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Update on pitbull attack...

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The owners of the pitbull are trying to get thier dog back even though animal control has issued it to be "visicious". We now have to go to a "hearing" probably in the next week or so to try to sway the city health official to NOT release this dangerous dog! How ANYONE could want their dog back after it mauled and killed my cat on my own front porch is beyond any comprehension I have. I know have to live with the fear and knowledge that this dog may be returned. If it is, my life will never be the same while this dog lives.


My children are not doing any better. I have depression, insomnia, fear and anxiety over this and am now seeking medical help for this.


I am asking for prayers and good thoughts that this dog will be humanly put to sleep so my family can rest in the knowledge that it will no longer be able to kill or injure another pet or God forbid a person next time..


Please pray for justice!

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The owners of the pitbull are trying to get thier dog back even though animal control has issued it to be "visicious". We now have to go to a "hearing" probably in the next week or so to try to sway the city health official to NOT release this dangerous dog! How ANYONE could want their dog back after it mauled and killed my cat on my own front porch is beyond any comprehension I have. I know have to live with the fear and knowledge that this dog may be returned. If it is, my life will never be the same while this dog lives.


My children are not doing any better. I have depression, insomnia, fear and anxiety over this and am now seeking medical help for this.


I am asking for prayers and good thoughts that this dog will be humanly put to sleep so my family can rest in the knowledge that it will no longer be able to kill or injure another pet or God forbid a person next time..


Please pray for justice!

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The owners of the pitbull are trying to get thier dog back even though animal control has issued it to be "visicious". We now have to go to a "hearing" probably in the next week or so to try to sway the city health official to NOT release this dangerous dog! How ANYONE could want their dog back after it mauled and killed my cat on my own front porch is beyond any comprehension I have. I know have to live with the fear and knowledge that this dog may be returned. If it is, my life will never be the same while this dog lives.


My children are not doing any better. I have depression, insomnia, fear and anxiety over this and am now seeking medical help for this.


I am asking for prayers and good thoughts that this dog will be humanly put to sleep so my family can rest in the knowledge that it will no longer be able to kill or injure another pet or God forbid a person next time..


Please pray for justice!


Oh, boy this is terrible.


I will pray for you all.


Be kind to yourself! Maybe do a lighter housekeeping and meal prep schedule. Do the basics for school and fill in w/read-alouds and nature walks.


I've taken OTC sleep aids after some difficult situations. Maybe you can check w/your doc and see it that is OK for you.



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Wow. I would hate to face them in a hearing. I hope you or the officials have photos of your beloved pet to show in court. At our last home the neighbors had 2 pits that were barely fenced in. One day both roamed and one was quite aggressive to a neighbors dog and to my son. My word over the phone was all that was needed by the city to deny their reclaiming the dog. Maybe you can provide testimony another way?

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Can you get some neighbors to write a note or sign a petition to submit to the court? A strong neighborhood presence DOES have an effect on these types of things--I know because of a long fight we had over a neighbor with an illegal business.

Yes, we have made up flyers and given them to several neighbors who have all called the City Health Dept. (who is in charge of these things apparently) we have contacted the Mayor, the City Board of Directors, The President of the SPCA also. We went up the the elementary school and talked to the Principal to inform him of all of this. The school is TWO houses from the pitbulls house!!!!!!!!!!


We are going on Monday up to the school to gather signatures on a petition we are creating. We have several neighbors who have agreed to attend the hearing also.


I simply cannot believe the gaul of these people. But you know what??? It's so typical of pitbull owners. They usually ALWAYS put their dog first. The owner has never apologized to us either. It sickens me.


We are also going to hit him in the pocket book after the hearing. Small claims court and possible suing him in a bigger trial! Helps to be good friends with lawyers!


I am sick of irresponsible dog owners and their dangerous animals. I have never had to take a stand like this in my life. I am speaking for my beloved Sam, who cannot speak.


BTW.....the vet who did the necropsy said Sam put up a HUGE fight. The dog had scratch marks all over it's muzzle and my cat has it's fur under all of it's claws. He was EIGHTEEN pounds!!!!!!!! Not a small thing. This just tells us that this dog is capable of going after LARGER animals and or people!!!!!!!!!!! In the end, Sam died of bites and a broken neck.


