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Can you separate an actor from his/her politics & personal life (e.g. Mel Gibson)?

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Since I don't agree with most celebrities on their politics I can honestly say, yes.


The thing I have problems with is separating their personal choices in their personal life. Ex: Brad Pitt and the way he treated Jennifer Anniston and then the cavalier way he went on to build a life with Angelina Jolie. I don't watch Brad Pitt now. Just can't. No matter how good he is in a movie, all I can hear myself saying is, "Jerk."

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I guess I'm kinda outta the loop. I'm not isolated, but I don't really know what actors hold what opinions or what they're doing in their personal lives. Other than the major things that hit the news or somebody tells me about, but then it fades quickly from my memory. I don't think I've ever watched TMZ, The last time I watched Oprah (or any daytime television) was when I was nursing an infant (my youngest is 6). I don't read magazines (other than my nursing journals), I glance at the covers of the magazines at the checkout, but usually don't have my glasses on (poor vision saves me a lot of trouble noticing dirt of all kinds). To be fair, I also don't know my dry cleaner's political leanings or pet projects, nor do I care.


I didn't notice any "idiots" coming out in droves during the last political election any more than the normal number of idiots who are usually around in droves.


I have enough trouble keeping my relatives sorted out, much less keeping track of celebrities' opinions/views/pet projects. With the one exception of Ed Begley Jr. who I know is very into his electric car, right?


When I watch a movie I just feel lucky that I (a) have time to watch a movie and (b) have energy to stay awake for the entire movie.

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I have a really hard time watching Susan Sarandon, Sean Penn, Matt Damon, and so on. In fact Sean Penn I just don't even bother with anymore.


What did Matt Damon do?

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Since I don't agree with most celebrities on their politics I can honestly say, yes.


The thing I have problems with is separating their personal choices in their personal life. Ex: Brad Pitt and the way he treated Jennifer Anniston and then the cavalier way he went on to build a life with Angelina Jolie. I don't watch Brad Pitt now. Just can't. No matter how good he is in a movie, all I can hear myself saying is, "Jerk."


Every time I see Brad I think of what I read about him going through a not bathing phase around the time he was in 'Legends of the Fall'. He never was that hot to me anyway. :tongue_smilie:


I'd watch Robert Duvall in just about anything and know not one thing about his personal life or politics. I just find him that good of an actor.

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If I hear about something they did that I don't like I don't support them with my money. I don't spend a lot of time researching them but I am pretty knowledgeable about pop culture. I don't try and separate the person from the movie.

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I have enough trouble keeping my relatives sorted out, much less keeping track of celebrities' opinions/views/pet projects. With the one exception of Ed Begley Jr. who I know is very into his electric car, right?



He sure is!


Gosh, it must have been more than twenty years ago, but he took me for a short spin in his electric jalopy around the Warner Brothers lot. It was a weird jerry-built contraption, but he loved showing it off. Nice guy. A true nut, but a very nice person.



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I'm an actress(not a famous one!) and I know how the media can depict people in extreme ways. Mel Gibson might be a racist pratt but he is also an alcoholic and he tends to have these "moments" when he is drunk and belligerent. It doesn't excuse what he is doing but what you see in the media is not the whole person. I'm convinced that with him, it is all part of his illness. He could be the most mellow sweet guy when not drunk. <snip>


So in short, yes, I can look past it, I can even sympathize a little, because I have become convinced that being in their shoes is not all its cracked up to be, even for those at the household name level. They are just trying to work like everyone else.


I don't much like what I read about Mel Gibson, but I can hold my nose and watch anyway. In cases where the actor is publicly/intentionally espousing a political opinion or extreme religious belief, I have a MUCH harder time ignoring it. One is poor behavior; the other is INTENTIONAL use of status to push an agenda.


So, while Mel Gibson's recent divorce, drunken misbehavior, etc., bother me, I will still go see a movie he's in, because we all make mistakes. I would be mortified if my mistakes were published in magazines or on TV.


