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Who has a rising senior this year?

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It's funny -- we were so non-traditional by homeschooling in the first place, and now as homeschoolers we seem to be non-traditional with post-graduation and college plans. I sooo want to be part of the posting about searching for colleges and the application process, but we're going to be in community college limbo for another year or two.


I have one who has graduated and is taking a gap year, so to speak, through the college program at Disney. He is having a blast, I might add. He is coming home in January to resume community college in preparation for transferring to who knows where.


I do have a "rising senior" who will graduate from his charter school in May, but as he will only be 16, I am not sending him off to a 4 year college! He will spend another year at community college, possibly will take a gap year after that, and then we'll send him off to a small LAC.


So just as we never did the whole back to school thing with the neighborhood kids, we're not doing the "preparing for college" thing with my virtual homeschool group. It isn't a bad thing, at all, just us continuing our journey far outside the box!!

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Me! Our firstborn! Where did the time go? It will be year 11 of homeschooling him. He will be taking 1 class at the local community college, several at-home independent-style classes through Teaching Co. courses -- and Literature with me (as we both love doing that together).


He strongly wants to go straight to community college after high school to get his gen. ed. classes out of the way cheaply; and he's not entirely sure what he wants to do, and so doesn't want to waste money taking classes at a university until he does know what he wants. Right now, Media Arts (video/film production) seems to be what he's most interested in.


So, while I will be doing some transcript and scholarship research, my focus this year will be on enjoying him one last year, and putting together a nice album of his homeschooling years for his graduation ceremony with the local homeschool group we've been very involved with for the past 6 years.


His plans for his senior year are to continue to:

- serve on the homeschool Student Council

- be a part of Youth & Government

- do church Youth Group / be a student group leader


He is possibly considering getting a job. But he is also hoping to intern on the production crew of a locally-produced film that will be starting production late this autumn. On Monday, he will start taking a summer class with the director of the film learn all the equipment, and then the class will spend one full week of production at the end of summer to make 2 short (5 minute) films.


It's so cool to see things beginning to fall into place for him! My job for this year is just to move over, let him drive, and just administrate paperwork/deadlines and enjoy watching him go! An overly-long answer from an overly-proud mama. ;) Warmest regards, Lori D.

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My second is a senior. (We start counting in June and she will graduate very early June 2011). She will do one class (20th century lit) with another parent who is doing a class. She will do physics, world history,her math (another post soon) and Spanish at home. She will do some classes at co-op but I am not sure what since the schedule hasn't come out yet. She will be applying to colleges that are not local since we have no idea what local will be in Fall of 2011. My next year seems like it will be as busy as this year.

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Ds will be a senior:thumbup:

He will be taking concurrent classes at the CC with a few at home....and maybe working a bit.


Remember the thread about trouble finding a job? Yipee, ds got a job at a grocery store- not his preference, (he'd rather be outside;), but he is glad to have it.. They had to fire one of the high school students because he was caught smoking more than once, so ds got a call on Saturday.:hurray:

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I can't believe that 12 years ago (as of September) we sat down on the couch with his three year old sister and started this homeschool adventure. I figured I could try kindergarten, and if it didn't work... well, we wouldn't have really lost much.


At the end of the year, it had 'worked' better than I'd imagined, and I've only rarely looked back. Next year, he'll be in the 2nd year of a two year program called Computer Networking Academy offered at the local career center. Assuming he passes the requisite tests and continues to get good grades, he'll finish with Cisco, ComptIA, and Microsoft certifications, as well as a year of college credit. That's 3.5 credits, but all elective, so he'll have a heavy load next year. He'll need English, math, science, and social studies credits, but I'm going to try to make them as easy as possible, since the networking program is very challenging and time consuming.


I think I'm probably going to spend the year with tears near the surface though. I tend to 'leak' pretty easily, and this one's a doozy for me!


Have no idea what he'll do the following year. We're exploring options at nearby schools. We're not willing to go into debt, so he may end up at a CC, or he may be able to get a 'real' job with all those certifications and finish school part time....




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Me! Our firstborn!


An overly-long answer from an overly-proud mama.


:D Love it.


My oldest is now a senior.


Another first!



My second is a senior.


She will be applying to colleges that are not local since we have no idea what local will be in Fall of 2011. My next year seems like it will be as busy as this year.


