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Open mouth; insert foot

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Don't you hate days like that?


Or am I the only one who does this?



I have done it a few times and then been shocked. It was like standing beside myself going "who said that?" "No, not me, surely I am not that stupid". And then spend the next 5 minutes lowering my opinion of myself :D. Thankfully it only happens like once every five yrs or so :tongue_smilie:.



ETA: What is the origin of this foot/mouth saying, anyway? I can't help but wonder what originated it.

Edited by jewellsmommy
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Sorry, everyone, bow to your queen!!!


Sometimes I'm just. not. thinking.


Mainly -- for me at least -- it's about social anxiety. I'll say something really dumb because I'm so uncomfortable for one reason or another. The more "together" someone is, the more uncomfortable I feel.


If a friend has a sterile, clean home. . . I'm done for. Just an example. But I'm much happier to visit a cluttery, sticky home with nowhere to sit. Much happier.


I'm really finding (duh, after all these years) that a good walk really decreases my anxiety. Just Saturday I realized that a quick walk does too. I needed something. I really did.



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I am such a clod.


Well, I'd battle with you over the title, but I'm much, much too embarrassed to reveal some of my doozies.


I've learned to go easy on myself for past "oops" because at the root of it all is anxiety.


Is that it for you too?


Alley ps. I love snickerdoodles and just sent a batch to my niece and nephew for Valentine's Day.

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You ever have one of those moments where you say something and immediately think, "WHAT?! Whatever did I say THAT for?!"


I remember one time, sitting with a dear friend when we were both newly married. She was shuffling some newspapers on her couch and said something like, "I always go through these, clipping the coupons. Do you use coupons?" And for some inexplicable reason, I said, "Do I look like I use coupons?" :eek::svengo: To this day, I have no earthly idea why I said that! I've used coupons; I'm not generally anti-coupon; I don't think less of couponers. WHY did I say something so gauche?!

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One time while I was in the Navy, I had just returned to work after two weeks of leave. I noticed a co-worker, with whom I had always joked around, on crutches. He was a bit older than me, so I casually joked "Old people shouldn't play sports" or something of that nature. I though I was being funny. I mean, we ALWAYS picked on each other that way. Then I noticed the looks on my other co-workers' faces. The original co-worker's bone cancer had returned and he just had some sort of procedure done. I dined on my knee that day.


Seriously, if I had a nickel for every time I dined on foot salad, I'd have enough to retire to a deserted island where I could no longer say the wrong thing and offend those around me.

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One more thing: I think it's the Caterpillar in Alice in Wonderland who takes offense at everything and starts to irritate Alice because she can't say anything right for the caterpillar.


Lewis Carroll is clearly making fun of these people that can't let awkward moments just go -- everyone does it from time to time. Everyone!!!


Sometimes I just want to say, "oh, chill out, I didn't mean to be hurtful! It just came out wrong!"


I've cut people slack several times and assured them that something they accidentally said was no biggie.


Life is too short.



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  • 1 month later...
Oh yes, I've had those moments lots of times. Which is worse though, when you realize right away you've said something really stupid, or when you don't figure out until later how inappropriate you've been?


I'm not sure which is worse but I'm on the foot diet plan as well.

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Oh yes, I've had those moments lots of times. Which is worse though, when you realize right away you've said something really stupid, or when you don't figure out until later how inappropriate you've been?


Oh, I think it's worse when you realize it later. At lest when you realize it right away, the other person *knows* you know, even if all you do is look extremely embarrassed. If you don't realize till later, they may go on thinking you're a clueless oaf (as opposed to just a plain oaf ;) )!

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Don't you hate days like that?


Or am I the only one who does this?


You are emphatically *not* alone. I'm very good at it (sadly), and it's one reason I rarely drink. If I have a beer or two, I'll eat BOTH feet! ;-)


A bit of background to make a recent example make sense. I'm a bit of a natural birth "freak." So, when women talk about inducing w/o a heath reason, I have a strong opinion. Obviously, not everyone agrees with me! ;)


DH and I were invited to dinner with his boss (and his wife) and two other co-workers and their wives. One of the wives was about 7 months pg with her first. During dinner, she was talking about possibly being induced on a date that suited her work schedule. Having had two beers, I didn't think before I said, "Do you WANT a c-section?" at exactly the moment the table got quiet (so everyone could hear my gaffe).


Open mouth, insert foot.




P.S. She had a c-section!! ;-)

Edited by Lisa in Jax
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I've learned to go easy on myself for past "oops" because at the root of it all is anxiety.


And it's so hard to stop rehashing what I said over and over and over again. And of course, that just increases the anxiety...

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