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So, what TWTM forum posts do you shake your head at?

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Sorry... I am quite guilty of not googling some things and coming here for an answer. I probably do that a few times a year. But, I usually say so in my post... I admit upfront that I have not researched it and want to know what other's think or if they have a resource. I think I do this because sometimes google gives you so many choices and I get overwhelmed and I think "Hey, the gals at twtm have got this." Another time I might be in the middle of a crazy, busy schedule and don't have time to dig around google looking for the answer... and usually a few people here can respond and save me that bit of time.


But, yeah, I do that. Guilty.


Me, too. But I remember a poster writing this motto:


"The WTM forum: faster than google and less judgemental than your mother in law."


(Please credit the inventor of this if you know who she is!)


For the questions I bring here instead of googling, I know I will get tried-and-true responses. That's a layer of quality control google won't give me!


Posts that make me roll my eyes are, as Jean mentioned, the ones that clearly don't want an answer. Not all of those bother me, but the ones in which the original poster will then come back and argue vehemently for a predetermined outcome, well, that's just a waste of time. Why'd ya ask?!!


I am also troubled by the ones that express extraordinary expectations for tiny young children. I always breathe a little prayer that these enthusiastic new teacher-moms will not forget to just have *fun* with their kids.


Ones that I know will bug me, I try to avoid.

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Posters that simply post a link to their blog--stating that they have interesting news or something particularly insightful to share. If you want to find out what it is, you have to go to their blog.


I think if you have something to share on the board, share it on the board. While I don't have a blog, it seems like some bloggers seek to increase their blog's traffic flow through this board by putting these teasers out there.


(I do like that people put their blog's web-site below their signature. I look at many of the blogs this way.)


I agree with this. In the name of inclusion and tolerance we're suppose to see all educational choices as equal.


This is America, do what you wanna do, baby. But don't necessarily expect approval for all those choices, particularly on a Classical(neo if you must) Education chat board.


Also, I avoid the post that seem to be soap-opera like in their continuing story lines and those that seem aimed at appealing specifically at bandwagon for "like-minded" thinkers.


OH COME ON NOW!! You all know which ones make me shake my head....




I've calmed down a whole lot since that day....AND now I know there was an actual physical issue that I was dealing with. (got my diagnosis 2 days ago...and YES, there is a real reason for my exhaustion beyond normal exhaustion from a very hectic life. My doctor is totally amazed that I am not in the hospital being treated. My resilience is amazing....and now I really know how strong I actually am....


BUT, these are still the posts that make me shake my head. Yes, I get it, Yes, I know it is ok and preferable to make sure your educational choices are best for each child...but I still think of this place as a "homeschooling" retreat...a place to be safe in our homeschooling and bat around new ideas. I LOVE my friends who homeschool, public school, private school, do a bit of both...but somehow I would like to see a "homeschool only" lounge where we can cheer each other on...and not have that public school carrot hung in front of my face when I really want to shove those kids on the next yellow bus that goes by no matter where it happens to be heading....:auto:







I also shake my head at posts where the posters insist that XYZ curriculum is the only way to go or your child is doomed...DOOMED I say!. Especially if they only have young children. I liken it to my childbirth plan with my oldest. I had a specific plan, based on all my research. It was going to be a drug free, natural labor. But then I had to be induced due to dangerously high blood pressure, where I labored for 24 hours and pushed for 3, but the kid had the nerve to get stuck, and the heartrate was dropping, and I ended up with an emergency c-section (where he was so stuck they had trouble getting him back out). Oh, did I mention we were convinced this child was a girl :lol:? Sometimes life throws you curveballs. Sometimes another curriculum will produce the best results for a certain family or child.

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Posts that make me roll my eyes are, as Jean mentioned, the ones that clearly don't want an answer. Not all of those bother me, but the ones in which the original poster will then come back and argue vehemently for a predetermined outcome, well, that's just a waste of time. Why'd ya ask?!!


A few months ago I would have agreed with this, but having now been accused of doing it once, I would say that sometimes the problem is that you ask a question and people start treating you like you're an idiot for even asking, much less considering doing xyz. That can lead to you defending xyz, not because you already knew what you wanted to hear, but because you've essentially been put into a position where you feel you have to defend your reasons for asking. It's not fun to ask a question and get treated badly for even asking. It's even worse when you're talked down to, then you respond to explain WHY you asked in the first place, and you get accused of only wanting to hear a certain answer. The debate can certainly help a person decide what she thinks, but it's pretty crappy when other posters respond that way to an honest question.


