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Need input from people with orthodontics experience

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DD is almost 17. I took her to the ortho and here is what he thinks needs to be fixed:


Very deep bite -- you can't see her bottom teeth when she smiles

Overcrowding --

Upper and lower teeth are not lined up in the middle -- they are shifted


She'd need braces for 24 - 30 months and it'll cost $5900.


Does this sound appropriate? I'll give my opinion later -- I don't want to lead the witnesses. :D


TIA for any input!

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We're paying roughly that to fix just a deep overbite. They estimate our son will be in braces for 18-24 months.


I'd get her in soon if you can. We were told the process is quicker and easier if the child hasn't finished growing yet.


I didn't know that. She's probably definately done growing, at least in height. :sad:


Her dentist said the only reason she'd need braces was cosmetic so that is one of the reasons I waited. I also wanted to wait until her wisdom teeth started to come in because I had brace for 6 years (from age 9 to 16) and as soon as my wisdom teeth started to erupt, the ortho said I'd need the braces back on. I didn't want her to spend most of her childhood in braces (like I did) just to hear they needed to go back on.

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I didn't know that. She's probably definately done growing, at least in height. :sad:


Her dentist said the only reason she'd need braces was cosmetic so that is one of the reasons I waited. I also wanted to wait until her wisdom teeth started to come in because I had brace for 6 years (from age 9 to 16) and as soon as my wisdom teeth started to erupt, the ortho said I'd need the braces back on. I didn't want her to spend most of her childhood in braces (like I did) just to hear they needed to go back on.


It's hard when you're trying to juggle multiple things. In our case, our son got his braces at 15, because it took that long for his adult teeth to come in, and they told us that if we put them on before his adult teeth came in, he'd need them for longer. (The wisdom teeth aren't an issue because they look like they'll need to come out anyway.)

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It's hard when you're trying to juggle multiple things. In our case, our son got his braces at 15, because it took that long for his adult teeth to come in, and they told us that if we put them on before his adult teeth came in, he'd need them for longer. (The wisdom teeth aren't an issue because they look like they'll need to come out anyway.)


That's sweet of you.


I know I can only go forward now so I'll just :D.

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We paid about $5400 for our older two dc (each.)

Both had issues with their bite.


The care includes 6 month follow up visits for a couple years to make sure the teeth don't shift, which I really appreciate.


Our price also includes follow up for a couple years. He didn't say the interval of appts. but I'd assume it is like yours.

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Yes, the cost sounds reasonable. And earlier intervention is better. My mother deeply regrets not having pursued orthodontic care for my brother. Her dental insurance didn't cover it. Years later (at 30yo) db finally got his teeth fixed--he had a crossbite and underbite and crowding. He had to wear braces for 1.5 years then have oral surgery, which cost him about $9000 all together. Insurance didn't cover any of it, so he actually had to save up before he got treatment. Plus surgery is more painful than just braces, and it took several weeks of recovery before he could eat regular food again.


That's my brother's story, submitted for your consideration.



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I took dd in to an endodontist to discuss removal of her wisdom teeth because I was worried about them messing up her alignment after braces. He said all current research tells them this will not happen; wisdom teeth coming in are an issue because partial breakthrough of the gum surface can make pockets for bacteria and can cause severe infections if the teeth are not pulled out. Both he and two dentists (I'm a skeptic and always ask everybody) agreed that there would be no problem with them pushing teeth out of alignment post-orthodontics.


Now I'm curious whether other people have been told similar things, or the opposite.

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We were quoted in the same range but ended up paying $2000 less by signing up ds only for American Dental Plan. You can call around and ask what the American Dental Plan discounts will be. Some dentists ended up being the same. One even told us that they increase the price to offer the ADP discount so that it ends up the same. :confused: BUT we ended up finding one who really did discount her original price. She did an amazing job and we paid a lot less. It was worth a little time to save that kind of money.

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wisdom teeth coming in are an issue because partial breakthrough of the gum surface can make pockets for bacteria and can cause severe infections if the teeth are not pulled out


I had 3 wisdom teeth (4th didn't exist) that erupted. Dentists have told me that since my jaw is big enough they didn't need to be pulled unless they got cavities. My other teeth didn't shift.



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I took dd in to an endodontist to discuss removal of her wisdom teeth because I was worried about them messing up her alignment after braces. He said all current research tells them this will not happen; wisdom teeth coming in are an issue because partial breakthrough of the gum surface can make pockets for bacteria and can cause severe infections if the teeth are not pulled out. Both he and two dentists (I'm a skeptic and always ask everybody) agreed that there would be no problem with them pushing teeth out of alignment post-orthodontics.


