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Penelope the Pug is in the hospital!

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I am really struggling right now. As some of you know our pug woke up with what seemed like some congestion or an allergy attack. I have friends who are vets and work in the veterinary field, so we decided to treat the allergies first and see if it worked. I gave her the antihistimines and they worked immediately, she was doing great!!! Then right as it was time to give her another dose, the sniffles started, then she was struggling for air. I tried to give her the 2nd dose, but she quickly vomitted up. Next she she began to foam, and seize on one side. I called the emergency vet hospital and drove her there. When we got there she was completely seized, foaming...it was awful!!!


They admitted her and are going to get the seizure under control, run some tests, but we won't know anything for awhile.


The seizure happened so fast! I can deal with a lot, I have a nursing background...but I'm really sad right now. I wish I had caught it sooner, that somehow I would have known it was something other than allergies. She went from fine, walking around, drinking water...to a quivering, foamy, stiff mess in 30 min.


Sorry, to unload on you guys...just really sad right now.

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I'm so sorry!!! I hope she'll be ok!


Please don't beat yourself up. There's no way you could have known she was going to have a seizure, and as soon as it happened, you took action, so you've done everything right. I know we all second-guess ourselves in these situations, but I really think you did what you thought was right, and I'm sure nothing you could have done would have prevented the seizure, because everything happened so quickly.


Praying for you and Penelope!





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The seizure happened so fast!


And they are frightening. When I was in college, 2 of my three cats and my Great Dane all developed panic, hallucinations and frothing in a 4 day time span. The dog was last, and if you've ever tried to move 140 lbs of combative, ataxic dog into a VW Rabbit, you know what we went through. The dog obligingly vomited in the car: magic mushrooms from the lawn.


Hope your pug has something as curable as we did.

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It looks like penelope may have a liver shunt :( I had estimated her weight at 5lbs, when really she is 9lbs. The dose of benadryl I gave should have been nowhere near enough to cause seizures. But with her small size...and her reaction they are thinking liver shunt. The vet will keep her, until the drugs where off enough for her to eat and have a certain test done.


We will not be opting for surgery, but we will do our best to treat with diet, meds, and keeping her away from things that will be toxic for her.

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I'm so sorry. I hope she is better soon! I have pets, so I know how hard it can be when they are sick. Don't beat yourself up-you didn't do anything wrong. Things like that happen. You can't always know what is going on and you just do the best you know how.


Prayers and :grouphug:.

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Update: I was able to bring penelope home for the evening, and then I was going to bring her back to the vet in the morning for more fluids.


She passed a couple hours after we brought her home :) My kids are very upset and so am I. We loved this dog very much, and it happened so fast!!!

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Update: I was able to bring penelope home for the evening, and then I was going to bring her back to the vet in the morning for more fluids.


She passed a couple hours after we brought her home :) My kids are very upset and so am I. We loved this dog very much, and it happened so fast!!!


Oh, no. Poor puggie. :grouphug::grouphug: I glad you could bring her home. :grouphug::grouphug: On one hand, it is so hard you can't speak to a pet, and tell them they are loved, and on the other, they hear you say this every time you look at them or pet them. :grouphug::grouphug:

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Update: I was able to bring penelope home for the evening, and then I was going to bring her back to the vet in the morning for more fluids.


She passed a couple hours after we brought her home :) My kids are very upset and so am I. We loved this dog very much, and it happened so fast!!!


wow! I'm so sorry! I am shocked, though. Did you get anymore updates before you brought her home? Why would she go so quickly?

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Update: I was able to bring penelope home for the evening, and then I was going to bring her back to the vet in the morning for more fluids.


She passed a couple hours after we brought her home :) My kids are very upset and so am I. We loved this dog very much, and it happened so fast!!!


Oh no! I am so sorry. That is so hard. This seems like it's been a hard summer for the hive pets. :(

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My sister recently lost a pug very suddenly. Their A/C went out (Atlanta 'burb) while she and bil were at work, and one dog overheated. The vet did what she could, but it turned out the dog had an underlying (undiagnosed) heart condition. Just as it looked like she was recovering, she passed.


Poor little Puggies :crying:. It's hard to believe those mini tanks can be so fragile.



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Thank you everyone for your generous sympathies! This is a lot harder than I expected. My dd and this little dog were so close. She had trained her that whenever one of the twins came to bother her, Penelope would bark at them like her own personal guard dog. It breaks my heart to see her going to bed alone, without her little shadow at her heels.

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