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How many posts do you need to be promoted...

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Here you go. It was easier than I thought.


Just Visiting for the first 10 posts

Hive Mind Larvae for 11- 40

Hive Mind Worker Bee for 41-100

Hive Mind Level 2 Worker: Nurse Bee 101

Hive Mind Level 3 Worker: Honey Maker Bee at 161

Hive Mind Level 4 Worker: Builder Bee at 210

Hive Mind Level 5 worker: Forager Bee at 310

Hive Mind Level 6 Worker: Scout Bee at 410

Hive Mind Royal Larvae at 550

Hive Mind Queen Bee at 750

Empress Bee at 2500

Amateur Bee Keeper at 3500

Apprentice Bee Keeper at 5000

Qualified Bee Keeper at 7500

Beekeeping Professor at 10,000

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Is it shameful to post here just so I have one more post? :lol:


Just teasing. But, I've wondered the same thing. Not enough time in the day to sit at my computer. Apparently, I'm doing something wrong... :confused:


:iagree: I'd love to know how people find the time to make so many posts.

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I don't remember, but I was SO GLAD when I was no longer a larvae! :DQUOTE]


I was so happy when I was no longer "Just visiting," that I jupmed up from the computer and yelled, "YES!! I'm a Larvae!!" My husband was very confused ("wait, you're what?).


:lol: And how did you explain that one?

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Here you go. It was easier than I thought.


Just Visiting for the first 10 posts

Hive Mind Larvae for 11- 40

Hive Mind Worker Bee for 41-100

Hive Mind Level 2 Worker: Nurse Bee 101

Hive Mind Level 3 Worker: Honey Maker Bee at 161

Hive Mind Level 4 Worker: Builder Bee at 210

Hive Mind Level 5 worker: Forager Bee at 310

Hive Mind Level 6 Worker: Scout Bee at 410

Hive Mind Royal Larvae at 550

Hive Mind Queen Bee at 750

Empress Bee at 2500

Amateur Bee Keeper at 3500

Apprentice Bee Keeper at 5000

Qualified Bee Keeper at 7500

Beekeeping Professor at 10,000


Big jump between Hive Mind Queen Bee and Empress Bee.


Need. More. Posts.


This is my new goal--everybody needs one.

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I don't remember, but I was SO GLAD when I was no longer a larvae! :DQUOTE]


I was so happy when I was no longer "Just visiting," that I jupmed up from the computer and yelled, "YES!! I'm a Larvae!!" My husband was very confused ("wait, you're what?).

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Is it shameful to post here just so I have one more post? :lol:


Just teasing. But, I've wondered the same thing. Not enough time in the day to sit at my computer. Apparently, I'm doing something wrong... :confused:


:iagree: I'd love to know how people find the time to make so many posts.


Some people have "been here" at this "new board" since it started over three years ago.


Just 4 or 5 posts a day would add up to over 5,000 posts.


That's about 5 or 10 minutes a day.

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My problem with that is I usually don't post unless I have something I want to add to the conversation. I don't usually post one or two line comments. I prefer posting something more in-depth/detailed. I also very rarely (perhaps once) post a photo comment of just :iagree: or :grouphug: . Because of this and the fact I think slowly it can take me 5 to 10 minutes per post. I have also spent much longer then that on a single post.


(Please note I am not saying anything bad at all about people who post very short replies. I don't even mind 'reading' them, and sometimes even like seeing them. I just personally don't like doing so. )


No offense taken.


;) But I did get my point across in 3 lines.


It took me less than a minute. :D


And I was just answering the proposed question...of HOW can it be done and that it doesn't have to take very much time.

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I tired it, making quick posts and I feel so cheap. :tongue_smilie::confused: . I didn't elaborate, try to look at my post from all angles, spell check it, grammar check it, (not that anyone would notice since grammar isn't my thing). Double check if I am using "there" or "their" correctly. Doubt whether or not I'm using the right "there". Try to rewrite my post with out using the word, "there" or "their". ...




HEY! WE LOVE YOU! It's supposed to be fun over here!


SOme ladies put a funny little disclaimer about typos & misspellings in their sig lines. I think those disclaimers are cute.

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  • 1 month later...
It's nice to see the list. I was wondering!


This is funny. My kids were wondering about this tonight. They wanted to know why being whatever I am is better than the category they liked best. Then they wanted to know if I was ever going to surpass Jean in Newcastle.

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