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What About This Guy Hunting For Bin Laden?

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This guy made such headlines because he's not in it for the money (and therefore must be crazy). There have been quite a few bounty hunters who have made the news in small ways (at least small in the US), Idema being the most well known. That's capitalism for you.

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This guy made such headlines because he's not in it for the money (and therefore must be crazy).


This obsession with hunting down the personification of the evil-one, and the fine line between insanity and courage is an interesting theme. Reminds me of a novel I'm working on finishing (again).


And seriously, is this a noble endeavor? In the Age of Chivalry I think there would have been no question that it was. Despite, or even because, of the odds.


I'm not thinking too clearly at the moment, but I kind of admire the guy, "crazy Ahab", or not.



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Can someone explain the difference to me between hiring Blackwater contractors to do the military thing or offering a fat reward to independent contractors to take out a military target like Bin Laden? Kind of feels similar to me. The bottom line--outsourcing the dirty work. Will we even need a trained military in the future? Why not just hire a company like Wackenhut to take care of it?

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It took some courage and a lot of stupidity. Anybody who has been to that area would know that it was not a good idea. Not at all. In fact it shows complete ignorance of the entire situation over there.




Is stupidity a sub-set of courage?

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I wonder what would have happened had he actually apprehended Bin Laden (assuming Bin Laden is alive - don't want to spark any discussion about that topic). Can you just remotely imagine how the media would have fallen all over each other? And how exactly would the government have handled that???

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It took some courage and a lot of stupidity. Anybody who has been to that area would know that it was not a good idea. Not at all. In fact it shows complete ignorance of the entire situation over there.




Oh yes, the entire idea is rather insane. But that's part of what I love about it :D



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I don't understand what all the fuss was about with him. If he was successful, wouldn't that be a win? I mean, the chances of success are approximately zero, but it sounded as if he knew that, and if he didn't, he should and I have very little sympathy.... I'm probably missing many socio-political considerations, however.

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American Hero?


"Crazy Ahab"?


Waste of Bandwidth?


Bill (who appreciates that his name is Faulkner :D )


Waste of bandwidth on new sites? Or waste of bandwidth here?

I vote Crazy Ahab.


Gin (who just remembered we're 'supposed' to be signing our posts the way Bill does)

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