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babywearing on back

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Does anyone have recommendations for a carrier I can use to wear my 13mos old on my back-without help. I currently have a moby and love it, but he is kinda outgrowing the front position and I can't get him on my back by myself. I really don't want to spend a ton of money since he is probably my last and he really likes to walk. I can't sew at all, so I need to buy one. I am mostly interested for wearing him during his cranky 5:00 hour while I try to get dinner (or other times he just wants to be held) and also for when we go places that aren't good for strollers. I also have a 2yr old, so we have a good double stroller. And, if the carrier could be used for my 30lb 2yr old that would be a bonus-he is my cuddler.



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I have an Ergo. There is a bit of a learning curve figuring it out w/o help, but once you get past that, it's wonderful. I wore DD4 in it up until she was around 3. I just started wearing DD11mos in it recently. She LOVES it. She starts flapping her legs/arms when she realizes it's time to ride.

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I used to own Attached to Baby and used to live and breathe this stuff. Yeah, ERGOs were popular with our more mainstream customers, but our die-hard customers (the ones who bought from us every single week) were in love with Mei Tais and wraps. My personal favorite was the Mei Tai.


Here's a pic my friend Juliet took for the store, doesn't it look comfy?


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I loved loved LOVED my Kozy Karrier mei tai! I wore DD5 on my back until she was 16 months, and only stopped then because she realized she could choose to walk instead. It was so comfortable and convenient that I could have easily kept going indefinitely. You can buy used ones (and there are lots of good brands) for a good price on the forums at TheBabywearer.com or DiaperSwappers.com.

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Ergo is the way to go. I got one off of Craigslist that was practically new for $40. Another mom I know got hers from a homeschool email list (she posted a WTB ad) and got hers for about the same. It was faded but I used my procion dyes to dye it for her and it looks great.


I also carried my dd on my back using 5 yards of $1/yd. fabric from Wal-Mart. I used the tibetan carry show here http://wearyourbaby.com/Default.aspx?tabID=196


The ergo is more comfortable for hiking and big outdoor events but the tibetan suited me find for the house or mall. Just make sure to get a material that is light with little-no stretch. I seriously got mine off the $1 table:)

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Either a Mei Tai or an Ergo. I am a die-hard babywearer , taught babywearing classes and not at all mainstream and I love the Ergo. We bought 2 when DS7 was 2 and DS6 was 6mos for a hiking camping trip. We still wear DD4 if she gets tired and DD2 loves it.


Usually I bring it in the bottom of the double stroller for long days out because if DS6's asthma gets bad or he gets tired, I let him sit in the stroller and carry one of the girls.


One thing - if your DH plans on wearing the little one on his back, most men (in my experience) tend to prefer the Ergo because of the structured waist - they have trouble with the Mei Tai because they don't have the hips to wear it securely or comfortably.

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i use an AngelPack. It's the same type of carrier as an Ergo (soft structured carrier) but I have ethical issues with Ergo and I am SUPER narrow so those were pretty much my only two choices that fit! I love my AngelPacks. I have two, one for the house & one that lives in the car for outings. For baby on my back I always use the chest straps (some people don't & some carriers don't have them). It clips the straps together across your chest so the straps don't slip off your shoulders ever. I have used wraps & mei tais & ring slings & this is my favorite, ESP with Giant Baby, lol. It can carry 2-year-olds easily.

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Love my Ergo. I wore my first two children in it until they were about two and only stopped then because I hit about 22 weeks pregnant with a sibling. DH wore it for longer on long hikes. Now my third babe is in it (in fact, he's in it right now! :001_smile:) It is a little worn-looking but otherwise has held up great -- I wanted to replace the buckle after #2 and they sent me a new one promptly for free.


I also own/have owned a Moby, a Didymos woven wrap, a gauze wrap, a fleece pouch, and multiple slings. The Ergo rules them all, IMNSHO.


I will say that getting the child on your back by yourself is a bit of a learning curve, and my husband has STILL not mastered it after three children. But really, that's just because he won't try. Practice over the bed a few times and you should be good to go.

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Thanks for the great info. I only wore my first two little guys for about a year, but now that I have more kids than hands I really NEED to wear this one more (even though he is my most adament walker). Dh is just a little skittish of spending lots of money on another baby carrier. It will be our fifth purchase, but it took me a few buys before I found the moby. Maybe I can sell those and have a little extra cash to persuade him. DH will be fine (not trying to make him sound bad)-he just sees the pile of discarded carriers in the basement and sees a walking baby and doesn't see the need for a new carrier. Anyway, I want to make sure I buy what I really want the first time this time.

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It is a necessity here to have a carrier w/ having 2 older ones, I used carriers some with older ones but I ALWAYS have the babe in one when out. I have an ergo and I adore it, it is my cannot do without baby item. I have had slings, very expensive wraps and mei tai's and the Ergo is so easy to use and distributes the weight so well. Even the nice mei tai I had was not half as comfortable as the Ergo. I can easily put the babe in the back by myself, although I did practice at first. We hike for hours long w/ the 3.5 y.o. in it as well without problem. I love the hood as well, it is so nice to cover her head and keep it supported when she falls asleep or the weather is too hot or rainy or whatever. Love, love, love it! I get lured sometimes by the pretty carriers, but this one works! No more shopping around!

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I would recommend either a Kozy mei tai (which is owned by a homeschooling mama) or an Ergo. I love both for a toddler. I do love wraps but with a toddler who may want up-down-up-down, I have less patience for wrapping (plus the Ergo is nice for hiking because there's nothing to get dirty on the ground, and I don't need to worry about branches snagging it like I do with a wrap). Once my kids hit toddler stage, I pretty much use the Kozy or Ergo almost all the time.


If you want to try before buying, check out babywearinginternational.com and see if there is a group near you -- they often have meetings or people who can help you try on a few things to see what might work.

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I used to own Attached to Baby and used to live and breathe this stuff. Yeah, ERGOs were popular with our more mainstream customers, but our die-hard customers (the ones who bought from us every single week) were in love with Mei Tais and wraps. My personal favorite was the Mei Tai.


Here's a pic my friend Juliet took for the store, doesn't it look comfy?




Can you recommend a particular brand? I want one to use with my 23mo.

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Mei Tai! I didn't use a carrier for my first two kids at all, but I sure did for the last two. A friend lent me one to try out and it worked for us. I didn't have $80 to spend on one, so I traced hers and made my own. We still use it for our 2 year old when we go hiking and he just can't handle all the walking. It's far more comfortable than the actual hiking carrier we bought for our first child.

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