agendas and managed to find what you were looking for in many ways (both vendors and workshops). I would love to see GHC expand offerings more, but I'm not sure that means they need to exclude who is already there.

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Ack! I'm behind in reading, but I wanted to make the point that I think we should be careful about how *reviews* are worded.


Reviews that come from the perspective of *here's what we use and here's why it works for us...or doesn't" are good. A big effort should be made to AVOID speaking for others.


Anyone who writes anything needs to have the perspective of *I* am sharing *my own story*. "I am not using this as a platform to *convince* or *convict* anyone else to be like me." If someone is looking for change, they will figure that out themselves. kwim? First person pronouns are great. "In my opinion" and "In my experience" go a long way towards good communication. :)

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I agree. I think you can say: here are YEC science programs and some discussion from moms who have used them, here are OEC science programs, here are some neutral science programs, here are some secular programs.


I once tried out the website that is supposed to take a screening of your kids' interests, styles and abilities and mesh it with your teaching style and goals and then recommend curriculum. I thought it would point me toward some great stuff that I hadn't considered before (especially since I haven't always stayed up with what is new).


But it seemed like if the company wasn't selling through the website, then it wasn't getting suggested. So very Christian (and YEC) was almost all of the science, even when I said that I didn't care if my science was religous.


I feel like I'm in such a quandry about science. I really want stuff that is hard core and I'm just not finding it.

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FWIW, I thought that this was quite possible at Cincinnati. I did quite a bit of "moving on" past vendors that I wasn't interested in. I think that you could have come with five or six agendas and managed to find what you were looking for in many ways (both vendors and workshops). I would love to see GHC expand offerings more, but I'm not sure that means they need to exclude who is already there.


I was not there, but I wondered if the Deans would be open to being *more* inclusive. I DO realize that because of the kerfluffle there will be a HUGE number of people that wouldn't DARE come. Especially since someone asked Mr. Ham if GHC apologized would he return next year and his response was something like he didn't know if he could share that with people who were so liberal. (It's publically posted on his FB) So...you have THAT issue. However, I think there are far MORE who *would* come. But, would GHC be willing to take the risk and be willing to *state* it is not a *Christian* conference per say. I live in the south and I can hear a collective gasp as I just *type* those words. :lol:

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I keep thinking of that Edwin Markham poem:




He drew a circle that shut me out--

Heretic, rebel, a thing to flout.

But Love and I had the wit to win

We drew a circle that took him in!


I like this! It should be *somewhere* on the site, imo. ;)

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Registering and hosting through yahoo is pretty cheap/month. I'd be willing to contribute via paypal.


Coming in super late so I apologize if this is no longer relevant.


As a paying customer of Yahoo's email service, I will tell that the company is having some major technical/reliability problems, has been having them for a while now, and does not seem inclined or able to fix them. I would not recommend setting anything up with them.

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Might I suggest that rather than positioning the conference as "inclusive", that the emphasis be on academic excellence. I think that often "inclusive" is read as (and sometimes intended as) non-religious. I wouldn't be any more comfortable at a conference that was trying to exclude homeschoolers of faith than I was interested in browsing booths that wanted to tell me that their stamp was required on my Christianity or on my homeschooling.


I definitely see the benefit in having conferences and in attending conferences. But I'm not going to put my time and treasure toward something that narrowly defines acceptability (in either direction). Not that what you are proposing would be narrow. I do grow a bit frustrated at the "inclusive" homeschoolers in my area who still really do have a party line.


I don't have kids with special needs on the LD end. But I never got the sense that the parents of Asperger's or autistic or dyslexic or other labeled kids who post here are suggesting that their kids not learn. I would suggest that they are still interested in academic excellence for their kids, but that the end result may look different.


Though you may be right that excellence is also a loaded term. Is there another way of focusing the attention on the homeschooling as an action and as an educational choice without focusing on the philosophical promptings that bring each family to the choice?


Would a convention focused on academics be of interest to unschoolers? Or would Latin, classical education, unit studies, math programs etc be seen as stiffling?


Sebastian is so busy writing so many of my thoughts that I will just say :iagree:


I do think it is important to remember that in defining this group it is important to remember to craft that definition out of a vision of what the group is rather than a reaction to what the group isn't. I think the focus should be on the breadth and depth of what is available rather than passing judgement on what is acceptable.