On the other hand, when celebrities testify before Congress about a political topic or they make *public* statements/interviews about their politics -- *especially if they put down views I hold*, I have a MUCH harder time ignoring it. I view one type (e.g. Gibson) as a result of poor behavior/personal flaws and the other type (political speech) as arrogance and disrespect to his audience.


I don't care what an actor's politics are *if he keeps them to himself.* If he puts them "out there," I can and *will* judge him on them.




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OH, yeah, Jeanne Garafolo (or however you spell that). I'd forgotten about her. She is rather foul, isn't she?


And Nick Cage? I'm intentionally ignoring his personal problems because he's HOT. :tongue_smilie: And, even though John Travolta has a very different world view, he's still hot, too. He's even hotter as an older man than when he was younger. Saturday Night Fever? Ick. Today? Oh yeah baby! LOL


What did Kirk Cameron do? I don't keep up with him, so I'm lost on the "bananas" reference.

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I didn't notice any "idiots" coming out in droves during the last political election any more than the normal number of idiots who are usually around in droves.




It was the "less-than-intelligent" celebrities I was talking about. I was speaking of the commercials like the Rock the Vote type thing where they used their fame to encourage their leanings, when there were many of them that really didn't even seem to know what they were talking about. :lol: I specifically remember something I saw with Cameron Diaz. There were several that seemed like her: uninformed about the issues but making a big show of their political leanings when I don't think they really "got it" but it was "cool" and made them look good (in their opinion, that is). I don't lump them all into that group. There were several celebrities I vehemently disagreed with but many of them seemed to at least know what they were talking about!! I was just :lol: at the ones who were mouthpieces for things they had no clue about.

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What did Kirk Cameron do? I don't keep up with him, so I'm lost on the "bananas" reference.


He's...get ready...an evangelical Christian!!! <gasp>:willy_nilly::willy_nilly::eek::ack2: Can you believe it?? The audacity!! :lol:


I think people disagree with him because he does outdoor evangelism and is part of a group that encourages that. Horrid, I know.

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I can't watch Brad Pitt anymore. :(


I wish they could see this thread. Their actions really do affect their careers, you know?

I have a long list of actors I DO love...and yep. Kirk Cameron is on that list. ;)

Directors too.

Edited by gpsings
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He's...get ready...an evangelical Christian!!! <gasp>:willy_nilly::willy_nilly::eek::ack2: Can you believe it?? The audacity!! :lol:


I think people disagree with him because he does outdoor evangelism and is part of a group that encourages that. Horrid, I know.


I knew he was a Christian, that's been pretty well known of him for a long time, as far as I knew. I know he was a professing believer back during his days with Growing Pains. THAT'S what he's being called "bananas" over? Seriously?

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I knew he was a Christian, that's been pretty well known of him for a long time, as far as I knew. I know he was a professing believer back during his days with Growing Pains. THAT'S what he's being called "bananas" over? Seriously?


I know people who HATE him for this.

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He's...get ready...an evangelical Christian!!! <gasp>:willy_nilly::willy_nilly::eek::ack2: Can you believe it?? The audacity!! :lol:


I think people disagree with him because he does outdoor evangelism and is part of a group that encourages that. Horrid, I know.


No, it's not that. At least, not for me. In another post you mentioned how it bugs you when celebrities espouse their political views in a less than intelligent manner. It's that! It's the crocoduck.

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I can even handle some of them going on political rallies etc. When they start explaining how dumb I (general population who disagrees with them in any way) am - that puts me over the top.


Natalie Portman, on David Letterman several years ago, went off on a *friend* of hers who was voting for Bush. She went on and on about the fact that this *friend* is a mom, with baby puke on her shoulder acting like she knew what she was talking about. I'm guessing that someone in the real world, baby puke and all has a few more real life experiences than someone who grew up in Hollywood and has never done anything other than act. I still can't stand her. I only watched The Other Boelyn Girl to see her get her head chopped off! (jk - kinda)


That is the arrogance that irks me.

