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Nursing Pillow

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While the name "breast friend" will always be my favorite - I vote hands down for the Boppy. I've used them for all three (the last I nursed still using the boppy some until 14 months) and I love them. Easy to smoosh into whatever space you need, and the covers are cute :)



No experience with the nursing covers, I just used a blanket or a wrap. This time, though, I think I'm going with Hooter Hiders, again mostly for the name :)

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Boppy. Brest Friend has this cushion along the back that hit the small of my back at a very awkward place. I guess if it fits you right, it might feel supportive, but to me it was painful. I was borrowing a Brest Friend that was a few years old, so it still had the velcro fastener, which makes a horrifically loud sound when opened -- not the best when your tiny baby has finally fallen asleep nursing! Boppy all the way. :)


I used a nursing cover someone make me. I did like it better than a blanket because it didn't fall off without my realizing it. I could just relax and be secure that I was covered (in public, that is -- in my house, I don't care!).

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I love my boppy, but I've never used the breast friend. I did get a new boppy after 3 years last year because it had become so compressed, but I love my boppy and it is waiting for newbie to arrive.


As for a cover, no clue, never used one. So no thoughts on that.

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Definitely a Boppy. Just more comfortable and seems to fit everyone better than the breast friend. The breast friend was so awkward to me. Plus, we use the Boppy all the time for other things. It is especially nice to put the baby down on the first few months and to use for support when first sitting up. My DD 5 even uses it to prop herself up on the couch. :lol:


I've never had a nursing cover. A receiving blanket would work if I was somewhere that I needed more cover than my shirt would provide. I just never saw the need to spend the money on one.

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I actually did not use my Boppy very much. If you have a longer torso, then you will find yourself leaning over trying to lean down to the baby supported by the Boppy.

As for the nursing covers, I believe Hooter Hiders were actually made by Bebe au Lait. I think they have moved away from calling them Hooter Hiders, but they are great! They are so easy and convenient. And since it goes around your neck, you don't have to worry about the baby accidentally pulling it down.

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I know that I never used our Boppy while nursing either of my children. It was easier to just plop down and nurse. I'm interested in the nursing covers though. I'm due in October with #3. I never had a nursing cover with my other two and would just use a blanket. That was a pain! Seems like baby would always pull it or kick it off of my shoulder. Not to mention, I couldn't peek down at baby without it falling off. And at the very beginning, when you are still spraying everywhere, it was most difficult to keep baby from "drowning", control the spray, see what I'm doing, and still keep the blanket from falling off my shoulder. I'll definitely be getting a nursing cover this time around. I'll have to take a look at the Hooter Hiders. I bet that Etsy.com probably has a lot of good ones too.

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I didn't like the Boppy because it didn't have a flat surface like the My Brest Friend. For a newborn, the baby would either roll into me or away from me. The mom and the baby have to work harder to keep the baby's head, neck and body in alignment. If the baby has to work to hard there, it is harder for the child to coordinate all the muscles required for sucking and swallowing. The newer My Brest Friend pillows have a slide buckle instead of the noisy velcro.


I found nursing wraps were just one big advertisement that I was nursing. A better solution for me was a nursing cami with a cardigan or a button-up shirt over it. Plus, my babies just HATED anything over their faces and would play peek a boo, showing MUCH more that I would have with just a shirt pulled up from the bottom.

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I had one similar to the Brest Friend nursing pillow, except mine was rounded like a Boppy. I liked it, except the velcro strap got caught on everything. Once when I pulled the pillow away when I was finished nursing (I was holding dd in one arm while I pulled the pillow away with the other), the velcro pulled the socks off her feet. :)

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I liked the Boppy better. You can get the pillow at Joann's and it comes with a pattern to make your own cover. You can make your own hooter hider too, it is pretty easy. It is just a big square with a flexible band in the middle of the top and an adjustable strap. Then you can go crazy and make your own sling, your own diapy-wipy cover, ect.


Can you tell I liked making my own stuff with my own fabric choices? Honestly it isn't that hard and you do save money.

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I vote Boppy - I actually don't like them for nursing (like a PP said, it is easier for me to just plop down and nurse), but my boys use the boppy when they are holding dd and reading to her. I also like having it for dd to relax in and eventually use it to help support her body while she's learning how to push up on her hands.


