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I want Fish and Chips!!!!!

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I lived in England for two years--when I was 5 through 7 years old. I used to love to eat fish and chips.


The first day we came back to America, my mom's friend cooked me fish and chips and they were AWFUL. Dreadful! Yucky!


In the past 30 years, I've still been craving fish and chips and have yet to find ones that compare to the ones I used to eat as a child in England.


Does anyone know where to get good fish and chips in America? Or will no fish or chip ever live up to my (probably skewed by now) memories? Help!

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I lived in England for two years--when I was 5 through 7 years old. I used to love to eat fish and chips.


The first day we came back to America, my mom's friend cooked me fish and chips and they were AWFUL. Dreadful! Yucky!


In the past 30 years, I've still been craving fish and chips and have yet to find ones that compare to the ones I used to eat as a child in England.


Does anyone know where to get good fish and chips in America? Or will no fish or chip ever live up to my (probably skewed by now) memories? Help!


You can get great fish and chips in Hawaii. No mushy peas on them though, do you require mushy peas?

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(Oh no! Mrs. Mungo posted a reply! Did I use my apostrophe correctly in "mom's friend?" Yes! I did! Shew!)


No mushy peas necessary. I was smart enough to steer clear of those! I also avoided oxtail soup (when my mom said, "Oxtail soup, huh? What's in it?" the waitress said, "Um...ox tails." Yuck!) Another time, friends made tongue sandwiches for us for dinner. Double yuck!


Fish and chips seemed the safest choice. And they were very yummy.

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I think England is closer to me than Hawaii...


Oh, but it's worth a trip just to eat. Seriously. I hated fish before we went there. Now, I still hate it because it just doesn't taste like anything we ate there. The fish in Hawaii, no matter how it was prepared, was to die for.


As for your original question, depending on where you live, check the bars and bowling alleys on Friday nights. You might get lucky - that's where the best "fish fry" is found around here, especially during Lent.

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As for your original question, depending on where you live, check the bars and bowling alleys on Friday nights. You might get lucky - that's where the best "fish fry" is found around here, especially during Lent.


Maybe I'll try those next. At least the bowling alleys. I'm not really a bar person. My father in law likes a few bars. Maybe he can find out if the fish and chips are good (he's been to England, so maybe he'll know what to look for...)


I've tried most of the diners in my area (and there are a lot), but they weren't any good.

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My dh just said I should research what type of fish is in fish and chips. Maybe I could find a batter somewhere and make my own fish and chips. I wonder.... I've never really made my own fried food before... (I'm usually a 'baked' kind of girl.)

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The closest I had to good fish n chips was at the English Pub in EPCOT. Bubba Gumps Seafood had some good fish but the 'chips' were nowhere near what they should have been to be called real 'Fish n Chips'. Good luck with your search and please post if you find a good place. I want some too!

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In the Columbus Ohio area (not known for our seafood, you know) we have three restaurants (at least) that, as I understand it, have good fish & chips:


Old Bag of Nails

Claddagh Irish Pub (looks like they're in other states too ...)

The Pub (not well clad waitresses I hear, but good Fish & Chips)


I linked their "corporate" sites so you could see if there were any near you ... but it seems to be a trend right now, so you might be able to find something similar near you ...

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We had some at Epcot too. I lived in England for a while too and there are places here to get good fish and chips, there was a place in Los Angeles I have gone to, and I know there is an English Pub here in Charlotte, NC, but I haven't been.


Fish and Chips isn't my favorite, so it hasn't been high on my list of what to look for.




The closest I had to good fish n chips was at the English Pub in EPCOT. Bubba Gumps Seafood had some good fish but the 'chips' were nowhere near what they should have been to be called real 'Fish n Chips'. Good luck with your search and please post if you find a good place. I want some too!
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You're right...there isn't anything close to British fish n' chips in the States. Probably the closest you'll get would be to get some fresh cod and batter it yourself...but I've yet to duplicate the fabulous chips. Oh, and fry the cod in peanut oil.


I'm on the hunt for several things that England introduced me to:


Steak and Kidney pie. There was something about the crust that was so tasty!


Pork rolls (though I did find some at a British store a few years ago that were awesome. They went out of business though)


FRESH Cadbury flake bars. The ones at the grocery store are stale. We used to get soft-serve ice cream with a Flake bar in it at the zoo in London. I think they called them "99"?? Not sure on that.

