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Hidden gem and off-the-beaten-path book recs

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What children's book (or author) would you recommend that you know or suspect few here have heard of? Any level is fine.




Momo by Michael Ende

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well, this may be well known already... but our favorite book is "the quiltmaker's gift". it is awesome!





when i was little, my favorite books were about dorrie the little witch, (an awkward witch who wanted to be kind). they're by patricia coombs

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What children's book (or author) would you recommend that you know or suspect few here have heard of? Any level is fine.




Momo by Michael Ende


Hercules by Hardie Gramatky (author of Little Toot). Two generation family favorite that is alas out of print. If you find it used, grab it.


Miss Happiness and Miss Flower by Rumer Godden


Update: Forgot to add Fire Fightin' Mose by Fenton

Edited by Sebastian (a lady)
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We just found and LOVE the Saturdays and the three books that come after by Elizabeth Enright. Wonderful, homey books about a family.


Also, we love anything by English author Hillary McKay. Write about a current family. Little bit of an edge so you might scan first to make sure it's okay for your kid.


I wish I had waited till mind we're a little bit older.



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My favorite book EVER until I read LOTR in seventh grade was "The Diamond in the Window". It is WONDERFUL.


Another book I loved as a kid that I can't find anymore is "In Place of Katia." The mysteries by Pease about World War II were very enjoyable as well, as I recall.


I have found the series "My Book House" very helpful in homeschooling. It includes summaries from the lives of famous authors, summaries of famous books, and retellings of some Shakespeare plays. For a classical approach this series has been invaluable.


As far as I know, all but the first of these are out of print now.

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We just finished Surviving the Applewhites, which my daughter really enjoyed (and is a positive book on homeschooling). The Great Good Thing has been her hands-down favorite for years.


For older kids, Terry Pratchett's Tiffany Aching series (Wee Free Men, A Hat Full of Sky, The Wintersmith, I Shall Wear Midnight) are great, fun (and funny) fantasy novels. His Discworld books for adults are in the same universe, but the Tiffany Aching ones are juveniles.

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We love picture books by the author/illustrator Roy Gerrard.


We also love The Wolves Chronicles by Joan Aiken. I find that many have read/heard of The Wolves of Willoughby Chase, the first in the series, but few realize that she wrote sevreal more books in the series. Quirky, bizarre, excellent.


Also, I've often wondered why more homeschoolers don't reads the books of Lois Lenski beyond Strawberry Girl and Indian Captive. Perhaps because they're not readily available. But if you can find them through inter-library loan, especially the ones in the "Regional Series" they are seriously worth it.

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The Blueberry Pie Elf by Jane Thayer (this one with the original illustrations!)



It's out of print, but The Sugar Mouse Cake by Gene Zion is a wonderful little book. Our library had a copy.


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My very favorite book of all time: The Little Broomstick by Mary Stewart. It shaped my childhood, and I do not say that lightly!


Oh, me too! I dont remember what it was about now, but wow I loved it as a kid.

And A Wrinkle in Time also was powerful for me.

A Phantom Tollbooth.

Seven Little Australians.(Australian, obviously)

Nargun and the Stars. (Australian)

Snugglepot and Cuddlepie (Australian- didnt make an impression on my kids but I loved it as a kid and still love the illustrations).

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