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Chocoholics: What is your favorite kind/brand of chocolate?

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I'm a chocolate lover. Sometimes I crave it more than others..now is one of those times. :D It got me thinking...what brands or kinds do you prefer?


I'll start. I prefer milk choc. over dark (yes, I know dark choc. is healthier!) and have developed a preference for "good" choc. over your run-of-the-mill, everyday brands like Hershey's and Nestle. I like Lindt and Ghiradeli..my top picks. My favorite is this organic Swiss chocolate I found at our health food store (can't remember the brand) but at almost $4 for a smallish bar...it's only an occasional treat. I like plain chocolate (w/out nuts, etc.) but also love choc. w/ almonds. Sometimes...I get a craving for Toblerone. So, how about you? :D

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Chocolate El Rey is the best!!! I'm not sure you can buy it in the US at reasonable prices, but if you ever get the chance to try it, DO!


Dh will be in Caracas tomorrow so I'll be getting my new stash on Friday, yes!


Here's their website if you want to know more about Venezuelan cacao and chocolate production:



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I'm a chocolate lover. Sometimes I crave it more than others..now is one of those times. :D It got me thinking...what brands or kinds do you prefer?


I'll start. I prefer milk choc. over dark (yes, I know dark choc. is healthier!) and have developed a preference for "good" choc. over your run-of-the-mill, everyday brands like Hershey's and Nestle. I like Lindt and Ghiradeli..my top picks. My favorite is this organic Swiss chocolate I found at our health food store (can't remember the brand) but at almost $4 for a smallish bar...it's only an occasional treat. I like plain chocolate (w/out nuts, etc.) but also love choc. w/ almonds. Sometimes...I get a craving for Toblerone. So, how about you? :D


All the kinds. All the colors. They're all radiant. Glorious. Beautiful. They're so...chocolate, so them, and that's what makes them so perfectly chocolate.


Sorry. Too much American Idol.


Now stop talking about chocolate. I'm on a diet! :sad:

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I like many of the more expensive brands (Endangered Species one with cranberries and Green and Black's, along with others), but don't usually buy those unless I see them on sale or for a very special treat. My "everyday" chocolate is Ghirardelli's 60% Cacao Bittersweet Chocolate Chips. They're *much* less expensive than buying the bars, and very good IMO. I prefer them over some of Lindt's dark chocolate, too.

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You're making me hungry for chocolate!


I used to be satisfied w/ Hershey's (in the old days) before meeting my dh (a true chocoholic). He's Belgian & plied me w/ all kinds of Belgian chocolates, so now I'm totally spoiled. (And I don't even consider myself a chocoholic.)


When my mil travels to Belgium, she always brings back loads of the good stuff, lol (often Leonidas http://www.leonidas-chocolate.com/ or some from friends of theirs, Vandenbulcke Chocolates http://www.vandenbulcke.com/en/index.htm ). And, I also beg her to stock me up on the Cote d' Or milk chocolate bars http://www.cotedor.be/cotedor/page?siteid=cotedor-prd&locale=benl1&PagecRef=692 .


As for what we can realistically find here for our everyday (and I do mean every.day.) chocolate consumption.... We keep the little Dove chocolates stocked (ds -- another complete chocoholic -- loves them) & usually some Lindt (dd loves the milk chocolate truffle balls). Oddly enough, I've sometimes managed to find the Vandenbulcke Chocolates in places like TJ Maxx or Marshall's in their food sections, every once in a rare while....


Since I don't have a Belgian chocolate supply all the time (lol), my current favorite for myself is Lindt's Creme Brulee bar. Delicious!



Ok, I must sign off & go find some chocolate! :D

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I'm a sucker for Godiva. I can buy a medium-sized box and it will last me quite a while, because I only need one. That's amazing for me, because I love chocolate and have a huge sweet tooth! I was always a milk chocolate girl, but Godiva has such amazing dark chocolate that I prefer it from them.


I wish I had easier access to European chocolates... mmmm....


Maybe I need to go have a leetle chocolate now!

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I'm a chocolate lover. Sometimes I crave it more than others..now is one of those times. :D It got me thinking...what brands or kinds do you prefer?