Now I tend to feel a little differently about that whole accusation. I certainly wouldn't be so quick to decide that someone only wanted to hear a certain response ever again!

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A few months ago I would have agreed with this, but having now been accused of doing it once, I would say that sometimes the problem is that you ask a question and people start treating you like you're an idiot for even asking, much less considering doing xyz. That can lead to you defending xyz, not because you already knew what you wanted to hear, but because you've essentially been put into a position where you feel you have to defend your reasons for asking. It's not fun to ask a question and get treated badly for even asking. It's even worse when you're talked down to, then you respond to explain WHY you asked in the first place, and you get accused of only wanting to hear a certain answer. The debate can certainly help a person decide what she thinks, but it's pretty crappy when other posters respond that way to an honest question.


Now I tend to feel a little differently about that whole accusation. I certainly wouldn't be so quick to decide that someone only wanted to hear a certain response ever again!




I shake my head at posts where the poster asks a certain question and most people tear everything *else* apart in the post, without even addressing the question!

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stick around while. These feelings will pass.;)


It was completely meant in general terms :) It's internet-wide. I've seen it on my scrapping boards, food boards, other homeschool boards. It's just a general pervasiveness of you're new - you prove yourself before we pay you attention that is everywhere :)


I know the score..I'm not easily offended when I'm ignored. I'm like a pug and keep putting myself out there LOLOLOL

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The ones that bemoan the way the board has changed and long for the way the board used to be when we all just got along and there was no controversy. The ones that are so sad because we just can't come here anymore because it's so controversial.


I've been on the boards a lot of years, and it's always been controversial. It gets more hot than usual around elections, but really, there's always a controversy. Or one just got locked. Or someone is typing one up. :001_smile:

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I dislike posts about the friend/sister-in-law/neighbor and her *shocking* choices in parenting/childcare/schooling.

Equally frustrating are the follow-up posts that run along the lines of, "I know! I would *never* do that with my child!"


It all feels like a terrible game of, "I'm a better Mommy than She!"

:iagree: and am probably guilty at the same time.

I am also troubled by the ones that express extraordinary expectations for tiny young children. I always breathe a little prayer that these enthusiastic new teacher-moms will not forget to just have *fun* with their kids.


I almost posted a thread on this today :p


My sister and her ds went out for lunch to a "restaurant" with a play place. Inside the play place were two other littles and their mom. The youngest was playing, but the older child (sister said he was about five/six) was sitting at the table doing school work. Sister said the mom kept calmly and patiently drawing his attention away from the fun and pushing him to focus :( That was a fun conversation, my sister is just know starting to believe that people other than me are qualified to homeschool.


I wonder if anyone wonders about how others might percieve them when that happens. I've done lessons at the doctor's office and the library, but a play ground just seems mean (imo, and look that at, I am pulling out my superior mommy card :lol:).

I have not seen one of these for a while but posts that belittle TWTM or our gracious forum hostess, Susan Wise Bauer. Why are these people joining the WTM community if they think so little of the methodology?


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I am especially surprised by posts on classical homeschooling boards specifically decrying people with high academic standards as being discouraging to others. Also, the related posts that assume anything done at all in the home is necessarily (academically) better than public school.

:iagree: Timing wise these seem to appear on the day I am struggling with getting done by 4pm and coming to the boards looking for encouragement. That will be the day I see a "my 7th grader finishes by 10am" thread. I have learned when this happens to go back to my well worn copy of TWTM and remind myself why I am using the materials I am using.


I also cringe at the academics for very young children threads. I always want to link to the song "Let them be Little."

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It's not so much certain topics but when people tend to post only about certain topics. For example, there is a poster here who tends to only post about her female issues and never about other stuff. I mean, how many times can we discuss your female concerns? Ask your doctor!! I have no problem discussing medical concerns but there has to be other topics you want to discuss as well!



OMGYES! I don't know if we are talking about the same offender, but the "yesterday my flow as like this, but now it's more like that" or "my diastolic was exactly one number lower three weeks ago....what do you think that means?!"


