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Truly inappropriate commercials

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Here's the link to the commercial:




Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha...:lol::lol::lol:

Oh my, I'm still laughing. I'd never seen that commercial and still can't believe that it's actually on TV. Very very funny, but so not appropriate.

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Ohmy. Why does Trojan have to play commercials for their uhm.... motorized tea-helping device during primetime? My FIVE YEAR OLD SON last night asked me, upon viewing such a commercial which showed women's hair being blown back...."Mom, do you want one of those? It can blow your hair back! I think it would be neat! I wanna get MY hair blowed back!" :001_huh:




I just looked at dh and said,"Well, honey, we already have a hair dryer so if my hair needs blowing back I'll just go with that........" :tongue_smilie:



ETA: I am SOOOO not a prude and our family is open about tea-ality, but, c'mon!! We're open about periods, tea, etc, but don't tell our kids about tea-helping devices. Hmmm, maybe that DOES make me a prude!


Oh my! I just watched the commercial through the link. :001_huh::001_huh: I had seen part of it (the end with the ladies' hair sticking out), but didn't know what it was about, as I try to mute commercials because they are either gross or too loud, or both. I never would have guessed what it was about based on the little bit I saw. Eww.



Last year DH and I were watching the news and this commericial came on.....we looked at each other and asked if we really saw what we just saw. We rewound it and watched it again and we just cracked up. A local Austin area organization put out this PSA. It was effective in the sense that DH and I haven't forgotten it - plus our son's name is Brad. Don't have any liquids in your mouth when you watch.




THAT was funny!!


Regular radio is getting just as bad. Last week, we were all driving somewhere when suddenly, we hear "Men, when you're standing over the toilet...." We were all like :001_huh::w00t::ack2:!!


I glanced at the kids (teens) in the mirror and realized all of us had the same saucer-wide eyes. It was a commercial for enlarged prostrate.


The next day, while alone, I heard another one that started with "Men, is urinating..." Just eww. And one of the commercials went on to say something about "something that should only take a few minutes turns into twenty..." Again, eww!!


We don't watch much TV, and what we do watch is Hulu or Netflix. I, however, often have the TV on at night before sleeping, so I'm subject to the horrid commercials. I can't stand any of them. We priced our cable bill a few months ago, and thought about getting rid of the cable (expanded basic only because we like Discovery and Sci Fi-- oh, sorry, it's a stupid SyFy now. Who the heck thought THAT change was a good idea? It looks like it should rhyme with "sissy"), but we realized that if we got rid of the cable, the internet cost would increase so much that we'd pay more, so we still have it. But we sure don't watch much on it. Most of what gets watched is, as I said, things on Discovery or Sci Fi that look interesting while zapping. Anything we "make a point" of watching is done through other means. And if those means go away or become to irksome (like V not being available to watch yet on Hulu or increased commercials there, too), then we'll stop watching all together. It won't be a stretch, as we only watch a whopping two shows--- DH watches one and I watch one.

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Oh my, that is spew-on-the-screen material!


I for one am sooooooooo sooooooooo sick of all the ED ads. With mixed gender teens in the house and these ads on all through the afternoon and evening news, enough is enough.



My commercial pet peeve list includes all posted about so far, but this is the one that is going to drive me crazy. I was in another room last night and heard this come on. Before I could get in there, Dd had taken the remote and changed it to cartoons. I'm not sure if she's following my lead or if she's uncomfortable with those. She hides her face whenever a scary one comes on if we can't change the channel fast enough. I cannot wait until our direct tv contract is over!!!!

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No, they'd be walking along the shore somewhere. And then.... "Mom... do you ever get that not so fresh feeling?"




Gah--I forgot about those. The one that really stands out in my mind was for Clairol shampoo. The one where the woman is in the shower washing her hair and moaning because she was having such a fabulous Organic experience.


Nauseating. :thumbdown:

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Last year DH and I were watching the news and this commericial came on.....we looked at each other and asked if we really saw what we just saw. We rewound it and watched it again and we just cracked up. A local Austin area organization put out this PSA. It was effective in the sense that DH and I haven't forgotten it - plus our son's name is Brad. Don't have any liquids in your mouth when you watch.





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What station aired that Trojan commercial? Was it a network? I can't imagine seeing that on TV. We haven't had cable for a decade though, so maybe I'm really in the dark. :001_huh:


The creepy commercials bother me. I can mute the sound, but I wouldn't want those images stuck in dds' minds.


I understand about the images but, honestly, do try the sound off thing. It really works with my kids; without the sound they are not looking at the screen!

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Last year DH and I were watching the news and this commericial came on.....we looked at each other and asked if we really saw what we just saw. We rewound it and watched it again and we just cracked up. A local Austin area organization put out this PSA. It was effective in the sense that DH and I haven't forgotten it - plus our son's name is Brad. Don't have any liquids in your mouth when you watch.




:smilielol5:That was funny. I'm sure I wouldn't find it so funny if my child had herpes but wow, what an attention getter.



