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Was 30 bad for you?

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At this point in life, with things sagging and migrating south for the winter of my discontent, I am so not above "help".



I think a boob job (my mom did not have boob job lol) can take shave years off your looks. A little nip and tuck...lol


I don't recommend this, but I have looked at people who have 'freshened up' various areas, & thought, 'Wow, that makes a *huge* diference in looks...I wonder if they feel that difference on the inside as well'. No sense changing the outside if the inside stays morose, kwin?


If you are very far south at 30, the next couple of decades are going to smart even more. Make peace. :) Make peace. :D At 40, 50, 60, you'll be wondering what you worried about. 30 is a milestone, but hopefully it will be just one of many.

Edited by LibraryLover
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30 was just another year for me. The one the slightly bothered me was 32 because that was how old I was in the year 2000. Growing up in the 70s the year 2000 seemed so far away.


The worst year during the 30s was 39. That was the year my body fell apart and I ended up developing not one, not two but three interesting chronic disorders.

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I struggled with 30 for about two years before and after it. Then I had two more kids. Now I'm over it. I'm waiting for these two little ones to get older so I can be a little selfish and do some things I've been putting off.

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Like others, the 30's have been much better than my 20s. I don't feel like I get second guessed as much. I have figured out how to not get ran over by people. I have figured out how to have a voice, and to not really care if I make everyone happy all the time. I have figured out who I am, and have stopped trying to be who everyone else thinks I am. I have stopped dwelling on small details and am working on focusing on the bigger ones. I appreciate all the hard work we did in our 20s, building a family, a home, assets, all the while helping others along the way. I now am reaping the rewards of all the hard work we did in our 20s. I can tell people what I really think, instead of what they want to hear. (I am not the one to ask if those pants fit well LOL)



As far as babies....I am enrolling one child in college and one in preschool. LOL We were blessed with dd3 via adoption at 36.

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My early 20s were OK, the second half was very good. My 30s were better. I had my first child at 32. My 40s brought me a big surprise... I had my second a week after I turned 40! Now I am on the second half of my 40s, still going strong. Definitely more self assured and happy and at ease with myself and my many imperfections while still striving to do better. The worst part so far of growing older is losing loved ones along the way. My dad and my mom; my sister (15 months older) just diagnosed with a degenerative fatal disease... I am very thankful for my own health and pray that I will be allowed to live at least to see my children grown up, happy and settled. This is the one job I would like to see through!

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My 30th birthday (back in January) sucked, but life has gradually been looking up since then. Ds has cut down to two feeds a day and I feel like my normal self again! I hope the rest of you who want more babies can have them, but as much as I like babies, I wouldn't go through another gestational diabetic pregnancy and another year of round the clock breastfeeding for anything. It's such a relief to feel like me again! I was beginning to despair that I might feel that way forever. :001_huh:


I expect it'll be great to be 40. We're probably going to be so much better at marriage with another decade of experience under our belts. :lol: (We forgot our 8 year anniversary last week, hehehe.)



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30 was really good for me. I married at 29 and had my first little one at 30 which put me in 7th heaven. I still looked great and felt great. It was one of the best periods of my life.


Now, 40, I can't say I'm so thrilled about. My health has gone downhill and while I think I look good for my age, there's no avoiding the fact that I don't exactly look young anymore. I'm clearly not having any more kids, and I can see it won't be long before my little ones are grown. I am trying to just enjoy the remaining time I have left with them. Then, I hope I can find some new interests later in this decade, even though I really don't want to move on.



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Or am I just really over-reacting?


Tomorrow is the big day:ack2::eek: and I am not excited. I have been absolutely horrible for the last few weeks. My biological clock is beyond ticking. It is slapping me upside the head screaming "Hey old lady!!!!" I have three kids. We are DONE having kids. But, tomorrow is my 2nd 29th birthday, so I now feel as though I MUST have another kid.


Then there is the fact that I am stuck in a place I loathe. I don't see us ever leaving, which just solidifies the thought that my life is over at 2nd 29.


And should we even get into the fact that I have acomplished next to nothing? That all I've done the last 20 years is raise kids? (First raising my sisters since my mom is nuts, then my own kids.)


I am leaving to obtain wine and chocolate. Or maybe something stronger. Maybe chocolate liquor(sp) mixed with Vodka with a magical anti-aging potion thrown in for good measure.