Now I'm curious whether other people have been told similar things, or the opposite.


The ortho I saw told my mom my teeth were shifting and it was probably b/c of my wisdom teeth. I was wearing my retainers faithfully.


I don't know what to think. Sometimes I think that guy was a scam artist. Who has braces for 6 years? :001_huh:


The ironic thing is my dd's teeth look so much like mine it isn't funny. So what happened in those 6 years? I have an overbite, you can't see my lower teeth, and I'm glad you can't! They are super crooked!!!

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The price seems right. The one thing to consider with your dd's age--will she graduate and go on to college while her braces are still on? How will you handle the monthly appointments if she goes away to college?


That's a good point. Right now she says she doesn't want to go away. But I am going to bring my DS15 in when hockey season ends b/c of what you mentioned. He might want to go away to college...but he also says he will not get braces. We'll see.

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We are paying about that to fix similar problems, and will start another in braces in May.


I wore them as a teen, and my teeth have also shifted some. The Ortho my kids sees says that he tells his patients that they should plan to wear their retrainer at night FOR LIFE if they want no shifting. Eventually things shift a bit. I wish I had worn mine longer. My teeth are better than they would be without it, but not what they could be.



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We are paying about that to fix similar problems, and will start another in braces in May.


I wore them as a teen, and my teeth have also shifted some. The Ortho my kids sees says that he tells his patients that they should plan to wear their retrainer at night FOR LIFE if they want no shifting. Eventually things shift a bit. I wish I had worn mine longer. My teeth are better than they would be without it, but not what they could be.




The dentist said she'd only need them for cosmetic reasons but the ortho pointed out so many things that don't sound cosmetic to me at all...like upper teeth are slighly ragged from knocking into her lower teeth.

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We were quoted in the same range but ended up paying $2000 less by signing up ds only for American Dental Plan. You can call around and ask what the American Dental Plan discounts will be. Some dentists ended up being the same. One even told us that they increase the price to offer the ADP discount so that it ends up the same. :confused: BUT we ended up finding one who really did discount her original price. She did an amazing job and we paid a lot less. It was worth a little time to save that kind of money.


Good advice. Those plans always sounded like scams to me, but we have friends who have a similar plan, and it makes a significant difference in the cost of their dental care.


I can speak a bit to the severe overbite issue. Visibly, my teeth are pretty straight and look fine, but I have a severe overbite like your DD's. My parents opted not to get me braces, and it's mostly fine, but in order to make my back teeth meet, my lower jaw has to go completely out of alignment. It caused headaches for years, until I realized and began to compensate a bit. If the misalignment is degrading her teeth already, I'd agree that's not just a cosmetic issue, and I would address it with braces. Doesn't mean the cost doesn't hurt though :(

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I currently have braces and paid $5000.00. I had a deep overbite and moderate flaring of both the upper and lower teeth.


FWIW I also spent 4 years in braces as a teen. My teeth were beautiful when those braces were removed. By the time my wisdom teeth began coming in several years later I had quit wearing my retainers. My teeth shifted. A lot. I am sure that how much your teeth shift due to wisdom teeth depends in part on how much room you have in your mouth to begin with. I had no extra space at all. My wisdom teeth should have been removed the first time I had braces, but my parents did not want to pay for the surgery.

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I took dd in to an endodontist to discuss removal of her wisdom teeth because I was worried about them messing up her alignment after braces. He said all current research tells them this will not happen; wisdom teeth coming in are an issue because partial breakthrough of the gum surface can make pockets for bacteria and can cause severe infections if the teeth are not pulled out. Both he and two dentists (I'm a skeptic and always ask everybody) agreed that there would be no problem with them pushing teeth out of alignment post-orthodontics.


Now I'm curious whether other people have been told similar things, or the opposite.


My dd's orthodontist said that most people do not actually need to have wisdom teeth removed. If wearing a retainer at night (like you are supposed to do pretty much forever after braces), it will not cause any problems with the new alignment. If you are not wearing the retainer, it could cause problems. His opinion is that it is better to wait and see if the teeth will come in completely or not. If they do not (partial breakthrough), then they need to be removed at that point. According to him, it is much easier and cheaper to do after they have gotten to that point. In some cases, it is better to remove them before hand, but it isn't anywhere near the percentage that it is done today.

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