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New Drug Being Marketed to HOMESCHOOLING MOMS!

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Uhm.....Mike would prefer that you get this part right...


I nearly spit soda from mine lips when I read "Mike's Hard Whatevers"! :lol:


I don't know how much more I can take today! I went to the feed store, and they had a new product on the counter called "Pecker Breakers." It was suppose to stop your chickens from pecking one another.


Hope hubby gets back soon with that bottle of Pinot Noir. Reading threads like this makes me thirsty :tongue_smilie:.



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I don't know how much more I can take today! I went to the feed store, and they had a new product on the counter called "Pecker Breakers." It was suppose to stop your chickens from pecking one another.


Hope hubby gets back soon with that bottle of Pinot Noir. Reading threads like this makes me thirsty :tongue_smilie:.




:lol: Maybe Mike needs that????;)

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I don't know how much more I can take today! I went to the feed store, and they had a new product on the counter called "Pecker Breakers." It was suppose to stop your chickens from pecking one another.



Oh my!! Oh dear! I'm afraid I'd be on the floor of the store laughing! "Mike's Hard whatever" is already threatening to have me giggling 'til my boys and husband ask me "what's so funny?". :lol:

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I don't know how much more I can take today! I went to the feed store, and they had a new product on the counter called "Pecker Breakers."




I think the folks at the ad agency who helped name that product had been through several batches of margaritas before coming up with that! And, no one was more amazed than them that the name was accepted by the customer. I can see the stunned glances and hear the little exhales by the team as the try to casually close out the meeting so they can get out of there and




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I think the folks at the ad agency who helped name that product had been through several batches of margaritas before coming up with that! And, no one was more amazed than them that the name was accepted by the customer. I can see the stunned glances and hear the little exhales by the team as the try to casually close out the meeting so they can get out of there and





I started laughing the second I read it, and then the ladies behind the counter started laughing, because they knew EXACTLY what I was laughing about. My poor boys were standing there going, "What, what, what's so funny?" I sent them to the back of the store to get the dog food...



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I don't know how much more I can take today! I went to the feed store, and they had a new product on the counter called "Pecker Breakers." It was suppose to stop your chickens from pecking one another.


Hope hubby gets back soon with that bottle of Pinot Noir. Reading threads like this makes me thirsty :tongue_smilie:.




Sounds like a name derived by women. :D Where as Mike's Hard Lemonade was probably made by a man.



I used to smoke. My favorite brand of cigarette was ....try asking for this after a Margarita or two...Benson and Hedges Deluxe Ultra-Light menthol 100s. Yeah, once I couldn't get through the name in one breath I knew it was time to quit smoking.

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Sounds like a name derived by women. :D Where as Mike's Hard Lemonade was probably made by a man.



I used to smoke. My favorite brand of cigarette was ....try asking for this after a Margarita or two...Benson and Hedges Deluxe Ultra-Light menthol 100s. Yeah, once I couldn't get through the name in one breath I knew it was time to quit smoking.


Me too!

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My husband wants to know if this works :D .




We, and by "we" I mean mostly me, are on our 4th night. I am not ashamed to say I am titling that box at quite a funny angle right now to get every last drop. Because, you know, there is a recession out there and I would HATE to waste such a precious commodity.


And to Mrs. Mungo and Nono, would you guys care to move next to me? I obviously need better neighbors. The corn, soybeans, and snakes just aren't as much fun as they sound.

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Thanks for this most informative thread.


Pam (who is now off to take her generic margarita prescription on the form of a mike's margarita)



As a margarita lover, I thought I would hate these. I was wrong. Mike is my hero. I love him in all his various forms. I especially love supporting breast cancer research by selflessly buying his pink hard lemonade. I do love charity work too, along with volunteering to be a designated drinker.

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I'm sorry, but I find this thread completely offensive. Drinking is nothing to laugh about. I am ashamed of you all for talking about it like this. Can't you all set better examples for your children?




























Just kidding!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: I love love love frozen strawberry margaritas. I also love dark rum and cream soda. Now that is YUMMY!!!

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Thank GOODNESS there are no pics of the chalk drawings. I would be in real trouble if there were. :lol:


And to Mrs. Mungo and Nono, would you guys care to move next to me? I obviously need better neighbors. The corn, soybeans, and snakes just aren't as much fun as they sound.


I'm going to need something more powerful than a margarita when dh has to put me on the plane to move me from here as it is! ;)

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Thank GOODNESS there are no pics of the chalk drawings. I would be in real trouble if there were. :lol:




I'm going to need something more powerful than a margarita when dh has to put me on the plane to move me from here as it is! ;)


Well, apparently Nono is the pothead (;):lol:), so you may want to talk to her!

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I am not ashamed to say I am titling that box at quite a funny angle right now to get every last drop. Because, you know, there is a recession out there and I would HATE to waste such a precious commodity.