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He's...get ready...an evangelical Christian!!! <gasp>:willy_nilly::willy_nilly::eek::ack2: Can you believe it?? The audacity!! :lol:



Almost as audacious as being a...<gasp>...liberal :lol:


On my part, I often doubt their motives. In Hollywood, it is very IN to be liberal, so many of them seem quite brainless and to be followers, IMO, i.e., they aren't really doing anything brave to speak their mind but more trying harder to be "in". The whole voting pushes during the last elections brought the less-than-intelligent ones out in droves!!! :lol: The others, the Janine Garafalos, the Rosies, the Whoopis have so much venom that they are just clanging gongs. There are a few that are liberals that I have some respect for because of the class in which they put their views out there, but for the most part, I find them annoying!!
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Yet, if someone HATED Madonna or John Travolta for their religious beliefs, they'd be called "intolerant" at best and "haters" at worst.


Oh, I think Madonna gets plenty of flack for her Kabbalah dabblings, as do Travolta and Cruise, et al., for their Scientology beliefs. I doubt many people actually "hate" Cameron because he's a Christian. There will always be a few crazies, but that kind of intolerance is certainly not directed only at Christians.

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No, with a very few exceptions. If I enjoyed Mel Gibson (which I haven't seen The Year of Living Dangerously), his "antics" would be enough to keep me away.


ETA: Oops... I meant "yes"

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I can even handle some of them going on political rallies etc. When they start explaining how dumb I (general population who disagrees with them in any way) am - that puts me over the top.


Natalie Portman, on David Letterman several years ago, went off on a *friend* of hers who was voting for Bush. She went on and on about the fact that this *friend* is a mom, with baby puke on her shoulder acting like she knew what she was talking about. I'm guessing that someone in the real world, baby puke and all has a few more real life experiences than someone who grew up in Hollywood and has never done anything other than act. I still can't stand her. I only watched The Other Boelyn Girl to see her get her head chopped off! (jk - kinda)


That is the arrogance that irks me.


I never liked her - mostly because I found her Padme boring and cheered when she died in Star Wars-Revenge of the Sith (Though to be fair the whole movie stunk up the place to me - the only characters I wound up liking were R2D2 aka my main purpose is to save Skywalkers and Obi Wan.)


I didn't know about this. I just thought she grated acting wise.

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Oh, I think Madonna gets plenty of flack for her Kabbalah dabblings, as do Travolta and Cruise, et al., for their Scientology beliefs. I doubt many people actually "hate" Cameron because he's a Christian. There will always be a few crazies, but that kind of intolerance is certainly not directed only at Christians.


See, I never saw any negativity directed at Madonna or Travolta for their beliefs. In fact, Madonna seemed to me to start a new "trend" in Kaballah-ness among the Hollywood crowd. I remember Ashton Kutcher, Demi Moore and others subscribing to the beliefs after she went public with it. Cruise? Yeah, he got flack, but only when he went nutty with it, jumping on sofas, telling Brooke Sheilds her ppd was not real; stuff like that.

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See, I never saw any negativity directed at Madonna or Travolta for their beliefs. In fact, Madonna seemed to me to start a new "trend" in Kaballah-ness among the Hollywood crowd. I remember Ashton Kutcher, Demi Moore and others subscribing to the beliefs after she went public with it. Cruise? Yeah, he got flack, but only when he went nutty with it, jumping on sofas, telling Brooke Sheilds her ppd was not real; stuff like that.


Travolta was horribly slammed over his son Jett. I personally thought it was none of my blinking business what Jett did or did not have - it was pretty obvious that he was loved and cared for and happy. He got a lot of flack from various sources claiming that Jett had autism and because of the Travolta's religious beliefs they wouldn't seek treatment.


