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Has MFS made an appearance here yet?

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It seems she takes issue with the "hive" references, and feels that none of us choose to think for ourselves.


Perhaps she was the troll? Hee, hee. Absolutely kidding. But it seems odd that she would think that. :confused:


And that's all I'm going to say since she isn't here to defend or explain.




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Because someone believes I am mischaracterizing MFS' thoughts on the subject of the 'hive', I am sharing a link to her post.


It can be found here.

My statement comes from this quote,

"Employed by scientists, psychologists, and sci-fi writers, this term can be used to describe colonies of social insects, conformity, Buggers, and the Borg collective."


"What is 'unable to think for oneself'?"


"No, I'm sorry. Next player?"


"What is 'hive mind'?"



If I am incorrect in my assesment of her opinion, I apologize, but I think her post speaks clearly.

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It seems she takes issue with the "hive" references, and feels that none of us choose to think for ourselves.


From reading the link below, I agree that she takes issue with the "hive" references but I'm not sure why you draw the conclusion that she thinks "none of us choose to think for ourselves." I did not see where MFS passed judgement on the people in this "hive," as far as I can see she dislikes the "hive" concept.


Most of the blog post is a quote from a 2006 Newsweek article which refers to Jaron Lanier's "Digital Maoism." This is not specifically refering to this "Hive," but is mainly a rant about the new online collectivism, using Wikipedia as an example.


I agree completely with the Newsweek article quoted in MFS's blog post. I almost didn't come back here in large part due to the name ot the forum. I do think the majority of people here think for themselves, I just don't want to be a bee! In the end, I missed the people here too much, so I decided to overlook the name and hive references.

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From reading the link below, I agree that she takes issue with the "hive" references but I'm not sure why you draw the conclusion that she thinks "none of us choose to think for ourselves." I did not see where MFS passed judgement on the people in this "hive," as far as I can see she dislikes the "hive" concept.


Most of the blog post is a quote from a 2006 Newsweek article which refers to Jaron Lanier's "Digital Maoism." This is not specifically refering to this "Hive," but is mainly a rant about the new online collectivism, using Wikipedia as an example.


I agree completely with the Newsweek article quoted in MFS's blog post. I almost didn't come back here in large part due to the name ot the forum. I do think the majority of people here think for themselves, I just don't want to be a bee! In the end, I missed the people here too much, so I decided to overlook the name and hive references.


Same here. "Hive mind" grates me big time, and I'm not a fan of online collectivism. I see the board as a source of opinions, but it's a secondary resource for me.

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Well, a lot of the bee/hive stuff has been minimized. I mean, the posting levels are still that way, but look up at the top of the screen. The hive that used to be there is gone, and "aka Hive Mind" is really all that's left.

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Well, a lot of the bee/hive stuff has been minimized. I mean, the posting levels are still that way, but look up at the top of the screen. The hive that used to be there is gone, and "aka Hive Mind" is really all that's left.


I think of the "hive" reference as ironic. :001_smile:


I rarely visit other online discussion groups, but I can't imagine one that is more diverse in its opinions.


I can't get upset about the term "hive", when the reality is anything but.



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this thread would certainly put me over the edge. What started as a innocent inquiry about MFS turned into a MFS-bashing party. That's poor form, especially since she's not here to defend herself.


FWIW, I think the format (ratings based on #of posts, reps) encourages more shallow and frequent posting, more trepidation in voicing objections, and more follow-the-leader rallying, rather than more thoughtful posting. This does not mean (let me repeat: this does not mean) that I think that none of us think for ourselves. That is a whole-to-part fallacy. MFS just said what I did in a more colorful way.


(Sorry, Jenn, I didn't mean for this to appear right under your post. I meant for it to go under the OP's.)

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My intent was certainly not to bash anyone, but to answer a question, and then to clarify my statement with a link to a blog post.


I suppose I took MFS' post from months ago too personally, and therefore my interpretation of her words is obviously much different than anyone else's.


My apologies.

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this thread would certainly put me over the edge. What started as a innocent inquiry about MFS turned into a MFS-bashing party. That's poor form, especially since she's not here to defend herself.


