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what gift can your child NOT put down?

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http://www2.jcpenney.com/jcp/X6.aspx?GrpTyp=PRD&ItemID=16e7312&Ntt=trampoline&hdnOnGo=true&Ne=840+4+877+878+5+961+6+29+3+598+11+15+12+506+10+23+585+596+1031+8+18+904+903+969+949+833&submit%20search.y=0&SearchString=trampoline&submit%20search.x=0&N=4294959029&Nao=0&SO=0&PSO=0&CmCatId=searchresults Is one of the biggest hits with the kids here.

It is pretty big and takes up a LOT of room, but I'm so glad I ordered it. It's a great way for them to burn off some energy (it was raining here on Christmas day) when they can't/won't go outside.


The girls love their Squinkies and doll house and stuffies.


DS loves all video game related gifts and all things Lego.


Everyone has been playing with the Citiblocs we got (they were clearanced at Toys R Us) including the adults and teen.

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DS5: Jurassic helicopter and megarig space shuttle. He also stole his 18 month old sisters unicorn pillow pet. Any one know of any deals?


DD4; superstructs pinklets and her bumblepee pillow pet.


DD18months--whatever anyone else is playing with. She does love her sleepy time Scout though.



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American Girl dolls and stuff and My Generation Dolls and stuff. Some they already had, some they got for Christmas and some they bought with their Christmas $ from Gma.


That and art supplies. They stop with the dolls every now and then to come paint and craft something.


And my dd8 LOVES her new P.J.s, seriously. Every time she puts them on she tells us over and over how much she loves them, and that they are her favorite P.J.s she has ever had. Just plain ole jammies from Walmart, but she loves them.

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so, what gift did your children get that they haven't been able to put down! other than a wii or a ds or an ipad or an iod or a computer! :D


Well you didn't mention an XBox 360 with Kinects ;)....my dc LOVE that one and they have been playing Kinectimals almost all afternoon.

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DS1: his new iPod touch.


Ds2: He's been playing on the new drum set ALL.DAY!!! He was waiting for my little nephews to leave so that he could start on his new model!!


DS3: His new Wii games.


DD: EVERYTHING!!!! New Barbies, new clothes for her Bitty Baby, a Rapunzel doll, a Belle doll. Hmmmm . . . I see a doll theme!!! LOL


ME???? I can't WAIT to use my new pasta maker!!!!


ETA: I just saw no iPod or Wii. Oops!!!!

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DS: MP3 player and audiobooks

DD1: Littlest Pet Shop stuff (she didn't get much of it for Christmas, but it's an ongoing obsession) and some decks of color and number flash cards. She's constantly asking us to play games with them, and falls asleep cuddling them.


Both are also pretty into the new Leapster games they got, and I'm not sure their new slippers have left their feet.

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DD: Our Generation Doll from Target plus her stack of new books. Doll and girl have spent a lot of time cuddled up reading.


DS: Marvel Heroes: Greatest Battles -- a little DK paperback that he just seems to have in hand all the time! This is a big (and pleasant!) surprise for me.


Both: Hex bugs battle bridge habitat. This is the can't put down toy here this year (even for me and DH!).

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My 12yo has spent a lot of time working on her Lego Taj Mahal. She can't work on it continuously because her fingers start to get sore after a while. This kit is so big that it has 3 instruction booklets. She's finished the first one. I had to find a fishing tackle box and several small parts storage thingies to sort the pieces into. We have them all over the ironing board.


I'm not sure whether or not the pictures managed to attach.



My 17yo has mostly been playing Portal.


My 15yo has been deeply entrenched in Harry Potter and Philosophy.

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2yo & 3yo--Leap Frog # phone--from mom


9yo--knex roller coaster--from bil


7yo--hmm...I found out this AM that she'd already read all the books she got for Christmas, & I never saw her pick one up! (But I've been sick the last 2 days, so who knows.) I think it's the set of walkie-talkies from bil that allow her to feel like she's still playing w/ 9yo even though he's totally engrossed in the knex

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Great thread! I've added several things to my Amazon wishlist!


DD1yo: FurReal kitten (meows when you press its back)


DS10, DS8, DS5 & DH: Munchkin card game (I DO NOT recommend if you are conservative with games, language, humor, etc)


DD16 & DD14: They are in Europe with my parents, but I'm guessing it is the replica sword they bought themselves!

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My dd16 received the novel Never Let Me Go from dh, after they saw and greatly enjoyed the movie. She read the whole thing on Christmas Day.


My dd12 is glued to her new Archeology Study Bible.


Dd1 is in love with this horrible doll my mom gave her - it giggles maniacally when you press its chest. She is also very fond of a vintage wooden stacking toy I gave her.


Yes, I have odd kids. ;)

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Ds (14)- books. "The World's Greatest Book of Incredibly Useless Information", and " The Hunger Games" series. I got up at 3:30 am this morning to take some ibuprofin, and his light was on. I thought he fell asleep reading. Nope, I walked in and asked why he was still awake at 3:30. He looked at me, and said " It's a REALLY good book!" I closed the door and went back to bed. :D


DD#1- her sansa clip Mp3,

and DD #2- books

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Nerf battle ax. He's slept with it every night. Christmas night, as he was getting ready for bed, I found it tucked in, ax head resting on his pillow, covers pulled up. He fixed the bed for the battle ax. He doesn't even fix the bed for himself!



What is it with this thing? My 8 year old is obsessed with his too. Favorite gift hands down. Meanwhile, my younger ones seem to think that the toy Aldi shopping cart with fake Aldi boxed food is the greatest thing ever!

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This was actually an after Christmas present because it was on sale at Amazon and had great reviews - we've had it 2 days now and the kids *love* it. It's been a much bigger hit than any other Wii games we have (or have rented):



It's very active - and unlike some of the other Wii games that you can sit and move the remote, this one requires a lot of moving and running, etc. I highly recommend it and it's still on sale!

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M-girl: doll with long hair that needs brushed, "blow dried", hair accessories and all the clothes my mom made her.


N-boy: Car track and piano (and Daddy's Paper Jamz guitar)


R-girl: Polly Pockets and N-boy's car track with *her* very own cars


Oh, and all three of them are loving the Richard Scarry Busytown game and the Curious George game.

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Baby - Fisher Price musical tea set (the amount of time she spends just opening and closing the lid is amazing)


DD4 - her kitchen along w/food, etc... and a pair of brass-colored rings w/rainbow ribbons hanging from it (very useful prop in fire/air bending - from cartoon show Avatar: The Last Airbender)

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My boys have been playing their new games non-stop all week long. They got Yahtzee, Mille Bornes, Uno, Rook, Skip-Bo, and Risk.


My oldest got Risk, too. I was unprepared for how much he liked it, but I guess I shouldn't have been (world domination, mom, duh!). They played it for 3 hours one night!

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