Yes, can't wait to see where she lands.



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I do, but she's not homeschooled. Can I be included anyway?


I've got a senior too, but he's not homeschooled. It's going to be an interesting academic year!


We've always had reports on dc who went back to school. JFS kept us up-to-date on her ds' search. Looking forward to hearing about your year!



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Ds will be a senior:thumbup:

He will be taking concurrent classes at the CC with a few at home....and maybe working a bit.



Congratulations! My dd just got a job as well after applying earlier and being told they had just hired.


Next year, he'll be in the 2nd year of a two year program called Computer Networking Academy offered at the local career center. Assuming he passes the requisite tests and continues to get good grades, he'll finish with Cisco, ComptIA, and Microsoft certifications, as well as a year of college credit. That's 3.5 credits, but all elective, so he'll have a heavy load next year.


What a great opportunity!


My second is a senior this year! Here's hoping her senior year will be better than her sister's!:cheers2:


Yes! :tongue_smilie:



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Our second daughter is a rising senior as well. Buckling in for a wild and exciting year! ;)


My 17 yo will be a senior. Looking forward to a good year!


Here's to a great year for you both! Jean, your graduating one at about every other year, no? :tongue_smilie:



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My dd is a senior. She is dyslexic and has overcome so much to be at this point. We are still working really hard to get her where she needs to be but we are progessing and the goal is within reach. She will be taking courses and our local community college once she graduates and then attending a Zoo Technology program at a teaching zoo a few hours away in Winter 2012.

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We're in a semi-lull this year with my oldest heading off to college and my middle son a junior. So, we'll be in the cheer leading section (!) and watching to see about possible things to check out for either middle son or youngest who's just two more years behind (freshman this year).


Senior year goes by so quickly! For that matter, 18 years went by so quickly! I'm not that old... I'm not sure HOW it all happened.

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Oldest ds will be a senior this year.


There is a lot to do with this whole college thing. It makes planning "school" seem easy. Weird, huh? Ah - maybe it's just because I finally feel like I know what I'm doing when it comes to charting out a decent school year. Guidance counselor? No track record there; it makes me feel like I'm flailing in the deep end of the pool.


Thanks to the gals on this board we'll get there. I have had so many "ah-ha" moments. I want to really enjoy the young man that has emerged. We need to do all of the get-into-college work, but I don't want that to completely overshadow the joy that is waiting to be unearthed in the fall of this final year.


Looking forward to enjoying the journey with all of you.




Enjoy your little people

Enjoy your journey

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My third is a senior this year. Most of her classes are out of the house, but she will be doing math and science with me. She will then be taking her basics at the local CC before transferring to the 4-yr school in the next town. Both have good nursing programs and that has been her dream for years. Oh, and today is her 17th birthday!


My second is now a college senior. Where does the time go?



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will be a senior this year. She will be continuing her classes at the CC (with one class at home). She's also working at the CC as a Math tutor and, for this upcoming year, will be the only Chemistry tutor in the Student Success Center. She's also been promoted to Head Tutor. She's heading off to Cornell (in NY) in a couple of weeks for a summer program, too. Busy time.

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I do!!! I think! Actually she would be a junior, but she's done enough work over the summers that she will graduate in the spring. She's anxious to see what the Lord has planned for her. She doesn't see college in her future so she is working on a home business making flower arrangements for weddings, showers, proms, etc.

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My dd will be a senior. We had planned on her starting classes at the local community college but she was accepted into a ballet company's trainee program for the fall. She'll finish a few credits to offically graduate but she will mostly be dancing for her senior year. :001_smile:

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There is a lot to do with this whole college thing. It makes planning "school" seem easy. Weird, huh? Ah - maybe it's just because I finally feel like I know what I'm doing when it comes to charting out a decent school year. Guidance counselor? No track record there; it makes me feel like I'm flailing in the deep end of the pool.




It is the opposite for me, planning college is easy and planning high school is hard-LOL. But then again I had to plan out college stuff for myself, then for niece, then for nephew. Also it sort of helps that Ds wants to be an astrophysicist so options are very limited.

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I have one who has graduated and is taking a gap year, so to speak, through the college program at Disney. He is having a blast, I might add. He is coming home in January to resume community college in preparation for transferring to who knows where.


