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How much sleep do you get and is it enough?

How much sleep do you get and is it enough?  

  1. 1. How much sleep do you get and is it enough?

    • less than 5 hours a night - no, not enough sleep
    • less than 5 hours a night - yes, it's enough sleep
    • 5 - 6 hours, no
    • 5 - 6 hours, yes
    • 6 - 7 hours, no
    • 6-7 hours, yes
    • 7 - 8 hours, no
    • 7 - 8 hours, yes
    • more than 8 hours, no
    • more than 8 hours, yes

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I need 9 hours to feel like I've had enough sleep. I've always been that way. :001_smile:


This is me.


My mom used to get by on 4-5 hours of sleep and always told me I would require less sleep as I got older. Well, I'm definitely older ;), and I still need lots of sleep...

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Less than 5 hours/night ~ yes, it's enough. Once a week or so I do better with a 6-7 hour night.




I'm so envious. I wish I could get by on 5 hours sleep. I'd be much more productive. I chose 6-7 hours and it is sufficient for me to feel somewhat rested and productive, but I do feel absolutely better if I can get about 8.

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I definitely do not get enough sleep. I'm a big ole introvert, and I need time to myself everday. I feel like I have to stay up late to pull this off.


It's not working, so one of my goals for the next month is to work myself into a habit of getting to bed no later than 10:30 so that I can get up at 5:30. I do best on a solid 8 hours, so that still won't be optimal, but will be better than I have been doing.

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I love sleep but am inclined to insomnia at times, especially pre menstrually.


I love my afternoon rest times- I often dont sleep, but the rest makes all the difference.


Last night I slept for almost 9 hours and I am happy!

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It depends. If I can sleep myself out, then I'm in good shape. If I wake up early and feel hot, then I'm doomed. After that I can never get comfortable again. My body heat reflecting off the mattress feels like a furnace. As soon as I'm horizontal, I always start to feel hot, so I have to turn the thermostat down at night. I sleep with just a sheet (my dh has to keep his THREE blankets on his side) and have to have the fan on. I still wake up hot at least 1x/week.


I generally go to bed around 12:45 or 1am and get up at 8:30am. When I actually get to do that, I feel refreshed when I wake up, even if it did take me an hour to fall asleep. When I wake up at 7:30 because it feels like my bed has turned into a furnace, then I feel completely drained, even if I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.


I usually get about 7 hours of sleep at night.

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Most nights I get 4-6 hrs of sleep but then I also lay down most afternoons and rest for a couple of hours so I counted them. If I am feeling good it is enough. If I have been in a lot of fragrances or other chemicals there isn't enough sleep.

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I think I selected 7-8, no. I've already forgotten.


I seem to need 9+ hours of sleep. I always heard you needed less sleep as you got older, but I personally seem to need more.


I stay up too late trying to get some quiet alone time after the kids have gone to sleep. I also wait up to see my husband off to work at 10:45 PM.


It's not enough for sleep for me. If I sit down on the couch, rather than keeping busy or sitting at the desk, I pass out. Luckily the baby is a good night time sleeper and doesn't wake me much or I would be in worse shape.

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yup, even in a simple, straightforward poll like yours, somebody needs "other"


When I work (at night, 12-hr shifts), I usually get 4-5 hours of sleep during the day. Usually broken up because I wake up. If I'm very lucky (and medicated) I'll get 6. NO it is not enough.


When I'm not working, I try to get 8-9 but usually end up with 5-6 because I really can't fall asleep early after being up all night for work. I never feel as if I've gotten enough sleep.


I recently went on vacation with only one of my kids (the one that likes to sleep in). After a few days, I discovered that 7-8 hours of solid sleep makes me feel like I assume all other humans walking around acting chipper feel.

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I have bouts of insomnia off and on for a few years. I've found I do best with 9 hours of sleep, which I often don't get.


I nap in the afternoon. Often I don't fall asleep, but use the time to clear my mind and relax.


We're on summer break and it's been so nice to sleep in and take an early nap.


My dh will nap too if he doesn't sleep correctly. I kidded him that we are turning into cats. :lol:


I'm a big fan of afternoon down time, even you don't nap. 30minutes to an hour is a big help.

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I got by on 4 - 5 hours for 20 years, and it seemed to work just fine. Over the past year I have made a dramatic shift to sleeping for 7 - 9 hours total (sometimes that is with a nap), and I feel wonderful. I get less done and have less time to read, but this seems to be what my body needs now.

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I voted 5-6 and no...


6 might be closer to enough, but 5 definitely isn't, especially if it's consistently. I'm trying to work towards getting to 7, but that would mean in bed by midnight (as I get up at 7 pretty consistently), and it's usually 1-2 am by the time I'm in bed. I'm really trying to get in by midnight-1am and make it 6-7. I think that would be much better for me.

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5-6 hours, and no


Sleep wasn't a problem until the kids :tongue_smilie: but now that they aren't an issue, I still don't sleep enough. It's tough shutting my brain down at night, and when I wake up, I cannot get back to sleep. I can more or less function on this little sleep, but it does drag me down... especially in the humour department.

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5-6 hours, and no


Sleep wasn't a problem until the kids :tongue_smilie: but now that they aren't an issue, I still don't sleep enough. It's tough shutting my brain down at night, and when I wake up, I cannot get back to sleep. I can more or less function on this little sleep, but it does drag me down... especially in the humour department.



I seem to have this window of about 15 minutes where I could happily go to sleep and fall straight asleep. I always miss that window. (It's actually coming up in the next hour and if I could stop coveting my alone time and get my fat a$$ off the computer...well). If I go to bed too early and wake up, I'm up, and I'm pretty unproductive.


Luckily, while I only get 5-6 hours during the weekdays, on dh's days off, I get to really sleep in. If there's another adult in the house, I sleep like a rock. I get to tomorrow. :D I call it my make-up sleep.

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