Um, we call the plastic bag that resides in boxed wine "the bladder". We remove said "bladder" and squeeze that sucker for all it's worth! Waste not, want not!


In the interest of full disclosure, I've just finished a lovely Sierra Nevada Torpedo Extra IPA. I am a hops fan :D!

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We, and by "we" I mean mostly me, are on our 4th night. I am not ashamed to say I am titling that box at quite a funny angle right now to get every last drop. Because, you know, there is a recession out there and I would HATE to waste such a precious commodity.




DH bought a box last week and the spigot broke. He took the plastic bag out of the box and was basically milking it to get the merlot out. :lol: I walked in and it looked like an IV bag - frightened me for just a minute!

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Um, we call the plastic bag that resides in boxed wine "the bladder". We remove said "bladder" and squeeze that sucker for all it's worth! Waste not, want not!


In the interest of full disclosure, I've just finished a lovely Sierra Nevada Torpedo Extra IPA. I am a hops fan :D!


I should've read all the way through! ROFL! :001_smile:

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Well, apparently Nono is the pothead (;):lol:), so you may want to talk to her!


I live in NJ. It's possible to arrange almost anything. :) Best part is, if I ever meet anyone from here in real life, I know they'll be thinking, "She doesn't look like a pothead..." Funny how these things stick!



Disclaimer for those who are worried on my behalf: My humor doesn't always come from loads of experience. Sometimes, but not always.

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:hurray:Thank-you, thank-you, thank-you! I now have proof for my husband that homeschoolers are not all stuffy and boring. This thread is so much fun.

I spell my prescription M O J I T O!!!:party:


As long as we don't get in trouble from the mods about PUI. (posting under the influence.):lol:

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Oh, honey I PUI all the time. You know I'm kickin' it wine-style when my words start slurringlikeshish.



LOL!! I'm "kickin' it wine-style" right now with an oh-so-smooth Shiraz...


Since I've built up quite a tolerance level over the years (:cheers2:), I don't usually have a problem with slurring - but if I did, it's nice that it doesn't come through as much on a message board... :D

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Important Women's Health Issue:


* Do you have feelings of inadequacy?

* Do you suffer from shyness?

* Do you sometimes wish you were more assertive?

* Do you suffer exhaustion from the day to day grind?


If you answered yes to any of these questions, ask your doctor or

pharmacist about Margaritas.


Margaritas are the safe, natural way to feel better and more confident

about yourself and your actions. Margaritas can help ease you out of

your shyness and let you tell the world that you're ready and willing

to do just about anything. You will notice the benefits of Margaritas

almost immediately and with a regiment of regular doses you can

overcome any obstacles that prevent you from living the life you want

to live.


Shyness and awkwardness will be a thing of the past and you will

discover many talents you never knew you had. Stop hiding and start

living, with Margaritas.


Margaritas may not be right for everyone. Women who are pregnant or

nursing should not use Margaritas. However, women who wouldn't mind

nursing or becoming pregnant are encouraged to try it.


Side effects may include:

- Dizziness

- Nausea

- Vomiting

- Incarceration

- Erotic lustfulness

- Loss of motor control

- Loss of clothing

- Loss of money

- Loss of virginity

- Table dancing

- Headache

- Dehydration

- Dry mouth

- And a desire to sing Karaoke



* The consumption of Margaritas may make you think you are whispering

when you are not.

* The consumption of Margaritas may cause you to tell your friends over

and over again that you love them.

* The consumption of Margaritas may cause you to think you can sing.

* The consumption of Margaritas may make you think you can logically

converse with members of the opposite sex without spitting.


Please share this with other women who may need Margaritas.


I'm calling my Dr. NOW!! :cheers2:


Love it!


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Had some kids come to my register a couple of nights ago wanting to buy Patron tequila. To mix with Red Bull. I asked them why they would ruin high-end liquor that way.


Oh, and I dispute the medical advisory against margaritas while breastfeeding. doses may need to be moderated, but margaritas are perfectly good while breastfeeding.

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LOL!! I'm "kickin' it wine-style" right now with an oh-so-smooth Shiraz...


Since I've built up quite a tolerance level over the years (:cheers2:), I don't usually have a problem with slurring - but if I did, it's nice that it doesn't come through as much on a message board... :D


Have one for me. I'm at work..... full of envy.

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you all are too fancy for me.

[beer drinker] ~ never had a margarita.




Hey, you're not alone, I've never had a margarita either. Or a beer for that matter. In fact, I think I may have inadvertently wandered into the wrong thread. I find myself inexplicably giggling uncontrolably, however. Do you suppose I've acquired one of those newfangled complimentary designated drinkers without realizing it?

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Ahhh! I've been neck-deep in DBQ forms, AP syllabi, TC sales fliers, and feeling like grad school prego with a toddler was easier than this home schooling thing. Thanks for the much needed comic relief.:D


You are definitely in need of some comic relief (and/or a medicinal beverage ;))! I am in awe of what you are doing this year with a senior.

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