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3 things we are loving right now


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AAS: Love it, love it, love it!!! Wish I would have used it from the beginnnig, but so glad we started. Dd is whipping through level 1, and I hope to be most of the way through level 2 by the end of summer.:001_smile:


WP Animals & Their Habitats Science: I've had it since the beginning of the year, and we just started. We tried WP Animals & Their Worlds a few years ago, and it was just too much. This, just as a science is great! only 1 or 2 times a week, and they are learning so much.


CLE Math: We have McRuffy, which I still like (and Dd loves), but I felt like we needed something with more review, flashcards, etc... We are starting with super easy stuff, but I don't care, I want them to really "get it". Again, whipping through, but I like the way they teach and both dc are getting a good foundation.


Off to change my siggy!

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AAS: Love it, love it, love it!!! Wish I would have used it from the beginnnig, but so glad we started. Dd is whipping through level 1, and I hope to be most of the way through level 2 by the end of summer.:001_smile:


WP Animals & Their Habitats Science: I've had it since the beginning of the year, and we just started. We tried WP Animals & Their Worlds a few years ago, and it was just too much. This, just as a science is great! only 1 or 2 times a week, and they are learning so much.


CLE Math: We have McRuffy, which I still like (and Dd loves), but I felt like we needed something with more review, flashcards, etc... We are starting with super easy stuff, but I don't care, I want them to really "get it". Again, whipping through, but I like the way they teach and both dc are getting a good foundation.


Off to change my siggy!


What is AAS? I've seen it around here a lot and can't figure out those initials.

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AAS: Love it, love it, love it!!! Wish I would have used it from the beginnnig, but so glad we started. Dd is whipping through level 1, and I hope to be most of the way through level 2 by the end of summer.:001_smile:


WP Animals & Their Habitats Science: I've had it since the beginning of the year, and we just started. We tried WP Animals & Their Worlds a few years ago, and it was just too much. This, just as a science is great! only 1 or 2 times a week, and they are learning so much.


CLE Math: We have McRuffy, which I still like (and Dd loves), but I felt like we needed something with more review, flashcards, etc... We are starting with super easy stuff, but I don't care, I want them to really "get it". Again, whipping through, but I like the way they teach and both dc are getting a good foundation.


Off to change my siggy!


What is WP?

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Isn't is great when you find programs that not only you love, but your kids love also!


We, too, love AAS. My older ds didn't like it and frankly, it wasn't a good match for him. I held onto it for my younger ds *hoping* he would and he does!


Real Science Odyssey Earth and Space is a huge hit. LOVE all of the hands on activities.


IEW SWI A My son gets a kick out of Mr. Pudewa. :001_smile:

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FIAR for my dd5 and ds8. After "trying" to do LHFHG and "trying" to love it like most do...I gave up. Dd5 became enthralled with the book, The Story About Ping and I recalled that being one of the books in FIAR Vol. 1. So, I re-purchased FIAR Vol. 1 :glare: (and 2 & 3) and we are LOVING it!


Life of Fred math for ds12. He LOVES it and actually ASKS to do it first thing. Saxon drove him to tears.


That's all I am "loving" at the moment. Probably b/c my kids aren't really "loving" any part of school right about now. Funny how their excitement about learning creates a mom who loves to teach. I've tried the other way. My excitement would elicit rolled-eyes and groans.

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I finally broke down and bought AAS also. We have only done it for 2 days are are loving it too.


STILL love CLE Math, LA and Reading - finishing up our 3rd full year with it.


STILL love Meaningful Composition. Even more after reading my oldest's paper last night.


And, I know this makes 4, BUT we love God's Design for Science cuz it gets the job done!!!

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All About Spelling. I have tried a dozen (or so it seems :tongue_smilie:) spelling programs with my son and could not get him past spelling "d-o-g." We started at the beginning of AAS - level one - with DS in January and are almost finished with it. He is finally spelling!



Handle on the Arts. I had looked at this program for two years and drooled over their website so many times. I wanted it *for me* not necessarily for DS. DS, thankfully, loves it as much as I do.



