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If you have a scar on your nose leftover from chicken pox, say aye!

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I'm just cracking myself up after reading Doran's thread.


Because otherwise I will go nuts because my Co-op delivery is like 5 hours late and I am just hoping the customers don't show up here anytime soon because the food is not here yet. And I am trying to remain calm, but it is difficult. So I'm sitting here entertaining myself.


Oh, and by the way I do indeed have a chicken pox scar on my nose. :D

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Oh, my! This could get VERY interesting if we start on all the bodily "do you have" options. Vewy Scawy (In my best Elmer Fudd imitation). :D



FWIW, I do not have a scar on my nose from chicken pox, nor -- oddly enough -- a scar on my arm from the small pox vaccine. I've wondered why I didn't get one, 'cuz it seems like EVERYONE my age has that one. If you could see the way I've scarred from having moles removed (2), you'd know my lack of a small pox scar is NOT from the fact that I don't scar easily.


I'm rambling. Hope your food delivery shows up soon. And, stop examining your body in the meantime! :lol:

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LOL- I have a freckle in the shape of Australia on my inner thigh, :lol:


Now, not highjacking, just preventing another merge of threads, :lol:


If you can wrap your hair around the end of your nose, and have it stick, say AYE!



If you can wiggle the end of your nose like a bunny rabbit, say AYE! And NO, flaring your nostrils does NOT



I can do both of these things, when my hair is long enough- it's much to short to wrap around my nose right now.

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Unfortunately I've got quite a few scars... including one in the middle of my forehead. ;)


I've also got one on my chin that's nearly invisible... but whenever I'm around cats, that scar is the first thing that itches... even before the sneezing or watery eyes. :)

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I've got one at the end of my eyebrow, the end above my nose. So that counts, right?


I do remember having chicken pox, and wanting to scratch all the little blisters. My mom kept trying to get me to stop, saying they'd scar if I scratched them.


I vaguely remember having mumps.


I had measles, too, but don't really remember it at all.


Sheesh, according to the type of stuff you read in the paper about these diseases, it's a wonder I'm alive.

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I have one just to the side of my nose, not quite under my eye. I was too younger to remember having them, but my mom told me that I had them so badly that my wonderful sperm donor refused to sit at the dinner table with me. Gosh, and one has to wonder why I'm ever so grateful that they divorced when I was about a year and a half old. :D

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No, but I still have a raised scare on the back of my neck, where I popped and picked at the first blister in hopes of hiding it. I started to brake out just hours before a big jr. high dance. Unfortunately (or fortunately for all the others) my plan did not work. I missed the dance and spent my Christmas holidays in an oatmeal bath. :tongue_smilie:

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ROFL I have one where any self-respecting unibrow would meet:lol: Cruel joke from adolescence. I didn't get pimples as a teen, but certainly have a few chicken pox marks, and a slew of scars to compensate!


Why would anyone want to avoid the joys of chicken pox? LOL

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