Parents' Alliance For Home Education? Is that inclusive enough?


I don't know how I'd be able to help but I think this is a great idea.


The one part I'm not clear on--is this a website of resources, a convention host, a network of groups/co-ops, a national/international political lobby, or all of the above?

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Phew! Just read the whole thing. Count me in. I'm not sure how to help, but I'm better on the internet than IRL. Maybe I'll get my creative juices flowing and see what I can come up with to help.


I think we need a button we can put on our blogs. :D Not a clue how to do those, however.


I like the name, but we need a short tag line and a mission statement.


.."Supporting families as they journey through homeschooling." "Supporting families on the journey through homeschooling." trying to borrow from what others have said. .."And waiting at the end with some chocolate and Mikes."



....brought to you by booKs and teA and crockpots. ....Crockpots not crackpots...In my best Heidi Klum voice "You're either IN or your out."


..."Where educating children is our top priority"


Okay, off to brainstorm.


How about the Education Intelligence Agency, the EIA, we could get dark suits and glasses. My son will want to be a part of that.

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OK, let's work on adjectives. We don't want to use loaded or political terms and we don't want to exclude anyone with our phraseology.


I still think 'Inclusive Homeschooling' is about as neutral and descriptive as we can be in two words. I think it is time for that phrase to go viral, and, IMNSVHO, it should be WTM'ers that define it.


Carrie's website name is perfect. www.inclusivehomeschoolers.com.


Concerning tag lines or catch phrases that 'capture' the type of families we hope to attract without putting these families or ourselves in boxes, do any of these adjectives inspire anyone to great thoughts?








personally accountable







discriminating (eliminated)


Sebastian is so busy writing so many of my thoughts that I will just say :iagree:


I do think it is important to remember that in defining this group it is important to remember to craft that definition out of a vision of what the group is rather than a reaction to what the group isn't. I think the focus should be on the breadth and depth of what is available rather than passing judgement on what is acceptable.


Parents' Alliance For Home Education? Is that inclusive enough?

I don't know how I'd be able to help but I think this is a great idea.


The one part I'm not clear on--is this a website of resources, a convention host, a network of groups/co-ops, a national/international political lobby, or all of the above?


I would even leave off "parents." Why not welcome the support of those who don't homeschool themselves, but may well support the idea?

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are you prepared to put your money where your mouth is, metaphorically and/or literally?


I'm completely willing to bust my hump to see it happen. But I'm pretty sure my hump isn't big enough to get it done alone. Surely a bunch of WTM'ers are capable of something like that! :bigear:


For what it's worth, I enjoy the format of Heart of the Matter Online. They seem to get in a lot of interesting information and ideas without being dictatorial about doctrine. Maybe that is a format (of online magazine, connected blogs, etc) to take a look at.

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Guest Dulcimeramy
For what it's worth, I enjoy the format of Heart of the Matter Online. They seem to get in a lot of interesting information and ideas without being dictatorial about doctrine. Maybe that is a format (of online magazine, connected blogs, etc) to take a look at.


I have been thinking about Heart of the Matter's format, too.


Is it time to take the website planning elsewhere? We're starting to circle back around to the beginning. I would hate for the excellent ideas in this thread to get lost or for the thread to get derailed.


How about a ning site? We can get an awful lot done on a ning site because we can


1. discuss on a message board, making it private if we wish

2. write articles and reviews

3. link to (or copy) our blogs

4. organize information by category

5. start collecting resources and links, and sort them


and then it will be much easier for Carrie to start transferring final works to the website.


Also, we can quit taking up SWB's bandwidth here.


Do you all agree?

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Guest Dulcimeramy

I would be willing to set up the ning site this evening if you all are inclined to use it for planning purposes. It could be totally behind-the-scenes, with Carrie's website being the public site of inclusivehomeschooling.com

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Phew! Just read the whole thing. Count me in. I'm not sure how to help, but I'm better on the internet than IRL. Maybe I'll get my creative juices flowing and see what I can come up with to help.


I think we need a button we can put on our blogs. :D Not a clue how to do those, however.


I like the name, but we need a short tag line and a mission statement.


