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Boppi breastfeeding pillows. Share your story.

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Here's mine:

I love my Boppi. My now 13 mth old was born preemie. I used my Boppi to try nursing her (unsuccessfully for 2 mos), I used it to hold her while pumping breastmilk, or try to pump one side while making a sad attempt to nurse on the other, LOL. After 2 mos of trial, she latched and nursed like a pro. No more bottles. From that moment on, my Boppi should've started recording miles per nurse:) My Boppi, my baby, and I have been inseparable. Baby is now 13mos old and the Boppi is so torn. Every time I sit to nurse, the Boppi goes RRRRRIIIIPPPP!!! It's ripped in 3 places. I thought I'd buy a Boppi cover from the store, but dh said "why? The baby is 13mos. She's not going to be nursing much longer". Sigh. She's my last dd (and this is my last Boppi). My body just can't handle another baby. I could probably ditch the Boppi and just use pillows (or knees). The baby is probably getting too old and big to stay still for a nursing much longer anyway (toddler years are approaching) even if we nurse for another year. But I'm having trouble letting go of my Boppi:( That's my story. What's yours?

Bring out the kleenex...(and is it silly to bring out kleenex over Boppi pillows?)

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Here's mine:

I love my Boppi. My now 13 mth old was born preemie. I used my Boppi to try nursing her (unsuccessfully for 2 mos), I used it to hold her while pumping breastmilk, or try to pump one side while making a sad attempt to nurse on the other, LOL. After 2 mos of trial, she latched and nursed like a pro. No more bottles. From that moment on, my Boppi should've started recording miles per nurse:) My Boppi, my baby, and I have been inseparable. Baby is now 13mos old and the Boppi is so torn. Every time I sit to nurse, the Boppi goes RRRRRIIIIPPPP!!! It's ripped in 3 places. I thought I'd buy a Boppi cover from the store, but dh said "why? The baby is 13mos. She's not going to be nursing much longer". Sigh. She's my last dd (and this is my last Boppi). My body just can't handle another baby. I could probably ditch the Boppi and just use pillows (or knees). The baby is probably getting too old and big to stay still for a nursing much longer anyway (toddler years are approaching) even if we nurse for another year. But I'm having trouble letting go of my Boppi:( That's my story. What's yours?

Bring out the kleenex...(and is it silly to bring out kleenex over Boppi pillows?)


You can cry over the Boppi, if it's okay for me to cry over the fact I'll never teach Saxon K again (I did just that earlier this week). :grouphug:

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I LOVED my Boppi pillow although it took until my 2nd to feel that way! My first son was so particular about nursing a certain way that he didn't seem to like how he was laying on the Boppi, so I ended up using these 2 couch throw pillows we had for him. For my 2nd son, he was so content to lay on the Boppi to nurse, play, rest, etc. I passed it onto to my sister for her babies, and she fell in love with it too. Every new mom should have one!

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I think you should splurge on a new cover. This is something that you use every day, several times a day (if you nurse like dd).


Will you nurse for another year? Our goal was to nurse for 2 years. We are now at 3.5, and although dd nurses less than ever, she is showing no indication of stopping outright.


I have no boppy stories for dd and nursing. I wasn't that organized or coordinated to use a boppy for her. I did get a boppy for newborn M1 that I babysat to sit in when I couldn't hold or carry her.

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I agree with the pp who said to buy a Boppy cover and enjoy the season. My first ds, I expected to wean at 12 months. He nursed till 25 months. My second ds I expected to wean sometime around 25 months. He nursed till 32 months. Who knows how long Gabriel will nurse? Buying YOURSELF something as useful as a Boppy cover is not an indulgence, but a recognition of the importance of what you are doing... nurturing your little one.

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This isn't just about the Boppi! this is about your relationship with your dd.! Nursing is so much more than just food - it's comfort for your dd. (and you!)!! I say buy that new cover and nurse her as long as she wants!!!!


I've never used a particular pillow, but I certainly love my relationship with my baby. She's still nursing at 4.5. I NEVER thought I'd have a babe nursing this long!!! LOL But, it just happened.


Enjoy it while it lasts!!!

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Another Boppy lover here. My kids are teens, so we gave our boppy away years ago, but I am using another one again as I begin my latest nannying adventure.


I would cover it as suggested, and keep it for a bit. We used ours long past nursing. The kids were as attached to it as I was.

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I love my boppy. My 15 month old just brought it to me and told me "bop" which mean she wants to nurse. My birthday present this year was a new boppy. My old one was three years old and quite worn and flat so I really wanted a new one. I love the fluffy goodness of my new one. Both my 15 month old and my 3 year old still use it when they nurse downstairs. I am going to miss my boppy when nursing ends. Though to be fair I plan on having one more and if DD is anything like DS nursing isn't likely to end for another 2+ years even if I don't.


