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s/o husbands and makeovers thread

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Does your dh buy you clothing as a gift? Mine doesn't... Thinking back, he once gave me a cute assortment of goofy socks (think funky colors, toe socks, etc.) when we were engaged. And that's it. I buy him clothes all the time and he wears them, but he chooses other things for me. I know he could at least figure out my size on top, and he knows my height and weight, so a salesclerk could probably help him out, but I guess clothing isn't his thing. Reading the other thread made me feel like we might not be the norm, so now I'm curious.

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Oh, maybe the picky thing accounts for it! I have a bit of a uniform.... jeans (denim skirts in the summer), topped with black or grey v-necks or hoodies (sleeve length and fabric dictated by the season). I branched out and added brown to my repertoire recently..... Maybe dh is afraid to buy me something that clashes with my limited wardrobe. :D

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Yes. Three times. As I said in my post in the other thread: Leather bra, pencil skirt, stiletto boots.


Because he is nosy and is peeking over my shoulder at this thread, he's now decided that would be a good outfit all together.


The man has no sense of style.

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I don't get clothing as gifts at birthdays or holidays, generally speaking - just if he's already out and about, and sees something he thinks I'll like. I have fairly eclectic taste, so it's not a "I'll see if she likes it and come back" kind of thing ... if he sees something, he knows to snatch it up for me because it'll be gone next time he comes around. If I don't like it, I have a ton of sisters, cousins, and SILs to pass it off to. With so many of us, it's always SOMEONE'S taste :D

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We do a lot of 2nd hand shopping and hunting, and we both have quirky clothes tastes. So sometimes he has brought home things he thinks and hopes I would like. He once bought me a full sheepskin long coat from an op shop- must be 2 sheep in it, I am sure- its so thick and heavy. I have only used it a couple of times- we don't live in a snowy climate at all- but for those couple of times, I loved it, and I am keeping it. He has bought me other coats and various things over the years. Mostly, he wont spend much money on them- they are bargains- so it doesn't matter if they don't fit or I don't like them. He loves to buy me leather clothes for riding on his Harley Davidson though :) . Cheeky (its not my thing but I do it for him!)!


On the other hand, I never buy *him* clothes except for the annual white tshirt that I hand paint a design on for him. He is very fussy- he never throws anything away either- he is 56 and has clothes from his 20s in his wardrobe. He loves costumes and to have different styles- the bikie look, the hippie look, the business man look, the redneck look. I leave it to him.

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Dh buys me pajama bottoms (the boy style) and sometimes fleecey socks. I think that's it. I wouldn't want him to buy me clothes, as he can hardly dress himself, lol. He's just not interested in clothes or anything resembling girly stuff. It's fine by me. He buys me fun stuff like chocolate, art, flowers. . . and leaves me to buy whatever I want/need for the basics like clothes.

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Perish the thought!


Early on in our dating life, he showed up on my doorstep wearing a Liza Minnelli/Frank Sinatra concert T, a pair of purple and green plaid shorts, a black and white marled knit cardigan, old running shoes, and tube socks.


Yes, I still married him.


No, he never picks out my clothes.



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My husband once bought me a lovely sweater with embroidered flowers. I loved it too. Till I put it on.


Two of the flowers were unfortunately placed. It was very noticeable. I couldn't wear it.


He tried to buy me long johns this winter, because I was so cold. I kind of figured out what he was going to do, so I tried to impress upon him what size I actually was. I also had to forcefully announce that I did not want Men's long johns. He still got the size wrong.

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Dh never actually buys me gifts himself, and he doesn't buy himself clothes, either, unless under extreme duress from me or his mother. So, no, he doesn't ever buy me clothes.


His best friend buys jewelry from estate sales, and usually when it dawns on dh that an event is arriving, he will make friend come over with some old granny's jewelry that I get to pick from. How romantic is that?! Since I've informed him that I'm well stocked up on the old, dead people jewelry, he has started taking the boys to Walgreen's to let them pick out presents for me for my birthday, Mother's Day, Christmas, Hanukkah, etc. I get a lot of cheese and cracker packs, cans of cashews, decks of playing cards, remote control cars, etc. It's all good. I just buy what I want for myself at some other time! :D

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No, he doesn't. He's tried a couple times and left feeling like a moron. The last time he tried was this past Christmas. He wanted to get me a pair of soft pjs that I like. They didn't have any he liked in Victoria Secret so he went wandering through the mall. He headed into Lane Bryant and started browsing. A saleswoman approached him, and he explained what he was looking for. She asked my size and he told her my height and weight. When he did that, the woman looked at him silent for a moment, and then explained to him that Lane Bryant would not have anything to fit me. I'm a size 0. :lol: As my dh walked out the store he heard the saleswomen laughing, and he drove home. He said he was the classic example of a dh being clueless about women's clothing. He bought me a MP3 player instead. :tongue_smilie:

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