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You know you are a homeschooler when...

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Your kid's favorite president is Grant, because of his first name.


When you can't wait to tell a friend your child used the word plausible in a sentence.


Your child has a laminated poster of all the animals commonly found in the Puget Sound, and he begs to go to the beach and scavenge and fish for a specimen he hasn't gotten yet.


At a party where adults are getting a little adult, the hostess asks if she can park him in front of a TV upstairs, and 20 minutes later he comes down and whispers "it was some guy who thought he was a sponge and it was BORING".

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At a party where adults are getting a little adult, the hostess asks if she can park him in front of a TV upstairs, and 20 minutes later he comes down and whispers "it was some guy who thought he was a sponge and it was BORING".


OK, I just scared the chimney sweep with my burst of laughter.

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When you are more excited than embarrassed when your boys are standing outside a bathroom stall at Kohls and they are correctly sounding out nap-kin tam-pon!


That made me laugh out loud.


For anyone who was wondering-my dd was stung by a honeybee. I told my dd that I was sad that there was one less honeybee to make delicious honey. She responded with "Mom, it was on me and it stung me. I am not sad at all."

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That's funny.


Earlier this week, dd found a big spider in her room that had laid eggs on some fabric. This led to reading about spiders in an animal book, watching videos about spiders and insect reproduction on cosmeo and cutting out the piece of fabric with the eggs to put in a container.

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Oh my gosh, this thread made me think of the mama here who totally rocked her dc's party... a shark party I think, where they dissected baby sharks at the party?!?! I have the link to the company bookmarked somewhere in my favorites.

Love it.

Homeschool families are so stinkin' cool. :001_smile:

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When you read this thread to your child and he nods and says, "well, yeah."


When ds watches a survival show or reads "My Side of the Mountain" and asks "to do that".


When instead of asking what's for dinner, he looks up recipes and gives me a shopping list.


When, upon getting a frog for a pet, asks "When do we get to dissect it?"


When organizing a group of Cub Scouts into a game at Day Camp, divided them up into Athenians and Spartans and had them reenact a battle with Nerf javelins :) (His was the game no one wanted to rotate out of!)

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That made me laugh out loud.


For anyone who was wondering-my dd was stung by a honeybee. I told my dd that I was sad that there was one less honeybee to make delicious honey. She responded with "Mom, it was on me and it stung me. I am not sad at all."

Oh, that's funny, :lol: but, poor thing, ouch :tongue_smilie:

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When your neighbor says "Ewwww, why are you raising insects ?" So my children can learn about the life cycle of butterflies.


When someone asks your child "What grade are you in ?" and they answer "I don't know ." :lol:


When it's a holiday and your children suddenly notice that they have been doing school that day but the neighbor kids had public school off. :D Your kids whine about it and you say "We don't go by their schedule" hahahaha


But then all the neighbor kids are in public school and you and your kids are at the beach.I just love it when the beach isn't crowded with you know who (because they're in school and we're not LOL) . :001_smile::001_smile:


When you come home one day and your teenage daughter has turned your front room into an art studio, and it stays that way for months. But she does turn out some cool art projects you get to hang on the wall.:001_unsure::001_rolleyes:


You spend $300 a month on toilet paper because your kids don't go to public school and use their toilet paper all day.

Well, that one is an exaggeration. Thankfully.:w00t:


You know you're a homeschooler when you are the first family in the new development to have to have that storage tank in the front yard that holds the sewage before it goes out to the sewage system in the street pumped out because your family eats a lot of rice and beans and uses the most toilet paper - instead of the public schools toilet paper - and the repair man is really irritated and says "This is the worst I've ever seen so soon......" but, Oh, not to worry, it's really because the angle the piping was installed is not right and has to be fixed, not because you are some freaky homeschool family that uses more toilet paper and eats more rice and beans than anyone else in the neighborhood. Oh good, what a relief, maybe we are normal. :tongue_smilie:

But you are out of toilet paper so you pack all the kids in the van and go to the store to get more toilet paper but it is only 1:00 o'clock so the cashier says to your kids "Why aren't you in school today ? " "Ummmm, because we are out of toilet paper."

Edited by Miss Sherry
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You agree to attend a three-hour weekly homeschool play group because your child really wants friends, even though you are an introvert with social anxiety who is drained by groups and really just wants a day with nowhere to go.


You go shark-tagging with your homeschool group even though you are afraid of open water and terrified of sharks. :scared:

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When your four-year-old says lovingly, "Mom, when you die, I'm going to get some people to help me make a mummy out of you."


And when you protest, "I don't want you to take my brain out through my nose!", she responds with firmness, love, and a great deal of finality: "But that's the way they do it."


Case closed.



Also: when your 18-month-old shouts out "Simile!" during a read-aloud. Not because he knows what it means, but because he knows that's the kind of thing people do when they're being read to.

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When your kids make a book club in the basement storage room. Said book club allows members to read books, then write about them, or make models based on them.


If *I* suggested writing about books, or making models of scenes out of books, they would pitch a fit.



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Also: when your 18-month-old shouts out "Simile!" during a read-aloud. Not because he knows what it means, but because he knows that's the kind of thing people do when they're being read to.


:lol: My toddler shouts out numbers during math lessons. "Eighteen! Seven! Three-ten-two!"

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You go shark-tagging with your homeschool group even though you are afraid of open water and terrified of sharks. :scared:


Oooo! Pretending you're not completely afraid of bugs so you don't pass on the fear to your kids and ruin any chance of thorough nature study! Although I think you win with the sharks, because a shark can actually HURT you. :001_huh:

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When, during your daily walk, you see a dead ferret on the road and then run home to load the kids up in the van so they can see it before anyone runs over it again.


When your children know you so well that they finish your sentences.


When at least once a day said children make you laugh so hard you can't breathe.

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