I have a new appreciate for those who suffer from hypochondria after coming to the WTM boards, but geeze!!! get on some anti-anxiety meds, dear!

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I don't know why, but the posts that always start out "Am I the ONLY one..." or "Are we the ONLY family that..."


NOOOOO!!!! You are NOT that unique, people!!! If you need validation that badly, please take it elsewhere. Like Facebook. :tongue_smilie: :lol:


It shouldn't bug me because most who post that probably know that they really are not the only ones who don't do Halloween or don't have a t.v. or whatever, but because of that it seems like such a silly ploy to get others to agree or say that you're not a complete freak.

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I don't know why, but the posts that always start out "Am I the ONLY one..." or "Are we the ONLY family that..."


NOOOOO!!!! You are NOT that unique, people!!! If you need validation that badly, please take it elsewhere. Like Facebook. :tongue_smilie: :lol:


It shouldn't bug me because most who post that probably know that they really are not the only ones who don't do Halloween or don't have a t.v. or whatever, but because of that it seems like such a silly ploy to get others to agree or say that you're not a complete freak.


I am often tempted to write "Yes" to those "Am I the only one..?" posts but for some reason manners prevail.

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My sister and her ds went out for lunch to a "restaurant" with a play place. Inside the play place were two other littles and their mom. The youngest was playing, but the older child (sister said he was about five/six) was sitting at the table doing school work. Sister said the mom kept calmly and patiently drawing his attention away from the fun and pushing him to focus :( That was a fun conversation, my sister is just know starting to believe that people other than me are qualified to homeschool.


I wonder if anyone wonders about how others might percieve them when that happens. I've done lessons at the doctor's office and the library, but a play ground just seems mean (imo, and look that at, I am pulling out my superior mommy card :lol:).




ya wanna fight? ;):001_tt2::001_tt2::001_tt2:


I have been one of those mean mommies. We had homeschool activities with our group and one child did all their work to the best of their ability, another child purposefully wrote wrong answers, didn't do their work, scribbled all over their work, etc. most of last year. Finally, I had had enough. I wasn't going to punish the deserving child by not taking her to the homeschool group to see her friends, but at the same time, I was DONE with rewarding my disobedient child for not doing her work. I finally put my foot down hard and told dd that she would partake in NO activities or play dates unless ALL work was done. We sat out on parties, playground days, etc. It was hard on all the other moms, but it was necessary to do. I can't tell you how many times I came home and went straight to my room to get out a good cry. It was HORRIFIC on ME!!! But, my dd learned her lesson and so far, things are going SUPERBLY with school. She does ALL her work and is playing NO games. It took a year of torture, and I know many moms thought I was awful, but really..... it was absolutely necessary.

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It seems to be that way everywhere....post count seems to matter...as if low post counts mean you're lesser than everyone else there.


I think, in part, people are a bit jaded to hit and run posters, but in general, boards all over tend to be a bit 'inclusive' and newbies aren't always tolerated well.


I'll give some weight to the opinion you expressed here when your post count reaches 10,000.




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"The WTM forum: faster than google and less judgemental than your mother in law."


(Please credit the inventor of this if you know who she is!)


For the questions I bring here instead of googling, I know I will get tried-and-true responses. That's a layer of quality control google won't give me!




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ya wanna fight? ;):001_tt2::001_tt2::001_tt2:


I have been one of those mean mommies. We had homeschool activities with our group and one child did all their work to the best of their ability, another child purposefully wrote wrong answers, didn't do their work, scribbled all over their work, etc. most of last year. Finally, I had had enough. I wasn't going to punish the deserving child by not taking her to the homeschool group to see her friends, but at the same time, I was DONE with rewarding my disobedient child for not doing her work. I finally put my foot down hard and told dd that she would partake in NO activities or play dates unless ALL work was done. We sat out on parties, playground days, etc. It was hard on all the other moms, but it was necessary to do. I can't tell you how many times I came home and went straight to my room to get out a good cry. It was HORRIFIC on ME!!! But, my dd learned her lesson and so far, things are going SUPERBLY with school. She does ALL her work and is playing NO games. It took a year of torture, and I know many moms thought I was awful, but really..... it was absolutely necessary.

Oh, her younger child was three and not doing work (I think my sister's head would've exploded if she had the three-year-old doing work) and the boy was only six (in a wheedling whiny voice).


