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Peace Hill's Religion Curriulum!

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What I know is SWB went to Liberty University which would tell me everything I need to know about why I wouldnt be particularly interested in Peace Hill's religious ideas.


SWB didn't write the book.


AND, I got my degree from Liberty as well, but I guarantee you that it doesn't mean I share their religious views.:tongue_smilie:


ETA: Here is what the website says:


What denominational beliefs does Telling God's Story represent?

Telling God's Story is designed to be used across Christian denominational lines. The curriculum teaches historic Christian orthodoxy (God’s loving mission to rescue his marred creation; the Incarnation and Virgin Birth; the sinless life, redemptive death, and real resurrection of God’s son Jesus Christ; our utter reliance on God’s grace to follow Jesus and to obey his difficult commands), but it does not push one single interpretation of those secondary issues (such as mode of baptism and church governance) on which sincere Christians differ.



I'll withold judgement until I see it.

Edited by Renee in FL
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Wow. I cant imagine how uncomfortable that could have been!


I did it distance. However, I still had to take religion classes. One was like a "Salesperson for Jesus" class. Cracked me up! :lol:


If you aren't Christian (don't know if you are) then I imagine their curriculum wouldn't be for you. I'm Catholic, so it may not be for me, either. We'll have to see!

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The author is a fascinating person and not at all what some might expect....I am cautiously optimistic and the work I have read online including the authors blog are very promising. Not for our family as I am not coming at this from a prescriptive pov but from what I have read, this should be a very good series for framing discussions about Jesus'life and the relationship a person could have with Him. I think many, many people will be a bit surprised by the seeming lack of divisive and frankly, until politicians found it good fodder for getting votes, irrelevant content. It is of the quality and tenor I would expect from PHP and looks very, very well written.

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SWB posted photos from the book expo and I spot in the background "Telling God's Story." Does anyone know anything more about this? How exciting!




Ooooooooo, this looks really good! I'm going to have a closer look at the Olive Branch books site - looks like it's an imprint of PHP. From the quick read of the description of the book, it looks exactly like what I was looking for a few years ago, but gave up on! Hopefully non-agenda, non-biased, classical-stages-laid-out, telling me how to help my kids understand the Bible more as they grow! And putting the various books of it into historical context. I think I'm sold already.....thank you PHP!


What I know is SWB went to Liberty University which would tell me everything I need to know about why I wouldnt be particularly interested in Peace Hill's religious ideas.


You should google to read of some of her experiences and impressions of Liberty. I bet you'd be surprised.

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Because Susan likes to torment us.....????? (ya, ya, I know. It was a book fair for publishers to promote their new products - thus, it has to be months in advance)


Am I seeing this correctly? There is the main book written by Enns and then Parent and Student books that php has helped put together? I wonder if "level one" means grammar stage or first grade...... I hope it means Grammar stage.


So far I have loved everything that php has put out so I can't imagine this not being great as well.


Susan, if you need anyone to go over advanced copies for you.......lol


me tooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!:iagree:

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What I know is SWB went to Liberty University which would tell me everything I need to know about why I wouldnt be particularly interested in Peace Hill's religious ideas.


Where someone went to undergraduate school tells you everything you need to know about their current theological views? Um. Ok. Really?


The book was written by Peter Enns who was suspended from teaching at Westminster Theological Seminary for his views on the inerrancy of Scripture. He maintained Scripture was inerrant but redefined that. He looked at Scripture as incarnational: just as Christ was fully man and fully God, so is Scripture fully human and fully inspired. His way of looking at exegesis was considered too liberal.


I expect the Peter Enns' book on inerrancy will be what will be considered more relevant by many people than where SWB got her undergrad degree.

Edited by Laurie4b
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What I know is SWB went to Liberty University which would tell me everything I need to know about why I wouldnt be particularly interested in Peace Hill's religious ideas.

According to her professional curriculum vita, her B.A. was from Liberty; her M.A. was from William and Mary, and her M.Div. was from Westminster, and her Ph.D. was again from William and Mary. I would say her scope is undoubtedly much wider than Liberty.


It also appears as though she did not write this particular curriculum, which actually looks quite good.


ETA: Just saw Laurie's post up above--a noteworthy point.

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What I know is SWB went to Liberty University which would tell me everything I need to know about why I wouldnt be particularly interested in Peace Hill's religious ideas.


:confused:wow. That is a quick judgment, don't you think? I think her PhD is from W & M.