Nursing covers ... didn't use those either. I do have a couple sets of the Aden & Anais muslin blankets from Target (LOVE these) that are really big (44" square) that would probably work well (plus they are so nice just for blankets and swaddle really, really well because they are so big and lightweight).

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Boppy with a Hooter Hider is my go to nursing combo. Gearing up for another round soon.


ETA: Hooter Hiders are made by Bebe au Lait. Any similarly constructed cover works just fine. I've even made my own. Super easy and inexpensive.

Edited by Dinsfamily
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I vote BFriend. Perhaps the Boppy I borrowed was old, but I never got it to stay in place. The BFriend had an adjustable buckle-strap, and good back support.


Nursing covers.. I've used Bebe Au Lait, and it's pretty but blankets work well too. I'd give Bebe Au Lait an advantage in summer, since it's light-weight and leaves some breathing room.


Most moms I know have one/more of the items you mentioned so if I were to start over, I'd borrow before buying. A PP's idea to sew the nursing cover was good too, I've seen some really nice home-made covers.

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Guest AbbyL

I also liked the boppy better than the breast friend.


However, I loved the L'ovedbaby nursing shawl. It can be found at amazon for around $30 dollars.




It washes easily and is a made of really pretty fabric so you can wear it over your clothes. I really liked that it covered my back as well.

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I liked the Boppy better. Nice and squishy, easy to maneuver. Also used it to help prop the little one in a sitting position for play time when they were a few months old.


Liked my Hooter Hider too, especially for the first few months. Then I got pretty adept at pulling my shirt up and my camisole down so there was only a split second of bare boobage and if anyone saw anything it's because they wanted to.

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I guess I'm a minimalist. I never got the hang of using a "nursing pillow" -- throw pillows from the couch just worked better and were more adjustable for me. And a cover? Nah. Really not my thing. It just seemed like a big flag that said, "Nursing over here!"... Even with wiggly little babies, I felt I could be more discrete *without* some type of covering -- and if I did need one, a blanket or sweater worked fine (and more discretely).

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While the name "breast friend" will always be my favorite - I vote hands down for the Boppy. I've used them for all three (the last I nursed still using the boppy some until 14 months) and I love them. Easy to smoosh into whatever space you need, and the covers are cute :)



No experience with the nursing covers, I just used a blanket or a wrap. This time, though, I think I'm going with Hooter Hiders, again mostly for the name :)


I can't even say Hooter Hiders without cracking up.

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Boppy or Breast Friend? Any personal thoughts, preferences?


What about nursing wraps? Hooter Hider? Bebe Au Lait? Good ole' blanket? :D


I've breastfed four now...my current nursling is 2 and a half and only nurses one to two times a day in private. I've only ever used a blanket in public. I've gotta say though that the names my Breast Friend and Hooter Hider are a riot. :D But mostly, I just chimed in on this thread to say your baby girl is so precious! What a doll!

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I think a lot of people don't end up needing nursing covers. I did though-- once they were a few months old my girls liked to pop off mid-meal and flail around exuberantly, so having a Hooter Hider/Bebe au Lait with a secure strap on it was pretty nice when we were out and about. Maybe wait and see what your baby's habits are? I also ended up pumping in a semi-private area at work, so I loved having the little peek-through opening on that nursing cover so I could get the pump on and off without flashing people.


I liked the Boppy for sitting on the couch with my feet up, and the Breast Friend for wandering around the house or working at a desk. I spent more time on the couch though, so Boppy's the one I'd pick.

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I didn't do an official tally, but there seemed to be more supporting votes for Boppy. I have one that I just got, but it keeps disappearing with one of my other children, so I haven't got much nursing time with it yet!


Nursing covers ... didn't use those either. I do have a couple sets of the Aden & Anais muslin blankets from Target (LOVE these) that are really big (44" square) that would probably work well (plus they are so nice just for blankets and swaddle really, really well because they are so big and lightweight).


