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Am I creepy?

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Once a month my kids have co-op at the big library in town. Today they were really noisy and I needed to feed the baby (she won't nurse if she thinks she is missing something) so I went to the restroom to stand in a stall and feed her. The changing table is in the handicap stall and someone was using that stall so I went into another one. The woman in the handicap stall was obviously...um...taking full use of the facilities, IYKWIM and talking loudly on her cell phone while doing it :ack2: . When she was done, she washed her hands and then says to the person on phone, "I'm getting out of here. There is a woman just standing in a stall. She isn't sitting or anything. She is really creeping me out." I almost laughed out loud but I thought that would really creep her out.

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:lol::lol: Well, I guess I would kind of weirded out if I thought someone was standing in a bathroom stall just listening to all the goings on :lol: But then again, I'm not the type to "make full use of the facilities" AND chat on the phone as well :lol: (Sorry for all the smileys, but it's totally making me giggle like a 7-year-old!)


ETA: Wait, how did she know you were just standing? Were you facing the toilet or something?

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No, you are not creepy. One time in our lab building, I went to the washroom and it smelled horrible. I didn't see any feet so I grabbed the room deodorizer and sprayed it in the direction of the offending stall - then a woman started screaming and coughing - she was "doing her business" with her legs pulled up hoping no one would notice her, I guess. I had tears rolling down my face by time I got back to my lab and told my lab mates. A week later, one of my labmates came running into the lab because she had just accidentally done the same thing, but waited to see who the woman was. Turns out it was the person who complained about all the weird girls using some kind of strange machine in the stall (our breast pumps when we were not able to close our office doors which were shared).

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OK... I'll share my new mom story. When I had my first, I was overly concerned about no one seeing me nurse him (after a while I got good at using a blanket and going in a corner where no one knew the difference). We had gone to a church pot luck dinner and I went to the bathroom to nurse in the stall. I ended up sitting while I tried to button my dress. When I walked back out I felt something cool on the back of my legs. I looked behind me and saw that my dress had gone into the toilet and was now wet in back! Totally embarrassing!!!!

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I would consider getting good at using at blanket if that is what you prefer so that you do not have to use the restroom since there is definitely a germ factor in there which sprays in the nearby vicinity whenever there is a flush:( OTOH a blanket is not necessary unless the mom prefers it:001_smile:

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I would consider getting good at using at blanket if that is what you prefer so that you do not have to use the restroom since there is definitely a germ factor in there which sprays in the nearby vicinity whenever there is a flush:( OTOH a blanket is not necessary unless the mom prefers it:001_smile:


Not sure I'd want to nurse in a bathroom stall, but....I'm with the op... Having a very distractable/social baby makes it quite difficult to nurse in a room rull of people, even if you have a blanket (or are comfortable going without).

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Not sure I'd want to nurse in a bathroom stall, but....I'm with the op... Having a very distractable/social baby makes it quite difficult to nurse in a room rull of people, even if you have a blanket (or are comfortable going without).



Yep, this kid is 7 months old and wants to know what is going on. Any noise or movement and she flings the cover, bites or just unlatches and gives everyone a show. Trust me, the rest room isn't my first choice but it works in a pinch.


And I assume she knew I was standing because I was standing sideways and she was looking at my feet??

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Not sure I'd want to nurse in a bathroom stall, but....I'm with the op... Having a very distractable/social baby makes it quite difficult to nurse in a room rull of people, even if you have a blanket (or are comfortable going without).


I agree. I guess I am wondering if there were any other quieter areas besides the restroom.:001_smile: Our library has multiple rooms and sections.


And for the record I do not think the OP was creepy and I would be floored if I heard someone make that comment:(

Edited by priscilla
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Once a month my kids have co-op at the big library in town. Today they were really noisy and I needed to feed the baby (she won't nurse if she thinks she is missing something) so I went to the restroom to stand in a stall and feed her. The changing table is in the handicap stall and someone was using that stall so I went into another one. The woman in the handicap stall was obviously...um...taking full use of the facilities, IYKWIM and talking loudly on her cell phone while doing it :ack2: . When she was done, she washed her hands and then says to the person on phone, "I'm getting out of here. There is a woman just standing in a stall. She isn't sitting or anything. She is really creeping me out." I almost laughed out loud but I thought that would really creep her out.




When I was nursing, I had an event to attend. I started to leak, so I went to the bathroom to do expel some. I locked myself in the stall, stood with my back to the door and expelled it into the toilet (it pained me to do it, but it beat leaking through my dress). When I came out, there were two young ladies looking at me so oddly and in a bit of a hurry to leave. I must have looked ridiculous from under the door - I was standing and a stuttering stream of liquid was hitting the toilet, and then I emerged in a pink sheath. :lol:

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I was still working after my first son was born so I had to pump during the day. Well, it was a military base so I went to the bathroom to pump....what's a girl to do? Later another lady pulled me aside to see if I knew who was on dialysis. She kept hearing this whack-a-whacka noise.


I then commandeered the conference room....who knows what they thought was going on in there.


So, been there and done that! I do not consider myself wierd so you are in good company.