I'll start. I prefer milk choc. over dark (yes, I know dark choc. is healthier!) and have developed a preference for "good" choc. over your run-of-the-mill, everyday brands like Hershey's and Nestle. I like Lindt and Ghiradeli..my top picks. My favorite is this organic Swiss chocolate I found at our health food store (can't remember the brand) but at almost $4 for a smallish bar...it's only an occasional treat. I like plain chocolate (w/out nuts, etc.) but also love choc. w/ almonds. Sometimes...I get a craving for Toblerone. So, how about you? :D



I like any and all chocolate!:D

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I am a true chocoholic! I love many different kinds. I like dark and milk chocolate. I like it with nuts or just plain. Of the inexpensive, everyday brands, I really enjoy Dove. I especially love truffles. Has anyone ever had Choxie truffles? Dh bought me some for Valentine's Day last year and this year. I thought that they were delicious.

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You are rarely if ever caught without a source of chocolate. Check


You make excuses to eat chocolate. Check


You need daily or frequent chocolate to function. Check


You have an inability to reduce or stop eating chocolate. Check


You crave chocolate. Check


You sometimes hide your chocolate from others. Check


You sometimes hide your chocolate consumption from others. Check


You eat chocolate alone. Check


You eat chocolate with friends. Check


You eat chocolate in a box. Check


You eat chocolate in your socks. Check






Today, after realizing I had failed to purchase any chocolate on my just completed $50 grocery expedition, I made a special stop at another store on the way home, sent my 11 year old in with a $5 bill, and knew that she would be able to locate the precise aisle and kind of chocolate I like. When you're pregnant (no, I'm not), you know where all the bathrooms are in every store. When you're me, you know where they keep the chocolate. And, if they don't carry "decent" chocolate, you no longer shop there.



Current favorite:

Lindt 85%



Recent find running a close second:

Theo 91% and 84%



Admission (which I can make with less guilt knowing that Colleen is not currently on the board ;)):


I think I like the Lindt better. Environmentally, not so much. But availability and taste has got me by the.... Sigh.



Others that qualify:


Green & Blacks

Endangered Species Intense Dark Chocolate

Scharffen Berger (sp?)


Milk chocolate only as a desperate measure. I'm rarely that desperate. See item one of check list.







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...the "regular" Dove Dark Chocolate squares at Wal-Mart, but Walgreen's carries the darker varieties (63% Extra Dark & 71% Extra Dark) as well.






Dove Dark Chocolate is good for you; check this out: http://www.webmd.com/news/20040601/dark-chocolate-day-keeps-doctor-away


As for "cheap" plain ol' chocolate bars, I do like Nestle, but not Hershey's (it's too "waxy"), although I do really like Hershey’s Cacao Reserve Dark Chocolate 65% Cacao with Cocoa Nibs. I also LOVE Cadbury's Dark Chocolate Eggs, which I can only find at Easter (but I make them last as long as I can!).

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There is a local chocolatier for whom my sister and her husband designed logos, packaging and a website. Consequently, my sister is a wonderful source for good chocolate. :)

Fiori Chocolatiers is the name. Their bars and coins are delicious, but their drinking chocolate is just heavenly!

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My all time favorite is Lake Champlain Chocolate (they even have fair trade chocolate)...their dark chocolate and almond bars are unbelievable. They offer seconds at the factory store....so we like to treat ourselves to a box of truffles once in awhile. Too expensive otherwise. But we always keep their baking chocolate, unsweetened cocoa powder and a bar to nibble on around the house.


I must say though, since I started grinding our own wheat, I'm no longer addicted to chocolate....now I just choose to eat it, I'm not driven to it like I used to be.

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I'm a sucker for Godiva. I can buy a medium-sized box and it will last me quite a while, because I only need one. That's amazing for me, because I love chocolate and have a huge sweet tooth! I was always a milk chocolate girl, but Godiva has such amazing dark chocolate that I prefer it from them.


I wish I had easier access to European chocolates... mmmm....


Maybe I need to go have a leetle chocolate now!