Plus boppys make fun toys for little kids and nice pillows to rest on and sleep on for those spontaneous afternoon naps.

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I enjoyed the baby stage, too! Course... my baby nursed past the baby stage... into the toddler... and then into the preschool stage. He was my last... and loved nursing! He was 4 years and 10 months. People say..."hmmm i could never do that.." But you nurse at one day before 2... then one day after... and ... well... he just kept going. So, even if you don't nurse for that much longer... another year would be great. Remind your husband that the World Pediatric Association (is that what it's called?) recommend nursing for at LEAST 2 years :)

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I think you should get a new cover. I used a Boppy for my oldest (which was long ago lost) and a new one for both my younger kids. I love the Boppy for nursing, it is sooo much easier. I still have mine around the house because the kids love using it. They lie on the floor with their head on the middle part of it and put the ends over their shoulders (not sure if you can picture that). They also use it to sit up their stuffed animals or dolls that are more floppy and won't sit on their own.


My younger dd is my last child and I definitely feel a little sad with each new stage. Weaning her was hard. Seeing her now, no longer looking like a baby but more like a little girl.... The only thing I won't miss is diapers. :D

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Judomom, my Saxon K is still on my shelf, and dd is going into 5th grade. She's the youngest. Just who am I planning on teaching? LOL


Never liked the Boppy, but it's all about letting go of what needs to go, at the appropriate time. OP, I don't think you are there yet! Buy a cover and enjoy. Maybe the Boppy can be a "lovey" on your dd's bed when she outgrows the crib. Maybe you'll have to part with it. It's all good.

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loved the boppi stories! love the idea of keeping it for her as a special pillow! I nursed my 1st for 21 mths. I pumped exclusively for my 2nd (blech!) This one I'd like to nurse to 2yrs. I'm tired of everyone asking, "so...how long do you plan to nurse?" She's barely eating any solids and doesn't drink from a sippy yet, sheesh! LOL. So, yeah, I think I'll go buy myself a cover:)

My sling will be a well-worn treasure to keep, too (been thru 3 kids).

And I'm sure I'll cry when I pack BJU K Math away for the last time.

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We love ours! Boppy is a "person" of his own--we refer to "him" as "Boppy", not "the Boppy." Mine is a "Bare-Naked Boppy" and I have two slipcovers, which reminds me that I should swap the covers as I recently dripped chocolate on the current one.


For a chuckle, see my friend's related blog post http://proverbs4.blogspot.com/2009/11/farewell-to-dear-friend.html

Edited by AndyJoy
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I don't have much of a story, but I LOVE my Boppy. It's the most useful baby item I have ever purchased. I'm on my second one. I got rid of my first one after our 2nd child, not knowing that we would decide to have more children.


As for replacing your cover, my almost 3 year old still loves the Boppy. Whenever the baby and I aren't using it, he's laying on it. It might be worth replacing.

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I agree with the pp who said to buy a Boppy cover and enjoy the season. My first ds, I expected to wean at 12 months. He nursed till 25 months. My second ds I expected to wean sometime around 25 months. He nursed till 32 months. Who knows how long Gabriel will nurse? Buying YOURSELF something as useful as a Boppy cover is not an indulgence, but a recognition of the importance of what you are doing... nurturing your little one.


Yeah, that ^^^



Disclaimer: I have no idea what a Boppy is. But I want to tell you a big well done for persevering through your difficulties and breastfeeding your little one, as it is so important for preemies.

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We were given a Boppy with my 2nd dd. I liked the idea, but the truth was, I didn't need it because I am so short that it worked just fine to nurse with dd resting on my lap with her head on my arm. So, when she was about 1.5 years, she used to put the Boppy around her waist and pretend she was driving a car. She also used to rest a book on it to read, and sometimes I would do the same when reading to her.


Now we have another baby and another Boppy. I don't use it to nurse, but I'm looking forward to Charlotte driving her Boppy-car. :auto:

Edited by Alphabetika
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This isn't just about the Boppi! this is about your relationship with your dd.! Nursing is so much more than just food - it's comfort for your dd. (and you!)!! I say buy that new cover and nurse her as long as she wants!!!!


I've never used a particular pillow, but I certainly love my relationship with my baby. She's still nursing at 4.5. I NEVER thought I'd have a babe nursing this long!!! LOL But, it just happened.


Enjoy it while it lasts!!!


:iagree: I nursed my first two for 14 months each. In some tiny corner of my brain and heart, I can't imagine weaning dd3. Ever. :)

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