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Bed bugs / Disney vacation - help me think this through

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We're going to Disney in January, and will be staying at a resort on Disney property. Disney vacation planners have assured me that there are no current concerns about bedbugs at Disney, and that they've engaged exterminators to be sure there are no bedbugs in the future.


I feel reassured, but not convinced. . .


For peace of mind,, we can request a "VIP cleaning" service for our room, at no additional charge. Essentially, they will do whatever we ask them to do, including shampooing the carpets, washing the bedspreads, draperies, etc. This is the type of cleaning they provide for guests with severe allergies.


I realize that a clean room doesn't guarantee no bedbugs, but if we decide to request this service, what should I ask them to do?


I'm also considering doing our laundry before we leave the property, and sealing our clothes in plastic bags for the trip home, or sealing our suitcases in plastic while they are in the baggage hold. Another option would be to buy some really inexpensive nylon duffel bags, and just throw them away when we get home.


I'm not usually paranoid about this kind of thing, but I really don't want to deal with bedbugs in our house . . .

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I wouldn't think twice about going. Go enjoy yourself and just take extra precautions with your stuff if you are worried. Those super big ziplock bags can protect stuff well. If you are worried about suit cases then when you get home unpack in the garage into a bag. Most of the stuff will be warm weather stuff so let it sit long enough to kill the little suckers. Otherwise get it straight to the laundry and put it on a soak cycle to make them come to the top of the water.

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I went down to CA to visit my best friend last weekend and we stayed in a hotel while spending a couple of days at a scrapbook convention.


Now, I *could* have obsessed over bed bugs. I *could* have checked the bed. But I felt like it would have been disrespectful to my best friend, who had made all the arrangements. So what I did was just treat my luggage as if it were infested once I got home. I got home, immediately put all of my clothes in the washer (including the ones I was wearing), got a shower and then made sure my laundry dried on high heat for an hour.


The dh and ds spent that weekend on a Boy Scouts camping trip where they stayed in an Army barracks and I made sure they did the same thing when they got home. They stripped down in the garage and went straight to the shower and then did the same thing with their laundry. The sleeping bags went into the dryer at high heat for an hour.

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Are there any signs you can look for in a hotel room? We're going down to Florida for the shuttle launch in a couple of weeks, and the registry finds some reports for hotels in that area, even if not our specific one.



A few weeks ago, Auntie M (I think) posted that one can put a heating pad plugged in, set to high, on the mattress when you first get into the room and come back 45 minutes later and check for critters.


Maybe a 'search' will turn up the instructions.

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Are there any signs you can look for in a hotel room? We're going down to Florida for the shuttle launch in a couple of weeks, and the registry finds some reports for hotels in that area, even if not our specific one.


If you search for bed bugs + travel you'll find all sorts of helpful tips for travelers . . .

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We stayed at a Marriot this past weekend, and it was sparkling clean and no bed bugs. I wouldn't worry. Check if you have to...I did. ;) I checked the mattress, lifted it, checked the seams, moved the bed skirts, opened the draws, looked at the headboard and art above the bed etc. I even put my laptop on the bed all plugged in and left the room. No bedbugs. I felt a little ridiculous, but I did it because I know bedbugs are real.


The only up side I can think of for total paranoia is that hotels will have more deals for the likes of me because the likes of others are too scared to go anywhere. ;)

Edited by LibraryLover
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We were at Disney few months ago and before we brought any of our luggage in and before anyone sat on the beds I checked all the beds with a flash light. I pulled up the sheets and mattress covers looked all behind the head board and found nothing. I felt a little silly doing it but I know I wouldn't have slept well without doing it.

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Bedbugs that you carry home in your luggage and clothes won't die off by being left in the garage for a couple of weeks. They can live without a blood meal for well over a YEAR. If you encounter them, you should wash every item you bring home very thoroughly and immediately, and discard non-washable items.

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It is prudent to check for bed bugs in ANY hotel where you are staying. Bed bugs can appear at any hotel, regardless of cleanliness, regardless of cost, because they are brought there by guests and can appear at any time.


A report at a hotel doesn't mean the whole hotel is infested, and the fact that a hotel does not have a report does not mean there are not bed bugs there.


Do the checks recommended by previous posters. We stayed at Disney about 3 weeks ago, and checked the bed. Nothing found. If I had found something, I would have reported it immediately and asked to be moved. But, I would have not been especially angry at the hotel, nor would I expect never to stay there again. The bedbug epidemic is hitting all hotels, at all levels of service, very hard. You should always check for bugs, and you should judge the hotel by the response to your issue.