I left a lot of autism lists over that. And I never could stand Madonna - I grew up in the 80's. :D

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See, I never saw any negativity directed at Madonna or Travolta for their beliefs. In fact, Madonna seemed to me to start a new "trend" in Kaballah-ness among the Hollywood crowd. I remember Ashton Kutcher, Demi Moore and others subscribing to the beliefs after she went public with it. Cruise? Yeah, he got flack, but only when he went nutty with it, jumping on sofas, telling Brooke Sheilds her ppd was not real; stuff like that.


I think anything Madonna does is considered her thing-du jour and certain people will roll their eyes. Scientology in general gets a lot of flack from folks who think it's too cult-like and out there.

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No, with a very few exceptions. If I enjoyed Mel Gibson (which I haven't seen The Year of Living Dangerously), his "antics" would be enough to keep me away.


He was lovely to watch in The Year of Living Dangerously. But, it was Linda Hunt who really stole the movie. I bet most here don't even know who she is.

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I think anything Madonna does is considered her thing-du jour and certain people will roll their eyes. Scientology in general gets a lot of flack from folks who think it's too cult-like and out there.


Is Madonna an actress? Oh, ya.. she tried, and was AWFUL! :lol: Can't stand her no matter her beliefs, politics, or who her latest boy toy is. :tongue_smilie:

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He was lovely to watch in The Year of Living Dangerously. But, it was Linda Hunt who really stole the movie. I bet most here don't even know who she is.


That was a great movie. And you're right, Linda Hunt stole the show.



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I can no longer stomach watching Mel Gibson movies. He is one actor I can't separate from his beliefs. Considering my husband is an ethnic Jew and my beautiful dd is half ethnic Jew, his views bother me. A lot. Lindsey Lohan is also another one. My kids have never seen her kids movies and never will. I think she is a completely bad influence.


I would honestly rather NOT know about these actors personal lives. I really enjoyed Mel Gibson's movies. I really enjoyed Tom Cruise's movies too, but now I just look at him as a big joke. I'd be fine not knowing, but know that I know I can't suspend my disbelief long enough to watch a movie.

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He was lovely to watch in The Year of Living Dangerously. But, it was Linda Hunt who really stole the movie. I bet most here don't even know who she is.

That's the only Mel Gibson movie I ever liked, and I thought Linda Hunt was brilliant in it. Billy Kwan is one of my favorite movie characters ever, I was so glad she won the Oscar for that. She seems to get a lot of voice work, but I wish she'd gotten more film roles that were worthy of her talent, I think she's an amazing actress.



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I can handle watching most actors but after a while they get to me too. I really can't watch Mel Gibson, Tom Cruise, Sean Penn, Madonna, etc... I'm ok with actors' politics until they start acting like I should care that they are x party and I need to vote that way.


I just wish they would stop pretending they have anything to say and just act.



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I can separate a person's beliefs and their work with no problem. One of my close friends is a liberal GUS type person and I'm a Christian with somewhat conservative views.


When a person, whether I agree with them or not, becomes needlessly cruel or condescending or outright lies about what OTHERS believe in order to bolster their position that's when I can get into trouble separating.


As for some of the people specifically mentioned here?


That said I still want to see the Bourne movies and Fireproof and I find the main actors in both of those to be condescending, so I'm wildly inconsistent.


Mel Gibson...I've only ever seen one or two of the Lethal Weapon movies and that romantic comedy where he played a jerk, so I'm not missing much.


Roman Polanski is a creep and I will never pay money to see/own/rent his work.


I never saw any of Tom Cruise's weird behavior so that won't really affect my enjoyment of whatever he does anyway.


A lot of my friends have recommended the Christmas Sweater(the book), but I just can't do that either. I have a hard time with the author.


Two of my favorite actors are Steve Martin and Bill Murray and, oddly enough, they don't make the tabloids all that often.

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There are several that I can't stand, and I have a low tolerance for twaddle, so most movies are of no interest to me at all. I can't think of one released in years that I've *had* to see.


