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what do your young teen boys do when friends are over?

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My ds, 12, almost 13, likes to invite his friends over. However, it seems like all the boys want to do is play video games. I am fine with an hour or so of gaming, but then I really want them to turn it off and find something else to do. Legos don't seem to hold the attraction they once did. It seems like they get a snack and then spend the rest of the time complaining there is nothing to do. We have had a cold streak here the last week or so (-17) so going outside of any length of time is not a popular option. Thanks in advance for any and all ideas!

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Try allowing them video game time at the end of the time--as long as there is no complaining and they find something else to do in the meantime. That seems to work for me.


My 12 year old, and his friends, would rather play video games the whole times but they will talk, have nerf wars, play with legos and bionicles, or trade collectible card games...if they have to.

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My son is just 11, so they are still ok with legos and trading cards. But I never thought about this issue creeping up on me. I don't normally allow any video games when friends are here unless it has been agreed upon in advance (reward, etc.).


So my question is: WHAT THE HECK DID BOYS THIS AGE DO 30+ years ago??? I guess we should ask our husbands and fathers! Especially when it is cold out. As in -17! Yikes - stay warm!

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Good question! My oldest ds is 10, but I am all ears for coming years. Right now they play nerf guns, go sledding, play legos, play pool (we have a pool table in the basement), wrestle. In the summer, they play outside in the barns. I imagine we'll go swimming this summer and fishing too. It maybe hard with the baby coming in May though lol.

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We only have a very old game system, so nobody comes here to play games.


Board or card games---poker like pp mentioned

bake or cook and then eat something

watch movies

capture the flag (outside)




We use to have a pool table and the kids played pool

airhockey is popular at friends' houses

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We finally had to abandon our "no video games when friends are here" policy because friends flat out refused to come. We now have a 1 hour limit, and I have to kick the boys off (the friends, anyway, my DSs know better). They go to the pond, play Nerf, and...complain. One boy is on my do-not-invite list now because of his, "That's a dumb rule!" comments.


Why can't we all live by each other so our DS could have friends with equally mean moms?


Oh, and what did boys used to do? DH says he and his friends spent hours shooting hoops, riding bikes, "building stuff," throwing balls, even playing chess. Oh, and they all had quite a few chores to keep them busy, so they never complained about boredom during down time:001_smile:. My DH "fondly" recalls how his folks made him mow the lawns of two elderly negihbors for free, because "that's what neighbors do." He doesn't recall much boredom.

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Hmm.. Maybe give them a project to do that requires building? Boys that age are usually anxious to show off their skill in some area, to feel a bit grown up. My older brothers and their friends, decades ago, did quite a few projects for my mom: digging up trees and replanting them, working in the garden, washing the cars, auto repairs, bicycle repair, etc. in the summertime; woodworking, electrical projects, household repair, car repair, chopping wood, shoveling the driveway, make large batches of cookies/fudge, knot-tying, etc. in the winter. Usually, the friends were very excited to get in on these things, esp. as they were well-fed afterwards. :) We didn't have video games or video wayyyyyy back then (and only 3 tv channels...). ;) Oh, I remember, they also played a lot on their instruments (electric guitar and drum-set-- Poor Mom! She blames that to this day for going deaf!)


Maybe the Dangerous Book of Boys has some fun ideas? I vaguely remember Dad making elaborate treasure-hunts based on compass use and measuring distances, etc. Hmm... Also, many, many hikes in the woods tracking animals, identifying animals/trees, etc. Chess was always a favorite.


I'll ask dh tonight for more ideas. I think it can be dangerous for teenage boys to have too little to do! And they are so yearning to feel grown-up! I'm afraid he'll answer knife-throwing and explosives... Eek! I can barely stand to hear his teenage antics stories!

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My kids have fun with their friends making movies. Most recently, they put up a green screen in the basement and they've done some amazing stuff with iMovie! Some of the subjects of the movies are a bit dark, but at least they're not watching tv!



My son and his bf used to do this. They would write a script, shoot and edit the film. You're right about the dark subject matter. Their movies were always about spies, thieves and murderers. :D

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board games like Risk, Axis & Allies, Settlers of Catan, Scotland Yard

trading card games

airsoft battles

rubber band wars in the basement

snowball fights


I also try to have plenty of food - sometimes sitting and having a snack gives them a transition time where they can discuss what they want to do next.

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My now mid-40's brother used to do that! It was great. My mother used to clear us out of the way, because what they filmed was stuff they were blowing up! My brother is also the Potato Gun King. I think boys like video games because they can't do really cool/dangerous activites anymore. I think it's sad. My brother has worked on potato guns with my kids, but there is no way I would allow my kids to do that with other kids. Litigation, anyone?


What did boys do in the old days? They hunted stuff, they rode horses, they chopped wood, they made fires in the woods, and did stuff none of us truly want to think about.


I am not the least bit surprised my 17 yr old son's friends like to eat pizza, play basketball, Foozeball, play Guitar Hero, and watch movies. All the mothers are always worried about something.