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I've been hearing/reading that folks are picking up bed bugs in all sorts of public transportation and other places, not just hotel rooms. So when traveling I'd just guess that it's best to take precautions when you get back home by leaving things out in the garage (if you have one and can) until you've aired them, sprayed them out, taken laundry directly to the washer, etc. Even then, you could get an infestation. But you could get one from sitting in a seat at a restaurant or movie theatre, too, so what are you gonna do? We were at Disney last January and it was fine.

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I've been hearing/reading that folks are picking up bed bugs in all sorts of public transportation and other places, not just hotel rooms.


I've been reading this too, which is why I wondered about putting our clothes into sealed plastic bags before putting our suitcases in the baggage compartment on the plane. I've read that Bed bugs can migrate from one person's suitcase into another. . . :ack2:

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Well, hopefully Jennifer/MI will chime in.


We just returned last week and there was NO issue with bedbugs. It's funny you should ask this, b/c I'd heard about this bed bug problem during a local tv news story, thinking hmmmmmm. My dd and I had spots this summer just after picking blackberries in the wild and we found ticks on us. YUCK. I've gotten the occassional tick or two and NEVER developed a rash. Or, it could have resulted when we visited our neighbor to the north....Canada.


With that said, our trip to DW was being planned and I did NOT want bed bugs. After I heard the tv story and noticing these spots, I researched bed bugs at DW and specifically at our resort. We stayed just 10 minutes away at LBV Resort and Spa and there was not a problem at all.


Like you I planned on going the disposable route, but didn't.


Here's a question....it's something I came close to doing, but didn't. Has anyone taken their own bed sheets and bath towels. I may do this next time we travel anywhere.


FWIW...I guess you can "see" bed bugs. They say to look for black lines. Can anyone confirm this?


Sheryl <><

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Has Disney had bedbug problems before? Gack!

I'd ask them to wash the bedspreads and do the carpets, at least.


A friend of mine from another board recently ran into bedbugs at Disney.



I've stayed at Master's Inn. I've stayed at Rodeway. Once, not too long ago, I stayed in a motel that cost us $11/night (and, surprisingly, was actually pretty nice and I've recommended it to friends). I've stayed everywhere. Never a problem.


And I get BEDBUGS at DISNEY! That's right, folks, our swank overpriced fancy hotel at Disney gave us bedbugs.


No worries, I hope. They were extremely on top of it to make sure they DON'T come home with us, which is why I'm late for work today. They took all our clothes, our luggage, the boys' carseats, the stroller, the dog, our blankets, the entire CAR. Everything we owned, they took. We got it all back ~10 last night. But they comped us another night and paid for our dinner, so I can't complain about that. Heck, a Holiday Inn would have given us a can of Raid and offered to upgrade us to another room for $19 extra.


Disney has their own bedbug sniffing dog, Daisy. She checked everything over and pronounced us bedbug free. Still skeeved out, though!

The room she stayed in was heat treated.


it really sounds like Disney is doing everything right here.


As for which hotel?

it doesn't matter. ALL hotels are equally at risk. Disney maybe moreso because of the amount of people, from everywhere, that funnel through. But don't let it put you off Disney. I spend an embarrassing number of nights on Disney property each year, and this is the first time I've encountered such an issue.
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Like you I planned on going the disposable route, but didn't.


Here's a question....it's something I came close to doing, but didn't. Has anyone taken their own bed sheets and bath towels. I may do this next time we travel anywhere.


FWIW...I guess you can "see" bed bugs. They say to look for black lines. Can anyone confirm this?


Sheryl <><



In bold - I've wondered about this, but the issue still remains with the flooring, drapes, etc, I guess?

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My dh works in the pest control business, and knows about bedbugs. We stayed in a hotel recently for, ironically, a pest control convention. My friend and I were sitting in some upholstered chairs outside the bar and were asked to move because they were changing out the chairs--come to find out there were bedbugs. There were also bedbugs in some of the rooms. My dh was not unduly concerned--he checked our room, but basically says there's not a lot to do beyond that and not to be so worried about it. If you get them, you'll have to call a professional, which will be a pain and an expense, but the other options are to not travel, or to be constantly hypervigilant. I'd check the room and not worry about it otherwise. You can't avoid all dangers :)

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Do check your room. bedbugger.com is the best site for reputable information on the internet, started by a woman whose apartment became infested, she won the battle, but started the site to warn and help people. It has the leading authorities in the field from all over the world posting on it, including Lou Sorkin, the world guru of bed bug knowledge.


