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Do you ever stop schooling when you get too stressed?

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I'm not sick or anything, but it's been really cold in Central Asia for a few weeks and it makes life a lot more difficult. Water pipes freeze, less electricity than usual, heating off at times,....

Not being the most patient teacher of all at the best of times I wonder if we should call lessons off. But that would be weird too, since I'm not bussy or sick as such,.... Starting to ramble, sorry.



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The public schools around here take teacher in service days all. the. time. If your your times without heat and electricity are predictable, you might want to take advantage of it and work on math or where you see weaknesses. Otherwise snuggle together (to keep warm! :) and read good books together, play games, etc.

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spend some time with them doing fun (maybe meaningless) things. . .they'll remember it in the long run. Play cards (Old Maid, Crazy 8's), make up silly skits etc. They memories will be great. When they get older they can say "remember when it was so cold and the power went out and we made up silly skits". The situation may not be ideal now, but in the end they'll remember that you made it fun!

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Sure. This week has been a blur for me as we struggle with a serious illness of my best friend. I can't concentrate, I can't teach properly....so I just pile up in the comfy chair with ds7 and read. Or put him on the computer doing math facts review. Or hand him a LA selection to read. Or let him go outside and play for an hour. I reason even with the down time he is still learning more than he would in ps.

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Sometimes we just need a fun "unschooling" type day. We do art, we play games, we watch educational videos, we have read alouds and private reading time, and we make something together in the kitchen.


You can't do "nothing" or else the kids realize that if they act up and push your buttons, they'll get a day off. Just do whatever you can to learn without stress of too many agendas for the day.


That's what I do, anyway. :)


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I'm not sick or anything, but it's been really cold in Central Asia for a few weeks and it makes life a lot more difficult. Water pipes freeze, less electricity than usual, heating off at times,....

Not being the most patient teacher of all at the best of times I wonder if we should call lessons off. But that would be weird too, since I'm not bussy or sick as such,.... Starting to ramble, sorry.




Yes, I prob would. If the kids can do anything on their own then that works to. Otherwise its a freeforallday.

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I don't stop unless stopping will actually provide time for me to take care of what is causing the stress. The reason is that, at least for me, if I stop school, the not making progress will also stress me out.



This is what I was going to say. Just doing nothing school-wise stresses me out unless it's a planned day off. Weird, I know.


However, if *I* am the cause of the stress (PMS, lupus flare, too much on my mind, etc.), then I usually do give them a lighter day if not the entire day off. However, the one who gets the biggest pass would be my 8 yo. My 13 yo would still have to do some of her work, and my 17 yo would do ALL of his work himself.


Forgot to say that there are times when we all need a mental health day, as we call it. We'll just do our Sonlight history, readers, & read-alouds and call it a day. They love days like that :)

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It really depends on the situation in my opinion. This week, okay this year, has been extremely stressful considering all that we have been going through in our home. The kids continued with some of their studies but not their full load like usual. I find that they still need some semblance of normalcy even though our situations seem to be not the best. They probably would have had their full load of work if I had more prepared for them. It really depends on you and your children. You know what you and they can handle best. That is what is great about homeschooling is the flexibility.

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I don't stop unless stopping will actually provide time for me to take care of what is causing the stress. The reason is that, at least for me, if I stop school, the not making progress will also stress me out.


What a good point! I am feeling very overwhelmed by the condition of my house right now and realize that if I take part of a day off from homeschooling because of the stress, it will only make sense for me to do so if I'm actually going to work on the house (instead of hanging out here!). I know it sounds like "DUH", but truly, it is easy to get distracted even when I have the best intentions. Your comment hit home with me.




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I also take into consideration who all is stressed. Is it just me or are the kids stressed as well? If it is simply me, we plod along at a pace I can cope with. If the kids are stressed as well, we stop.


We have only managed 5 days of school since Christmas vacation. We will probably manage approx 5 more half days before we move into our house on Feb 6. It will probably take 2-3 weeks after that before I can even start thinking about full school days again.


Initially I was stressing out about how far behind we are getting. Then I decided it simply isn't worth worrying about. It is beyond my control and we worked extremely hard the first 1/2 of the yr. The conditions are not currently suited for productive learning. The kids are just as overwhelmed as I am. If the outcome is going to be subpar b/c of their mental distractions, then I would rather go with the flow and make it up in the future.


We normally take huge summer breaks. This summer I guess we will be doing 1/4 to 1/2 days the majority of the time. Not my preferred choice, but sometimes life simply is what it is and you make the best of it. :)

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Consider changing gears for a while. Flexibility is a bonus with homeschooling. Now, if not doing lessons will add to your stress find an alternate route ie; read-alouds, literature study, instructional movies or computer time.


There is no right or wrong answer. We have long cold winter months here, and I find it some of the best times for lessons. Just do what is right for your family. A day or two off wont matter in the long run and it might be the boost you need today.

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We take off school or rather postpone it when needed. We often push school to the weekend if there is something happening during the week. I still work and have mandatory classes for both my job and license. Although I attempt to schedule around school there are times that it is impossible for me to do. Rather than leave my DS with a sitter and a pille of work I would rather have one or two things he is able to do on his own and then catch up during the weekend. We have done half days many times and it works well for us.