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We don't have DVR but I always remind my kids to turn the MUTE button on as soon as commercials start. Without the sound on I have found the kids tend to start chatting or get distracted with something else.


That's what we do, too - commercials are always muted right away. The kids are trained really well now and know to change channels if there's a scary/violent commercial or preview, too.

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I am with you on that! I haven't seen the commerical that you're referring to, but :001_huh: I'm glad for the head's up.


The Cialis/Viagra commercials are ridiculous. Really, all of the pharm advertising bothers me. Another completely inappropriate commercial - any by GoDaddy. Ugh.



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That's why I don't watch sports anymore when my kids are around. :glare:



Yes, this is so true. My kids are wanting to know more about football, but the movie trailers and the "drop into the action" ads for combat games are simply too much!

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My 12 year old watches ESPN SportsCenter at night. He started using the tagline "If you have an erection lasting more than 4 hours, please call your healthcare provider immediately" :biggrinjester: after EVERY SINGLE medical commercial, including those for depression, heart disease, weight loss, migraines, etc.


We finally had to tell him to knock it off! :smash:.


Hilarious! He'd fit in well around here. When we hear that tag line we yell, "It's going to explode!!!!!"

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This is why I love my DVR. Just about everything we watch is recorded, and we can zip through the commercials. If we are watching live TV, we can quickly rewind a bit, hit pause, then fast forward through it a couple of minutes later.


I remember once, pre-DVR, a preview for a very scary movie came on and we did a frantic "cover your eyes, cover your eyes!" and muted. It was awful, and my kids would have had nightmares for weeks from it.

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My 11yod loves watching Animal Planet and National Geographic, but the commercials are awful! It's not such a huge deal to me now because she sees the commercials for what they are, but when she was 8-9yo it was disconcerting. My biggest beef was the commercials about weight loss - lose weight and spice up your life all at once. They showed overweight people who took a pill a day, magically lost the weight and suddenly were getting all kinds of attention from the opposite sex. My dd, who is a very skinny minny, told me one day she thought she was getting fat because she could grab a handful of skin around her tummy. I was mortified. After that I told her to hit the mute button during the commercials.

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Re: all the pharmaceutical ads, I remember back when they first began to air and Jay Leno joked about it in his monologue, something like this:


"So if I'm supposed to 'ask my doctor about' such-n-such drug, doesn't that basically turn my physician into my DEALER?"


These ads go a long way in normalizing the use of drugs - prescription and otherwise - in our culture. What a terrible message to send our kids. I wish they would just go away.

(Oops, poor grammar, I wish for the ads to go away, not the kids!)

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I've been frustrated with the trailers for the new movie--No Strings Attached. It has come on a couple time on ABC FAMILY channel of all places while we were watching a FAMILY show!!!!! It blantantly talks about just using your friend for sex. I was appalled my girls heard it. I also use Pandora radio at school so the kids at school can listen to free soft listening music while writing or reading. I am too cheap to get the ad free kind, but I was apalled when the same movie ad played in my classroom! Fortunately, I turned it down before the kids really heard much of anything. Is nothing sacred or private anymore?

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These ads go a long way in normalizing the use of drugs - prescription and otherwise - in our culture. What a terrible message to send our kids. I wish they would just go away.

(Oops, poor grammar, I wish for the ads to go away, not the kids!)


:iagree::iagree::iagree: Oh I SO agree with you!! I often wonder what the ramifications of these ads will be in 15-20 years time. :(

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Funny this topic should come up. Tonight during primetime I watched a public service commercial on network TV that really bugged me. A sexy guy with a deep voice (knees apart) that said something along the lines of "Forget jewelry this Valentines Day and give her your crown jewels. Get checked for testicular cancer." My first thought was ick... My second thought was how do I explain that to my Kindergartener... It's not the message that offends me, it's the means. Primetime television? Really?

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I've been frustrated with the trailers for the new movie--No Strings Attached. It has come on a couple time on ABC FAMILY channel of all places while we were watching a FAMILY show!!!!! It blantantly talks about just using your friend for sex. I was appalled my girls heard it. I also use Pandora radio at school so the kids at school can listen to free soft listening music while writing or reading. I am too cheap to get the ad free kind, but I was apalled when the same movie ad played in my classroom! Fortunately, I turned it down before the kids really heard much of anything. Is nothing sacred or private anymore?



I find ABC Family is HORRIBLE. During Christmas, we DVR'd several appropriate Christmas specials - all aired during prime time. After watcing them with my kids, I knew I could never start it and go ... had to watch it all the way through to be able to ff through the inappropriate commercials every time. Really unacceptable commercials! I bought a couple of the specials on DVD shortly after that.

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We've taught our boys to "not look" when the scary/icky commercials come on during football/kids shows if we can't find the remote right away. What if -especially during kid type daytime programming, we wrote to the other companies buying commercials and said, "We are turning off/forwarding through YOUR commercial in order to avoid inappropriate network commercials." If enough people did that, something might change. I only say "might" because I really don't think networks understand what is inappropriate for children.



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