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Still waters run deep. Heaven help us all if we have not developed , reexamined , challenged and grown in our humanity since we were 21. To assume I hold the same views on all matters that I did then would be highly inaccurate. I likewise guess that most of the ladies and gentlemen here have experienced some continuity and some change along these lines. The website is fascinating and I read the online samples. Looks very , very good and if I were looking for a normative type of Christian religion resource this certainly would be something I would consider. This has long been a resource sorely needed for many , many families. As a Catholic it appears from the samples that I could add out particular theology, doctrine and dogma to this and it might be just fine. It is so easy to dismiss a resource as it is from a graduate of Union or Wheaton or Harvard or fill in the blank. While of course many schools have a particular bent to their department of theology/divinity there is amazing variance among faculty and students. I think Liberty would have far less variance based on the highly restrictive code of conduct . That attracts a certain type of student but generally there is a wonderful array of differing perspectives along the continuum of Christian belief. It seems more homogeneous here as there is a high number of reformed members who are very vocal about their beliefs. There is a world of difference between denominations and within those further very distinct differences that seem to break along social issues . This seems different and I think I like it.

Edited by elizabeth
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What I know is SWB went to Liberty University which would tell me everything I need to know about why I wouldnt be particularly interested in Peace Hill's religious ideas.


This is an incredibly unfair remark.


Before making such sweeping and unfounded judgments, please read ANYTHING I have written about Christianity in the past ten years. Try Books & Culture, my blog, and this website.




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Where someone went to undergraduate school tells you everything you need to know about their current theological views? Um. Ok. Really?


The book was written by Peter Enns who was suspended from teaching at Westminster Theological Seminary for his views on the inerrancy of Scripture. He maintained Scripture was inerrant but redefined that. He looked at Scripture as incarnational: just as Christ was fully man and fully God, so is Scripture fully human and fully inspired. His way of looking at exegesis was considered too liberal.


I expect the Peter Enns' book on inerrancy will be what will be considered more relevant by many people than where SWB got her undergrad degree.

Is this the Peter Enns that taught at WTS?

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This is an incredibly unfair remark.


Before making such sweeping and unfounded judgments, please read ANYTHING I have written about Christianity in the past ten years. Try Books & Culture, my blog, and this website.







I never appreciate quick judgements! I hope when I get to heaven Jesus looks at my WHOLE life, not just the time before age 22!:lol:

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I attended William and Mary and have nothing positive to say about that institution either.


I cant imagine why anyone would ever associate themselves with Pat Robertson or Liberty. I wouldn't think it should surprise anyone who has been associated with such to be viewed skeptically based on that association.


If you want to provide links to some articles Id be happy to look at them.

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Yes. His bio.

Don't need his bio, but thanks. I no longer have a horse in the Reformed camp races, but I remember the hoopla and know someone that sat under him ;) I definitely would NOT be presuming where his book is coming from...you might just be surprised.


And I agree that the previous remark made about SWB was unfair and presumptuous.

Edited by mommaduck
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I attended William and Mary and have nothing positive to say about that institution either.


I cant imagine why anyone would ever associate themselves with Pat Robertson or Liberty. I wouldn't think it should surprise anyone who has been associated with such to be viewed skeptically based on that association.


If you want to provide links to some articles Id be happy to look at them.


Ah, just what our society needs... tolerance... :confused:


For what it's worth, Liberty is not for us, but I can't imagine being so set in my ways that I'd ever be so vehement in a posting against anyone who disagreed with my values. It's sad to see tolerance die.

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I attended William and Mary and have nothing positive to say about that institution either.


I cant imagine why anyone would ever associate themselves with Pat Robertson or Liberty. I wouldn't think it should surprise anyone who has been associated with such to be viewed skeptically based on that association.


If you want to provide links to some articles Id be happy to look at them.


Wow. I attended public schools in Louisiana, therefore I MUST be a flaming idiot. You should probably not read this post since it will surely reduce your IQ by at least 10 points. Oh, and I used to smoke when I was a teen, another reason to steer clear of me since I may cause you cancer. AND, I was a Sailor, so you may catch my foul-mouth/obviously "butch" cooties.


Sorry, I know that was off topic, but I just had to get that one off my chest.


BTW, I love PHP products and will likely drool over this product, even though I have decided to stick with MP's Christian Studies. And thanks everyone for the links to the author. There is so much occuring in Christiandom of which I am not aware.

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I attended William and Mary and have nothing positive to say about that institution either.


William and Mary is one of the top 40 public colleges in the nation and you can't think of anything positive to say about it? Seriously? What qualities are you looking for in a school?