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When I was nursing, I had an event to attend. I started to leak, so I went to the bathroom to do expel some. I locked myself in the stall, stood with my back to the door and expelled it into the toilet (it pained me to do it, but it beat leaking through my dress). When I came out, there were two young ladies looking at me so oddly and in a bit of a hurry to leave. I must have looked ridiculous from under the door - I was standing and a stuttering stream of liquid was hitting the toilet, and then I emerged in a pink sheath. :lol:




I'm guessing you looked more . . . feminine than they expected???

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I would never feed a baby in a bathroom though!! I would have gone to my car.


Not that I have the capacity to do so, but if I did, I wouldn't nurse in the bathroom either, nor the car, I'd nurse in the library. Just in case any of you were wondering :D



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I want to preface this with the fact that at times I have a weird sense of humor.


I'd say through the door "You think that's creepy - I have something attached to one of my breasts and I think it is alive." in my best horror movie voice.



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I am dying laughing. Why was she looking at your feet? Seriously... going to the bathroom, talking on a cell phone, AND peaking under the stalls!?! I can't believe she made that comment still in the same room as you! It worked well, though... look how much entertainment we are getting from it!

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I'm too shy to start a "strangest place you've nursed" spin-off, but I just want to say for the record that I nursed my first two babies on the Pirates of the Caribbean ride at Disneyland. I'm not bragging, just sharing.


I'd feel strange if I was talkign to someone on the phone and I knew that person was using the bathroom while we were talking. Ugh.

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I'm too shy to start a "strangest place you've nursed" spin-off, but I just want to say for the record that I nursed my first two babies on the Pirates of the Caribbean ride at Disneyland. I'm not bragging, just sharing.


I'm pretty sure this elevates you to AP Hippie Goddess status. Just saying. :D

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Yep, this kid is 7 months old and wants to know what is going on. Any noise or movement and she flings the cover, bites or just unlatches and gives everyone a show. Trust me, the rest room isn't my first choice but it works in a pinch.


And I assume she knew I was standing because I was standing sideways and she was looking at my feet??


Oh, I miss those days!


I loved when they would stop nursing to "talk" (babble) and the milk would run out of their mouths.

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OK... I'll share my new mom story. When I had my first, I was overly concerned about no one seeing me nurse him (after a while I got good at using a blanket and going in a corner where no one knew the difference). We had gone to a church pot luck dinner and I went to the bathroom to nurse in the stall. I ended up sitting while I tried to button my dress. When I walked back out I felt something cool on the back of my legs. I looked behind me and saw that my dress had gone into the toilet and was now wet in back! Totally embarrassing!!!!


Becky, that happened to me at a wedding when I was nursing my oldest. I noticed before I left the stall and had my SIL come in, take my dress and dry it under the hand dryers while I hid in a stall in my undies:). That was the last time I wore something without convenient access when I had a nursling with me:).

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Not that I have the capacity to do so, but if I did, I wouldn't nurse in the bathroom either, nor the car, I'd nurse in the library. Just in case any of you were wondering :D




Car=too exciting

Library= too exciting. My kid was the same way. I used to drag a chair into the sink area and nurse in restrooms.

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Becky, that happened to me at a wedding when I was nursing my oldest. I noticed before I left the stall and had my SIL come in, take my dress and dry it under the hand dryers while I hid in a stall in my undies:). That was the last time I wore something without convenient access when I had a nursling with me:).


What a nice SIL! LOL! Oh the trials of motherhood! Never a dull moment! :D

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I'm too shy to start a "strangest place you've nursed" spin-off, but I just want to say for the record that I nursed my first two babies on the Pirates of the Caribbean ride at Disneyland. I'm not bragging, just sharing.


I'd feel strange if I was talkign to someone on the phone and I knew that person was using the bathroom while we were talking. Ugh.


:iagree: with the too shy to start the strangest place you've nursed spin off and the phone while using the bathroom thing. It is just odd.



That being said the strangest place I've nursed was in the Haunted Mansion at Disney World. Didn't nurse in Pirates, but did think it would be a good spot if I needed too.

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I'm pretty sure this elevates you to AP Hippie Goddess status. Just saying. :D



:lol: Well, I'm flattered. Thing is, when you have a little baby and a Disney pass (dh works for Disney so we get passes that way, just to clarify that this Hippie Goddess wouldn't have one otherwise) you learn all the calm places to nurse. And once you go down those initial drops, Pirates is a long, slow, well air-conditioned ride. And it's dark. I also nursed both of them on the Mark Twain Riverboat ride. Long, slow, lovely fake scenery.


However, my current nursling is the distractible type, so I can definitely identify with the poster who talked about milk running out of her baby's mouth. This one yanks away and wants to have a conversation. If either big sister enters the room, she is more interested in "talking" than eating. My middle dd even tells her, "Keep nursing, Charlotte." :lol:

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:iagree: with the too shy to start the strangest place you've nursed spin off and the phone while using the bathroom thing. It is just odd.



That being said the strangest place I've nursed was in the Haunted Mansion at Disney World. Didn't nurse in Pirates, but did think it would be a good spot if I needed too.


Whoa. Haunted Mansion? That's a challenge. *loads baby in car and goes to Disneyland to try it* :auto:

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