.."Supporting families as they journey through homeschooling." "Supporting families on the journey through homeschooling." trying to borrow from what others have said. .."And waiting at the end with some chocolate and Mikes."



....brought to you by booKs and teA and crockpots. ....Crockpots not crackpots...In my best Heidi Klum voice "You're either IN or your out."


..."Where educating children is our top priority"


Okay, off to brainstorm.


How about the Education Intelligence Agency, the EIA, we could get dark suits and glasses. My son will want to be a part of that.



I like all of this, but especially the bolded!!

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I'm not sure about the use of the word "inclusive" because as one who leans conservative both religiously and politically, I see this word, along with others like diverse, multi-cultural, etc. misused so often that when I hear it, I think "everyone but white, Republican Protestants allowed" aka "We won't tolerate any of you intolerants!"

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I would like to help out in any way I can. Please let me know what needs to be done, even in just the way of ideas. I'm on the newer side of homsechooling but it looks like we may be in for the long haul and with both kids. ;) I'm also an overseas homeschooler, so can chime in that way. (FPO/APO friendly companies are always a plus.)

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I have been thinking about Heart of the Matter's format, too.


Is it time to take the website planning elsewhere? We're starting to circle back around to the beginning. I would hate for the excellent ideas in this thread to get lost or for the thread to get derailed.


How about a ning site? We can get an awful lot done on a ning site because we can


1. discuss on a message board, making it private if we wish

2. write articles and reviews

3. link to (or copy) our blogs

4. organize information by category

5. start collecting resources and links, and sort them


and then it will be much easier for Carrie to start transferring final works to the website.


Also, we can quit taking up SWB's bandwidth here.


Do you all agree?


sound like a good idea :D just let us know where to go... btw, what is an "ning" site? I'm clueless

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Guest Dulcimeramy

Ning is very simple. I've hosted one before. You'll see exactly what to do when you get there.


There will be a place for you to set up your own home page (easy) and a small forum as well as places to share articles and resources.


It will very easy to discuss plans and create content there, and very easy for Carrie to transfer our work to her site.


The ning site does not replace or supplant Carrie's site. Ning was designed for exactly what we're doing: Discussing projects and creating content in an easy-to-use social networking situation. The final project that the whole world sees is hosted on a regular website.


(Yikes, I sound like a commercial! I do not work for ning.)

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Ning is very simple. I've hosted one before. You'll see exactly what to do when you get there.


There will be a place for you to set up your own home page (easy) and a small forum as well as places to share articles and resources.


It will very easy to discuss plans and create content there, and very easy for Carrie to transfer our work to her site.


The ning site does not replace or supplant Carrie's site. Ning was designed for exactly what we're doing: Discussing projects and creating content in an easy-to-use social networking situation. The final project that the whole world sees is hosted on a regular website.


(Yikes, I sound like a commercial! I do not work for ning.)


I can't go right now, but I'll get there later tonight, perhaps.

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Great point. But, to clarify, is it a point of technicality, or a point of overall bad idea? Because I do think this monstrous idea is headed toward some sort of concrete organization that has the potential to need at least a small piece of reliable financial backing.

Like I said, that isn't necessarily something that has to be addressed immediately.



I would say *overall bad idea*. Once you allow money to come into play, the party handing over the money feels they have *rights*. So, what are we going to do if we end up with someone who wants to advertise and then use it for a platform. kwim?


Just a thought.


I agree, finances are an issue. It is beyond tight around here...so...understand completely.


ELEANOR...I see your point about the political activism.



I think you can seek advertising without "endorsing" a specific curriculum or company.


I think maybe a way to start out would be to have people start writing reviews in various categories. Then, you can seek out some of those companies. You can contact gravitas and see if they want to advertise on a neutral science curricula review page. You can name curricula without providing links. Then, RR or gravitas or Queen or whomever carries those products could potentially advertise in that space. Does that make sense? It's advertising, providing information as to suppliers without endorsing or providing a platform. Would that work?


:iagree: with Mrs Mungo.




Ack! I'm behind in reading, but I wanted to make the point that I think we should be careful about how *reviews* are worded.


Reviews that come from the perspective of *here's what we use and here's why it works for us...or doesn't" are good. A big effort should be made to AVOID speaking for others.