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When life gets too stressful around here, I do take off a day or two until I can get my feet back on the ground. I am not good to anybody when I am grumpy or out of sorts. I think it is okay for you to take a bit of time off until life is back to normal (whatever that is) or until you feel that you can handle it all.




mom of 3 (8,7,5)

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I would love the adventure of living in Central Asia (please tell us your story of how you got to be there!) and I would hope that on days when schooling is distasteful, you could just take time to learn more about the local culture, maybe through visiting old folks to learn tales of days gone by, needlework, cooking... at least when we visit Turkey each summer, these are the memories I enjoy the most-- learning from older people who can share stories of their lives. Maybe even the children can write the stories up, and you'd definitely count it for school!

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I'm not sick or anything, but it's been really cold in Central Asia for a few weeks and it makes life a lot more difficult. Water pipes freeze, less electricity than usual, heating off at times,....

Not being the most patient teacher of all at the best of times I wonder if we should call lessons off. But that would be weird too, since I'm not bussy or sick as such,.... Starting to ramble, sorry.




On Monday I woke up and things started going wrong immediately. By the time I got breakfast I was MRS. Grouch, snappy, short, irritable. I canceled school because I know from past experience that things go bad when I try to push through those days.


PTL for new days!



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I take a break, I rearrange things, I shake things up. Maybe school that day really is snuggling for a couple of hours reading light, fluffy literature.

Life is hard, we all need a break sometimes...

and if you still don't feel like you can give yourself a break, visit a public school for a day, watch the poor teachers trying to redirect, teach, stop arguments, fights and etc all at the same time...

Goodness, they turn on the tv for my daughters class all the time, if they can take a break, surely you can!

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I canceled school because I know from past experience that things go bad when I try to push through those days.


PTL for new days!




Yep. Today is one of those days here. Mrs. MamagiGrump has declared the day rained out. Down with Singapore! Down with Henle! :mad: Up with cocoa and cookies! :D


And, btw, Heather, your smiling avatar is so lovely. It makes me smile everytime you appear in a post! :)

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I don't even feel guilty about it.


I'm not sick or anything, but it's been really cold in Central Asia for a few weeks and it makes life a lot more difficult. Water pipes freeze, less electricity than usual, heating off at times,....

Not being the most patient teacher of all at the best of times I wonder if we should call lessons off. But that would be weird too, since I'm not bussy or sick as such,.... Starting to ramble, sorry.



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Yes. We don't take entire summers off so that I can take days off when the stress gets too high. We may not even take the days "off" schooling but we do take time off from our regular curricula and maybe do a unit study or something *different* for a while. Anything to take a break from the grind.


eta: I think the pic in my avatar was taken on just such a day. I took it with my webcam to show my sister my lunch, there is also one with me holding a cupcake. :D

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Sometimes these involve an insane field trip, like the time we flew to LA and visited the King Tut and La Brea Tar Pits exhibits and flew home again, all in one day.


Other times I will say, "Watch out! A crazy Mommy day is almost here!" each day for about 2 weeks. Then one morning I will say, "Today is the day!" and announce what we will do. Sometimes this involves baking and decorating something, which in our house is unusual. Sometimes this involves stating that I will read aloud until someone tells me to stop. (No one EVER tells me to stop. I could easily do this until my voice gives out. So I usually limit it to one book. Invariably this is a novel.) Sometimes I will pull out an archeology kit or a complicated board game and announce that we are all going to learn it. Sometimes I will let everyone mope around in whatever they slept in, all day; ideally with a fire in the fireplace or at least candles involved.


I think that it's important to mix things up. It's also important to me not to appear to be a victim of circumstances or nagging. So even if I really called for a crazy Mommy day for bad weather and a sore throat, I never say that that is the reason. I wouldn't want DD to think that she should start negotiating every time it gets cold, LOL.

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One year when we were in a funk in January, we started playing board games every morning and played half the day, then read, read, read. We actually did this for a while, playing all sorts of games and just leaving them out or stacked so we could take up our games the next day, etc.


Give yourself a break, but don't leave yourself bored in doing it,



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I can't begin to even list the stress events....I had surgery on Tuesday....the house remodeling crew is in the main bathroom of the house...the cabinets are going to be two weeks late because the store didn't order them on time.....dH lost his job...I'm facing more surgery in two weeks...plus hospitalization, and we are moving overseas in 10 weeks...we have a house hunting trip over seas, planned four weeks after surgery ..... the house here needs to sell... cave boy has to take an entrance exam for school next year....taxes!.....euros!......stock market!.....did I mention the remodeling crew is still here and the paint on the walls is the wrong color....There is no school..... I'm struggling with just the basics.

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yep-we take a mental health day occasionally, or we do school-lite, if we need a break or a change in routine. Sometimes we school differently (bring some books and math along in the car) and go do school at my grandma's house (1.5 hours away). She loves to see the kids, we love to see her, we get some school done, and we get a change in routine.


I think this flexibility is part of the joy of homeschooling-it can be structured in a way that best suits you and your family.

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