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Any suggestions for "good" Christian music?

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I just received a generous gift coupon and would like to use it to give my Christian music collection new life -- I haven't bought any in nearly a decade.


I like fairly mellow acoustic music -- the last album I bought was a Michael Card one.


I would really appreciate any suggestions -- I just went poking around on Amazon and listened to a bunch of clips. I am now seriously overwhelmed by my choices!


Thank you!

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Casting Crowns - love, love, love Casting Crowns!


Point of Grace

Avalon - the older music but newer is good too, just different group members

Mercy Me

Any of the WOW CD's b/c they have a great compilation of music

Aaron Schust - a newer artist, sings "My Savior, My God"

Chris Tomlin



That should get you started. All those are fairly mellow.

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Steven Curtis Chapman - my absolute favorite

Jars of Clay

Caedmon's Call

Newsboys (not so much on the acoustic, but really, really fun)

Casting Crowns - second this one

Mercy Me - second this one too

Chris Tomlin - second him too - he is fabulous

Sarah Groves - very mellow


One compilation that I've been enjoying recently is an album called "Glory Revealed." It's kind of a bluegrass album, and it's really good! The song I've heard from the radio is "By His Wounds."


There are some older compilations that I love - Michael W. Smith did one with lots of folks called "Exodus." It's fabulous. I enjoyed the City on a Hill albums too, especially the one with "God of Wonders" on it. The WOW CDs are great, as Sue said, because they are the "greatest hits" of contemporary Christian music. They are a great place to start when you aren't sure which artists you like.


If you go to KLOVE.com you can listen online and get an idea of who you like. Or, if you have a local station, that's even better!

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Dittoing a few:

Aaron Shust (boy do we ever LOVE that cd!!)

Chris Tomlin

Mercy Me

Jars of Clay, love them

Caedmon's Call (also...Derek Webb's solo stuff..he's awesome!!)

Casting Crowns

Oh yes and those City on a Hill cds, those are great!! I think we have 3 of them.


Then ....

Matt Redman

David Crowder Band


ummm what else?


hard for me to think sometimes, I like some edgier stuff...I'm not sure that's what you're looking for ??


But in that realm:



Third Day (not all their stuff is that hard, they're really not comparable to Skillet and the others I am about to mention LOL)

Sanctus Real

Reliant K



Barlow Girl

Ooooo Toby Mac ;)


If you're into an older/folky kind of sound I have a great rec, I'm just not sure where you could get his stuff. We got his cd from him personally, he only had a small production, not sure if anything even slightly bigger came from it ?? Anyway, Jim Scott Orrick.

And don't forget Keith Green...he never goes out of 'style' does he? :giggle:


Oh another newbie:

Brandon Heath (I'm not who I was)


I like the Newsboys as well, already mentioned.

Waiting (Hands in the Air is my all-time fave song!!!)


Well, there are a few things to further confuse and overwhelm you LOL

Have fun shopping!!

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Have you heard John Michael Talbot? He's a prolific Franciscan musician. You might enjoy his "Come to the Quiet," which is based mostly on the psalms.


He and Michael Card teamed up years ago. I have that cd. It is wonderful.


I should pull it out and put it on my Zune!!! I have not listened to it in ages.

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Yes, John Michael Talbot is wonderful! I started listening to him in high school. I still love The Lord's Supper. I enjoyed it on album. then cassette, and now I want it on CD.


"...and we shall stand forgiven." Now it's in my head and I have to play it today. Thanks for the reminder!

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And don't forget Keith Green...he never goes out of 'style' does he? :giggle:



I just had to say that dd discovered my Keith Green CD and plays him all the time! She can sing all of the songs on the CD. Of course he's great, but it sounds kind of funny coming from a nine year old.

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I just received a generous gift coupon and would like to use it to give my Christian music collection new life -- I haven't bought any in nearly a decade.


I like fairly mellow acoustic music -- the last album I bought was a Michael Card one.


I would really appreciate any suggestions -- I just went poking around on Amazon and listened to a bunch of clips. I am now seriously overwhelmed by my choices!


Thank you!


You'd probably like Chris Rice. I love his "Come to Jesus." But then, I barely see a reason to buy anything OTHER than Michael Card. Unless, of course, one already owns everything he's ever done. :D

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Do any of you know if any of these musicians play/sing traditional hymns?


I've been looking for a cd of beautiful traditional hymns and have been overwhelmed at all the Christian music around. What I am looking for is someone singing stuff like "How great thou art" "Amazing grace" "Ave Maria"...stuff like that?

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Ha...on the 9 yr old going on about Keith Green ... yeah, I know...my crew love his stuff too. 11, 8 and 6 all talk about his stuff and sing every word....then follow with some Toby Mac ... how's that for diverse? :p


Oh and to the OP, sorry I apparently missed that part about the 'softer' stuff...Skillet would not apply LOL


If I think of anything else helpful, I'll post back. My problem is I forget who sings what. I drive myself crazy with that, honestly.

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Do not miss Philips, Craig and Dean. Acoustical, worshipful, wonderful! Also, not to be missed are the Irish husband-wife team of Kristen and Keith Getty. They are being hailed as contemporary hymn writers for the the doctrine in their music. You may be familiar with "In Christ Alone." Oh my. I'm going to have to go out and get that CD right now just thinking about it.





Happy listening,


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Oh, thanks for this thread! Now that I have kids that can actually understand the lyrics in music, I've been keeping my radio on the local Christian radio station. But they seem to be playing the same music over and over. I'll be interested to read the responses and get me some new music, too!

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Oh, thanks for this thread! Now that I have kids that can actually understand the lyrics in music, I've been keeping my radio on the local Christian radio station. But they seem to be playing the same music over and over. I'll be interested to read the responses and get me some new music, too!


Oh, no kidding! There's one that says something about the day "a mother lost a son at the end of the road..." & mine were singing THAT part of that song *incessantly* for a while. I wonder even about Christian music sometimes. (Not that there's anything wrong w/ that song, just that my dc were 5 or 6 & 3 or 4 at the time, so it was kind-of...macabre?)

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his "Revival in Belfast" album is my all time favorite. It is worship music recorded in Ireland where Proddies and Catholics came together to worship in unison. The album is extremely inspiriing for people of all ages. Some of his other albums are great too, but this one is the best of all.


I also love Jeremy Camp, Nichole Nordeman and Matt West, along with all the others that have already been listed.


In my humble opinion, every family should invest in a good stereo system and a variety of music for everyone to experience. This is all part of creating a great environment of learning and appreciation for our children.


Enjoy your music. What a wonderful gift!




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Haven't read the others, but just wanted you to know I have a lot of Christian music on my blog (tho the first is Jason Castro singing Rainbow! lol).

I also have some other music mixed in there, but it's farther down. (Tom Lehrer is probably not a Christian, but you never know...:D)

Anyway, feel free to give a listen. The music thingy is in the left "margin" and can be clicked on to see the whole thing.

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