I was looking at these on Amazon the other day. I'll have to check Target. I know as my babies got older, they tended to pull the typical "small" baby blanket away. Tada! Here's Mommy! :D


I've breastfed four now...my current nursling is 2 and a half and only nurses one to two times a day in private. I've only ever used a blanket in public. I've gotta say though that the names my Breast Friend and Hooter Hider are a riot. :D But mostly, I just chimed in on this thread to say your baby girl is so precious! What a doll!


Yep! My family got a kick out of the name too :lol: Thank you for the sweet comment on baby girl! She's a sweetheart!


Thanks everyone! I read each response.

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YES! Get some of the muslin aden and anais blankets!! I have some of the originals and the target ones, and can't tell the difference. I haven't seen the target ones in the store, but I got them online...my DS is a year old and I still use them every day. They are nice and big, are great in the summer, because they are so light, wonderful to swaddle with if you do that, perfect for nursing covers, to cover car seat/stroller from sun, rain, etc. And my 5yo loves to use them for her babies. :001_smile: They are going to be my standard gift now for new moms, I love them so much.

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I loved my boppys for all three kids. I never used a nursing cover of any kind. My younger two both hated being covered and would stop nursing and fuss. I used to wear a camisole/tank-style top with a button up shirt over it. I could unbutton from the bottom, pull down the top of the cami and nurse without any exposure, although I am only a C cup while nursing (an A/barely B otherwise).

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I had a Breast Friend for my first, used pillows for my second, and chose the Blessed Nest for my third. I liked the Blessed Nest the best, and I still use them to keep my toddler from rolling off her bed. They're filled with buckwheat hulls, so I could smoosh them taller on one end for more comfortable nursing. They also make a Nest Egg pillow for extra height.



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I prefer to use a king sized down pillow. It works perfectly except or the fact that my one year old has decided the pillow belongs to her, and becomes irate if the Yorkie or any of her siblings touch it.


Seeing the pillow also gives her an irresistible urge to nurse even if she was happily playing 2 minutes earlier.

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I know that I never used our Boppy while nursing either of my children. It was easier to just plop down and nurse. I'm interested in the nursing covers though. I'm due in October with #3. I never had a nursing cover with my other two and would just use a blanket. That was a pain! Seems like baby would always pull it or kick it off of my shoulder. Not to mention, I couldn't peek down at baby without it falling off. And at the very beginning, when you are still spraying everywhere, it was most difficult to keep baby from "drowning", control the spray, see what I'm doing, and still keep the blanket from falling off my shoulder. I'll definitely be getting a nursing cover this time around. I'll have to take a look at the Hooter Hiders. I bet that Etsy.com probably has a lot of good ones too.


:w00t: CONGRATULATIONS!! Did I miss a big announcement somewhere? How exciting! Wishing you a healthy pregnancy and baby! :hurray:

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What? Some babies just lay in your arms and nurse? Wow, even with a homemade nursing cover I looked like I was having a wrestling match. I couldn't have done it with just a blanket thrown over me, it would have been on the floor in five seconds! Just lifting up your shirt? Well what do you do when the baby tries to turn itself upside down and wrap its feet around your neck while you are nursing? I guess I had a bunch of 'exuberant' nursers......:)


The worst experience of this kind happened to me at a restaurant with my youngest son, now three years old. He was about nine months at the time. He was in a full Maya wrap sling, with a tail and covered with a huge homemade hooter hider. The sling and the hooter hider were both black and DH said it was like a mini-burqua. That kid was wiggling and kicking and pulling everything he could with all his might all the while latched on like a barnacle. Flashing did happen more than once, as it took more than two hands, the tightened sling and generous nursing cover to contain my little guy's gymnastic 'exuberance'. DH said it looked like I was wrestling a couple of otters. I still remember the look of utter horror from a passing elderly couple who probably thought I was smuggling wild animals into the restaurant. We didn't go out much after that until DS was okay with a sippy cup.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Nursing covers ... didn't use those either. I do have a couple sets of the Aden & Anais muslin blankets from Target (LOVE these) that are really big (44" square) that would probably work well (plus they are so nice just for blankets and swaddle really, really well because they are so big and lightweight).


I'm glad you mentioned how much you love these! I got the bigger ones, I think they are 47 x 47, in the Posie design, and they are wonderful!


Thank you!

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