I cant imagine why anyone would ever associate themselves with Pat Robertson or Liberty. I wouldn't think it should surprise anyone who has been associated with such to be viewed skeptically based on that association.


I'm not sure why you are referencing Pat Robertson. He is associated with Regent University in VA Beach. Perhaps you mean Falwell?


As a graduate of Liberty, I can tell you why *I* went there. My parents told me that they would only help pay for college IF I went to Liberty. And so I did. I graduated with a degree in K-8 education, teacher certification by the Commonwealth of Virginia, and multiple job offers in the public school system since Liberty has the highest regarded teacher education program in the area. I didn't agree with Liberty's politics, and that was basically true of all my friends there. I agree even less with them now. But I do respect the fact that they taught us how to teach in a classroom and to teach well.

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Wow. I attended public schools in Louisiana, therefore I MUST be a flaming idiot. You should probably not read this post since it will surely reduce your IQ by at least 10 points. Oh, and I used to smoke when I was a teen, another reason to steer clear of me since I may cause you cancer. AND, I was a Sailor, so you may catch my foul-mouth/obviously "butch" cooties.


Sorry, I know that was off topic, but I just had to get that one off my chest.


BTW, I love PHP products and will likely drool over this product, even though I have decided to stick with MP's Christian Studies. And thanks everyone for the links to the author. There is so much occuring in Christiandom of which I am not aware.


I wub you. Will you make me beans and rice? :D And a runza, depending on where you live in Nebraska?

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ETA: Here is what the website says:



Thank you for posting the quote. It is more informative than you may realize in its theological position. There is no way I could use this book.


I had been curious about the book, so this was very helpful.

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If anyone is going to start trying to figure out where SWB stands in her theology, other than:


please read ANYTHING I have written about Christianity in the past ten years. Try Books & Culture, my blog, and this website.



There is also the church they founded with her parents. http://www.peacehill.org/ Which gives a pretty clear picture of their doctrines.

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I attended William and Mary and have nothing positive to say about that institution either.


I cant imagine why anyone would ever associate themselves with Pat Robertson or Liberty. I wouldn't think it should surprise anyone who has been associated with such to be viewed skeptically based on that association.


If you want to provide links to some articles Id be happy to look at them.


And yet here you are posting on Susan's web site :glare:

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If you want to provide links to some articles Id be happy to look at them.


I saw the one link provided


Your posts sound as though you hope others will do your searching for you. You were provided with a *rare personal invitation* from Susan (who provides these forums to us for free, BTW) to search for her articles - she even told you where you could find them. No one is obligated to provide you with links.


please read ANYTHING I have written about Christianity in the past ten years. Try Books & Culture, my blog, and this website.
Edited by Colleen in NS
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And yet here you are posting on Susan's web site :glare:

I was thinking the same thing. If we played the five degrees of Liberty, looks like that we all would only be two away.......

Edited by lionfamily1999
thought better of the distinction
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I cant imagine why anyone would ever associate themselves with Pat Robertson or Liberty. I wouldn't think it should surprise anyone who has been associated with such to be viewed skeptically based on that association.



Factually, (for purposes of posting on this message board), this topic exemplifies a case of religion crashing into politics. (topic being personal opinions of Mr. Robertson and/or of Liberty University) So apart from the potential gaffe of snarking about the board host, it is not a bunny trail even open for tracking. :)

Edited by Orthodox6
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Your academic formation does, inevitably, influence you - and this is the part of the candalsmom's point that I can understand and agree with. It is something that you notice, and more often than not, it does carry a certain weight - or lack thereof - which institutions and individuals one is associated with, just like we also cannot pretend that it means absolutely nothing which social circles you're in, which ones you stem from, who are your friends, where you dress, where you go on vacation, etc. All of those are pieces of the puzzle, they mean something about a person.


BUT, the puzzle is far from complete at the point of knowing such details; in fact, knowing only the formal stuff can often lead you to very, very wrong conclusions because you're missing out on the important details, on some of the crucial ones in fact. A person is not "formed" at the point of birth, or graduation from high school or university. While you can often make what's called "an educated guess" on how somebody from certain socioeconomic and educational background with certain associations might think, to not be aware of the fact that that's only an assumption, and a pretty vague one, is potentially dangerous. A man is not the sum of his associations and degrees. Also note that a lot of people have come to develop their crucial ideas AFTER their university formation and/or that they have DISAGREED with their educational background or societal norms they stem from.


Simply put, if I want to criticize somebody's work, I have to READ it first. If I just quickly skim through who reviewed it, what are the references, and what are the credentials of the one who wrote it, I can "quick-judge" it that way and see if it's a good fit for me, and that's perfectly normal and legitimate (no time ever to read EVERYTHING; I have to dismiss some things in start and this is a way of doing it) but then I know that it means I can't have an educated opinion of it and discuss it.