I'll sit through movies to be companionable to my dh, but give me a Jimmy Stewart or Cary Grant movie over stuff that's being produced now any day.

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Travolta was horribly slammed over his son Jett. I personally thought it was none of my blinking business what Jett did or did not have - it was pretty obvious that he was loved and cared for and happy. He got a lot of flack from various sources claiming that Jett had autism and because of the Travolta's religious beliefs they wouldn't seek treatment.


I left a lot of autism lists over that. And I never could stand Madonna - I grew up in the 80's. :D


I guess I need to pay more attention to the tabloids. LOL I didn't realize he'd gotten so much flack over his son's death.

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He was lovely to watch in The Year of Living Dangerously. But, it was Linda Hunt who really stole the movie.
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I'll sit through movies to be companionable to my dh, but give me a Jimmy Stewart or Cary Grant movie over stuff that's being produced now any day.


I'd suggest not doing any research into Cary Grant's personal life, if you want to maintain your illusions ;)



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NO! LOL. I was thinking celebrities when I spoke of her.


That's my point. Most, not all, the folks mentioned so far are not really actors, they're celebrities. It tends to be the ones who can't act, or at least act well, who get the most coverage for their antics. They're the pretty ones who have become stars because of their physicality/PR staff/etc. Or they have a really big ego.


Most in the US like light fluffy movies with no challenge, so they get light fluffy celebrities, who talk/act before they think. I loved it when Cameron Diaz went to Chile with her Mao bag... She's totally clueless, but then she is a very low grade b actress, so what do you expect.


As the famous Pam Anderson said, "I've been fortunate - I haven't had too many auditions. I slept with the right people" -

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He sure is!


Gosh, it must have been more than twenty years ago, but he took me for a short spin in his electric jalopy around the Warner Brothers lot. It was a weird jerry-built contraption, but he loved showing it off. Nice guy. A true nut, but a very nice person.





I love Ed! I don't think he's a nut -- passionate about his cause, yes -- but not a nut. Or, if I'm wrong and he is a nut, then he's just the kind of nut I'd like to see more of. :D

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He was lovely to watch in The Year of Living Dangerously. But, it was Linda Hunt who really stole the movie. I bet most here don't even know who she is.


That was a great movie. And you're right, Linda Hunt stole the show.




:iagree:I saw her in something the other day, I can't even remember what.

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No, that's a specific reference. Just google Kirk Cameron and bananas or look it up on YouTube.



Yes. This. I didn't link it because I didn't know if it was too political. Google him and bananas. It's a real hoot. :lol:

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I'd suggest not doing any research into Cary Grant's personal life, if you want to maintain your illusions ;)



I was talking about movie quality (ie: having a plot) more than 'celeb' issues. At least Cary Grant could act, as opposed to say, Tom Cruise, who has three, perhaps four, facial expressions he cycles through: the smile, the stare, the...uhhh....ok, make that two facial expressions. :D

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I love Ed! I don't think he's a nut -- passionate about his cause, yes -- but not a nut. Or, if I'm wrong and he is a nut, then he's just the kind of nut I'd like to see more of. :D


The good kind of nut. Very passionate, very globally minded. We could use more like him.



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No, with a very few exceptions. If I enjoyed Mel Gibson (which I haven't seen The Year of Living Dangerously), his "antics" would be enough to keep me away.

Ooops... I meant "Yes." I'd reworded the question in my head.

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I guess I need to pay more attention to the tabloids. LOL I didn't realize he'd gotten so much flack over his son's death.


Sadly, it wasn't the tabloids as much as it was the internet - at least that I saw. One of his neighbors in FL who had an autistic child just really took him to task in the papers. It was disgusting.


I remember reading an article with Travolta when Jett was born and the guy was just crazy about being a Dad. You could see it in his eyes.


FWIW I watch NCIS Los Angles for Linda Hunt, I think she's brilliant. Her Hetty makes the show and I find her far more interesting a character than the mothership NCIS' Gibbs.

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