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Try an Irish pub for fish & chips.


My Steak & Kidney pie has tasty (sharp cheddar) cheese in the crust. It does add that extra something to the pie.


What my dc miss when we visit the States is meat pies & NZ sausages. The chicken pot pies aren't even slightly similar to a proper meat pie & US sausages are very different from a kiwi sausage (although I much prefer the American sausage ;) )

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Oh, thanks a lot! Now I want some! And I KNOW I won't find any in the armpit of the Midwest!!!!



Growing up in S. California we often got f/c from the local H. Salt - came in newspaper-like wrapping, with vinegar only dad used it) as a side. Probably not as good as I remember it but now I wants some, preciousssss!

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Canada is closer to you than England or Hawaii (though I concur that Hawaii has some great places for it). There are multiple places in Ontario where you could satisfy your craving... we do... every year when we go there (I grew up on the Canadian border, so it's natural to visit when we visit home).


We've also had very good fish and chips in the maritime provinces on vacation.

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Ok. I called some friends of mine who are known for finding wonderful hole-in-the-wall restaurants with excellent food.


They have directed me to the ABC Brewery in Gettysburg (just 15 min. up the road), where there is an All You Can Eat Fish and Chip dinner every Friday night. They claimed that the Fish and Chips are delish and there is also awesome rootbeer with honey in it.


I told dh to clear his schedule, because we're going OUT to eat on Friday night!!! Here's hoping it's good. If it is, I'll let everyone know and the next time you go on a trip to G'burg, you'll be able to say that you know a great place to get F&C in G'burg.

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I've had some good fish and chips when we were living in Wisconsin. I've also had some really bad fish and chips when we were living in Wisconsin. Search out the Friday night fish fry if they're in your area and try them until you find one that you like. I'd travel back for the Elias Inn fish fry in Watertown, WI if not for the ~2000 mile trip.


Erica in OR

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The closest I had to good fish n chips was at the English Pub in EPCOT. Bubba Gumps Seafood had some good fish but the 'chips' were nowhere near what they should have been to be called real 'Fish n Chips'. Good luck with your search and please post if you find a good place. I want some too!


We lived in England for two years when my ds was between the ages of two and four. It is AMAZING how much malt vinegar he puts on his fish and chips!


The place at Epcot is not bad. AND, they have Pimm's #1 cup, but that is probably not important to you since you were in England as a child. I have a hard time finding it, and there really is no equivalent to the British "lemonade."

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I love fish and chips, but honestly, I've only had them in America. So I really don't know how that compares to what you had in England.


If you wish to continue your search I suggest "Irish" pubs. That's probably where you will have the best chance of finding something that comes close to what you are wanting.

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If it is, I'll let everyone know and the next time you go on a trip to G'burg, you'll be able to say that you know a great place to get F&C in G'burg.



I hope it is everything you are hoping for. Do let us know, we are often in and around Gettysburg.

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I second the idea that you try a Irish or English Pub. I think most larger cities have these now days and they often have Fish & Chips on the menu. It will depend on the individual restaurant how closely they resemble the real thing.


We have one local restaurant with good F&C, but the owner is from Ireland so knows how to do it.


I lived in Ireland and even there some places sold better fish and chips than others. Do they have to be wrapped in newspaper with malt vinegar?


There is an Irish novel by ? Doyle maybe about a Chipper (van that sells fish and chips). I think it goes into detail about what type of fish, batter, oil etc that makes up the typical fish and chips.

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The only time I've had really excellent fish & chips has been at some shack on the wharf. The best ever was on Victoria Island, BC (yummy with vinegar). The second best (tie) was Half Moon Bay in Cali and Monterey Bay. These shacks on the docks wrap them in newspaper and often have the best clam chowder too. In my humble opinion, of course (not daring to compare to England's).

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Oh, thanks a lot! Now I want some! And I KNOW I won't find any in the armpit of the Midwest!!!!



Growing up in S. California we often got f/c from the local H. Salt - came in newspaper-like wrapping, with vinegar only dad used it) as a side. Probably not as good as I remember it but now I wants some, preciousssss!


This is where my British family liked to go! We don't live near one now. But it was my grandmother's favorite. My mom is still trying to something that tastes like Fish and Chips from England.


We went to an Irish pub here, and while their Fish and Chips were delicious, it wasn't "right."

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