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What does your avatar mean?

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One of my favorite series of books that I re-read about once a year or so are the Father Tim Novels by Jan Karon. They often refer to a famous Orange Marmalade Cake made by one of the characters for special occasions. When I was creating my blog my hubby and I were brainstorming and we both came up with Orange Marmalade Mama.


The books are also a favorite because I was reading one when I met DH at Barnes & Noble years ago. He took note of the title and brought me the next book in the series on our first date. He has since purchased each of the new books as they come out and surprises me with them, even on our honeymoon!

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Mine is from a bit of internet art I found by Abigail Halpin. Hope I'm not going to be arrested for copyright infringment. I like it and it looks a bit like me. Long brown hair that's slightly disheveled and a book in hand.


It's a capybara, aka a chiguirre. Creativity is not my strong suit.


My DH who lurkers here a lot saw your avatar and thought it was totally cool because we just read that book.


I like Pooh Bear, and I have many a Pooh Bear type day.


And what is a day with out a resounding rendition of Tiddly-Pom?


A day without a Tiddly-Pom would be a Very Sad Day indeed. :001_smile: Capitalization rules didn't seem to follow AA Milne's writing style.


Is she not coming back again? :crying:

I always enjoyed her posts.


I'm glad you asked. I'm wondering that too. You guys mean Peek right?

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Now I just have to figure out how to get this by my name...and how to do the signature line thingy......


wendy( a bit behind the curve on this computer thing)

If you look on the top blue bar, all the way to the right it says "User Control Panel (CP)." Click on that. On the next screen, look down the left hand side where all those things are listed, under "Settings & Options" find "Edit Avatar." Click on that and you're in like slim ;)


From that same screen (User Control Panel) you can also edit your signature (that's where everyone has their kids or curriculum or blogs listed), change your privacy settings and all kinds of neat stuff.


Enjoy! Hope that helps :)

Maybe her hubby could post and say hi!

After his warm reception, I doubt it.

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My dc chose my avatar, actually. We are all huge HP fans. It was interesting to me that they chose Molly Weasly because, first of all, I gave them freedom to choose with no restrictions, and second, of all the fictional moms out there, Molly is one of my favorite; she's loyal, loving, smart, strong, protective, humourous - everything I would strive to be as a mother, including her well-intended tempermentalness. I really do love her character.


And being able to wave a wand and have a magical sous chef would be the best!



I always smile when I see your avatar! Molly Weasley is one of my favorites as well. I would feel honored if my kids chose her. And I want a wand too!

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My dc chose my avatar, actually. We are all huge HP fans. It was interesting to me that they chose Molly Weasly because, first of all, I gave them freedom to choose with no restrictions, and second, of all the fictional moms out there, Molly is one of my favorite; she's loyal, loving, smart, strong, protective, humourous - everything I would strive to be as a mother, including her well-intended tempermentalness. I really do love her character.


And being able to wave a wand and have a magical sous chef would be the best!

That's so funny, I always thought it was Midler from Hocus Pocus. I need to get my eyes checked :lol:

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Mine is a photo of the Endurance, Ernest Shackleton's ship. When I am feeling whiny and ungrateful for my pretty amazing life...I look at that photo and appreciate one of the most fantastic and inspiring tales of navigation, adventure, and the true strength of the human spirit. It keeps my perspective in check!:) Great post!

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I would feel honored if my kids chose her.



:lol: But they told me they chose that picture because of her scolding stance - apparently I look like that quite often!


Actually, I was worried to use it because I didn't want everyone to think I was yelling my comments at them, lol.

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Well, I love Stargate Atlantis, and Sheppy :D and he flys helicopters and hubby works on them.....

I love Stargate Atlantis and that guy is fun to watch. I haven't chosen mine yet, still trying to find out where pictures got off to in the computer, the ones I really want to use. I didn't see your Sheppy until I read your post. Funny.

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My dh got me into both sci-fi and British humor when we first started dating. I love Dr. Who, and so do all of my kids. Our whole family is weird that way.:D


Guess that we're weird too!


My avatar is a cartoon version of John Crichton from Farscape. Let me see if I can post a non-cartoon version here so you can see the appeal....



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Mine is from the King's conservatories in Brussels, Belgium. It is a fuschia. I chose it because my favorite posting was Belgium and one of my favorite activities to do there was to visit gardens. The king's conservatories are huge and they are open to the public once a year for a few weeks in April or May.

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