My problem was more with her making my sister worry that hsing moms all force their young children to do drudgery while fun goes on around them :lol:. It took me two years to convince her that I was NOT the only hser that allowed my children to leave the house :glare:


I think I remember what you're talking about though, or did someone else have a similar problem? I understand why you did it, but I have to judge this woman or else my sister will never forgive me ever *snort.*


Does this mean my card's revoked?

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:D The posts I am most likely to shake my head at are my own when my common sense and manners do not prevail and I allow myself to be sucked into an unhealthy vortex.:tongue_smilie:




I also dislike posts that belittle the OP after they have opened their hearts, and even asked the responses to be gentle. Or non-CC posters belittle the OP's concern in a thread clearly labeled "CC". Or, likewise, posters who quote the Bible to non-Christians... Or posts that imply either stupidity or nefarious purposes to people's choices in books/curricula. Basically, any post that shows complete disregard and lack of respect for the OP or other posters. :001_huh:

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You will all forgive me, of course,


But "am I the only one" who just cracks up, really laughing out loud, when I read references to the shopping carts and crock pots? I was not too involved in those and I didn't read them thoroughly, but they made me just laugh...




I hope you like me still... goodness, I sound needy, huh? LOL

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Crock pots and shopping cart corrals.

Two things I wish I never had to hear about ever again and I wasn't even a part of it! Irl, people bring up crock potting and I cringe before I remember it's only the hive where people can be that... excitable... about it.

You will all forgive me, of course,


But "am I the only one" who just cracks up, really laughing out loud, when I read references to the shopping carts and crock pots? I was not too involved in those and I didn't read them thoroughly, but they made me just laugh...




I hope you like me still... goodness, I sound needy, huh? LOL

I used to, but then someone (who was very hurt by one of those and continues to be hurt every time it's brought up) let me know how she felt. Since then........ it's like hearing people bring up a friend's most embarassing moment ever. :(


ETA, just realized you could think I meant I used to like you....................... :lol: I meant, I used to chuckle ;)

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Well, I would never laugh at someone else hurting... Thanks for sharing that this was actually painful for others. I guess since I didn't really get involved I didn't know how it all went down... If I giggle, I wont tell anyone. So, please still like me. LOL

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Well, I would never laugh at someone else hurting... Thanks for sharing that this was actually painful for others. I guess since I didn't really get involved I didn't know how it all went down... If I giggle, I wont tell anyone. So, please still like me. LOL

Well, I guess :lol:


I didn't either, until she told me and then I felt like the biggest heel.

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From Quote :

My sister and her ds went out for lunch to a "restaurant" with a play place. Inside the play place were two other littles and their mom. The youngest was playing, but the older child (sister said he was about five/six) was sitting at the table doing school work. Sister said the mom kept calmly and patiently drawing his attention away from the fun and pushing him to focus


That's unusual. But there may have been some kind of circumstance that caused this. Maybe this child had homework he was supposed to get done for a co-op or something so they were finishing up on the way or maybe he had to miss public school for some reason - and was finishing up homework on the way to school for the afternoon. Things are not always what they appear.


But for a homeschool Mom to take all of the children out to lunch and not allow a 5 or 6 year old to play would be odd.

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From Quote :

My sister and her ds went out for lunch to a "restaurant" with a play place. Inside the play place were two other littles and their mom. The youngest was playing, but the older child (sister said he was about five/six) was sitting at the table doing school work. Sister said the mom kept calmly and patiently drawing his attention away from the fun and pushing him to focus


That's unusual. But there may have been some kind of circumstance that caused this. Maybe this child had homework he was supposed to get done for a co-op or something so they were finishing up on the way or maybe he had to miss public school for some reason - and was finishing up homework on the way to school for the afternoon. Things are not always what they appear.


But for a homeschool Mom to take all of the children out to lunch and not allow a 5 or 6 year old to play would be odd.

You're too late, Denise already revoked my superior mom card.


I know there are a million reasons. I know they could be excellent reasons. I know I know I know.

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The ones that make me shake my head are the people who always seem to be on their first day of the Internet. The ones who are constantly surprised that not everyone is going to appreciate a certain political video or that Columbus Day might be a contentious subject.


I also agree with Jane about those who belittle TWTM method, but that was a lot more common on the old (more anonymous) boards.