I do have a "rising senior" who will graduate from his charter school in May, but as he will only be 16, I am not sending him off to a 4 year college! He will spend another year at community college, possibly will take a gap year after that, and then we'll send him off to a small LAC.


So just as we never did the whole back to school thing with the neighborhood kids, we're not doing the "preparing for college" thing with my virtual homeschool group. It isn't a bad thing, at all, just us continuing our journey far outside the box!!


My oldest will be a freshman in community college this fall, because we didn't get enough financial aid to pay for a four year college. He hopes to transfer to Liberty University as a junior.


My second son will be a senior this year. He plans to either go to the same community college as his brother, or to a state university that is only 2 blocks from our house (thus saving money by living at home). He will be barely 17 when he graduates (his birthday is in February), similar to your second son.

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I don't. :hurray:


But it is so fun to watch the process and follow along to see how the year and post-graduation plans pan out for these seniors. CynthiaOK's post on the college board had me trying to remember who has seniors.





Bittersweet, I must say, as we head into our 12th year of homeschooling. But, to hold the note is to spoil the song.....play on, dear one, play on!


My daughter, our oldest, will be taking dual credit courses at our area technical school along with home/resource center courses. We have a good enough idea of what she wants to major in that her DC courses will actually be chipping away at requirements for her major opening the door for her to pursue her goal of minoring in Spanish. It is a very exciting (and overwhelming) time indeed.


Congratulations to all who are traversing this path with us!

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But, to hold the note is to spoil the song.....play on, dear one, play on!





Nicely put! There is truly a time to everything under the sun, isn't there?


I have had friends who have wondered why I have been so calm about my oldest going far away to school. It's because I knew it was time (for her as an individual, for us as a family . . . I know everybody is different).

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  • 9 months later...

It is the craziest thing. I had a senior when I posted last June, but then he decided to take the California equivalency exam to get his diploma and start full time at community college. Which he did, and passed, so now he is doing well in math and science classes at the CC. We've started thinking towards him transfering to a 4 year after the next year or two.

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My dd could not be more excited about wrapping up her senior year and starting her studies at the University of South Carolina (in pursuit of an Exercise Science degree with a possible double major - minor at least - in Spanish). Ultimately, she wants to go to grad school (either med school, physician's assistant or physical therapy school). She has been invited as a Capstone Scholar (which she has accepted) but hopes to transfer into their honors college. This year has been extremely busy (for her and myself) but most rewarding considering she is our firstborn. We began homeschooling her first grade year and marvel at the fact that 12 short years later, we're graduating our first from EDEN Academy!

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Our first will be a senior next year. We will be finishing up TOG 4 and doing an on-line class, maybe, on theology with Potter's School. We'll do pre-calc at home and probably one on-site college class. He knows where he is going for college and has been provisionally accepted, pending his ACT. This will be our 13th year at home and I can't believe that we are soon graduating our first homegrown child. Praise be to God for His grace and guidance on this journey. I don't regret it AT ALL!!!

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DS will be a senior this fall—hard to believe! He may take his English at CC, if he can get in (our local CC has cut the dual credit program WAY back). He'll also do Statistics, Gov't (already did Econ.), Biology (hates it and put it off as long as possible), and Health. He'll do an Auto Shop program this summer (his elective choice) and a History of Jazz series from Teaching Company. He is a musician: writer, singer, guitarist, bassist and drummer.


He is very involved in music: he leads a rotating group of musicians that lead worship for our Jr. High Dept.: chooses the songs, schedules musicians, runs rehearsals. He plays in the high school youth group band. He gives guitar lessons to elementary students. He's recorded some of his stuff. And, he arranged for his band to do a concert at our local upscale outdoor shopping mall. He had to make arrangements with the community services director, and submit a demo CD. Okay, I'm a bit proud of him. This is a kid who hardly uttered a word in public for the first 13 years of his life ("why waste words?"). It has been so gratifying to watch God develop the personality and gifts He gave him.


After his senior year, he plans to go the CC and get his G.E. done economically, and maybe dabble in several things while he's there. They have a great jazz band and recording engineering program, but he's also interested in law enforcement, drafting, and photojournalism. And he's a self-taught artist (drawing). Another reason to love the CC idea!

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