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POLL: Your favorite science for K-5


What is your favorite science for k-5?  

1 member has voted

  1. 1. What is your favorite science for k-5?

    • WTM way/Elemental science
    • Real Science 4 kids
    • Apologia
    • God's design series
    • Christian kids explore
    • Bob Jones
    • A Beka
    • Real Science Oddissey
    • Considering God's Creation
    • No formal science during grammar stage ! / Reading living science books

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I picked Apologia but now that I did I wish I had chosen living books. We do like Apologia but we do not do the whole detailed book. We supplement with living books a lot. I think the Apologia books (at least the one on flying animals and sea animals) are just too detailed. I never in my life wanted to know THAT much about birds. LOL. But they are well done.

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Of the choices listed, I like RS4K. For K-3ish, I really like Nancy Larson Science.


We'll be doing REAL Science Odyssey Earth & Space this fall, and I really like the looks of it.


I tried Apologia Astronomy and hated it. There was something about the flow of the text that just sounded hokey when I read it. I think it's that I don't speak like the author writes, so it just sounded weird and my boys didn't buy it (I had the same problem with A Child's Geography--even though I loved the content it just sounded weird when I read it out loud).

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Ours isn't up there, but it would be Sonlight Science, hands-down!!!


We've tried:


WTM way -- didn't get done. I just couldn't keep all of the balls in the air, and science was the first to go when I tried doing it on my own.


Apologia Astronomy -- meh. We got sick of doing the same subject over a long period of time. I LOVE the elementary level books as books for the kids to read on their own though. My boys have read the Astronomy and Swimming Creatures ones on their own for fun.


Bob Jones -- Blech, blech, blech. When we tried this (Science 2, I think), each lesson took more teacher prep work and hands-on classroom time than all of my subjects combined! LOL!


Considering God's Creation - Tried and hated. We're not "crafty" people though, so YMMV.


NOEO Science -- I would classify this as Sonlight Lite. Basically is a reading list of books with little actual explanation. We liked it ok the year we did it. Science actually got done, which was a major step for us, so I have to give it credit for that!


Rod and Staff Science -- I actually liked these text books. My kids learned a lot and enjoyed it. We wanted a more intensive science program, though. If $$ was tight, I would consider going back to these again & supplementing with library books.

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We're using Mr. Q this year, and I wish I'd've found it earlier. I think it might be a bit much for 1st, unless you had an advanced reader or read it to them, and it might start getting a bit light for 5th without supplementation, but for the middle I really like it.

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Guest Cindie2dds

There should always be "other" in a poll. There are too many of us odd ducks out there. ;)


Following Oak Meadow and Handbook of Nature Study with living books.


ETA: I voted for Living Science books since that's the closest to what we are doing.

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I LOOOOOVE apologia!!!!:party: I LOVE IT!!! I LOVE IT!!! I LOVE IT!!!! My kids love science now! They have a HUNGER for science now and they dont want to stop learning about it! They used to hate science! I am soooo thankful for the Apologia Young Explorers Series! My oldest will be in 7th next year and she cant wait to start Exploring Creation with General Science next year!!!!!!! I NEVER though I would EVER hear that from her!!!!!

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I voted Apologia.


BUT if I was able to pick two I would've picked Apologia and CGC since we're doing both.


We all enjoy science in this house! So we implement CGC into our Apologia Astronomy this year. I love the projects, the text, the details and how it can be used for elementary up to high school :)


I like that we focus solely one year on one particular area, instead of all over the place!

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We're using Mr. Q this year, and I wish I'd've found it earlier. I think it might be a bit much for 1st, unless you had an advanced reader or read it to them, and it might start getting a bit light for 5th without supplementation, but for the middle I really like it.


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My choices aren't on the poll.


I like:


Oak Meadow

Just observing the world around us and doing experiment kits.

Lapbooks on animals/habitats/etc.

My Pals are Here 3a/b


What I tried but didn't work for us:


Sonlight K

My Pals are Here 4a/b

Apologia Exploring Creation with Astronomy


From this I learned that:


I don't like things that are on a grid schedule

lving book science programs

textbooks (even if they are supposed to be written from a living book persepective)


I do like just going outdoors and experiencing life and science around us. Books that talk to the child like they are intelligent human beings and ask real thought provoking questions. And experiments that I don't need to make a major shopping trip to do.:001_smile:

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Can't really vote here--just want to say that K-5 is a big age range and what fits best for early elementary may not be best for upper elementary.



I went with a "living books" approach for the first 2 years of the cycle but prefer an actual curriculum for chemistry & physics. We're using Ellen McHenry's chemistry programs this year (they're totally do-able by a bright 3rd grader) and haven't yet decided what to use next year for physics. I like the looks of RS4K, Mr. Q., and Bite-Size Physics.

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I also vote for the new (2009) Sonlight Science! The Usbourne books they use as spines are amazing! While I don't love the question worksheets, I'm going to stick with their program and just do narrations instead. You just can't beat their book selections for science, especially for the little guys!

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Where's the "other?" I think BFSU and the sequel will be my favourite.


I feel like a lot of other programs are too tidy, as though they've taken a bit of science and wrapped it up in plastic wrap. BFSU is trying to teach the scientific method. I like the way it weaves the different threads together, in a sort of messy way. I think science should start off messy with small kids, and they should gradually work through, tidying it up in their heads.



Bear in mind I've not seen any except BFSU for real, only looked at websites. We don't have curriculum fairs like you Americans do. (Is there an envious smilie?) I haven't used BFSU yet, but have read it cover to cover.



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Tried: Noeo Biology (sent it back because I thought it had lesson plans)

Sonlight 1 (didn't like sheets or Usborne books)

Living Learning Books Bio (actually the first thing I ever bought for homeschooling--advertised as having lesson plans but didn't)

Apologia Zoo 3 (too much for us in second grade)

Considering God's Creation--ok, hated the singing cd, too much cut and paste and it was too small



Home Science Adventures Microscopy Kit (just enough, cool microscope)

McHenry's The Elements (great for us in 4th grade--well-written, plenty of activities, good blend of worksheets, experiments, text to read)

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I picked Apologia but now that I did I wish I had chosen living books. We do like Apologia but we do not do the whole detailed book. We supplement with living books a lot. I think the Apologia books (at least the one on flying animals and sea animals) are just too detailed. I never in my life wanted to know THAT much about birds. LOL. But they are well done.



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I don't have one yet. I'm still :confused: for next year's science.



Apologia Astronomy - it was okay, but we struggled to finish it

WTM Science Animals/Human Body/Plants - (see above)

My own earth science plans - It was okay, but I don't like making my own plans.

God's Design for Chemistry - The text is too boring for my kids at their current ages and the material seems to be "above" them. They like the experiments most of the time. Definite thumbs down for our family.


. . . Still looking.

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