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Usage of hyphens.

I am a hyphen---- abuser, no doubt. Yeah. ;)

However. I think the over-use ;) of hyphens are rather like the use of 'I' when it's 'me'.... so often, people don't like to use me...everybody wants to use I...so very wrong, so often.


I want to use hyphens because some word combinations look naked without them; modifiers be dang. ;)

Next up: miss-use of the ellipsis (and colon and semicolon). :tongue_smilie:

Edited by LibraryLover
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I use hyphens and parenthesis too much. This is casual communication for me, folks. If I took time to be very careful about my sentence structure, I wouldn't be able to contribute as much.


On these boards, I type exactly as I think -- with hyphens, parenthesis and smilies. :auto:


This is one area of life I do not want to stress over. Yep -- I ended that sentence with a preposition. :chillpill:

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I use ellipses . . . a LOT; I do it particularly in internet posts. It's an effort to make the post read like I want it to read. No easy feat, really. I use the semi-colon only when proper. Proper over-use of the semi-colon by a grammar nerd is like Bruce Lee showing off with a set of nunchucks. Improper over-use of the semi-colon is like that guy who hits himself in the face with the nunchucks. Sometimes I use an Oxford comma for clarity, but I *always* feel guilty when I do so.

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I use ellipses . . . a LOT; I do it particularly in internet posts. It's an effort to make the post read like I want it to read. No easy feat, really. I use the semi-colon only when proper. Proper over-use of the semi-colon by a grammar nerd is like Bruce Lee showing off with a set of nunchucks. Improper over-use of the semi-colon is like that guy who hits himself in the face with the nunchucks. Sometimes I use an Oxford comma for clarity, but I *always* feel guilty when I do so.


Wow! I only got about half of that. :001_huh: I'd like to chalk it up to exhaustion, but that would be an untruth.

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Usage of hyphens.


I am a hyphen---- abuser, no doubt. Yeah. ;)


However. I think the over-use ;) of hyphens are rather like the use of 'I' when it's 'me'.... so often, people don't like to use me...everybody wants to use I...so very wrong, so often.




I want to use hyphens because some word combinations look naked without them; modifiers be dang. ;)


Next up: miss-use of the ellipsis (and colon and semicolon). :tongue_smilie:

I randomly overuse and abuse all punctuation and capitalization and bolding and italics and underlining and...you get the idea I'm sure.

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It started out as "where we are eating dinner," but with some sort of mistake that made her phone think it should have been welding. I replied, "I didn't even know you *had* a welding license, awesooooome!"

Okay, I just get all :confused: with those things if I don't know what it was supposed to say.

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I over-use hyphens AND parentheses (AND I also over-use all caps to add emphasis) ;)
I over-use hyphens, parentheses (habitually), asterisks for *emphasis*... and ellipses.
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I use ellipses . . . a LOT; I do it particularly in internet posts. It's an effort to make the post read like I want it to read. No easy feat, really. I use the semi-colon only when proper. Proper over-use of the semi-colon by a grammar nerd is like Bruce Lee showing off with a set of nunchucks. Improper over-use of the semi-colon is like that guy who hits himself in the face with the nunchucks. Sometimes I use an Oxford comma for clarity, but I *always* feel guilty when I do so.




Love semicolons. I also love parentheses. I actually broke up with a guy in college because he criticized what he perceived as my 'overuse' of parentheses in emails to him. Well, I guess there were other reasons, too, but that did not endear him to me. How could I go through life with someone who not only critiqued my emails, but also could not appreciate parenthetical thoughts?

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I use hyphens and parenthesis too much. This is casual communication for me, folks. If I took time to be very careful about my sentence structure, I wouldn't be able to contribute as much.


On these boards, I type exactly as I think -- with hyphens, parenthesis and smilies. :auto:


This is one area of life I do not want to stress over. Yep -- I ended that sentence with a preposition. :chillpill:



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As I'm sure anyone who can stand reading my posts has noticed, I also use ellipses in posting... A LOT! For me, it is an attempt to create a conversational tone as we chat with each other via internet. If we were actually speaking to each other, one person would comment and trail off as another responded, etc. and I guess that's what I hear in my head and am attempting to recreate....


For what it's worth. I do not do that when I am typing out a formal "letter" via internet or anything else. I do use it occasionally on my blog but not as I do here....

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Love semicolons. I also love parentheses. I actually broke up with a guy in college because he criticized what he perceived as my 'overuse' of parentheses in emails to him. Well, I guess there were other reasons, too, but that did not endear him to me. How could I go through life with someone who not only critiqued my emails, but also could not appreciate parenthetical thoughts?


It would automatically preclude any love poems by e.e. cummings, so the guy guy clearly had to go.

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I over-use hyphens, parentheses (habitually), asterisks for *emphasis*... and ellipses.


This. :D Casual conversation at its finest... I think it's because on the boards, it is near impossible to "hear" the tone in someone's voice, and punctuation and such is the one way to emphasize, de-emphasize, make side notes....


(Plus, I spend most of my time writing formal research papers... I love the freedom to write how I think on the boards. :tongue_smilie:)

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After looking up the definition I find that I am an Oxford comma abuser as well. But I'm not guilt-ridden about it. Nor am I guilt-ridden about my overuse of hyphens, ellipses, parentheses, and ellipses on this board. I use them to convey what is normally conveyed in tone and pauses in spoken conversation.


I do wonder, however, what my writing would be like should I need to go back to writing formally though. I fear the internets have ruined me!

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On a board like this or in casual emails, I use all sorts of things to show pauses, moods, little side comments, etc….


~ I like this fella because he doesn't seem as abrupt as the hyphen… but I have no idea what he actually IS. Does he have a proper function of some sort?

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After looking up the definition I find that I am an Oxford comma abuser as well. But I'm not guilt-ridden about it. Nor am I guilt-ridden about my overuse of hyphens, ellipses, parentheses, and ellipses on this board. I use them to convey what is normally conveyed in tone and pauses in spoken conversation.


I do wonder, however, what my writing would be like should I need to go back to writing formally though. I fear the internets have ruined me!


Proud user of the Oxford comma here. It's the way I learned in school, but it just makes *sense* to me, too! Otherwise the last two listed items seem like they're supposed to go together. :D


Hyphens, parentheses, ellipses--I can totally relate. I guess I interrupt myself a lot (not alot, though!). And when I'm not interrupting myself, I need a few moments to complete the thought . . . AND I begin sentences with conjunctions (on the internet, anyway) with impunity!! :tongue_smilie:

Edited by Kirch
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I like dots................



Me too...dots fill that space where irl I would be using my hand gestures to... communicate...kwim.


I fear the internets have ruined me!
All of them???:lol: (...and me too...I don't think a prof would take kindly to my dots...)
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I use ellipses . . . a LOT; I do it particularly in internet posts. It's an effort to make the post read like I want it to read. No easy feat, really. I use the semi-colon only when proper. Proper over-use of the semi-colon by a grammar nerd is like Bruce Lee showing off with a set of nunchucks. Improper over-use of the semi-colon is like that guy who hits himself in the face with the nunchucks. Sometimes I use an Oxford comma for clarity, but I *always* feel guilty when I do so.


I am an ellipses user as well. They are especially helpful in thread titles when everything you want to say won't fit in the box. I also favor colons which I don't see a lot of. Do you think people hold it's name against it? And as you can tell I have no problem starting a sentence with and, and putting a preposition at the end. :D

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