Now I have to live with him image of lying DEAD behind garbage cans, stuck up into a corner!!!!!!!! I am so angry I could scream.


I hate these people and their stupid dog and what they have done to me and my family. ONLY if they put the dog down could I accept this. As of now I cannot accept this!!!!!!!!!!

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:grouphug: So sorry! Hard to imagine that the county you are in wouldn't have destroyed that dog already :confused:

Yes, you would think. The animal control officer seems to think it will go our way, but you NEVER know. Since this is the dogs first offense on record, he does have that going for him . He says it just depends on the individual who is hearing the case that day.


If he gets the dog back, he will have to register it, pay yearly registration fees, have signs all over his house warning of visicous animal. Have inspections etc...WHO would want a dog like that!???????


it's crazy and disturbing

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:grouphug::grouphug: Are they renting? If they are, maybe a call to the home owner would quickly discourage them bringing the dog back. I feel bad for you. Knowing that dog is around would be hard to deal with after what it has done. Good luck with the petitions!

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:grouphug::grouphug: Are they renting? If they are, maybe a call to the home owner would quickly discourage them bringing the dog back. I feel bad for you. Knowing that dog is around would be hard to deal with after what it has done. Good luck with the petitions!

I will find out if they are renters..thanks good idea

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Yes, you would think. The animal control officer seems to think it will go our way, but you NEVER know. Since this is the dogs first offense on record, he does have that going for him . He says it just depends on the individual who is hearing the case that day.


If he gets the dog back, he will have to register it, pay yearly registration fees, have signs all over his house warning of visicous animal. Have inspections etc...WHO would want a dog like that!???????


it's crazy and disturbing



That is absolutely crazy AND disturbing!!!! Vicious pitbulls should have a One Strike and You're Out policy!

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Yes, you would think. The animal control officer seems to think it will go our way, but you NEVER know. Since this is the dogs first offense on record, he does have that going for him . He says it just depends on the individual who is hearing the case that day.


If he gets the dog back, he will have to register it, pay yearly registration fees, have signs all over his house warning of visicous animal. Have inspections etc...WHO would want a dog like that!???????


it's crazy and disturbing

:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: It's probably because it was a first offense and against an animal (albeit a large & loved animal). I am sure if it was a bitten child there would be no option of release.

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Yes, we have made up flyers and given them to several neighbors who have all called the City Health Dept. (who is in charge of these things apparently) we have contacted the Mayor, the City Board of Directors, The President of the SPCA also. We went up the the elementary school and talked to the Principal to inform him of all of this. The school is TWO houses from the pitbulls house!!!!!!!!!!


We are going on Monday up to the school to gather signatures on a petition we are creating. We have several neighbors who have agreed to attend the hearing also.


I simply cannot believe the gaul of these people. But you know what??? It's so typical of pitbull owners. They usually ALWAYS put their dog first. The owner has never apologized to us either. It sickens me.


We are also going to hit him in the pocket book after the hearing. Small claims court and possible suing him in a bigger trial! Helps to be good friends with lawyers!


I am sick of irresponsible dog owners and their dangerous animals. I have never had to take a stand like this in my life. I am speaking for my beloved Sam, who cannot speak.


BTW.....the vet who did the necropsy said Sam put up a HUGE fight. The dog had scratch marks all over it's muzzle and my cat has it's fur under all of it's claws. He was EIGHTEEN pounds!!!!!!!! Not a small thing. This just tells us that this dog is capable of going after LARGER animals and or people!!!!!!!!!!! In the end, Sam died of bites and a broken neck.


Now I have to live with him image of lying DEAD behind garbage cans, stuck up into a corner!!!!!!!! I am so angry I could scream.


I hate these people and their stupid dog and what they have done to me and my family. ONLY if they put the dog down could I accept this. As of now I cannot accept this!!!!!!!!!!


Yeah, considering that someone had the gall to come into your last thread and say "let's not turn this into a pitbull bashing thread" I think you might be onto something about the frame of mind of the owners.

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Yeah, considering that someone had the gall to come into your last thread and say "let's not turn this into a pitbull bashing thread" I think you might be onto something about the frame of mind of the owners.


