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Do you have more than one video game system(long)??

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Over the Christmas break we went from being a non video family to having two video game systems in the house. I knew we would get a Wii for Christmas because my mom and I decided to go half and buy it for my family. Than on Christmas day my husbands aunt and uncle called and asked if it was ok to stop over the house because they got the kids a gift that they would enjoy. And guess what it was?.another Wii with extra remotes and a charging station and extra games with batteries. They were a little dissapointed when they walked in the door to find out we already had a Wii. My boys had know idea what the gift was. Everything was wrapped in a big gift bag. We kept all the Wii extras and my hubby and I thanked them for the generous gift and told them they could just take the Wii back for a refund. They looked a little disappointed but said ok. Well on New Years Eve they came over with the X-box 360 system along with the Kinect. I really don't like the idea of having two games in the house but the boys and my hubby are excited! They also stated that the X-box system was also our anniversary gift which is in Feb. Forgot to mention our oldest boy will be 8 soon and the youngest is 6.5.

How do you handle having two game systems in the house? Does the Wii and X-box kinect do the sme thing?

I'm thinking about returning the Wii since my mon and I paid for it and adding the extra money to buy a lap top since we could use another one.

Edited by calledtobehome
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We have the Wii and XBox with Kinect (and original XBox, but it's rarely hooked up anymore).


They do different things.

In order to game with other people online, you need to have a subscription to XBox Live. I know my husband has played with some friends of his via Live. Our son has also played with my father via Live. You use headsets and talk while playing.


I'd say it depends on how you're going to game and what your approach to gaming and electronic time is. Around here, we rarely (never) watch tv (other than DVDs or Netflix) but the gaming systems are often in use.

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We have currently three game systems (the three big ones: Wii, Xbox360, & PS3), four computers, two DS systems, a GBA, a PSP, each of us have our own iTouch, and we have a PS2 & a Game Cube in storage.


These are NOT my idea, though I do play the Wii and I have a Wii Fit. These are my Geeky-darling Dh's idea.


Like anything else in life you have to have limits. Use this as an oppertunity to teach your children about limits, time management, and self-control.


I would say keep both systems, the Kinect looks 100x better than the Wii!!!!


You and your dh need to set the "rules" and limits and go from there.


Good luck and have fun!



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We have 2, and everyone just alternates between the two. We have a Wii and a PS3 and the PS3 has a lot of games that my crew love to play that can't be done on a Wii, and we love the motion games on the Wii. And, of course, our PS3 is the blueray player.


I don't know that I'd have 2 motion game systems for our house, though.

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We have a PS2 and an X-Box. But only 1 TV. And a mom who comes REALLY close to hating video games. So it's never an issue. ;)


Basically, the kids get 30 minutes of screen time a day - when school, chores, piano and attitude requirements are met. And we have time. And I remember. And the kids ask. That covers tv, ds, ps, or xbox. The end up playing very rarely during the week and a bit with DH on the weekends or when I'm out of the house (which I really don't care about - it's not a manipulation thing - more a respect for me that I hate them and it's a "fun" thing with daddy).

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We got a wii from my dad (which we knew about) and an x-box kinect from dh's dad. I really like them both and our plan is to put the wii in the playroom (because it has "stuff" and leave the x-box in our living room. We already have tvs in both of those places.


There are definately similarities between the 2, but also some good differences. What will work best for your family? Have you guys tried the kinect yet? (its a blast!)

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We have 2, and everyone just alternates between the two. We have a Wii and a PS3 and the PS3 has a lot of games that my crew love to play that can't be done on a Wii, and we love the motion games on the Wii. And, of course, our PS3 is the blueray player.



:iagree:We also have a PS2, but that's not played as often and is more for the boys to play older games on. I would say DH is more in the PS3 and the kids have a new found love for the Wii.

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We have an xbox, a ps2, a new sega wii knockoff (still in the box), a ds and I think we have an original ps somewhere, but we don't use it anymore.

DH uses the Xbox. it's more suited for an adult.

DS 8 uses the PS2 and DS. the nintendo games are more appropriate for children imo. DS 4 sometimes plays the PS2 games with ODS but, he's not very good at it.

When we get the sega set up, it will be in the family room and the children will use it and/or we'll all play together.

We also have a few computers. The children use their mainly for school, dh has a desktop and I have a mini laptop.

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Well, if it were up to my boys we would have an xbox, a PS3, the Wii and every other game system under the sun. ;) My SIL gave us her old GameCube several years ago and that was the ONLY system we owned until a friend gave my oldest son his used GameBoy Color (that is a real dinosaur, huh?), and then a year later his used DS. Then we acquired another newer GameBoy. Ugh. My dd14 then found a very old model DS on Craigslist for cheap so she has one of those. Ugh...takes us to present day when we now have a GameCube, PSP (ds12's) and the old DSs and Gameboy. Dd14 uses her iPod Touch for games. Making this long story short..I won't buy any more. Kids know they must buy their own games, systems, etc. from now on.

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We use both our Wii and Xbox. The Kinect is really fun and can be a great workout. We also like to play Rock Band and Guitar Hero, which the Wii doesn't have. We use our Xbox far more than the Wii. We use it for DVD's, games, and dh has it all connected to the computer so we can watch all of our downloaded movies, home videos, music, pictures, etc. The Wii is mostly used by the kids.

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We have a Wii, Xbox 360 and a DS. The DS is used for patching vision therapy though, but we use them all. We are in talks about buying the Kinect for the xbox soon as well. DD6 plays them and is really good at the games. Honestly it has helped with her manual dexterity skills. She is better at more games than dh is.:tongue_smilie:

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We have a Wii in the family room; everyone plays it, and the kids have an XBox-360 in the basement rec room.


My kids love them both -- and I really enjoy the Wii! (I've been using the workout DVDs and am amazed at how much they're helping to get me in shape!)


My boys have the Nintendo DS, but they're reserved for car trips. They don't play them much at home, although they have been playing them at home lately, simply because they received new games for them for Christmas.

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Well we have a wii, an xbox 360, 2 old game cubes (only one is hooked up and it's rarely played because the wii plays the old gamecube games), DS wanted and received an old Nintendo64 system for Christmas, an old xbox (rarely if ever used anymore), a ps 2 (only really ever used for dvd's in the game room), dd bought herself a DSi, and 3 ds's. We don't have the kinect yet but plan to purchase it in the near future. Ds's friend brought his over the other night and looked like a lot of fun.


The wii and the xbox are just different as far as game style. The kinect might change things a bit, but in general I would say for your kid's ages the wii has more age appropriate games available.

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We have a Wii, 2 Xbox360s, and 3 DSes. We don't have the Kinect yet, but I am thinking we might get it for DH's birthday in July.


Honestly if we had to do it over again we would probably skip the Wii, it is a decent system it has some games that are great, the rest though are not as good. We do enjoy the Mario games and Zelda though.


That being said we have found a number of games that are kid friends for the Xbox and DS enjoys the Xbox and can play it, while he doesn't quite have the manual dexterity yet for the Wii. They really are different systems and do serve different purposes.


We are actually talking about getting a PS3 for the holidays next year as well, because there are a few games that are exclusive to it that we would enjoy as well.


They really do have a lot of differences and both can be enjoyed without feeling like you have the same system twice.

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