FWIW, I think the format (ratings based on #of posts, reps) encourages more shallow and frequent posting, more trepidation in voicing objections, and more follow-the-leader rallying, rather than more thoughtful posting. This does not mean (let me repeat: this does not mean) that I think that none of us think for ourselves. That is a whole-to-part fallacy. MFS just said what I did in a more colorful way.


(Sorry, Jenn, I didn't mean for this to appear right under your post. I meant for it to go under the OP's.)


I didn't see any MFS-bashing. In fact, I heard people say that they miss her and her insight. I, along with Crissy, felt a little sting (second time I've used this pun in this situation) at her post because it was a jab at a place where I frequent. I'm OK if she chooses not to hang out here. I still read her blog when I need an Mental Multivitamin. But, I didn't see anyone doing any bashing!!

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I hate the "hive" reference whether or not it's a joke. I like the online camaraderie more though.


"Hive mind" grates me big time, and I'm not a fan of online collectivism. I see the board as a source of opinions, but it's a secondary resource for me.


I almost didn't come back here in large part due to the name ot the forum.


I almost didn't come back here in large part due to the name ot the forum.


Am I the only person who just thought the name was cute and the references amusing and unique to this community?

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Am I the only person who just thought the name was cute and the references amusing and unique to this community?


No you are not. Personally, I am thrilled to be a part of this community. There are some truly awesome people here. People that I would not have ever "known" or run across otherwise. (you included K.!) I think it is kind of cute and not offensive in the least to me. I can see where others may not think the same way, but that's fine. I love the diversity and support given here. A great place for me. My whole family has benefitted from you all giving yourselves like you do. Thanks.

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I don't care for the whole Hive thing either, but (1) I don't pay the bills and (2) it's a pretty minor part of my experience of the boards. I see plenty of individuality here and much less group-think than on other forums I've visited. ::shrug::


I tend to agree. I see a wide variety of opinions on all sorts of topics here. I appreciate that fact. I also think there's greater care for other people's feelings and a greater acknowledgment that other people have a right to a different opinion than you will see on other boards.


eta: I actually think the hive idea is kind of cute and I thought it was a nod to the former board's often-used reference to itself (collectively ;) )

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Am I the only person who just thought the name was cute and the references amusing and unique to this community?


No, you're not. I've wondered the same thing as I've read through this thread. Personally, I've only seen the "hive" term as a loose reference to the commonalities we share as homeschoolers on this great earth. :-)

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FWIW, I think the format (ratings based on #of posts, reps) encourages more shallow and frequent posting, more trepidation in voicing objections, and more follow-the-leader rallying, rather than more thoughtful posting.


. . . as I've said before, I feel quite the opposite. I ignore the # of posts entirely, and my non-scientific impression is that this format discourages the "ITA. nt." posts that used to be a staple of our board chats on the old forum.


I can't speak for anyone's internal state, so I can't say whether there has been any trepidation, but I sure see a lot of objection-voicing.

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. . . as I've said before, I feel quite the opposite. I ignore the # of posts entirely, and my non-scientific impression is that this format discourages the "ITA. nt." posts that used to be a staple of our board chats on the old forum.



:iagree: And, I would have just left it at that, but I, too, hated the endless string of "ITA. nt" posts. :)

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Am I the only person who just thought the name was cute and the references amusing and unique to this community?


I agree. I thought it was cute, and unlike some who considered the term as referencing a Borg type mentality where we can't think for ourselves, I always considered the "hive" to mean a community of workers who went forth to gather information. Definitely not a single "brain", but a sharing of vast experience and information.

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My intent was certainly not to bash anyone, but to answer a question, and then to clarify my statement with a link to a blog post.


I suppose I took MFS' post from months ago too personally, and therefore my interpretation of her words is obviously much different than anyone else's.


My apologies.


No need to apologize, Crissy. You did nothing wrong. Okay, now I'm a little annoyed. Hmmph. :rolleyes:


Oh, I know, I know! Pass the dip de frijoles. :tongue_smilie:

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Am I the only person who just thought the name was cute and the references amusing and unique to this community?