Beautiful Feet guides, plus IEW's writing program, for the HC Holling books. Great combo.

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Loving AAS, we bought it "again". This is the 100th time that I've bought this, now it's here to stay!:lol:


SL science- Picked this back up again and love it!:001_smile:


SL Readers- Love the living books and ds enjoys "most" of them.;)


Flashkids Reading workbook- A surprise like! This has lots of concepts covered that can be done with a short story excerpt. Great way to check skills before any testing and etc.


OOOPS! That's more than 3, I'll stop for now. Great thread!



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What age do you think is a good age to start AAS?


It's probably easiest if they can at least write their letters and have some basic understanding of letters standing for sounds--the first step in AAS 1 starts with learning the multiple sounds for each letter in the alphabet. Here's a readiness article from AAS. If they haven't learned some of the skills mentioned in that article, they can start with AAR Pre-1 (which is coming out within the next week).

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1) AAS here too! My 6 year old is doing GREAT with it. He was good at memorizing spelling words, but he wanted to know WHY. Now he does, and he's applying it to new words! We've only used it for a month (did level 1 and are a couple steps into level 2), but wow, what a difference it made here! I also am using it for my 4 year old's reading, but we just started, so can't really judge its use for that yet. I think we did 2 steps so far, so we haven't even gotten to the fun part yet. Getting him to say the SOUND of a word instead of a letter that makes that sound was funny, but he was catching on. He knows how to do it, and actually did better with the last sound than the first sound, which I thought was interesting.


2) Math Mammoth. We finished grade 1 and started grade 2. My son had some challenge even in concepts he had partly learned already. So that's been great. And I love that it's just so easy to teach.


3) Draw Write Now. My son doesn't like to write or draw. Fine motor skills are a weak area for him. This book has helped. We use color pencils, so he's working on writing muscles without knowing it. ;) We do it together. I even do all of the copywork (he just has to do one sentence). My 4 year old joined in this week, and he did great too. He even copied 3 letters! :D

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1) AAS - I think this is the first time that all the board is raving about something that actually works for us :001_smile: We are in the middle of book 3 and still loving it. Dd just began the Writing Stations last week and is loving them.


2) TT4 - What a breath of fresh air for us! No more excuses to NOT do math, no more hour long lessons, just a steady amount of work getting done! Dd is on track to finish by the end of April. We are actually going to finish a math program!


3) Timez Attack - Dd is having trouble with her multiplication facts and I bought the full version so she would have more variety. What a great resource!


We just finished JAG and have moved on to Daily Grams and I think that Daily Grams is going to be a favorite. She had a friend over yesterday so we didn't do school but when her friend left, she asked if she could start it :D

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1. My 10 and 8yo's are loving 'A Reason For Handwriting'. They love having the pretty paper to write up their passage on at the end of the week.


2. DD12 is really enjoying SL's Core 5 Eastern Hemisphere Explorer.


3. Explode The Code and HWOT!!!! Love these two, It's taken me till child number 6 to use these two items. Wish I'd discovered them ages ago.

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We're loving:


Math Mammoth... we've always been Saxon people, but this is just really fitting us right now. We're doing various topics from the Blue Series. Helps that I finally got a laser printer!


Time Travelers from Homeschool in the Woods. We're doing New World Explorers right now, and soon will be moving onto Colonial Life. It is so much fun, and the text for the lessons is just the right length for my kids. I am adding in extra read alouds.


Spelling City. I put in my kids' lists every week, and they really enjoy the games and activities.

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not all in that order:D






Other than those, which are necessary for homeschooling, IMNSHO ;), we are loving:


Phonics Road



As much as I have studied it so far, I think Oak Meadow 5 is going to be perfect for my DD. Granted, we are only a little over a week into it, but so far so good.

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For my fifth grader:


1. participating in Science Olympiad and Math Olympiad

2. studying for and taking the National Mythology Exam

3. K12 Human Odyssey text supplemented with Oxford Press The World in Ancient Times series


With the exception of Science Olympiad, these are activities and topics she never had the opportunity to experience in her (very good) private school. She is thrilled by the freedom of homeschooling :)

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