I don't even think it's impolite to openly disagree with SWB on "her" boards (a LOT of people on these boards do, as long as it's respectful, I doubt she has an issue with people thinking differently than her), because this is a place that invites to a discussion, but to a priori dismiss a book based on DEBATABLE influence of the educational formation of the author, without having ANY other argument, is in my eyes pretty problematic. And like I said, we all "filter" our books based on certain criteria, filter them through whatever are yours, but don't judge the one you haven't read, especially if you're unfamiliar with the author's opus regarding the topic.


ONTOPIC: Such a curriculum could never match our needs anyway, I might check it out "as a tourist", but we certainly won't use it since it's not our religion. I just don't see a need to flame it - especially a priori - which is why I replied.

Edited by Ester Maria
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Factually, (for purposes of posting on this message board), this topic exemplifies a case of religion crashing into politics. (topic being personal opinions of Mr. Robertson and/or of Liberty University) So apart from the potential gaffe of snarking about the board host, it is not a bunny trail even open for tracking. :)

In what way?



Politics arent at all involved so far as I can tell. Furthermore, Liberty University has a clearly defined set of religious beliefs which I would never wish to pass on to my kids. So it would only make good sense to think someone who tolerated their belief set well enough to attend their school couldnt possibly be the person I'd want to help me to educate my kids on matters of religion. I dont think there is a whit of politics involved there.


I participate here to read a variety of opinions on a variety of curricula. I was unaware that thinking Liberty and SWB's involvement with that type of religion was a poor fit for my family was a potential gaffe. I sincerely doubt SWB or any one else here of a non denominational bent would be likely to purchase my catholic catechism (if I had one) for use with her reformed non denominational kids.

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The text is no good for me, but I'll be waiting to see excerpts from the AG.


Calandalsmom, I believe your post immediately above this was answered in Ester Maria's last post. If you don't want to accept that, there's no use in continuing your line conversation. "I was unaware that thinking Liberty and SWB's involvement with that type of religion was a poor fit for my family was a potential gaffe." Really, no one cares what you think on the topic. The problems people are having are with what you are saying, not with what you are thinking. What you are saying isn't scholarly, so it shouldn't surprise you that people are pointing that out. Naturally you have every right to be unscholarly on this topic, but not everyone has said their piece, there's no need to keep on about it.



Edited by Rosie_0801
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So it would only make good sense to think someone who tolerated their belief set well enough to attend their school couldnt possibly be the person I'd want to help me to educate my kids on matters of religion.


I attended public universities for both undergraduate and graduate school. I didn't/don't "tolerate" the liberal "belief set" espoused by those institutions very well, but I attended anyway (no choice at the time, really). Does that mean nearly 20 years later my writing/beliefs would be so heavily influenced by that experience/exposure that it would not be worth reading by those who do not ascribe to the liberal mindset.


I know from reading SWB's other works that a work on religion would likely be quite even handed. If she had written the book in question, which she did not, I would be pretty sure that she presented the material factually and with little prejudice. I would not expect it to be the Catholic perspective (I am Catholic), however I would likely find it worth reading based on my knowledge of her other works. I find the best way to judge how an author is going to present a topic is by reading that author's other works or at least portions of them, not by prejudging from where the author went to school

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I attended public universities for both undergraduate and graduate school. I didn't/don't "tolerate" the liberal "belief set" espoused by those institutions very well, but I attended anyway (no choice at the time, really). Does that mean nearly 20 years later my writing/beliefs would be so heavily influenced by that experience/exposure that it would not be worth reading by those who do not ascribe to the liberal mindset.


I know from reading SWB's other works that a work on religion would likely be quite even handed. If she had written the book in question, which she did not, I would be pretty sure that she presented the material factually and with little prejudice. I would not expect it to be the Catholic perspective (I am Catholic), however I would likely find it worth reading based on my knowledge of her other works. I find the best way to judge how an author is going to present a topic is by reading that author's other works or at least portions of them, not by prejudging from where the author went to school


That is certainly your prerogative. I am not a huge fan of TWTM either actually, so either way I'd be unlikely to find this of any use. In any case Im sure it will suit many very well indeed. It will not be of use to me. Perhaps I should not have bothered to mention that I wouldn't find it of use. I had no idea people would feel so defensive about Liberty or SWB. Indeed I rather think both are doing quite well without my admiration and financial support.

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