Go and read the site. There are specific things you can do when you travel to protect yourself from bringing them home. Check your room carefully.


I ran into bedbugs at a $250 night hotel right near the airport. Not a good experience.


Please go and read at http://bedbugger.com/


Knowlege is crucial in keeping these monsters at bay.

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A quick note about cockroaches in FL -

Unless you saw German or Oriental Roaches (you can google a picture if you need to), the roaches you saw were just what we have everywhere here. They live outside and frequently come indoors attracted by the lights. We, nicely, call them "Palmetto bugs" - sounds better. Thankfully - unless it's an abandonned building or something - these do not normall "infest" anything. They are just big and gross!!!! And they fly!

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and although the vacation planner I spoke with said he could neither confirm nor deny that Disney has a bed bug sniffing dog named Daisy (he said he honestly didn't know) he did say that the bed bugs have been eradicated, and they now inspect every room after every guest leaves to be sure no new bed bugs arrived with the guests in their luggage.

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In bold - I've wondered about this, but the issue still remains with the flooring, drapes, etc, I guess?


Right...I heard that it may be prudent to keep everything UP OFF the floor. That may be hard to do, but worth a try.


BTW, what are the actual bugs? Or, do I even want to know? :glare:

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  • 4 weeks later...
and although the vacation planner I spoke with said he could neither confirm nor deny that Disney has a bed bug sniffing dog named Daisy (he said he honestly didn't know) he did say that the bed bugs have been eradicated, and they now inspect every room after every guest leaves to be sure no new bed bugs arrived with the guests in their luggage.


Had to resurrect this thread - there really is a dog there (beagle) doing sniff inspections. We just got back and another person in our party saw the dog, who was more friendly than you would have expected a "working" dog to be. ;)

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and although the vacation planner I spoke with said he could neither confirm nor deny that Disney has a bed bug sniffing dog named Daisy (he said he honestly didn't know) he did say that the bed bugs have been eradicated, and they now inspect every room after every guest leaves to be sure no new bed bugs arrived with the guests in their luggage.


Wow! I suspect that's what all hotels are going to have to start doing--either that or heat-treating each room after guests leave.


Also, I'm a lot more reassured by a response like the one that the OP got from Disney than I am from the hotels who just deny that they have or have ever had a problem. I'd much rather stay at a hotel that has a proactive plan and announces it than a hotel that just denies the problem exists!

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Had to resurrect this thread - there really is a dog there (beagle) doing sniff inspections. We just got back and another person in our party saw the dog, who was more friendly than you would have expected a "working" dog to be. ;)


Thanks for the update :001_smile:

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Oh I am glad that this thread was bumped up! We are also going to WDW in January and I have been worrying about this underneath all my excitement! I will be checking out the links and this makes me feel better -


Also, I'm a lot more reassured by a response like the one that the OP got from Disney than I am from the hotels who just deny that they have or have ever had a problem. I'd much rather stay at a hotel that has a proactive plan and announces it than a hotel that just denies the problem exists!
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When are you going? We'll be there in January too! It'd be funny if our dates were the same!


We'll be there from the 4th through the 14th and staying at the Caribbean Beach. The free dining during our daughter's school break was just too good to pass up!


How about you?

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A quick note about cockroaches in FL -

Unless you saw German or Oriental Roaches (you can google a picture if you need to), the roaches you saw were just what we have everywhere here. They live outside and frequently come indoors attracted by the lights. We, nicely, call them "Palmetto bugs" - sounds better. Thankfully - unless it's an abandonned building or something - these do not normall "infest" anything. They are just big and gross!!!! And they fly!


Oh yes, palmetto bugs. Florida's state bird! :tongue_smilie:

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We'll be there from the 4th through the 14th and staying at the Caribbean Beach. The free dining during our daughters school break was just too good to pass up!


How about you?


I just sent you a PM in case you didn't' want to post here! We'll be there the 5th - 15th! But, as we're running in the marathon during that first weekend, we wanted a condo so we could cook our own food and have more space! So, we're checking in to Port Orleans Riverside on the 11th - 15th!!! do you know which parks you'll be going to which days? I'd love to meet up with you!


We don't start going to the parks until the 9th (right after the marathon!). So,


9th: MGM

10th: magic Kingdom (taking Meg to the BBB and lunch at the castle!)

11th: ?????

12th: Epcot

13th: Epcot (Not ideal to do two days in a row, but we got dining reservations as Le Cellier!!!)

14th: Animal Kingdom

15th: ?????

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