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Dh had another wreck...

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Was he parked on a hill or something? The only time in my life I EVER use a parking brake is if I'm parked on a significant incline.:001_huh:


I don't know, but he's a habitual parking brake user. No matter where he is.


I could tell he was off this morning & almost asked him to just stay home, look for jobs, etc. But we can't afford that & both know it, so even if I'd asked, he wouldn't have stayed.


He takes med for ADD but has run out & can't afford more right now. He's also hugely allergic to...spring, lol...& has a hard time focusing when his allergies are bad.

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That would have scared the living daylights out of me! :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:


He didn't tell me until the next day, but yeah--I'd been worried for weeks that something like that would happen. He's just been running himself too ragged.

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I'm glad he is okay.


So a driving job just isn't his thing, yes?


You know what's funny? We drove to Canada & back for our honeymoon, & his driving made me so nuts, I thought about divorce. He insisted he was a GREAT driver--he'd never had any accidents & had fewer speeding tickets than me.


Anyway, a few years later, he started to see his driving as...I don't know, an offering to the Lord. He became the *best* driver I'd ever ridden with.


Then he got this job. It's had the same effect on his personality that it's had on his driving. Words cannot express how I feel about this place. Really, being fired would be the best *possible* thing that could happen today. Even if it means losing our house, our stuff, our credit.


I knew things could be worse. I didn't know an airplane could be involved. But worse is starting to look pretty good. Somewhere, there's rock bottom, right?

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there are days when I just want to shake my fist at someone or something on your behalf. 'Cept there isn't anyone to take this out on...gah!


Just know that I'm sad you two are weathering yet another diffcult circumstance. My prayer is that God, who is merciful and tender-hearted toward those He loves, will use this to bring about *good* in your lives.


Praying, too, for peace and rest (calm assurance) for you.

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He didn't get fired. So much for my plans for boxes & wine tonight & a moving truck in the morning. :glare:


On a brighter note, he sounded a lot better on the phone after talking to his boss. Nothing's changed, of course, but...I guess he likes the idea that the guy's not mad.


The people at the airport said it was amazing: this particular plane was scheduled for extensive maintenance anyway, AND the damage to the plane was only about $500. Apparently, damage to planes is usually measured in the $10,000's.


So everybody at the airport is laughing except dh. I guess that's good. Really, when his boss called & wanted to meet him there, I was thinking they'd do a drug test or something. Because, you know, a wreck between a parked car & a parked plane is really that weird.

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I didn't think he could get fired, isn't he an independent contractor? :glare: :tongue_smilie:


Goodness, I'm glad he's okay. :grouphug: He needs a vacation! How come is it you really need a vacation when you can't afford one. :grouphug:


LOL--they've threatened to fire him before. I don't know. My mom nearly yelled through the phone--WHY would they fire him when he's working so cheap? :glare:

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How did I miss this thread? I saw your post last night on FB and had to search for it! Does this mean you're not moving to Co?


:confused: No, I figure we'll still go to CO unless dh is offered a job elsewhere. This didn't make rent any more affordable or his job any more...profitable. ;)

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So everybody at the airport is laughing except dh. I guess that's good. Really, when his boss called & wanted to meet him there, I was thinking they'd do a drug test or something. Because, you know, a wreck between a parked car & a parked plane is really that weird.


DH works at an insurance company and you would be surprised. Apparently on slow days they will try to find the funniest claims. One claim involved a car and a zebra. Apparently the guy was on a drive thru safari and decided to just take off because he was bored. Ended up hitting a zebra.


Another claim a guy's car was totaled because a car carrier parked near him and a car fell off of the top level and landed on his car.


I'm just glad your DH is okay and that the situation can be laughed about by those who hold the power over his job.

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