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How tall is the average WTM mom?

How tall are you?  

  1. 1. How tall are you?

    • 4.5 - 4.9
    • 5.0 - 5.1
    • 5.2 - 5.3
    • 5.4 - 5.5
    • 5.6 - 5.7
    • 5.8 - 5.9
    • 6.0
    • 6.1
    • 6.2
    • other

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I'm 5'2" and my dh is 6'1". I know I'll be looking up at my oldest two kids eventually, because my 11 year old son is 4'10" and my not quite 9 year old daughter is 4'7". I have hope with my youngest as at 5 years old he's only 3'4"(my older two were almost 4 ft or 4ft at that age)

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I'm 5'2" and my dh is 6'1". I know I'll be looking up at my oldest two kids eventually, because my 11 year old son is 4'10" and my not quite 9 year old daughter is 4'7". I have hope with my youngest as at 5 years old he's only 3'4"(my older two were almost 4 ft or 4ft at that age)
I'm 5'2" also, and dd14 is now three inches taller than I am.


But she's still scared of me.:D

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That's funny, the freakish part. I always said I was 5'9" because as a teen that was how tall I was the last time I was measured. Then when my kids were little, they wanted to put a mark on the wall for Mommy, and I was shocked that I was actually 5'10". All those years I thought I was shorter, and wanted to be closer to 6'. Now, of course, I'm shrinking, and have shorter days and taller days.


I think 510" must be the "acceptable" height, for both women and men. I've known many men, quite a bit shorter than I am, who have claimed they were 5'10". (In your dreams, buddy.) I thought it curious the first time I heard it, silly the next times.



Yes. This.


I've had men insist to me that they were 6', too (especially other actors). Yah, right.


The thing is though... so many men are shorter than me and I found I felt ... shunned?... by them for my height. I married a man who is 6'2" (really) and he doesn't mind at all when I wear heels and am taller than him. I think he likes it. ;) But, when I was single, it was a painful issue.

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I am very tall but I don't know my height. Somewhere between 5'11" and 6' I would guess. I'm surprised that there are women here who would be taller than me, I don't think I've ever met anyone taller than me in real life, so it would be a bit strange not to be the tallest in the room.


ETA I mean women. I have met quite a few men who were taller than me.

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