Nothing is like the old days. When we do giant fires in our fire pit, you can be assured that lots of teens show up.


I remember speeding through the woods on snowmobiles with a girlfriend and her brothers when I was 14 & 15. We had a blast every time, but we really could have been killed. My mother knew what we were doing and where we were, and she was fine with it. I can't tell you how many times we almost wrapped ourselves around trees, but didn't.


Time surely have changed.




My kids have fun with their friends making movies. Most recently, they put up a green screen in the basement and they've done some amazing stuff with iMovie! Some of the subjects of the movies are a bit dark, but at least they're not watching tv!
Edited by LibraryLover
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My son and his bf used to do this. They would write a script, shoot and edit the film. You're right about the dark subject matter. Their movies were always about spies, thieves and murderers. :D


Sounds familiar! Their latest video involved a drug deal, guns, and lots of fighting! But, they're having fun!


My now mid-40's brother used to do that! It was great. My mother used to clear us out of the way, because what they filmed was stuff they were blowing up! My brother is also the Potato Gun King. I think boys like video games because they can't do really cool stuff anymore. I think it's sad. My brother has done Potato Gun stuff with my kids, but there is no way I would allow my kids to do that with other kids. Litigation, anyone?


What did boys do in the old days? The hunted stuff, they rode horses, the chopped wood, the made fires in the woods, and did stuff none of us truly want to think about.


I am not the least bit surprised my 17 yr old son's friends like to eat pizza, play basketball, play Guitar Hero, and watch movies. All the mothers are always worried about something.


Nothing is like the old days.


I remember speeding through the woods on a ski mobil with a girlfriend and her brothers when I was 14 & 15. We had a blast every time, but we really could have been killed. My mother knew what we were doing and where we were, and she was fine with it. I can't tell you how many times we almost wrapped ourselves around trees, but didn't.


Time surely have changed.


I have to share a video that my oldest put on Youtube last summer:

It's not one of his ones with a plot - just him being destructive. You'll love it! There are a number of videos just like it on our channel. Take a look at the whip one. It's a homemade whip and they got a great "failure" on video!


There are a number of others like it on there. My kids are always using the homemade potato cannon to blow things up! I was leery at first, but it's been such fun for them. Their latest creation was a trebuchet. Yikes!


Anyway, I agree with you!

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14 yo

Video games






19 yo

Mao (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mao_(card_game))

Poker with no money

Watching fights


Video games

Philosophical and theological discussions


I can't believe Mao has a Wiki! I tried to teach DH... looks like I'm out of the Mao loop until DC are old enough to get it.

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Another vote for movie-making here. :) My kids love doing this with each other, or when friends come over. They have done some pretty funny stuff. I try to let them do what they want, but I had to draw the line when one of them came running in the kitchen, grabbed the ketchup, and started to head upstairs. Umm, no, you are not going to use ketchup as fake blood in the carpeted areas!


Whenever we have a group over, they like to play games like Apples to Apples, or jam on the keyboard.


I don't mind them playing video games if it's the Wii.

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Old-fashioned "Dungeons and Dragons" is a big hit here. The kids take turns being dungeon master and coming up with the scenarios, which can take hours of preparation. We often have seven kids in the basement playing for 5 or 6 hours at a time. No video screens, just stacks of D&D books and a lot of pencil and paper stuff. They have a ball.


Just this past weekend, my younger boys (13 and 15) finally convinced my oldest - 17 - to join in. Their friends span the three ages and each week its a slightly different group. They all are very nice and incredibly well-behaved; they have to be because we're pretty strict. They're in our basement rec room that doesn't have a door and I rarely hear them upstairs except the laughter. (which is very nice!)

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Their latest creation was a trebuchet. Yikes!


My husband's Christmas present this year was Home Depot gift cards so that he could get materials to design and build a trebuchet; he and my youngest spent this past weekend in the garage (in frigid temps) building the base. So, sometimes they never outgrow that phase. ;)


As for what he did growing up, he talks about riding bikes in the gravel pit behind their house, and climbing up on the house roof with sleds and sledding off once the snow on the ground got high enough. :scared: His brother broke an arm swinging from the rafters of the garage. Parenting sure has changed...

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Depending on the friends, they play video games, create crazy videos to put on You Tube, watch other people's crazy videos on You Tube, shoot AirSoft guns and BB guns, skateboard or play in the snow, talk, build with Legos once in awhile, play guitar.


Add in a few games of Chess & Monopoly and that's exactly what my boys did when they had their friends here last weekend!


Oh...and it was a sleepover...although "sleep" wasn't accomplished until 2am! :lol:

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Board games, ds has made some "video games" on paper which are too complicated for me to understand but the other boys seem to understand just fine, legos but legos that are used to fight each other in a video game like scenario, nerf guns but that's outside. . .


This exactly. I never knew another 13 yr old who made up paper versions or lego versions of video games. But, yes, this is what my boys do in their own free time or when friends come over.

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