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The dad of my ds's best friend had a heart attack, his kidneys are failing

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If you feel so moved, could you pray? My son is 10, his best friend Richard is also 10. I can't imagine my dad dying when I was 10 years old. The heart attack occurred earlier today and now his kidneys are failing and the prognosis is grim. The family just called and asked if Richard could come stay with us. Richard is on his way to our home now. I guess the only good thing is that with the snow we had over the weekend public schools are still closed and maybe Richard won't miss any school in addition to all this. The family is barely making it financially as it is. I am so cncerned for them all for so many reasons right now. :crying::crying::sad::sad:

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If you feel so moved, could you pray? My son is 10, his best friend Richard is also 10. I can't imagine my dad dying when I was 10 years old. The heart attack occurred earlier today and now his kidneys are failing and the prognosis is grim.


Poor little mite! It must be terrifying. He will always remember your kindness, as the day will loom in his mind til the end of his days.

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If you feel so moved, could you pray? My son is 10, his best friend Richard is also 10. I can't imagine my dad dying when I was 10 years old. The heart attack occurred earlier today and now his kidneys are failing and the prognosis is grim. The family just called and asked if Richard could come stay with us. Richard is on his way to our home now. I guess the only good thing is that with the snow we had over the weekend public schools are still closed and maybe Richard won't miss any school in addition to all this. The family is barely making it financially as it is. I am so cncerned for them all for so many reasons right now. :crying::crying::sad::sad:


Yes, you got it...will pray! Keep us updated. Sheryl <><

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Thank you so much. Prayers are so needed. We just talked to Richard's mom and it seems to only be a matter of time now until his dad passes. He has developed a staph infection and pneumonia as well. I feel at such a loss. Richard is doing ok, about what we would expect. I know he is scared and hurting but trying really hard to be brave and strong.

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Richard's dad, Ed, lived thru the night even though the doctors did not expect him to do so. Right now Ed is still in CCU and the doctors say they have done all they can. They do not expect him to live but can't predict when his body will completely shut down. Richard asked to visit the hospital earlier today and because the prognosis is grim, the nurses allowed him back to spend time with this dad this morning. He asked to stay at the hospital and his other family has said they would take care of him knowing how important it is to Richard to be there. He may be back here tonight though depending on what happens later.


Ed was a diabetic and recently had difficult controlling his levels but this has been totally unespected. He is in his mid 50s.


Richard is one of the most frightened, saddest children I have ever seen. My heart is just breaking for him and his family.

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Richard's dad, Ed, lived thru the night even though the doctors did not expect him to do so. Right now Ed is still in CCU and the doctors say they have done all they can. They do not expect him to live but can't predict when his body will completely shut down. Richard asked to visit the hospital earlier today and because the prognosis is grim, the nurses allowed him back to spend time with this dad this morning. He asked to stay at the hospital and his other family has said they would take care of him knowing how important it is to Richard to be there. He may be back here tonight though depending on what happens later.


Ed was a diabetic and recently had difficult controlling his levels but this has been totally unespected. He is in his mid 50s.


Richard is one of the most frightened, saddest children I have ever seen. My heart is just breaking for him and his family.


:crying: Oh the poor precious boy. My heart is breaking for him. Thank you for the update. Will continue praying for a miracle and for comfort. Thank you for being there to help that boy. God bless you. :grouphug:

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:( :grouphug:


That is so sad. Thank you for the update. I have been thinking of Richard and his family all day. I am so sorry that he is so sick. That poor little boy, my heart is just breaking to think about it.


I'm glad he has your family to help him through this. It will be such a hard time, and he is so young. Still thinking of you all...

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Richard's dad, Ed, lived thru the night even though the doctors did not expect him to do so. Right now Ed is still in CCU and the doctors say they have done all they can. They do not expect him to live but can't predict when his body will completely shut down. Richard asked to visit the hospital earlier today and because the prognosis is grim, the nurses allowed him back to spend time with this dad this morning. He asked to stay at the hospital and his other family has said they would take care of him knowing how important it is to Richard to be there. He may be back here tonight though depending on what happens later.


Ed was a diabetic and recently had difficult controlling his levels but this has been totally unespected. He is in his mid 50s.


Richard is one of the most frightened, saddest children I have ever seen. My heart is just breaking for him and his family.


I'm praying for Richard. :grouphug:

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Prayers for Richard, his dad and family.:grouphug:


Richard's dad, Ed, lived thru the night even though the doctors did not expect him to do so. Right now Ed is still in CCU and the doctors say they have done all they can. They do not expect him to live but can't predict when his body will completely shut down. Richard asked to visit the hospital earlier today and because the prognosis is grim, the nurses allowed him back to spend time with this dad this morning. He asked to stay at the hospital and his other family has said they would take care of him knowing how important it is to Richard to be there. He may be back here tonight though depending on what happens later.


Ed was a diabetic and recently had difficult controlling his levels but this has been totally unespected. He is in his mid 50s.


Richard is one of the most frightened, saddest children I have ever seen. My heart is just breaking for him and his family.

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I am so sorry I have not replied. I have been hit hard with strep throat and am just now feeling like actually sitting up.


I last spoke to Richard's family on Saturday afternoon. At that point his dad was occassionally breathing on his own and the doctors had begun kidney dialysis hoping to start his kidneys again. Richard is staying with extended family which seemed to give him more comfort than staying with us - which I thought was by far the best for him. I will remind my dh to call the hospital later tonight for an update. I still can't talk at all unfortunately.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks so much for asking. Ed is still in the hospital, in the ICU still. He has a trach for breathingand cannot speak but his eyes are open and he can hear. His kidneys have failed and is receiving dialysis. He is jaundiced and has tubes all over his body. They are still just taking it day by day, moment by moment.


Richard's mom has returned to work days and spends most evenings and weekends at the hospital with friends and a teenage sister caring for Richard. He stays most weekends with us although this weekend I had to say no. While I am feeling much better both of my kids now have strep and we as a family are just worn out. He spent part of yesterday and today with us though. I feel bad for not letting him stay all weekend, and I think it hurt his feelings that we didn't let him spend all afternoon with us today.


Thanks so much for caring, and prayers are still appreciated.

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Thank you for the update on Ed.


You may want to call Richard's mom and make sure

she knows he was around Strep. They'd want to

be extra careful not to bring it into the hospital.


Will continue to pray for them.

They know we have all had strep, but it hasn't seemed to bother them. I have been concerned about Richard getting sick but the family is just needing so much help that strep is a risk they are willing to take apparently.


Thanks everyone for the hugs and prayers.

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  • 4 weeks later...

No, I forgot to update here. Ed has moved into a regular room at the hospital. The family thought he would return home last week but that has not happened. He has improved a great deal but faces some serious long term health issues still yet. Thanks so much for caring to ask. The family is still under great stress and Richard is showing it in his behavior unfortunately. He is though getting to spend more time with his dad and we are so happy for that!

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