Anyone who writes anything needs to have the perspective of *I* am sharing *my own story*. "I am not using this as a platform to *convince* or *convict* anyone else to be like me." If someone is looking for change, they will figure that out themselves. kwim? First person pronouns are great. "In my opinion" and "In my experience" go a long way towards good communication. :)


Yes. We don't want to be too controlling though...maybe a disclaimer on the main reviews page about finding what works for you and to think in terms of your own family. (maybe some real guidance in how to take a review...and interpret what that means for me.)



I have been thinking about Heart of the Matter's format, too.


Is it time to take the website planning elsewhere? We're starting to circle back around to the beginning. I would hate for the excellent ideas in this thread to get lost or for the thread to get derailed.


How about a ning site? We can get an awful lot done on a ning site because we can


1. discuss on a message board, making it private if we wish

2. write articles and reviews

3. link to (or copy) our blogs

4. organize information by category

5. start collecting resources and links, and sort them


and then it will be much easier for Carrie to start transferring final works to the website.


Also, we can quit taking up SWB's bandwidth here.


Do you all agree?


I have no idea what ning is, but count me in. :001_smile:

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I would even leave off "parents." Why not welcome the support of those who don't homeschool themselves, but may well support the idea?


(In reference to Parents' Alliance for Home Education.)


Excellent point-especially as many grandparents and others are involved too. I also like using home education rather than homeschool because it takes the emphasis off traditional school and puts it on education.


How 'bout Alliance for Quality Home Education? (Or some other adjective?)


Is that a gentle reminder to get back to school?:lol:


Nope-my choice was fan girl or getting accused of plagiarizing all your ideas. I chose fan girl over footnotes. After a weekend of fun and chocolate pie I am cleaning the house as penance. I cannot "remind" anyone today and keep a straight face.:001_smile:

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I read the first 10 pages, and the last 2. :001_smile: Let me just say that I'm in Central Ohio... and count me in.


As far as contributors, if a *form letter* type email could be made up and presented to anyone and everyone that might be invited to an *inclusive* convention, they might be willing to submit articles on their expertise as well.

For some, it might be as simple as allowing us to post something they have already blogged about.


I think that will be a great way to get a few authoritative (IYKWIM) voices on board from the beginning. Not that our voices aren't strong, but I you'll have more people pay attention quicker if you have a few of the bigger names with articles and/or something to say on our site. Yes?


(I'm playing the organizational antagonist here...:tongue_smilie:)


I think it's important to define that specific purpose before diving in so we know when it no longer meets the intended purpose...and how to filter things b/c things will need to be filtered even in an inclusive group (like we should stick to homeschooling hehe). Who is going to be at the wheel? (I think this forum works so well in LARGE part b/c SWB is a graceful host - plain and simple!:D)


So, are meeting a political need (continuing homeschool freedom..yes)? Practical for those of us in the trenches (please let this be "yes":001_smile:)? Is this going to be a central informational site? (with links to local HS support and resources) A supporter site for Inclusive Homeschool Conventions? A support group for individuals (which I think would conflict with this forum...or maybe not...)? A place to read "how to" articles on specific topics...like a magazine? All or some of the above? Something else?


I like Dulcimeramy's list of what it means (and does not mean) to be inclusive. This is "who we are." I'm interested in seeing exactly "what we do."


Just thinking out loud...


All of the above. Great thoughts!


I think the main purpose should be to support inclusive homeschooling (the idea that homeschooling has many faces and many voices).


The purpose can be put into action in various ways. I think that the mere existence of a site promoting the idea would be wonderful, even it begins as a simple listing of resources, articles, and links.


What about a "How We Homeschool" section? People could write about what homeschooling looks like for them. Adding photos would be all the better. We could get a great variety just from here, I'm sure. Because people would write their own submissions, it could be a great way to quickly get good content that serves the core purpose.


I really like this idea as well-- showing how different people HS (and including some people from every walk of HSing) could be a very effective way to show the different faces of homeschooling.


Dulcimeramy's list is great, I agree! :)


As far as purpose, I think it can start as a clearinghouse for information and articles. I think its *larger* purpose (if we can get there) would be to:


1. Get a seat at the table with the conservative groups that currently meet with politicians and so forth. I am concerned that some groups work homeschooling as a freedom of religion issue.