Godiva sucker here also! When I was in college, I'd save up a few dollars and go and buy the 3 piece minimum for a treat! I however, would almost always finish at least two right away.... Will power, I don't know you.


Haven't indulged in such a long while. Mmm....

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I really like milk chocolate too but dark chocolate is my absolute favorite. My brother loves dark chocolate too and has the budget to buy bars pretty often. He likes to try international chocolate and always shares with me. The last time he found an incredible Russian dark chocolate at a European food market. He and I have shared a LOT of foreign chocolate but this was by far the best we've tried yet!! I wish I had saved the wrapper. I'd like to have some more. Wow!


What a great thread. :-)



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I'm a sucker for Godiva. I can buy a medium-sized box and it will last me quite a while, because I only need one. That's amazing for me, because I love chocolate and have a huge sweet tooth! I was always a milk chocolate girl, but Godiva has such amazing dark chocolate that I prefer it from them.




Yep! When I was in college I worked in a chocolate factory in New Jersey called Birnn chocolate. They have the best dark chocolate and this is where I learned to appreciate it. I can't even eat anything else. To see shiny :ack2: chocolate or even Hershey's, it's just not the same.


We have a World Market here and they have amazing German and Swiss chocolate. Dark chocolate covered marzipan. Yuuummmm! :drool:

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Favorite? Like I have to pick one? Well, that is like asking me to pick between inhaling and exhaling. No such thing as a favorite. I just eat chocolate!!! I prefer dark, with or with out nuts. I rather it not have fruit, but I can work around it. I will NOT eat that white variety thing...ha! Fakers! Truffles are yummy!!!!!! Currently what I crave is Trader Joe's Pretzels covered in dark chocolate. Of course when I went to one store yesterday that particular store was out of them.....argh!!! Tomorrow is another day..right!?


Starbuck's Dark Chocolate covered expresso beans....Haagen Daz Mayan Chocolate ice cream.....Trader Joe's Dark Chocolate bar with Truffle, just to name a few in the house right now.......


Off to basketball practice with a couple of beans in my pocket:tongue_smilie:

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My Godiva always lasts quite a while, too - at least 24 hours..... I'm finishing off some Lindt tonight. I'm not much for their extra creamy - but their dark with almond slivers and intense orange flavor is great! I also love their pistachio and lime. I like Hersheys, too; I'm no snob. Fudge from Maine or Wisconsin is always a treat. How can you go wrong with something as wonderful as chocolate? We have a local candy maker who not only chocolate covers grapes and strawberries, but also blueberries (my personal favorite).

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My favorite chocolate is Dorina, made by Kras. It's a Croatian chocolate. However, even the Vitaminka baking bars in Macedonia were yummy.


This bar is good,



The "punch" is alcoholic.


I would often get a bar of dark chocolate and drink it with this,




The vranec grapes are amazing. Even the cheap Tikves wine went well with chocolate.

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I just read an article on Yahoo that says the more women eat chocolate during pregnancy, the less risk of preeclampsia they have!




The women who ate the most dark chocolate (more than 5 servings a week!) had 70% less preeclampsia than those who ate the least!


Any pregnant mamas here? Have fun!

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I just read an article on Yahoo that says the more women eat chocolate during pregnancy, the less risk of preeclampsia they have!




The women who ate the most dark chocolate (more than 5 servings a week!) had 70% less preeclampsia than those who ate the least!


Any pregnant mamas here? Have fun!


Sounds good to me! :D

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My favorite dessert is wine and chocolate! I really like the Endangered Species brand--I just bought some yesterday. I really, really like truffles.


My dh has to travel to Brussels several times a year, so he brings home chocolate for me every time. I like Newhaus, but Pierre Marcolini is insanely good and insanely expensive!

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I just read an article on Yahoo that says the more women eat chocolate during pregnancy, the less risk of preeclampsia they have!




The women who ate the most dark chocolate (more than 5 servings a week!) had 70% less preeclampsia than those who ate the least!


Any pregnant mamas here? Have fun!



This would be an inappropriate reason for bringing a child into the world, probably, huh?


But...chocolate...for a good cause....

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