Nope that's the way I took it ;) too. I stopped reading Newsweek before 2000 so I am way behind the 8 ball there :D kinda like it that way too.

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eta: I actually think the hive idea is kind of cute and I thought it was a nod to the former board's often-used reference to itself (collectively ;) )


Yes...and I'd be more inclined to bristle at a sheep reference or something. ;)


I perceive the Hive Thang to be more in jest, a stab at the preposterous idea that there is any way that we all think alike. It's pretty obvious that we're a diverse group, no? Bee that as it may (LOL) I understand why it might be offensive to some, and that's OK, too.


Now, fear me! ;):lol:



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You know, we only called it that because that's what so many of YOU called the boards. I thought it was funny. Honest. I don't really think I'm an overmind, either.





Bbbbuut Susan, :crying: I thought you were our supreme leader. I just got over the idea that Santa was not real and now this :svengo:



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Because someone believes I am mischaracterizing MFS' thoughts on the subject of the 'hive', I am sharing a link to her post.


It can be found here.

My statement comes from this quote,

If I am incorrect in my assesment of her opinion, I apologize, but I think her post speaks clearly.


This is probably a default option that comes with VBulletin, anyhow.

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No need to apologize, Crissy. You did nothing wrong. Okay, now I'm a little annoyed. Hmmph. :rolleyes:


Oh, I know, I know! Pass the dip de frijoles. :tongue_smilie:


Thanks, Stacey, but don't be annoyed on my account. Okay?

I'm in a bit of a funk lately, and saying the wrong thing comes easily. It's necessary that I learn the art of the apology, and quickly!



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You know, we only called it that because that's what so many of YOU called the boards. I thought it was funny. Honest. I don't really think I'm an overmind, either.




It's fine. It's fun! The nickname for a virtual community where I choose to hang out does not shape my life in any significant way, though I might wince a bit if you showed up at your next speaking engagement wearing stripes, wings, and a crown. ;)


Hey, and now that you mention it, isn't being an overmind better than being undermined? LOL!



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Am I the only person who just thought the name was cute and the references amusing and unique to this community?


No. You're not the only one. I've been frequenting this board on and off for 8 years and the whole "hive" thing has been around for quite a while. I haven't really thought that much about the name.



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I'm in a bit of a funk lately, and saying the wrong thing comes easily. It's necessary that I learn the art of the apology, and quickly!




IMHO, you didn't say anything particularly wrong. This is just another example of how diverse/divergent and decidedly unhivelike we really are here! Enjoy a glass of something soothing. Relax. Defunk. It will be okay. hug002.gif




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Am I the only person who just thought the name was cute and the references amusing and unique to this community?


Count me as one more person who thought the name was cute and funny because as SWB mentioned we started calling ourselves that first!

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Am I the only person who just thought the name was cute and the references amusing and unique to this community?


No, Kellie, you are not. For Heaven's sakes! I think it is amusing. I come here for the collective wisdom, and to mine information, as well as for the online social aspect. Then I go and do what I darn well please. As I'm pretty sure most of us do. I cannot possibly see the name of the forum, or the whole rep situation, as anything to get worked up about.


MFS had been posting less and less, before the board switch. I am certain that there are other reasons behind her falling participation, and that the board switch just made it a convenient time to take a break.


However, Crissy, I interpreted MFS' blog post as you did.

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To me it's like self-depreciating humor, it's alright to make fun of yourself and laugh about it. We all know we are not a bunch a followers or sheep but it's fun to belong to a "hive" a bunch of people you share something in common with (maybe not ALL things) and you can come to the "hive" and just be. I glean so much information off these boards and if that makes me a sheep then..baaaaahappy057.gif

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Am I the only person who just thought the name was cute and the references amusing and unique to this community?


Amusing and ironic. More amusing because it's ironic. I've not known many other intentional communities that are less lock-step and hive-like in their thinking. Any, maybe. Especially invisible internet communities.


And most of us take something away from the "collective." Even if it's only camera recommendations or goodwill or saltine toffee recipes or faithful blog readers.

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