2. Start inclusive homeschool groups in our areas.


3. Give points of contact for above groups.


As usual, Mrs Mungo is brilliant. I think the biggest issue (IMO) has been the lack of representation for any inclusive homeschool movement. I envision kind of a "homeschooling ACLU," if that makes sense. We stand for the right that you have to choose how to educate your children. Period. Regardless of the method or materials you choose to use.


I think we should stress that the focus is *how WE do things at OUR house* rather than *how I think YOU should do things at YOUR house*.


Seems a small matter...but this small matter seems to be a creeping rot.



Might seem like a small matter, but it quickly becomes a very BIG matter.


Another point...politics limited to things which directly affect homeschooling? Or *keep it under your own roof*?


I think we are going to have to state SOMETHING.


Also, keeping in mind that it won't just be U.S. issues...


I definitely think politics limited to the things that directly affect homeschooling. And I think there are enough international voices here that we need to "think globally, act locally"-- almost everywhere is local to someone here.


I think it would be extremely difficult. Religious groups do well because they have religious beliefs (generally) in common. While everyone else might be totally different. One would think homeschooling would be the common thread, but homeschooling philosophies radically differ.


There is especially disagreement in terms of how much people want to be controlled by the government. Some believe we need some controls. Many don't. Many think we shouldn't even speak up at all ever so as to not draw attention to ourselves and invite more problems.


Interestingly I read an article (I can dig it up if anyone is interested) that says it is because of HSLDA that NY has so many regulations. They set out to pave the way for freedom to homeschool and in doing so actually made it worse for people in this state.


I think our common thread is that we all want to keep homeschooling legal and accessible to anyone who wants to homeschool. Obviously the level of regulation is going to vary by state, but we want to preserve parental rights as much as we possibly can. Right?

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Guest Dulcimeramy

Look, Carrie is working on the page.


OK, nobody hollered, "Don't!" so I'll start working on the ning page so we can start generating stuff for Carrie to use.


I'll post a new thread when I have it up (and I'll link to this thread in that thread). Should be up this evening.


If you have experience as a social networking administrator or moderator, and can make the time to help administrate at the ning site, please pm me.

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Guest Dulcimeramy

Somebody, please give me a name for the ning site. An acronym, maybe.


I don't want to use inclusivehomeschooling.ning.com lest search engines lead people there instead of to Carrie's site.


The name will be in this style:





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Guest Dulcimeramy
TWTMinclusive or something? It's just a place to generate stuff for Carrie to upload, right?


Yes, that's all it is. TWTMinclusive is great. Thanks!

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I keep thinking of that Edwin Markham poem:




He drew a circle that shut me out--

Heretic, rebel, a thing to flout.

But Love and I had the wit to win

We drew a circle that took him in!




I also love the name Homeschooling without Boundaries.


OK, back to catching up on the thread...

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I like this! It should be *somewhere* on the site, imo. ;)


Sebastian is so busy writing so many of my thoughts that I will just say :iagree:


I do think it is important to remember that in defining this group it is important to remember to craft that definition out of a vision of what the group is rather than a reaction to what the group isn't. I think the focus should be on the breadth and depth of what is available rather than passing judgement on what is acceptable.


Parents' Alliance For Home Education? Is that inclusive enough?


I don't know how I'd be able to help but I think this is a great idea.


The one part I'm not clear on--is this a website of resources, a convention host, a network of groups/co-ops, a national/international political lobby, or all of the above?

:iagree:With all including Sebastian. :)
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Guest Dulcimeramy

The planning site is up!!! If you want to join, please do the following:


1. Post in this thread if you haven't already.


2. Email me at dragonmama4@gmail.com , making sure I can see your email addy to invite you


3. Include your WTM username in the email so I know who I'm adding.


4. Have a look around the new site once you're in, making sure to read my post in the discussion section before you get started, and set up your page.


Thank you!


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I'm coming in a bit late (par for the course for me, really). Have any of you heard of PEAK (Parent Educators and Kids)? I am a member of a local group here. From their website:


PEAK's mission is to connect independent home educators through a network of inclusive local groups that encourage members to share resources, learn together and build a diverse community.