I don't think sweeping generalizations about anyone or any breed is really helpful. This particular pitbull is extremely viscious. No question. These owners should not get it back. No question. But to say every person who owns a pitbull is _______ is patently untrue and unfair. I know no one here appreciates the many sweeping generalizations about homeschoolers, even the ones based on someone you know.

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There doesn't seem to be any justice when it comes to these monstrous animals. We had neighbors whose pit bulls attacked our golden retriever (thankfully she wasn't killed), and killed numerous neighborhood pets. Every time a pit bull was taken away from them, these people woud just get another one! Thank God their house was foreclosed on and they moved away!

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Yeah, considering that someone had the gall to come into your last thread and say "let's not turn this into a pitbull bashing thread" I think you might be onto something about the frame of mind of the owners.


I feel the opposite is true. All pitbulls (several pitbulls, even) did not attack the OP's cat. One did. I don't own pits myself at this point (DS(4) is afraid of animals, so we can't have pets right now), but I have before & I've worked with our local humane society, and most pitbulls are family friendly pets. I know several owners of large dogs who would absolutely not want an animal back that had attacked another pet or a person... in fact, we put a dog down over his attacking (not killing, but biting) a neighbor's dog. The neighbor had their dog in our yard, but our dog had been trained better than that & seemed to snap on this other animal for no obvious reason. We couldn't trust the animal, so we put him down. There are some irresponsible pit owners, as there are irresponsible owners of every breed of animal. It is absolutely not necessary to tar them all with the same brush as the OP's neighbor.


To the OP: I don't mean to be insensitive to your situation. I am terribly sorry that you lost your beloved pet, and I believe the attacking animal should be put down. But I also believe that any sort of breed generalization like that is unfair.

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To the OP: I don't mean to be insensitive to your situation. I am terribly sorry that you lost your beloved pet, and I believe the attacking animal should be put down. But I also believe that any sort of breed generalization like that is unfair.





There are many many breeds that have attacked humans and pets, some you would never have guessed.

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I don't think sweeping generalizations about anyone or any breed is really helpful. This particular pitbull is extremely viscious. No question. These owners should not get it back. No question. But to say every person who owns a pitbull is _______ is patently untrue and unfair. I know no one here appreciates the many sweeping generalizations about homeschoolers, even the ones based on someone you know.


I feel the opposite is true. All pitbulls (several pitbulls, even) did not attack the OP's cat. One did. I don't own pits myself at this point (DS(4) is afraid of animals, so we can't have pets right now), but I have before & I've worked with our local humane society, and most pitbulls are family friendly pets. I know several owners of large dogs who would absolutely not want an animal back that had attacked another pet or a person... in fact, we put a dog down over his attacking (not killing, but biting) a neighbor's dog. The neighbor had their dog in our yard, but our dog had been trained better than that & seemed to snap on this other animal for no obvious reason. We couldn't trust the animal, so we put him down. There are some irresponsible pit owners, as there are irresponsible owners of every breed of animal. It is absolutely not necessary to tar them all with the same brush as the OP's neighbor.


To the OP: I don't mean to be insensitive to your situation. I am terribly sorry that you lost your beloved pet, and I believe the attacking animal should be put down. But I also believe that any sort of breed generalization like that is unfair.


My point is that there is a time and a place for every thing.





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To the OP: I don't mean to be insensitive to your situation. I am terribly sorry that you lost your beloved pet, and I believe the attacking animal should be put down. But I also believe that any sort of breed generalization like that is unfair.


Op, I too am sorry for what happened to your cat. Being a pit bull owner for many years I wholeheartedly agree with the above poster. My pit was the best dog I ever had.


BTW, I have a nasty Golden Retriever living next door who has been mauling cats, so it's not just pits.


That said, again, I'm sorry about your cat.

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Yeah, considering that someone had the gall to come into your last thread and say "let's not turn this into a pitbull bashing thread" I think you might be onto something about the frame of mind of the owners.


That was me who had the "gall" to say that. I was trying to protect the op's original thread from turning into something other than a supportive thread. You and I both know how this board can be sometimes. That was my only reason for posting that.