My "goal" was to be done having kids by 30 (I had started at 21). #4 was born 2 days and 26 minutes after my 30th birthday. For some reason, I really fixated on "messing up" that goal.


I think 31 felt bigger to me, maybe b/c I wasn't pregnant at the time and it really was all about me, lol. It took me a few weeks to get over that birthday. But then I really did feel... not peace, exactly. More like "OMG, I'm a REAL adult!" And it was kind of cool. Empowering, even.


My kids are nutty. I'm 33 and somehow pregnant again. I feel stuck in my house. But I'm having a wonderful time brainstorming on how to get out of it. I'm looking forward to meeting my future teenagers, and dh and I are contemplating all the things we want to do when we have the freedom to do whatever we want.


I think about my parents. I vividly remember their 30th birthdays. I was 6yo. Their lives have taken so many twists and turns since then, and I don't imagine that's going to end any time soon. We've seen my grandparents do so much with their "older" lives. They traveled the world and celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary before my grandfather passed away.


No way in he!! is the ride over at 30! It's just occurring at a whole other level!

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I haven't read all the replies, but I loved turning 30. It was the beginning of new things for me because my 20's were so very tough. I lost my first husband when I was 22 and had to be a single mom for years and work a job that I didn't enjoy & made me feel very old.


Now, at 30, I re-married to an absolutely incredible man. We moved to a new home which was so exciting. Things were just wonderful!!! Throughout my thirties, there have been ups and downs, but that comes with life.


I had my second child at 33 and feel that I have been an even better mom to him than I was for my daughter. I guess that came with maturity. : )


Now, I am going to be 39 in August and I am very happy! Life is still a roller coaster at times, I still want to lose lots of weight and look "hot" again, etc... etc.. but overall, life is great and I feel completely blessed each and every day.


I am actually really looking forward to my forties. I find that the older I get, the more secure I become with myself. I figure age is just a state of mind and has everything to do with your attitude and outlook on life. I want to keep it positive as much as possible and just enjoy and treasure every moment.


I hope and pray that 30 is absolutely wonderful for you!!!! By the way, Happy Birthday!!!!! :D

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I had a harder time with 29 than 30. By the time I actually turned 30, I was pretty much over it. Now I'm 42 and wishing I was 30! I'm trying to apply that idea proactively now, practicing appreciation of my 40's because 50 is right around the corner!

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The one the slightly bothered me was 32 because that was how old I was in the year 2000. Growing up in the 70s the year 2000 seemed so far away.



I can remember as a kid when Prince had his big hit "1999" thinking how far away that sounded. Now I can't believe that was 11 years ago! :tongue_smilie:

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I had my first at 29, my last at 40. Don't worry, there's plenty of time. You are not old. This year is my 50th. It's still all good. You're a mother. That is a huge, awesome accomplishment. Enjoy every moment and don't stress over turning 30.

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YES! Which is so funny because I really don't mind getting older. I married a man 8 years older than me because I could not stand the immaturity of guys my age. LOL

I remember walking around thinking, "I AM so old!" I went shopping for new clothes and underthings. I even bought a purse because I thought now I need a "mom purse". Forget the fact I'd been a mom for a few years already.

Now, I am 31 and expecting my first biological baby. I think that maybe that was part of my trauma of turning 30. Afraid I was going to miss that window. :001_huh:

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I can't even remember that long ago. But based on a little basic math, I didn't have as many kids as I have now so it had to have been easier. Now I get to deal with three girl with PMS each month while going through menopause myself. Fun, fun, fun. :tongue_smilie:

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When I turned 30, I felt as though people started taking me more seriously -- more like an adult. I also felt a decrease in pressure to have a slim, "perfect" figure (which I never had, and never will). At 30, I felt that it was okay to be perfectly imperfect. ;-)


At 40, I gained even more confidence, b/c I had no problem speaking my mind. In my 20s and 30s, I'd have bitten my tongue. In my 40s, if it's wrong, I say so. If it's right, I say so, too. :)


Having said that -- please do NOT be so down on yourself for "only" raising kids. Raising loving, kind, respectful children is something not everyone does. Doing it takes hard work and a lot of character.


Hugs, and congrats on turning 30! :party:



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