The PEAK network is comprised of member-led groups of independent home educators. Our groups are inclusive, welcoming all local home educators who enjoy sharing and learning with other families. Our members represent a broad range of learning styles, parenting philosophies, personal beliefs and political viewpoints, and we value and find strength in that diversity.


Our local group (which is still in its early stages) is composed of families of very varied religious backgrounds (Protestant - that would be us :D, Catholic, Mormon, Jewish, Buddhist, Rastafarian, Agnostic, Atheist), political ideologies (libertarian, anarchist, conservative, liberal, apathetic), and educational philosophies (neo-classical, unschooling, Charlotte Mason, school-at-home). You may want to see if you can get plugged in to a PEAK group in your area and see if anyone there is interested in attending or helping with such a convention. I know I was the only one to attend GHC because everyone else in our group thought it would be to evangelical Christian and unhelpful to them. I am working on a homeschool information night at our local library where we will present the legalities of homeschooling in our state and share our various educational philosophies, typical daily "schedules", favorite resources, etc.


Just thought you might want to check them out.

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I asked this in my email, but is the website a wordpress.org type of set up? Is it going to be easy to format and add stuff? And I've heard yahoo isn't the best at hosting either...there are some other sites out there that are good hosts for only 6 or 7 bucks a month, if yahoo ends up not working out. I'm sooooo excited about this :D:D:D:D

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OK I have read (or at least skimmed :D) every post and while I could quote a million things, I'm just going to try to hit on some things that stood out to me as key posts/ideas and/or mention ways that I might be able to help/participate instead:


I am the organizer of an inclusive homeschool meetup group in my area, and if you start a list of such groups, mine can be included. We've got classical schoolers, unschoolers, cyber schoolers, relaxed/eclectic schoolers, people who have some kids in school and some being homeschooled, people of different religions, but no religious focus on the group, it's just about education and socialization. Bottom line. (And it's not an academic co-op... we may discuss our various curricula and philosophies but the focus of the group is field trips, educational tours, park days, play dates, craft dates, seasonal parties, game days, picnics, occasional "fun" class or experiment days, and so on).


I'd be up for adding myself (as a secular, relaxed/eclectic homeschooler) to the "how we homeschool" or "blogs" section. My main blog is in my sig line. I do have a post already there that could be a "how I homeschool" kind of post complete with pics and descriptions and so on, sort of summing up what a random month was like (since I believe that any given moment, day, or even week, can be totally different from one to the next, and that it is so hard to judge what "homeschooling" is like at a glance, just by looking at one hour, day, or week)...I tried to sum up what it's like as a whole- in MY home, of course. That can be viewed here:




I've got other articles about relaxed homeschooling mainly which can be viewed from the sidebar of my blog, as well. (And some curriculum reviews, too). If you're interested in using any of them, you are welcome to. I may be able to write other types of articles too if asked.


I think Dulcimeramy's post about what "inclusive" is and isn't is great! I, too, think that "Inclusive Homeschoolers" is a perfect name.


I've never attended a convention before and wouldn't have an interest in one that was strictly religious in nature but would love to attend some sort of "inclusive" gathering if it had topics of interest and fun social opportunities with people who aren't looking to strictly be with those of their own religion; and if it was within reasonable driving distance for me. (I'm in PA. So PA, NY, NJ, possibly OH....). (And that is not to say that I would be against it if there was ANY religious content- just that I would have no interest in something that was strictly religious content, or one particular religion's content, or had nothing at all for those of us who are not religious and so on).


In regard to Carrie's post which said:


"I agree that the focus should be on education and not what you are/aren't in other aspects. Personally, "academic excellence" is the main factor at play, but I'm reluctant to use those particular words in fear of making unschoolers question their place. I'm assuming (not being an unschooler) they have the same goal, but there is a certain impression that those words give off."


...I agree. I'm NOT an unschooler but I AM a "relaxed" homeschooler and that could DEFINITELY give the impression, even to somebody like me, that it is geared toward more rigourous homeschoolers or some such. It would (probably) definitely (oxymoron, I know) be offputting to unschoolers.

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I'd love to help however I could. Money is very tight right now; but, I'm very willing to give of my time and any talent I might have!! I used to be a fairly good writer. I'm afraid, however, 13 years of patient reports may have beat that out of me. I'm also not very "techie", but could learn whatever might be needed.

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