I will admit that I do love two pitbulls very much. They belong to my mother. I never denied that pitbulls can be very dangerous, but all dogs can be. My cousin's chihuahua was mauled and killed by her neighbor's purebred black lab. Let me make one thing perfectly clear: Neither my mother nor I would EVER put a dog before a person.


And to the OP: I am, again, so very sorry about your cat. I hope the animal that killed him is euthanized. That's the only right thing to do. Praying for your heart to be healed.

Edited by Nakia
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Personally, I'd file a civil law suit for damages. . . trauma, counseling, etc. . . Just make it a big number. You can file for a small fee - small claims court, even.


Meanwhile, you can offer to drop your suit so long as the dog does not return to your neighborhood.


Some people have no sense.

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Honestly the breed doesn't matter. It attacked and killed another animal period. The chance it would kill and maul a child to death is just as great in my eyes and shouldn't be taken.


Put up a fuss. LET the PRESS know that the judge is ruling on a vicious animal that the owners want back and get them to cover it for their lunch and 5'oclock news. (slow time slot around here)

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Honestly the breed doesn't matter. It attacked and killed another animal period. The chance it would kill and maul a child to death is just as great in my eyes and shouldn't be taken.


Put up a fuss. LET the PRESS know that the judge is ruling on a vicious animal that the owners want back and get them to cover it for their lunch and 5'oclock news. (slow time slot around here)

excellent idea! thank you! And I know any animal has the ability to kill someones pet. It could have been a lab. It just happened to be a pitbull who are notorious as having a bad reputation. The breed has been so carelessly bred and the dogs misused now, the breed should be outlawed IMO, but that's just my opinion. I am certain there are some great pitbulls

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Clearly this particular dog was aggressive to both animals and people.


But is a dog who chases a cat or a duck (but is not agressive to people) necessarily a vicious dog? It's just that I see a difference between a dog attacking a prey animal (to them) and a dog attacking a person.


If the dog was aggressive to people, that's one thing. But if the dog was only aggressive to prey animals, I would consider it more the fault of the owner for not keeping the dog confined rather than the dog being inherently vicious.


BTW - I am a long-time cat owner and would be devastated as well. I'm just wondering why a dog would be considered NECESSARILY vicious to people because it attacked a cat.

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Clearly this particular dog was aggressive to both animals and people.


But is a dog who chases a cat or a duck (but is not agressive to people) necessarily a vicious dog? It's just that I see a difference between a dog attacking a prey animal (to them) and a dog attacking a person.


If the dog was aggressive to people, that's one thing. But if the dog was only aggressive to prey animals, I would consider it more the fault of the owner for not keeping the dog confined rather than the dog being inherently vicious.


BTW - I am a long-time cat owner and would be devastated as well. I'm just wondering why a dog would be considered NECESSARILY vicious to people because it attacked a cat.

If a dog chases down and kills a 18 pound cat does that mean it will NEVER chase down a small child who is also running from it? Does a dog know that it is not "supposed" to do that to a child? NO! Dogs are unpredictable and once they show this behavior on an animal it should not be trusted at.all. Sorry, if I were the owner, I would not have this liabiltiy.


Also, why is it if a human kills an animal for sport such as a cat or dog theyare looking at jail time. A human can reason right from wrong, but a dog cannot! So the dog is more undpredicatable. Why should the dog be given a second chance?? If it displays these tendancies to chase and kill in an UNPROVOCTED manner, what on earth would stop it from doing the same thing to a toddler???

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I hope the dog isn't allowed back into your neighborhood. I've met many friendly pit bulls, and I'm not afraid to approach one and pet it as long as it isn't acting aggressive. However, I would never own one, and I hope to know live too near to them.


When I was a teen, my cousin (who is the same age as me) was attacked by their beloved, never-could-have-a-nicer-family-pet, pit bull without provocation. She needed 32 stitches on her face, and he narrowly missed taking out her eye (the stitches were above her brow and down her cheek). The dog was put down immediately. I'll never trust them; they can be unpredictable.

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If the dog was aggressive to people, that's one thing. But if the dog was only aggressive to prey animals, I would consider it more the fault of the owner for not keeping the dog confined rather than the dog being inherently vicious.