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I am often tempted to write "Yes" to those "Am I the only one..?" posts but for some reason manners prevail.


:iagree:If I read post titles like that when I am in a very negative mood, I am really bad at these thoughts. I would never dream of actually writing it though!


The funny thing is that I am a little comforted right now, knowing that I am not "the only one" who thinks "yes" to those posts! :lol:

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Honestly, the only ones that bother me are the ones that go, "I've done all the right things and made all the right choices and that's why I'm successful and anybody who hasn't done that is just stupid."


In fact, I was crying over just such a thread the other day. It had been a horrible day here, I had just found out a relative had died (he was not too close, but he said the blessing at our wedding reception, so that brought up all the memories of the people at our wedding who have since died and some other negative changes), I was stressing about paying for something and some people's attitudes here put me over the top.

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Okay. I'm in a p*ssy mood today, so I'll play.


The ones that irk me most are the old re-hashes of old re-hashes. Things that have been asked and answered a freakin' thousand times, like:


The ubiquitous Halloween is evil/not evil threads.

The ubiquitous we do/don't celebrate Christmas/Halloween/Easter/whatever because.... threads.

The ubiquitous summer swim wear threads.

What curriculum do I use for my pre-schooler/toddler/infant/in utero genius? threads.

What political or religious affiliation are you? polls.

Requests for crockpot recipes (Google! It is your friend, people!)


All of these have been asked every year I've been on these boards, and that's been since 2003 (or 2002 -- I can't remember). All one would need to do is use that handy-dandy "search" function at the corner of every forum. It's all there, folks. Every single one of those questions... asked and answered ad nauseum.


I'm also starting to be downright p*ssed off from the recent threads asking why/what non-Christians believe/do/don't believe/don't do, etc. I'm not answering in any more of those threads because they seem to go downhill fast and the intentions of the OPs are starting to feel icky. Play with someone else on that. If you REALLY were so keen on getting to know what I think spiritually, you'd have already asked me in a pleasant PM. Otherwise, I think my sig line sums it up well enough.

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Posts where veteran members respond with something like "We've already had that discussion. Search the forums for your answer."


Many people have joined the forum since I started reading a year ago. It is just possible they may have something new to contribute to the discussion.



ETA: Just wanted to say, Audrey, that I was typing when you posted. This was NOT in response to your post. Just a different point of view.

Edited by Meriwether
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Posts where veteran members respond with something like "We've already had that discussion. Search the forums for your answer."


Many people have joined the forum since I started reading a year ago. It is just possible they may have something new to contribute to the discussion.



ETA: Just wanted to say, Audrey, that I was typing when you posted. This was NOT in response to your post. Just a different point of view.



No problem, Meri. But I stand by searching first. I do that in any forum where I'm new. It's forum etiquette. Then, if I don't find my answer, I'll ask something. Really, though.... so many of the ones I posted just end up being either lame conversations anyway, or a bunch of pot-stirring ensues and everyone's panties get in a wad the size of Amy Winehouse's hair-do. It gets really old, really fast.

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:grouphug: to you, cathmom. Bad things do happen to good people and not everyone starts at the same place or with the same resources.


I cannot decide where I stand on old threads rehashed. It us true that people may have something new to add. On the other hand, there is a post about making lunch every couple of months. There are already some great threads on that with tons of suggestions. I am with Audrey that there a lot of questions that google could answer.

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Okay. I'm in a p*ssy mood today, so I'll play.


I've been in one all year, so I want to tag something on to your thread...




I'm also starting to be downright p*ssed off from the recent threads asking why/what non-Christians believe/do/don't believe/don't do, etc. I'm not answering in any more of those threads because they seem to go downhill fast and the intentions of the OPs are starting to feel icky. Play with someone else on that. If you REALLY were so keen on getting to know what I think spiritually, you'd have already asked me in a pleasant PM. Otherwise, I think my sig line sums it up well enough.


Every time I see one of these types of threads (and the accompanying "what is your religious affiliation" threads), and especially if it is a poll, all I can think of is "well, another grad student/magazine/morning show is doing research to slam homeschoolers.


It blows my mind that anyone at all even responds to those threads, as they always seem to be written by posters with less than 50 posts. And the OPs other posts are usually similar poll type questions.



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