To me, there is a difference between an Oh, a cat! Let's run at it and see what it will do kind of dog and a put-up-with-life-and-death scratches and keep chomping kind of dog.

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To me, there is a difference between an Oh, a cat! Let's run at it and see what it will do kind of dog and a put-up-with-life-and-death scratches and keep chomping kind of dog.

Dogs will chase cats...fact. Not all dogs will kill the cat after it chases it.


The vet said my cat faught for his life. He had the dogs fur under all his claws. The pitt had bleeding scratches all over its muzzle. My cat died from bites, punctures and a broken neck. This sounds "vicious" to me.


I have seen some dogs chase cats, run up to them, sniff them and be on thier way. There is a HUGE difference here. This pitbull is so obviously vicious. It's a slam dunk!

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Do I think that a dog chasing down and attacking a cat predisposes it to attacking a human? Even a small human? No. Remember, there are many, many hunting dogs bred even to this day for this purpose. It was the original purpose of man using dogs. My DH owns several hunting dogs, and our kids are right there when they go hunting. (Not something I do, but DH's thing).


That being said, this dog did show aggression toward humans, it clearly was acting threatening toward the older lady, and I think I read toward another person in the neighborhood? So in this case, I agree that the dog needs to be put down.

Do I think all Pit Bulls are just like this one? No. But it is a breed that I have my guard up around at all times.

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Do I think that a dog chasing down and attacking a cat predisposes it to attacking a human? Even a small human? No. Remember, there are many, many hunting dogs bred even to this day for this purpose. It was the original purpose of man using dogs. My DH owns several hunting dogs, and our kids are right there when they go hunting. (Not something I do, but DH's thing).


That being said, this dog did show aggression toward humans, it clearly was acting threatening toward the older lady, and I think I read toward another person in the neighborhood? So in this case, I agree that the dog needs to be put down.

Do I think all Pit Bulls are just like this one? No. But it is a breed that I my guard up around at all times.

Would you be willing to bet your life that this dog would not attack a human because it was "only a cat"??? Come on! How can you even say that and how could anyone be willing to chance it not being a person next time. To me that is totally irresponsible behavior

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This pitbull is NOT a hunting dog. It is a "family pet"...a family pet that has killed once and now that it has will more than likely kill the next thing that runs from it. A dog, cat, goat, or a CHILD!


I understand that you are upset, but that is a really hyperbolic statement.


Cats and dogs have not gotten along for very many years.


Hence 'fighting like cats and dogs'.

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I despise pitt bulls. Any time I hear about dogs attacking people, it's usually in the form of a pitt bull. I don't care if a pitt is just the absolutely nicest family dog.....I have heard many stories of those dogs turning and attacking their owners. Sure, there are other mean dogs, but those are the consistently mean ones. I would never, ever own a pitt bull nor be around one.


I'm very sorry about what happened to your cat and I really hope that dog is not returned to its owner.

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All dogs need to be supervised, kept on a leash etc. If my dog were to break away from me and chase anyone or anything, I'm liable for my dog's behavior. The dog does not appear to have been supervised since it had enough time to trap and intimidate a number of people as well as to kill the cat.


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I understand that you are upset, but that is a really hyperbolic statement.


Cats and dogs have not gotten along for very many years.


Hence 'fighting like cats and dogs'.

Okay, so you are saying it's a normal behavior and is okay and acceptable?


Kinda like "oh well, it's just a cat, dogs will kill cats" Is that what you are saying? And you are 100 % confidant any dog that kills a cat will NEVER attack a person? Just wondering...

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I understand that you are upset, but that is a really hyperbolic statement.


Cats and dogs have not gotten along for very many years.


Hence 'fighting like cats and dogs'.

btw..you are WRONG. Many cats and dogs get along fine. My cat got along great with my dog. He got along great with the neighbors dog too, so your statement is untrue

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There is a serious problem in these dogs being bred for dog fighting and aggressiveness being bred into the breed.


Here is a list of deaths from dog attacks. According to this list pit bulls are actually killing more people than other breeds.




I do think there is a lot to say about owner responsiblilty for a dog's behavior but in my area it is just getting worse.


There is no way I would adopt a pit bull from a shelter when I know there is a good chance some were seized from people who participated in dog fighting.

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